diff --git a/src/mapgen/mapgen.cpp b/src/mapgen/mapgen.cpp
index eb7803144..6163d17af 100644
--- a/src/mapgen/mapgen.cpp
+++ b/src/mapgen/mapgen.cpp
@@ -765,15 +765,12 @@ void MapgenBasic::generateBiomes()
 		// If no stone surface was detected in this mapchunk column the biomemap
 		// will be empty for this (x, z) position. Add the currently active
 		// biome to the biomemap, or if biome is NULL calculate it for this
-		// position.
+		// position and add it.
 		if (biomemap[index] == BIOME_NONE) {
-			if (biome) {
-				biomemap[index] = biome->index;
-			} else {
-				biome =
-					biomegen->getBiomeAtIndex(index, v3s16(x, node_min.Y, z));
-				biomemap[index] = biome->index;
-			}
+			if (!biome)
+				biome = biomegen->getBiomeAtIndex(
+					index, v3s16(x, node_min.Y, z));
+			biomemap[index] = biome->index;