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synced 2024-12-22 14:12:24 +01:00
Keep stats on hw buffer uploads
This commit is contained in:
@ -114,6 +114,15 @@ const c8 *const FogTypeNames[] = {
struct SFrameStats {
//! Count of primitives drawn
u32 PrimitivesDrawn = 0;
//! Number of hardware buffers uploaded (new or updated)
u32 HWBuffersUploaded = 0;
//! Sum of uploaded hardware buffer size
u32 HWBuffersUploadedSize = 0;
//! Interface to driver which is able to perform 2d and 3d graphics functions.
/** This interface is one of the most important interfaces of
the Irrlicht Engine: All rendering and texture manipulation is done with
@ -194,12 +203,6 @@ public:
virtual const io::IAttributes &getDriverAttributes() const = 0;
//! Check if the driver was recently reset.
/** For d3d devices you will need to recreate the RTTs if the
driver was reset. Should be queried right after beginScene().
virtual bool checkDriverReset() = 0;
//! Sets transformation matrices.
/** \param state Transformation type to be set, e.g. view,
world, or projection.
@ -855,12 +858,8 @@ public:
\return Approximate amount of frames per second drawn. */
virtual s32 getFPS() const = 0;
//! Returns amount of primitives (mostly triangles) which were drawn in the last frame.
/** Together with getFPS() very useful method for statistics.
\param mode Defines if the primitives drawn are accumulated or
counted per frame.
\return Amount of primitives drawn in the last frame. */
virtual u32 getPrimitiveCountDrawn(u32 mode = 0) const = 0;
//! Return some statistics about the last frame
virtual SFrameStats getFrameStats() const = 0;
//! Gets name of this video driver.
/** \return Returns the name of the video driver, e.g. in case
@ -11,53 +11,22 @@ namespace video
CFPSCounter::CFPSCounter() :
FPS(60), Primitive(0), StartTime(0), FramesCounted(0),
PrimitivesCounted(0), PrimitiveAverage(0), PrimitiveTotal(0)
FPS(0), StartTime(0), FramesCounted(0)
//! returns current fps
s32 CFPSCounter::getFPS() const
return FPS;
//! returns current primitive count
u32 CFPSCounter::getPrimitive() const
return Primitive;
//! returns average primitive count of last period
u32 CFPSCounter::getPrimitiveAverage() const
return PrimitiveAverage;
//! returns accumulated primitive count since start
u32 CFPSCounter::getPrimitiveTotal() const
return PrimitiveTotal;
//! to be called every frame
void CFPSCounter::registerFrame(u32 now, u32 primitivesDrawn)
void CFPSCounter::registerFrame(u32 now)
PrimitiveTotal += primitivesDrawn;
PrimitivesCounted += primitivesDrawn;
Primitive = primitivesDrawn;
const u32 milliseconds = now - StartTime;
if (milliseconds >= 1500) {
const f32 invMilli = core::reciprocal((f32)milliseconds);
FPS = core::ceil32((1000 * FramesCounted) * invMilli);
PrimitiveAverage = core::ceil32((1000 * PrimitivesCounted) * invMilli);
FramesCounted = 0;
PrimitivesCounted = 0;
StartTime = now;
@ -17,29 +17,15 @@ public:
//! returns current fps
s32 getFPS() const;
//! returns primitive count
u32 getPrimitive() const;
//! returns average primitive count of last period
u32 getPrimitiveAverage() const;
//! returns accumulated primitive count since start
u32 getPrimitiveTotal() const;
s32 getFPS() const { return FPS; }
//! to be called every frame
void registerFrame(u32 now, u32 primitive);
void registerFrame(u32 now);
s32 FPS;
u32 Primitive;
u32 StartTime;
u32 FramesCounted;
u32 PrimitivesCounted;
u32 PrimitiveAverage;
u32 PrimitiveTotal;
} // end namespace video
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public:
//! constructor
CNullDriver::CNullDriver(io::IFileSystem *io, const core::dimension2d<u32> &screenSize) :
SharedRenderTarget(0), CurrentRenderTarget(0), CurrentRenderTargetSize(0, 0), FileSystem(io), MeshManipulator(0),
ViewPort(0, 0, 0, 0), ScreenSize(screenSize), PrimitivesDrawn(0), MinVertexCountForVBO(500),
ViewPort(0, 0, 0, 0), ScreenSize(screenSize), MinVertexCountForVBO(500),
TextureCreationFlags(0), OverrideMaterial2DEnabled(false), AllowZWriteOnTransparent(false)
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -222,13 +222,13 @@ void CNullDriver::deleteAllTextures()
bool CNullDriver::beginScene(u16 clearFlag, SColor clearColor, f32 clearDepth, u8 clearStencil, const SExposedVideoData &videoData, core::rect<s32> *sourceRect)
PrimitivesDrawn = 0;
FrameStats = {};
return true;
bool CNullDriver::endScene()
FPSCounter.registerFrame(os::Timer::getRealTime(), PrimitivesDrawn);
return true;
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ void CNullDriver::drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void *vertices, u32 vertexCount,
if ((iType == EIT_16BIT) && (vertexCount > 65536))
os::Printer::log("Too many vertices for 16bit index type, render artifacts may occur.");
PrimitivesDrawn += primitiveCount;
FrameStats.PrimitivesDrawn += primitiveCount;
//! draws a vertex primitive list in 2d
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ void CNullDriver::draw2DVertexPrimitiveList(const void *vertices, u32 vertexCoun
if ((iType == EIT_16BIT) && (vertexCount > 65536))
os::Printer::log("Too many vertices for 16bit index type, render artifacts may occur.");
PrimitivesDrawn += primitiveCount;
FrameStats.PrimitivesDrawn += primitiveCount;
//! Draws a 3d line.
@ -743,12 +743,9 @@ s32 CNullDriver::getFPS() const
return FPSCounter.getFPS();
//! returns amount of primitives (mostly triangles) were drawn in the last frame.
//! very useful method for statistics.
u32 CNullDriver::getPrimitiveCountDrawn(u32 param) const
SFrameStats CNullDriver::getFrameStats() const
return (0 == param) ? FPSCounter.getPrimitive() : (1 == param) ? FPSCounter.getPrimitiveAverage()
: FPSCounter.getPrimitiveTotal();
return FrameStats;
//! Sets the dynamic ambient light color. The default color is
@ -195,9 +195,7 @@ public:
// get current frames per second value
s32 getFPS() const override;
//! returns amount of primitives (mostly triangles) were drawn in the last frame.
//! very useful method for statistics.
u32 getPrimitiveCountDrawn(u32 param = 0) const override;
SFrameStats getFrameStats() const override;
//! \return Returns the name of the video driver. Example: In case of the DIRECT3D8
//! driver, it would return "Direct3D8.1".
@ -538,8 +536,6 @@ public:
virtual void convertColor(const void *sP, ECOLOR_FORMAT sF, s32 sN,
void *dP, ECOLOR_FORMAT dF) const override;
bool checkDriverReset() override { return false; }
//! deletes all textures
void deleteAllTextures();
@ -570,6 +566,12 @@ protected:
// prints renderer version
void printVersion();
inline void accountHWBufferUpload(u32 size)
FrameStats.HWBuffersUploadedSize += size;
inline bool getWriteZBuffer(const SMaterial &material) const
switch (material.ZWriteEnable) {
@ -696,8 +698,8 @@ protected:
core::matrix4 TransformationMatrix;
CFPSCounter FPSCounter;
SFrameStats FrameStats;
u32 PrimitivesDrawn;
u32 MinVertexCountForVBO;
u32 TextureCreationFlags;
@ -266,6 +266,8 @@ bool COpenGLDriver::updateVertexHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink_opengl *HWBuffer)
const E_VERTEX_TYPE vType = mb->getVertexType();
const u32 vertexSize = getVertexPitchFromType(vType);
accountHWBufferUpload(vertexSize * vertexCount);
const c8 *vbuf = static_cast<const c8 *>(vertices);
core::array<c8> buffer;
if (!FeatureAvailable[IRR_ARB_vertex_array_bgra] && !FeatureAvailable[IRR_EXT_vertex_array_bgra]) {
@ -367,6 +369,8 @@ bool COpenGLDriver::updateIndexHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink_opengl *HWBuffer)
accountHWBufferUpload(indexCount * indexSize);
// get or create buffer
bool newBuffer = false;
if (!HWBuffer->vbo_indicesID) {
@ -255,10 +255,7 @@ bool COpenGL3DriverBase::genericDriverInit(const core::dimension2d<u32> &screenS
DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxTextures", (s32)Feature.MaxTextureUnits);
DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxSupportedTextures", (s32)Feature.MaxTextureUnits);
// DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxLights", MaxLights);
DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxAnisotropy", MaxAnisotropy);
// DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxAuxBuffers", MaxAuxBuffers);
// DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxMultipleRenderTargets", MaxMultipleRenderTargets);
DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxIndices", (s32)MaxIndices);
DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxTextureSize", (s32)MaxTextureSize);
DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxTextureLODBias", MaxTextureLODBias);
@ -493,6 +490,7 @@ bool COpenGL3DriverBase::updateVertexHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink_opengl *HWBuff
const void *buffer = vertices;
size_t bufferSize = vertexSize * vertexCount;
// get or create buffer
bool newBuffer = false;
@ -551,6 +549,9 @@ bool COpenGL3DriverBase::updateIndexHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink_opengl *HWBuffe
const size_t bufferSize = indexCount * indexSize;
// get or create buffer
bool newBuffer = false;
if (!HWBuffer->vbo_indicesID) {
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ bool COpenGL3DriverBase::updateIndexHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink_opengl *HWBuffe
if (!HWBuffer->vbo_indicesID)
return false;
newBuffer = true;
} else if (HWBuffer->vbo_indicesSize < indexCount * indexSize) {
} else if (HWBuffer->vbo_indicesSize < bufferSize) {
newBuffer = true;
@ -566,16 +567,16 @@ bool COpenGL3DriverBase::updateIndexHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink_opengl *HWBuffe
// copy data to graphics card
if (!newBuffer)
GL.BufferSubData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, indexCount * indexSize, indices);
GL.BufferSubData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, bufferSize, indices);
else {
HWBuffer->vbo_indicesSize = indexCount * indexSize;
HWBuffer->vbo_indicesSize = bufferSize;
GLenum usage = GL_STATIC_DRAW;
if (HWBuffer->Mapped_Index == scene::EHM_STREAM)
else if (HWBuffer->Mapped_Index == scene::EHM_DYNAMIC)
GL.BufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexCount * indexSize, indices, usage);
GL.BufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferSize, indices, usage);
@ -589,22 +590,24 @@ bool COpenGL3DriverBase::updateHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink *HWBuffer)
if (!HWBuffer)
return false;
auto *b = static_cast<SHWBufferLink_opengl *>(HWBuffer);
if (HWBuffer->Mapped_Vertex != scene::EHM_NEVER) {
if (HWBuffer->ChangedID_Vertex != HWBuffer->MeshBuffer->getChangedID_Vertex() || !static_cast<SHWBufferLink_opengl *>(HWBuffer)->vbo_verticesID) {
if (HWBuffer->ChangedID_Vertex != HWBuffer->MeshBuffer->getChangedID_Vertex() || !b->vbo_verticesID) {
HWBuffer->ChangedID_Vertex = HWBuffer->MeshBuffer->getChangedID_Vertex();
if (!updateVertexHardwareBuffer(static_cast<SHWBufferLink_opengl *>(HWBuffer)))
if (!updateVertexHardwareBuffer(b))
return false;
if (HWBuffer->Mapped_Index != scene::EHM_NEVER) {
if (HWBuffer->ChangedID_Index != HWBuffer->MeshBuffer->getChangedID_Index() || !static_cast<SHWBufferLink_opengl *>(HWBuffer)->vbo_indicesID) {
if (HWBuffer->ChangedID_Index != HWBuffer->MeshBuffer->getChangedID_Index() || !b->vbo_indicesID) {
HWBuffer->ChangedID_Index = HWBuffer->MeshBuffer->getChangedID_Index();
if (!updateIndexHardwareBuffer((SHWBufferLink_opengl *)HWBuffer))
if (!updateIndexHardwareBuffer(b))
return false;
@ -1953,6 +1953,11 @@ void Game::updateProfilers(const RunStats &stats, const FpsControl &draw_times,
g_profiler->graphAdd("Sleep [us]", draw_times.sleep_time);
g_profiler->graphSet("FPS", 1.0f / dtime);
auto stats2 = driver->getFrameStats();
g_profiler->avg("Irr: primitives drawn", stats2.PrimitivesDrawn);
g_profiler->avg("Irr: buffers uploaded", stats2.HWBuffersUploaded);
g_profiler->avg("Irr: buffers uploaded (bytes)", stats2.HWBuffersUploadedSize);
void Game::updateStats(RunStats *stats, const FpsControl &draw_times,
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