Bring accessor implementation from other branch over

This commit is contained in:
Lars Mueller 2024-05-21 19:59:04 +02:00
parent 8a2cae1065
commit 411969c87c
2 changed files with 392 additions and 211 deletions

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
namespace irr {
/* Notes on the coordinate system.
* glTF uses a right-handed coordinate system where +Z is the
@ -35,33 +37,284 @@
* of the vertex indices.
namespace irr {
// Right-to-left handedness conversions
template <typename T>
static inline T convertHandedness(const T &t);
template <>
core::vector3df convertHandedness(const core::vector3df &p)
return core::vector3df(p.X, p.Y, -p.Z);
namespace scene {
const std::vector<unsigned char>& buf,
const std::size_t offset)
: m_buf(buf)
, m_offset(offset)
using CMFL = CGLTFMeshFileLoader;
template <class T>
CMFL::Accessor<T>::sparseIndices(const tiniergltf::GlTF &model,
const tiniergltf::AccessorSparseIndices &indices,
const std::size_t count)
const auto &view = model.bufferViews->at(indices.bufferView);
const auto byteStride = view.byteStride.value_or(indices.elementSize());
const auto &buffer = model.buffers->at(view.buffer);
const auto source = + view.byteOffset + indices.byteOffset;
return CMFL::Accessor<T>(source, byteStride, count);
const CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset& other,
const std::size_t fromOffset)
: m_buf(other.m_buf)
, m_offset(other.m_offset + fromOffset)
template <class T>
CMFL::Accessor<T>::sparseValues(const tiniergltf::GlTF &model,
const tiniergltf::AccessorSparseValues &values,
const std::size_t count,
const std::size_t defaultByteStride)
const auto &view = model.bufferViews->at(values.bufferView);
const auto byteStride = view.byteStride.value_or(defaultByteStride);
const auto &buffer = model.buffers->at(view.buffer);
const auto source = + view.byteOffset + values.byteOffset;
return CMFL::Accessor<T>(source, byteStride, count);
* Get a raw unsigned char (ubyte) from a buffer offset.
unsigned char CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset::at(
const std::size_t fromOffset) const
template <class T>
CMFL::Accessor<T>::base(const tiniergltf::GlTF &model, std::size_t accessorIdx)
return + fromOffset);
const auto &accessor = model.accessors->at(accessorIdx);
if (!accessor.bufferView.has_value()) {
return Accessor<T>(accessor.count);
const auto &view = model.bufferViews->at(accessor.bufferView.value());
const auto byteStride = view.byteStride.value_or(accessor.elementSize());
const auto &buffer = model.buffers->at(view.buffer);
const auto source = + view.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset;
return Accessor<T>(source, byteStride, accessor.count);
template <class T>
CMFL::Accessor<T>::make(const tiniergltf::GlTF &model, std::size_t accessorIdx)
const auto &accessor = model.accessors->at(accessorIdx);
if (accessor.componentType != getComponentType() || accessor.type != getType())
throw std::runtime_error("invalid accessor");
const auto base = Accessor<T>::base(model, accessorIdx);
if (accessor.sparse.has_value()) {
std::vector<T> vec(accessor.count);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < accessor.count; ++i) {
vec[i] = base.get(i);
const auto overriddenCount = accessor.sparse->count;
const auto indicesAccessor = ([&]() -> AccessorVariant<u8, u16, u32> {
switch (accessor.sparse->indices.componentType) {
case tiniergltf::AccessorSparseIndices::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_BYTE:
return Accessor<u8>::sparseIndices(model, accessor.sparse->indices, overriddenCount);
case tiniergltf::AccessorSparseIndices::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_SHORT:
return Accessor<u16>::sparseIndices(model, accessor.sparse->indices, overriddenCount);
case tiniergltf::AccessorSparseIndices::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_INT:
return Accessor<u32>::sparseIndices(model, accessor.sparse->indices, overriddenCount);
throw std::logic_error("invalid enum value");
const auto valuesAccessor = Accessor<T>::sparseValues(model,
accessor.sparse->values, overriddenCount,
? model.bufferViews->at(*accessor.bufferView).byteStride.value_or(accessor.elementSize())
: accessor.elementSize());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < overriddenCount; ++i) {
u32 index;
std::visit([&](auto &&acc) { index = acc.get(i); }, indicesAccessor);
if (index >= accessor.count)
throw std::runtime_error("index out of bounds");
vec[index] = valuesAccessor.get(i);
return Accessor<T>(vec, accessor.count);
return base;
#define ACCESSOR_TYPES(T, U, V) \
template <> \
constexpr tiniergltf::Accessor::Type CMFL::Accessor<T>::getType() \
{ \
return tiniergltf::Accessor::Type::U; \
} \
template <> \
constexpr tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType CMFL::Accessor<T>::getComponentType() \
{ \
return tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::V; \
#define VEC_ACCESSOR_TYPES(T, U, n) \
template <> \
constexpr tiniergltf::Accessor::Type CMFL::Accessor<std::array<T, n>>::getType() \
{ \
return tiniergltf::Accessor::Type::VEC##n; \
} \
template <> \
constexpr tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType CMFL::Accessor<std::array<T, n>>::getComponentType() \
{ \
return tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::U; \
} \
template <> \
std::array<T, n> CMFL::rawget(const void *ptr) \
{ \
const T *tptr = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(ptr); \
std::array<T, n> res; \
for (u8 i = 0; i < n; ++i) \
res[i] = rawget<T>(tptr + i); \
return res; \
ACCESSOR_TYPES(core::vector3df, VEC3, FLOAT)
template <class T>
T CMFL::Accessor<T>::get(std::size_t i) const
// Buffer-based accessor: Read directly from the buffer.
if (std::holds_alternative<BufferSource>(source)) {
const auto bufsrc = std::get<BufferSource>(source);
return rawget<T>(bufsrc.ptr + i * bufsrc.byteStride);
// Array-based accessor (used for sparse accessors): Read from array.
if (std::holds_alternative<std::vector<T>>(source)) {
return std::get<std::vector<T>>(source)[i];
// Default-initialized accessor.
// We differ slightly from glTF here in that
// we default-initialize quaternions and matrices properly,
// but this does not cause any discrepancies for valid glTF models.
return T();
// Note: clang and gcc should both optimize this out.
static inline bool isBigEndian()
const u16 x = 0xFF00;
return *(const u8 *)(&x);
template <typename T>
T CMFL::rawget(const void *ptr)
if (!isBigEndian())
return *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(ptr);
// glTF uses little endian.
// On big-endian systems, we have to swap the byte order.
// TODO test this on a big endian system
const u8 *bptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8 *>(ptr);
u8 bytes[sizeof(T)];
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); ++i) {
bytes[sizeof(T) - i - 1] = bptr[i];
return *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(bytes);
// Note that these "more specialized templates" should win.
template <>
core::matrix4 CMFL::rawget(const void *ptr)
const f32 *fptr = reinterpret_cast<const f32 *>(ptr);
f32 M[16];
for (u8 i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
M[i] = rawget<f32>(fptr + i);
core::matrix4 mat;
return mat;
template <>
core::vector3df CMFL::rawget(const void *ptr)
const f32 *fptr = reinterpret_cast<const f32 *>(ptr);
return core::vector3df(
rawget<f32>(fptr + 1),
rawget<f32>(fptr + 2));
template <>
core::quaternion CMFL::rawget(const void *ptr)
const f32 *fptr = reinterpret_cast<const f32 *>(ptr);
return core::quaternion(
rawget<f32>(fptr + 1),
rawget<f32>(fptr + 2),
rawget<f32>(fptr + 3));
template <std::size_t N>
const tiniergltf::GlTF &model,
const std::size_t accessorIdx)
const auto &acc = model.accessors->at(accessorIdx);
switch (acc.componentType) {
case tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_BYTE:
return Accessor<std::array<u8, N>>::make(model, accessorIdx);
case tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_SHORT:
return Accessor<std::array<u16, N>>::make(model, accessorIdx);
case tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::FLOAT:
return Accessor<std::array<f32, N>>::make(model, accessorIdx);
throw std::runtime_error("invalid component type");
template <std::size_t N>
std::array<f32, N> CMFL::getNormalizedValues(
const NormalizedValuesAccessor<N> &accessor,
const std::size_t i)
std::array<f32, N> values;
if (std::holds_alternative<Accessor<std::array<u8, N>>>(accessor)) {
const auto u8s = std::get<Accessor<std::array<u8, N>>>(accessor).get(i);
for (u8 i = 0; i < N; ++i)
values[i] = static_cast<f32>(u8s[i]) / std::numeric_limits<u8>::max();
} else if (std::holds_alternative<Accessor<std::array<u16, N>>>(accessor)) {
const auto u16s = std::get<Accessor<std::array<u16, N>>>(accessor).get(i);
for (u8 i = 0; i < N; ++i)
values[i] = static_cast<f32>(u16s[i]) / std::numeric_limits<u16>::max();
} else {
values = std::get<Accessor<std::array<f32, N>>>(accessor).get(i);
for (u8 i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (values[i] < 0 || values[i] > 1)
throw std::runtime_error("invalid normalized value");
return values;
CGLTFMeshFileLoader::CGLTFMeshFileLoader() noexcept
@ -262,49 +515,52 @@ void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::loadNodes() const
* Extracts GLTF mesh indices into the irrlicht model.
std::optional<std::vector<u16>> CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getIndices(
* Extracts GLTF mesh indices.
std::optional<std::vector<u16>> CMFL::MeshExtractor::getIndices(
const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const
const auto accessorIdx = getIndicesAccessorIdx(meshIdx, primitiveIdx);
const auto accessorIdx = m_gltf_model.meshes->at(meshIdx);
if (!accessorIdx.has_value())
return std::nullopt; // non-indexed geometry
const auto &accessor = m_gltf_model.accessors->at(accessorIdx.value());
const auto& buf = getBuffer(accessorIdx.value());
const auto accessor = ([&]() -> AccessorVariant<u8, u16, u32> {
const auto &acc = m_gltf_model.accessors->at(*accessorIdx);
switch (acc.componentType) {
case tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_BYTE:
return Accessor<u8>::make(m_gltf_model, *accessorIdx);
case tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_SHORT:
return Accessor<u16>::make(m_gltf_model, *accessorIdx);
case tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_INT:
return Accessor<u32>::make(m_gltf_model, *accessorIdx);
throw std::runtime_error("invalid component type");
const auto count = std::visit([](auto &&a) { return a.getCount(); }, accessor);
std::vector<u16> indices;
const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx.value());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// TODO (low-priority, maybe never) also reverse winding order based on determinant of global transform
// FIXME this hack also reverses triangle draw order
std::size_t elemIdx = count - i - 1; // reverse index order
u16 index;
// Note: glTF forbids the max value for each component type.
switch (accessor.componentType) {
case tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_BYTE: {
index = readPrimitive<u8>(BufferOffset(buf, elemIdx * sizeof(u8)));
if (index == std::numeric_limits<u8>::max())
throw std::runtime_error("invalid index");
case tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_SHORT: {
index = readPrimitive<u16>(BufferOffset(buf, elemIdx * sizeof(u16)));
if (index == std::numeric_limits<u16>::max())
throw std::runtime_error("invalid index");
case tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType::UNSIGNED_INT: {
u32 indexWide = readPrimitive<u32>(BufferOffset(buf, elemIdx * sizeof(u32)));
// Use >= here for consistency.
if (indexWide >= std::numeric_limits<u16>::max())
throw std::runtime_error("index too large (>= 65536)");
index = static_cast<u16>(indexWide);
throw std::runtime_error("invalid index component type");
if (std::holds_alternative<Accessor<u8>>(accessor)) {
index = std::get<Accessor<u8>>(accessor).get(elemIdx);
if (index == std::numeric_limits<u8>::max())
throw std::runtime_error("invalid index");
} else if (std::holds_alternative<Accessor<u16>>(accessor)) {
index = std::get<Accessor<u16>>(accessor).get(elemIdx);
if (index == std::numeric_limits<u16>::max())
throw std::runtime_error("invalid index");
} else if (std::holds_alternative<Accessor<u32>>(accessor)) {
u32 indexWide = std::get<Accessor<u32>>(accessor).get(elemIdx);
// Use >= here for consistency.
if (indexWide >= std::numeric_limits<u16>::max())
throw std::runtime_error("index too large (>= 65536)");
index = static_cast<u16>(indexWide);
@ -314,32 +570,33 @@ std::optional<std::vector<u16>> CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getIndices(
* Create a vector of video::S3DVertex (model data) from a mesh & primitive index.
std::optional<std::vector<video::S3DVertex>> CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getVertices(
std::optional<std::vector<video::S3DVertex>> CMFL::MeshExtractor::getVertices(
const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const
const auto positionAccessorIdx = getPositionAccessorIdx(
meshIdx, primitiveIdx);
const auto &attributes = m_gltf_model.meshes->at(meshIdx);
const auto positionAccessorIdx = attributes.position;
if (!positionAccessorIdx.has_value()) {
// "When positions are not specified, client implementations SHOULD skip primitive's rendering"
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<vertex_t> vertices{};
std::vector<video::S3DVertex> vertices;
const auto vertexCount = m_gltf_model.accessors->at(*positionAccessorIdx).count;
copyPositions(*positionAccessorIdx, vertices);
const auto normalAccessorIdx = getNormalAccessorIdx(
meshIdx, primitiveIdx);
const auto normalAccessorIdx = attributes.normal;
if (normalAccessorIdx.has_value()) {
copyNormals(normalAccessorIdx.value(), vertices);
// TODO verify that the automatic normal recalculation done in Minetest indeed works correctly
const auto tCoordAccessorIdx = getTCoordAccessorIdx(
meshIdx, primitiveIdx);
if (tCoordAccessorIdx.has_value()) {
copyTCoords(tCoordAccessorIdx.value(), vertices);
const auto &texcoords = m_gltf_model.meshes->at(meshIdx).primitives[primitiveIdx].attributes.texcoord;
if (texcoords.has_value()) {
const auto tCoordAccessorIdx = texcoords->at(0);
copyTCoords(tCoordAccessorIdx, vertices);
return vertices;
@ -362,70 +619,17 @@ std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getPrimitiveCount(
return m_gltf_model.meshes->at(meshIdx).primitives.size();
* Templated buffer reader. Based on type width.
* This is specifically used to build upon to read more complex data types.
* It is also used raw to read arrays directly.
* Basically we're using the width of the type to infer
* how big of a gap we have from the beginning of the buffer.
template <typename T>
T CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::readPrimitive(
const BufferOffset& readFrom)
unsigned char d[sizeof(T)]{};
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); ++i) {
d[i] =;
T dest;
std::memcpy(&dest, d, sizeof(dest));
return dest;
* Read a vector2df from a buffer at an offset.
* @return vec2 core::Vector2df
core::vector2df CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::readVec2DF(
const CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset& readFrom)
return core::vector2df(readPrimitive<float>(readFrom),
readPrimitive<float>(BufferOffset(readFrom, sizeof(float))));
* Read a vector3df from a buffer at an offset.
* Also does right-to-left-handed coordinate system conversion (inverts Z axis).
* @return vec3 core::Vector3df
core::vector3df CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::readVec3DF(
const BufferOffset& readFrom,
const core::vector3df scale = {1.0f,1.0f,1.0f})
return core::vector3df(
readPrimitive<float>(BufferOffset(readFrom, sizeof(float))),
-readPrimitive<float>(BufferOffset(readFrom, 2 *
* Streams vertex positions raw data into usable buffer via reference.
* Buffer: ref Vector<video::S3DVertex>
void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyPositions(
const std::size_t accessorIdx,
std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices) const
std::vector<video::S3DVertex>& vertices) const
const auto& buffer = getBuffer(accessorIdx);
const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx);
const auto byteStride = getByteStride(accessorIdx);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const auto v = readVec3DF(BufferOffset(buffer, byteStride * i));
vertices[i].Pos = v;
const auto accessor = Accessor<core::vector3df>::make(m_gltf_model, accessorIdx);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < accessor.getCount(); i++) {
vertices[i].Pos = convertHandedness(accessor.get(i));
@ -435,15 +639,11 @@ void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyPositions(
void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyNormals(
const std::size_t accessorIdx,
std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices) const
std::vector<video::S3DVertex>& vertices) const
const auto& buffer = getBuffer(accessorIdx);
const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const auto n = readVec3DF(BufferOffset(buffer,
3 * sizeof(float) * i));
vertices[i].Normal = n;
const auto accessor = Accessor<core::vector3df>::make(m_gltf_model, accessorIdx);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < accessor.getCount(); ++i) {
vertices[i].Normal = convertHandedness(accessor.get(i));
@ -453,62 +653,16 @@ void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyNormals(
void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyTCoords(
const std::size_t accessorIdx,
std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices) const
std::vector<video::S3DVertex>& vertices) const
const auto& buffer = getBuffer(accessorIdx);
const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx);
const auto accessor = createNormalizedValuesAccessor<2>(m_gltf_model, accessorIdx);
const auto count = std::visit([](auto &&a) { return a.getCount(); }, accessor);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const auto t = readVec2DF(BufferOffset(buffer,
2 * sizeof(float) * i));
vertices[i].TCoords = t;
const auto vals = getNormalizedValues(accessor, i);
vertices[i].TCoords = core::vector2df(vals[0], vals[1]);
* The number of elements referenced by this accessor, not to be confused with the number of bytes or number of components.
* Documentation:
* Type: Integer
* Required: YES
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getElemCount(
const std::size_t accessorIdx) const
return m_gltf_model.accessors->at(accessorIdx).count;
* The stride, in bytes, between vertex attributes.
* When this is not defined, data is tightly packed.
* When two or more accessors use the same buffer view, this field MUST be defined.
* Documentation:
* Required: NO
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getByteStride(
const std::size_t accessorIdx) const
const auto& accessor = m_gltf_model.accessors->at(accessorIdx);
// FIXME this does not work with sparse / zero-initialized accessors
const auto& view = m_gltf_model.bufferViews->at(accessor.bufferView.value());
return view.byteStride.value_or(accessor.elementSize());
* Walk through the complex chain of the model to extract the required buffer.
* Accessor -> BufferView -> Buffer
CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getBuffer(
const std::size_t accessorIdx) const
const auto& accessor = m_gltf_model.accessors->at(accessorIdx);
// FIXME this does not work with sparse / zero-initialized accessors
const auto& view = m_gltf_model.bufferViews->at(accessor.bufferView.value());
const auto& buffer = m_gltf_model.buffers->at(view.buffer);
return BufferOffset(, view.byteOffset);
* The index of the accessor that contains the vertex indices.
* When this is undefined, the primitive defines non-indexed geometry.

@ -30,24 +30,71 @@ class CGLTFMeshFileLoader : public IMeshLoader
IAnimatedMesh* createMesh(io::IReadFile* file) override;
class BufferOffset
template <typename T>
static T rawget(const void *ptr);
template <class T>
class Accessor
struct BufferSource
const u8 *ptr;
std::size_t byteStride;
using Source = std::variant<BufferSource, std::vector<T>, std::tuple<>>;
BufferOffset(const std::vector<unsigned char>& buf,
const std::size_t offset);
static Accessor sparseIndices(
const tiniergltf::GlTF &model,
const tiniergltf::AccessorSparseIndices &indices,
const std::size_t count);
static Accessor sparseValues(
const tiniergltf::GlTF &model,
const tiniergltf::AccessorSparseValues &values,
const std::size_t count,
const std::size_t defaultByteStride);
static Accessor base(
const tiniergltf::GlTF &model,
std::size_t accessorIdx);
static Accessor make(const tiniergltf::GlTF &model, std::size_t accessorIdx);
static constexpr tiniergltf::Accessor::Type getType();
static constexpr tiniergltf::Accessor::ComponentType getComponentType();
std::size_t getCount() const { return count; }
T get(std::size_t i) const;
BufferOffset(const BufferOffset& other,
const std::size_t fromOffset);
unsigned char at(const std::size_t fromOffset) const;
const std::vector<unsigned char>& m_buf;
std::size_t m_offset;
Accessor(const u8 *ptr, std::size_t byteStride, std::size_t count) :
source(BufferSource{ptr, byteStride}), count(count) {}
Accessor(std::vector<T> vec, std::size_t count) :
source(vec), count(count) {}
Accessor(std::size_t count) :
source(std::make_tuple()), count(count) {}
// Directly from buffer, sparse, or default-initialized
const Source source;
const std::size_t count;
template <typename... Ts>
using AccessorVariant = std::variant<Accessor<Ts>...>;
template <std::size_t N, typename... Ts>
using ArrayAccessorVariant = std::variant<Accessor<std::array<Ts, N>>...>;
template <std::size_t N>
using NormalizedValuesAccessor = ArrayAccessorVariant<N, u8, u16, f32>;
template <std::size_t N>
static NormalizedValuesAccessor<N> createNormalizedValuesAccessor(
const tiniergltf::GlTF &model,
const std::size_t accessorIdx);
template <std::size_t N>
static std::array<f32, N> getNormalizedValues(
const NormalizedValuesAccessor<N> &accessor,
const std::size_t i);
class MeshExtractor {
using vertex_t = video::S3DVertex;
MeshExtractor(const tiniergltf::GlTF &model,
ISkinnedMesh *mesh) noexcept
@ -64,7 +111,7 @@ class CGLTFMeshFileLoader : public IMeshLoader
std::optional<std::vector<u16>> getIndices(const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const;
std::optional<std::vector<vertex_t>> getVertices(std::size_t meshIdx,
std::optional<std::vector<video::S3DVertex>> getVertices(std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const;
std::size_t getMeshCount() const;
@ -77,34 +124,14 @@ class CGLTFMeshFileLoader : public IMeshLoader
const tiniergltf::GlTF m_gltf_model;
ISkinnedMesh *m_irr_model;
template <typename T>
static T readPrimitive(const BufferOffset& readFrom);
static core::vector2df readVec2DF(
const BufferOffset& readFrom);
/* Read a vec3df from a buffer with transformations applied.
* Values are returned in Irrlicht coordinates.
static core::vector3df readVec3DF(
const BufferOffset& readFrom,
const core::vector3df scale);
void copyPositions(const std::size_t accessorIdx,
std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices) const;
std::vector<video::S3DVertex>& vertices) const;
void copyNormals(const std::size_t accessorIdx,
std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices) const;
std::vector<video::S3DVertex>& vertices) const;
void copyTCoords(const std::size_t accessorIdx,
std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices) const;
std::size_t getElemCount(const std::size_t accessorIdx) const;
std::size_t getByteStride(const std::size_t accessorIdx) const;
BufferOffset getBuffer(const std::size_t accessorIdx) const;
std::vector<video::S3DVertex>& vertices) const;
std::optional<std::size_t> getIndicesAccessorIdx(const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const;