toolranks_extras.registered_tool_types = {} --[[ -- `keyword` is a string to be detected in tool description -- `tool_type` is a localized tool type (if nil, then unregister the keyword) -- example -- `toolranks_extras.register_tool_type("battle_axe", S("battle axe"))` --]] toolranks_extras.register_tool_type = function(keyword, tool_type) toolranks_extras.registered_tool_types[string.lower(keyword)] = tool_type end toolranks_extras.ignored_toolranks_tool_types = {} --[[ -- `keyword` is a string to be detected in tool description -- `tool_type` is a localized tool type -- -- example -- `toolranks_extras.ignore_toolranks_tool_type("pickaxe")` -- This only works with tool types built in toolranks default get_tool_types function. --]] toolranks_extras.ignore_toolranks_tool_type = function(keyword) table.insert(toolranks_extras.ignored_toolranks_tool_types, string.lower(keyword)) end toolranks_extras.ignore_toolranks_tool_type("tool") if toolranks_extras.settings.enable_tool_types then local TR = minetest.get_translator("toolranks") local origin_get_tool_type = toolranks.get_tool_type --[[ -- Returns nil if the keyword is ignored, else returns the keyword. --]] local function check_ignore(keyword) for _, k in ipairs(toolranks_extras.ignored_toolranks_tool_types) do if keyword == k then return end end return keyword end -- overwrite of toolranks.get_tool_type(description) toolranks.get_tool_type = function(description) -- execute original function local tool_type = check_ignore(origin_get_tool_type(description)) if tool_type ~= nil then return TR(tool_type) end -- search for registered tool types local d = string.lower(description) for k, desc in pairs(toolranks_extras.registered_tool_types) do if string.find(d, k) then return desc end end -- fallback return TR("tool") end -- overwrite of toolranks.create_description(name, uses) toolranks.create_description = function(name, uses) local tooltype = toolranks.get_tool_type(name) local newdesc = TR( "@1@2\n@3Level @4 @5\n@6@Node dug: @7",, name,, toolranks.get_level(uses), tooltype, toolranks.colors.grey, (type(uses) == "number" and uses or 0) ) return newdesc end end