2020-04-15 16:27:40 +02:00
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
project.ext.set("versionMajor", 5) // Version Major
2023-04-08 18:05:03 +02:00
project.ext.set("versionMinor", 8) // Version Minor
2020-04-15 16:27:40 +02:00
project.ext.set("versionPatch", 0) // Version Patch
2023-05-26 15:21:23 +02:00
// ^ keep in sync with cmake
2023-12-04 17:15:36 +00:00
project.ext.set("versionCode", 46) // Android Version Code
2020-04-15 16:27:40 +02:00
// NOTE: +2 after each release!
// +1 for ARM and +1 for ARM64 APK's, because
// each APK must have a larger `versionCode` than the previous
2016-04-13 14:14:04 -04:00
buildscript {
2023-02-18 06:03:28 +07:00
ext.ndk_version = '25.2.9519653'
2016-04-13 14:14:04 -04:00
repositories {
2019-08-12 18:59:53 +02:00
2022-10-31 20:19:30 +07:00
2016-04-13 14:14:04 -04:00
dependencies {
2023-02-18 06:03:28 +07:00
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.4.1'
2020-09-07 22:12:31 +02:00
classpath 'de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:4.1.1'
2020-04-15 16:27:40 +02:00
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
2018-12-03 00:39:35 +01:00
allprojects {
repositories {
2019-08-12 18:59:53 +02:00
2022-10-31 20:19:30 +07:00
2016-04-13 14:14:04 -04:00
2020-04-15 16:27:40 +02:00
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir
2018-12-03 00:39:35 +01:00