local function add_hoe(material) local name = "farming:hoe_"..material local desc = ItemStack(name):get_definition().description local hoe_on_use = ItemStack(name):get_definition().on_use minetest.override_item(name, { original_description = desc, description = toolranks.create_description(desc), after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse, -- we also want hoes to increase dugnodes when farming soil on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, uses) local wear = itemstack:get_wear() local ret_itemstack = hoe_on_use(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, uses) local hoe_uses = ret_itemstack and ret_itemstack:get_wear() - wear or 0 if (hoe_uses > 0) then -- increase dugnode if tool damaged return toolranks.new_afteruse(ret_itemstack, user, nil, {wear = hoe_uses}) else return ret_itemstack or nil end end }) end add_hoe("wood") add_hoe("stone") add_hoe("steel") -- Following hoes are not available in creative inventory, but -- it is possible to /give them add_hoe("bronze") add_hoe("mese") add_hoe("diamond")