-- microexpansion/machines.lua local me = microexpansion -- [me chest] Get formspec local function chest_formspec(pos, start_id, listname, page_max, query) local list local page_number = "" local buttons = "" local query = query or "" local net,cp = me.get_connected_network(pos) if cp then if listname and net:get_item_capacity() > 0 then if listname == "main" then list = "list[nodemeta:"..cp.x..","..cp.y..","..cp.z..";" .. listname .. ";0,0.3;8,4;" .. (start_id - 1) .. "]" else list = "list[context;" .. listname .. ";0,0.3;8,4;" .. (start_id - 1) .. "]" end list = list .. [[ list[current_player;main;0,5.5;8,1;] list[current_player;main;0,6.73;8,3;8] listring[nodemeta:]]..cp.x..","..cp.y..","..cp.z..[[;main] listring[current_player;main] ]] buttons = [[ button[3.56,4.35;1.8,0.9;tochest;To Drive] tooltip[tochest;Move everything from your inventory to the ME network.] button[5.4,4.35;0.8,0.9;prev;<] button[7.25,4.35;0.8,0.9;next;>] tooltip[prev;Previous] tooltip[next;Next] field[0.29,4.6;2.2,1;filter;;]]..query..[[] button[2.1,4.5;0.8,0.5;search;?] button[2.75,4.5;0.8,0.5;clear;X] tooltip[search;Search] tooltip[clear;Reset] ]] else list = "label[3,2;" .. minetest.colorize("red", "No connected drives!") .. "]" end else list = "label[3,2;" .. minetest.colorize("red", "No connected network!") .. "]" end if page_max then page_number = "label[6.15,4.5;" .. math.floor((start_id / 32)) + 1 .. "/" .. page_max .."]" end return [[ size[9,9.5] ]].. microexpansion.gui_bg .. microexpansion.gui_slots .. list .. [[ label[0,-0.23;ME Terminal] field_close_on_enter[filter;false] ]].. page_number .. buttons end local function update_chest(pos) local network = me.get_connected_network(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() if network == nil then meta:set_int("page", 1) meta:set_string("formspec", chest_formspec(pos, 1)) return end local size = network:get_item_capacity() local page_max = me.int_to_pagenum(size) + 1 meta:set_string("inv_name", "main") meta:set_string("formspec", chest_formspec(pos, 1, "main", page_max)) end -- [me chest] Register node microexpansion.register_node("term", { description = "ME Terminal", usedfor = "Can interact with storage cells in ME networks", tiles = { "chest_top", "chest_top", "chest_side", "chest_side", "chest_side", "chest_front", }, is_ground_content = false, groups = { cracky = 1, me_connect = 1 }, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", me_update = update_chest, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", chest_formspec(pos, 1)) meta:set_string("inv_name", "none") meta:set_int("page", 1) local net = me.get_connected_network(pos) if net then update_chest(pos) end end, on_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) if listname == "search" then local _,cp = me.get_connected_network(pos) local inv = minetest.get_meta(cp):get_inventory() inv:remove_item("main", stack) end end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) local network,cp = me.get_connected_network(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local page = meta:get_int("page") local inv_name = meta:get_string("inv_name") local own_inv = meta:get_inventory() local ctrl_inv if cp then ctrl_inv = minetest.get_meta(cp):get_inventory() end local inv if inv_name == "main" then inv = ctrl_inv else inv = own_inv end local page_max = math.floor(inv:get_size(inv_name) / 32) + 1 if inv_name == "none" then return end if fields.next then if page + 32 > inv:get_size(inv_name) then return end meta:set_int("page", page + 32) meta:set_string("formspec", chest_formspec(pos, page + 32, inv_name, page_max)) elseif fields.prev then if page - 32 < 1 then return end meta:set_int("page", page - 32) meta:set_string("formspec", chest_formspec(pos, page - 32, inv_name, page_max)) elseif fields.search or fields.key_enter_field == "filter" then own_inv:set_size("search", 0) if fields.filter == "" then meta:set_int("page", 1) meta:set_string("inv_name", "main") meta:set_string("formspec", chest_formspec(pos, 1, "main", page_max)) else local tab = {} for i = 1, ctrl_inv:get_size("main") do local match = ctrl_inv:get_stack("main", i):get_name():find(fields.filter) if match then tab[#tab + 1] = ctrl_inv:get_stack("main", i) end end own_inv:set_list("search", tab) meta:set_int("page", 1) meta:set_string("inv_name", "search") meta:set_string("formspec", chest_formspec(pos, 1, "search", page_max, fields.filter)) end elseif fields.clear then own_inv:set_size("search", 0) meta:set_int("page", 1) meta:set_string("inv_name", "main") meta:set_string("formspec", chest_formspec(pos, 1, "main", page_max)) elseif fields.tochest then local pinv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=sender:get_player_name()}) microexpansion.move_inv({ inv=pinv, name="main" }, { inv=ctrl_inv, name="main" }) end end, })