local function add_hoe(material) -- registering as tool local name = "farming:hoe_"..material toolranks.add_tool(name) -- getting after_use local def = minetest.registered_items[name] local hoe_on_use = def.on_use local hoe_after_use = def.after_use if (hoe_on_use == nil) or (hoe_after_use == nil) then return end minetest.override_item(name, { -- we also want hoes to increase dugnodes when farming soil on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, uses) -- if no node is pointed, the hoe cannot be used if pointed_thing.under == nil then return nil end local under = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) -- get origin wear local wear = itemstack:get_wear() -- apply previous on_use local ret_itemstack = hoe_on_use(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, uses) if ret_itemstack == nil then return nil end -- compute wear diff local hoe_uses = ret_itemstack:get_wear() - wear -- set wear back because it is up to hoe_after_use to add wear ret_itemstack:set_wear(wear) -- apply afteruse return hoe_after_use(ret_itemstack, user, under, {wear = hoe_uses}) end }) end add_hoe("wood") add_hoe("stone") add_hoe("steel") -- Following hoes are not available in creative inventory, but -- it is possible to /give them add_hoe("bronze") add_hoe("mese") add_hoe("diamond")