/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "clientmap.h" #include "client.h" #include "mapblock_mesh.h" #include <IMaterialRenderer.h> #include <matrix4.h> #include "mapsector.h" #include "mapblock.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "settings.h" #include "camera.h" // CameraModes #include "util/basic_macros.h" #include <algorithm> #include "client/renderingengine.h" // struct MeshBufListList void MeshBufListList::clear() { for (auto &list : lists) list.clear(); } void MeshBufListList::add(scene::IMeshBuffer *buf, v3s16 position, u8 layer) { // Append to the correct layer std::vector<MeshBufList> &list = lists[layer]; const video::SMaterial &m = buf->getMaterial(); for (MeshBufList &l : list) { // comparing a full material is quite expensive so we don't do it if // not even first texture is equal if (l.m.TextureLayer[0].Texture != m.TextureLayer[0].Texture) continue; if (l.m == m) { l.bufs.emplace_back(position, buf); return; } } MeshBufList l; l.m = m; l.bufs.emplace_back(position, buf); list.emplace_back(l); } // ClientMap ClientMap::ClientMap( Client *client, RenderingEngine *rendering_engine, MapDrawControl &control, s32 id ): Map(client), scene::ISceneNode(rendering_engine->get_scene_manager()->getRootSceneNode(), rendering_engine->get_scene_manager(), id), m_client(client), m_rendering_engine(rendering_engine), m_control(control), m_drawlist(MapBlockComparer(v3s16(0,0,0))) { /* * @Liso: Sadly C++ doesn't have introspection, so the only way we have to know * the class is whith a name ;) Name property cames from ISceneNode base class. */ Name = "ClientMap"; m_box = aabb3f(-BS*1000000,-BS*1000000,-BS*1000000, BS*1000000,BS*1000000,BS*1000000); /* TODO: Add a callback function so these can be updated when a setting * changes. At this point in time it doesn't matter (e.g. /set * is documented to change server settings only) * * TODO: Local caching of settings is not optimal and should at some stage * be updated to use a global settings object for getting thse values * (as opposed to the this local caching). This can be addressed in * a later release. */ m_cache_trilinear_filter = g_settings->getBool("trilinear_filter"); m_cache_bilinear_filter = g_settings->getBool("bilinear_filter"); m_cache_anistropic_filter = g_settings->getBool("anisotropic_filter"); m_cache_transparency_sorting_distance = g_settings->getU16("transparency_sorting_distance"); } void ClientMap::updateCamera(v3f pos, v3f dir, f32 fov, v3s16 offset) { v3s16 previous_node = floatToInt(m_camera_position, BS) + m_camera_offset; v3s16 previous_block = getContainerPos(previous_node, MAP_BLOCKSIZE); m_camera_position = pos; m_camera_direction = dir; m_camera_fov = fov; m_camera_offset = offset; v3s16 current_node = floatToInt(m_camera_position, BS) + m_camera_offset; v3s16 current_block = getContainerPos(current_node, MAP_BLOCKSIZE); // reorder the blocks when camera crosses block boundary if (previous_block != current_block) m_needs_update_drawlist = true; // reorder transparent meshes when camera crosses node boundary if (previous_node != current_node) m_needs_update_transparent_meshes = true; } MapSector * ClientMap::emergeSector(v2s16 p2d) { // Check that it doesn't exist already MapSector *sector = getSectorNoGenerate(p2d); // Create it if it does not exist yet if (!sector) { sector = new MapSector(this, p2d, m_gamedef); m_sectors[p2d] = sector; } return sector; } void ClientMap::OnRegisterSceneNode() { if(IsVisible) { SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this, scene::ESNRP_SOLID); SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this, scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT); } ISceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode(); if (!m_added_to_shadow_renderer) { m_added_to_shadow_renderer = true; if (auto shadows = m_rendering_engine->get_shadow_renderer()) shadows->addNodeToShadowList(this); } } void ClientMap::getBlocksInViewRange(v3s16 cam_pos_nodes, v3s16 *p_blocks_min, v3s16 *p_blocks_max, float range) { if (range <= 0.0f) range = m_control.wanted_range; v3s16 box_nodes_d = range * v3s16(1, 1, 1); // Define p_nodes_min/max as v3s32 because 'cam_pos_nodes -/+ box_nodes_d' // can exceed the range of v3s16 when a large view range is used near the // world edges. v3s32 p_nodes_min( cam_pos_nodes.X - box_nodes_d.X, cam_pos_nodes.Y - box_nodes_d.Y, cam_pos_nodes.Z - box_nodes_d.Z); v3s32 p_nodes_max( cam_pos_nodes.X + box_nodes_d.X, cam_pos_nodes.Y + box_nodes_d.Y, cam_pos_nodes.Z + box_nodes_d.Z); // Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later // Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed. *p_blocks_min = v3s16( p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3); *p_blocks_max = v3s16( p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1); } void ClientMap::updateDrawList() { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG); m_needs_update_drawlist = false; for (auto &i : m_drawlist) { MapBlock *block = i.second; block->refDrop(); } m_drawlist.clear(); const v3f camera_position = m_camera_position; const v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction; // Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements. // Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn. const f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov * 1.1f; v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS); v3s16 p_blocks_min; v3s16 p_blocks_max; getBlocksInViewRange(cam_pos_nodes, &p_blocks_min, &p_blocks_max); // Read the vision range, unless unlimited range is enabled. float range = m_control.range_all ? 1e7 : m_control.wanted_range; // Number of blocks currently loaded by the client u32 blocks_loaded = 0; // Number of blocks with mesh in rendering range u32 blocks_in_range_with_mesh = 0; // Number of blocks occlusion culled u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0; // No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is inside ground bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true; if (m_control.allow_noclip) { MapNode n = getNode(cam_pos_nodes); if (n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE || m_nodedef->get(n).solidness == 2) occlusion_culling_enabled = false; } v3s16 camera_block = getContainerPos(cam_pos_nodes, MAP_BLOCKSIZE); m_drawlist = std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*, MapBlockComparer>(MapBlockComparer(camera_block)); // Uncomment to debug occluded blocks in the wireframe mode // TODO: Include this as a flag for an extended debugging setting //if (occlusion_culling_enabled && m_control.show_wireframe) // occlusion_culling_enabled = porting::getTimeS() & 1; for (const auto §or_it : m_sectors) { MapSector *sector = sector_it.second; v2s16 sp = sector->getPos(); blocks_loaded += sector->size(); if (!m_control.range_all) { if (sp.X < p_blocks_min.X || sp.X > p_blocks_max.X || sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z || sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z) continue; } MapBlockVect sectorblocks; sector->getBlocks(sectorblocks); /* Loop through blocks in sector */ u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0; for (MapBlock *block : sectorblocks) { /* Compare block position to camera position, skip if not seen on display */ if (!block->mesh) { // Ignore if mesh doesn't exist continue; } v3s16 block_coord = block->getPos(); v3s16 block_position = block->getPosRelative() + MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2; // First, perform a simple distance check, with a padding of one extra block. if (!m_control.range_all && block_position.getDistanceFrom(cam_pos_nodes) > range + MAP_BLOCKSIZE) continue; // Out of range, skip. // Keep the block alive as long as it is in range. block->resetUsageTimer(); blocks_in_range_with_mesh++; // Frustum culling float d = 0.0; if (!isBlockInSight(block_coord, camera_position, camera_direction, camera_fov, range * BS, &d)) continue; // Occlusion culling if ((!m_control.range_all && d > m_control.wanted_range * BS) || (occlusion_culling_enabled && isBlockOccluded(block, cam_pos_nodes))) { blocks_occlusion_culled++; continue; } // Add to set block->refGrab(); m_drawlist[block_coord] = block; sector_blocks_drawn++; } // foreach sectorblocks if (sector_blocks_drawn != 0) m_last_drawn_sectors.insert(sp); } g_profiler->avg("MapBlock meshes in range [#]", blocks_in_range_with_mesh); g_profiler->avg("MapBlocks occlusion culled [#]", blocks_occlusion_culled); g_profiler->avg("MapBlocks drawn [#]", m_drawlist.size()); g_profiler->avg("MapBlocks loaded [#]", blocks_loaded); } void ClientMap::renderMap(video::IVideoDriver* driver, s32 pass) { bool is_transparent_pass = pass == scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT; std::string prefix; if (pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID) prefix = "renderMap(SOLID): "; else prefix = "renderMap(TRANSPARENT): "; /* This is called two times per frame, reset on the non-transparent one */ if (pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID) m_last_drawn_sectors.clear(); /* Get animation parameters */ const float animation_time = m_client->getAnimationTime(); const int crack = m_client->getCrackLevel(); const u32 daynight_ratio = m_client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio(); const v3f camera_position = m_camera_position; /* Get all blocks and draw all visible ones */ u32 vertex_count = 0; u32 drawcall_count = 0; // For limiting number of mesh animations per frame u32 mesh_animate_count = 0; //u32 mesh_animate_count_far = 0; /* Update transparent meshes */ if (is_transparent_pass) updateTransparentMeshBuffers(); /* Draw the selected MapBlocks */ MeshBufListList grouped_buffers; std::vector<DrawDescriptor> draw_order; video::SMaterial previous_material; for (auto &i : m_drawlist) { v3s16 block_pos = i.first; MapBlock *block = i.second; // If the mesh of the block happened to get deleted, ignore it if (!block->mesh) continue; v3f block_pos_r = intToFloat(block->getPosRelative() + MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2, BS); float d = camera_position.getDistanceFrom(block_pos_r); d = MYMAX(0,d - BLOCK_MAX_RADIUS); // Mesh animation if (pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID) { MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh; assert(mapBlockMesh); // Pretty random but this should work somewhat nicely bool faraway = d >= BS * 50; if (mapBlockMesh->isAnimationForced() || !faraway || mesh_animate_count < (m_control.range_all ? 200 : 50)) { bool animated = mapBlockMesh->animate(faraway, animation_time, crack, daynight_ratio); if (animated) mesh_animate_count++; } else { mapBlockMesh->decreaseAnimationForceTimer(); } } /* Get the meshbuffers of the block */ if (is_transparent_pass) { // In transparent pass, the mesh will give us // the partial buffers in the correct order for (auto &buffer : block->mesh->getTransparentBuffers()) draw_order.emplace_back(block_pos, &buffer); } else { // otherwise, group buffers across meshes // using MeshBufListList MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh; assert(mapBlockMesh); for (int layer = 0; layer < MAX_TILE_LAYERS; layer++) { scene::IMesh *mesh = mapBlockMesh->getMesh(layer); assert(mesh); u32 c = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for (u32 i = 0; i < c; i++) { scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(i); video::SMaterial& material = buf->getMaterial(); video::IMaterialRenderer* rnd = driver->getMaterialRenderer(material.MaterialType); bool transparent = (rnd && rnd->isTransparent()); if (!transparent) { if (buf->getVertexCount() == 0) errorstream << "Block [" << analyze_block(block) << "] contains an empty meshbuf" << std::endl; grouped_buffers.add(buf, block_pos, layer); } } } } } // Capture draw order for all solid meshes for (auto &lists : grouped_buffers.lists) { for (MeshBufList &list : lists) { // iterate in reverse to draw closest blocks first for (auto it = list.bufs.rbegin(); it != list.bufs.rend(); ++it) { draw_order.emplace_back(it->first, it->second, it != list.bufs.rbegin()); } } } TimeTaker draw("Drawing mesh buffers"); core::matrix4 m; // Model matrix v3f offset = intToFloat(m_camera_offset, BS); u32 material_swaps = 0; // Render all mesh buffers in order drawcall_count += draw_order.size(); for (auto &descriptor : draw_order) { scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = descriptor.getBuffer(); // Check and abort if the machine is swapping a lot if (draw.getTimerTime() > 2000) { infostream << "ClientMap::renderMap(): Rendering took >2s, " << "returning." << std::endl; return; } if (!descriptor.m_reuse_material) { auto &material = buf->getMaterial(); // Apply filter settings material.setFlag(video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, m_cache_trilinear_filter); material.setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, m_cache_bilinear_filter); material.setFlag(video::EMF_ANISOTROPIC_FILTER, m_cache_anistropic_filter); material.setFlag(video::EMF_WIREFRAME, m_control.show_wireframe); // pass the shadow map texture to the buffer texture ShadowRenderer *shadow = m_rendering_engine->get_shadow_renderer(); if (shadow && shadow->is_active()) { auto &layer = material.TextureLayer[ShadowRenderer::TEXTURE_LAYER_SHADOW]; layer.Texture = shadow->get_texture(); layer.TextureWrapU = video::E_TEXTURE_CLAMP::ETC_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; layer.TextureWrapV = video::E_TEXTURE_CLAMP::ETC_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; // Do not enable filter on shadow texture to avoid visual artifacts // with colored shadows. // Filtering is done in shader code anyway layer.BilinearFilter = false; layer.AnisotropicFilter = false; layer.TrilinearFilter = false; } driver->setMaterial(material); ++material_swaps; material.TextureLayer[ShadowRenderer::TEXTURE_LAYER_SHADOW].Texture = nullptr; } v3f block_wpos = intToFloat(descriptor.m_pos * MAP_BLOCKSIZE, BS); m.setTranslation(block_wpos - offset); driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, m); descriptor.draw(driver); vertex_count += buf->getIndexCount(); } g_profiler->avg(prefix + "draw meshes [ms]", draw.stop(true)); // Log only on solid pass because values are the same if (pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID) { g_profiler->avg("renderMap(): animated meshes [#]", mesh_animate_count); } if (pass == scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT) { g_profiler->avg("renderMap(): transparent buffers [#]", draw_order.size()); } g_profiler->avg(prefix + "vertices drawn [#]", vertex_count); g_profiler->avg(prefix + "drawcalls [#]", drawcall_count); g_profiler->avg(prefix + "material swaps [#]", material_swaps); } static bool getVisibleBrightness(Map *map, const v3f &p0, v3f dir, float step, float step_multiplier, float start_distance, float end_distance, const NodeDefManager *ndef, u32 daylight_factor, float sunlight_min_d, int *result, bool *sunlight_seen) { int brightness_sum = 0; int brightness_count = 0; float distance = start_distance; dir.normalize(); v3f pf = p0; pf += dir * distance; int noncount = 0; bool nonlight_seen = false; bool allow_allowing_non_sunlight_propagates = false; bool allow_non_sunlight_propagates = false; // Check content nearly at camera position { v3s16 p = floatToInt(p0 /*+ dir * 3*BS*/, BS); MapNode n = map->getNode(p); if(ndef->get(n).param_type == CPT_LIGHT && !ndef->get(n).sunlight_propagates) allow_allowing_non_sunlight_propagates = true; } // If would start at CONTENT_IGNORE, start closer { v3s16 p = floatToInt(pf, BS); MapNode n = map->getNode(p); if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE){ float newd = 2*BS; pf = p0 + dir * 2*newd; distance = newd; sunlight_min_d = 0; } } for (int i=0; distance < end_distance; i++) { pf += dir * step; distance += step; step *= step_multiplier; v3s16 p = floatToInt(pf, BS); MapNode n = map->getNode(p); if (allow_allowing_non_sunlight_propagates && i == 0 && ndef->get(n).param_type == CPT_LIGHT && !ndef->get(n).sunlight_propagates) { allow_non_sunlight_propagates = true; } if (ndef->get(n).param_type != CPT_LIGHT || (!ndef->get(n).sunlight_propagates && !allow_non_sunlight_propagates)){ nonlight_seen = true; noncount++; if(noncount >= 4) break; continue; } if (distance >= sunlight_min_d && !*sunlight_seen && !nonlight_seen) if (n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef) == LIGHT_SUN) *sunlight_seen = true; noncount = 0; brightness_sum += decode_light(n.getLightBlend(daylight_factor, ndef)); brightness_count++; } *result = 0; if(brightness_count == 0) return false; *result = brightness_sum / brightness_count; /*std::cerr<<"Sampled "<<brightness_count<<" points; result=" <<(*result)<<std::endl;*/ return true; } int ClientMap::getBackgroundBrightness(float max_d, u32 daylight_factor, int oldvalue, bool *sunlight_seen_result) { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::getBackgroundBrightness", SPT_AVG); static v3f z_directions[50] = { v3f(-100, 0, 0) }; static f32 z_offsets[50] = { -1000, }; if (z_directions[0].X < -99) { for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRLEN(z_directions); i++) { // Assumes FOV of 72 and 16/9 aspect ratio z_directions[i] = v3f( 0.02 * myrand_range(-100, 100), 1.0, 0.01 * myrand_range(-100, 100) ).normalize(); z_offsets[i] = 0.01 * myrand_range(0,100); } } int sunlight_seen_count = 0; float sunlight_min_d = max_d*0.8; if(sunlight_min_d > 35*BS) sunlight_min_d = 35*BS; std::vector<int> values; values.reserve(ARRLEN(z_directions)); for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRLEN(z_directions); i++) { v3f z_dir = z_directions[i]; core::CMatrix4<f32> a; a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0,1,0), z_dir); v3f dir = m_camera_direction; a.rotateVect(dir); int br = 0; float step = BS*1.5; if(max_d > 35*BS) step = max_d / 35 * 1.5; float off = step * z_offsets[i]; bool sunlight_seen_now = false; bool ok = getVisibleBrightness(this, m_camera_position, dir, step, 1.0, max_d*0.6+off, max_d, m_nodedef, daylight_factor, sunlight_min_d, &br, &sunlight_seen_now); if(sunlight_seen_now) sunlight_seen_count++; if(!ok) continue; values.push_back(br); // Don't try too much if being in the sun is clear if(sunlight_seen_count >= 20) break; } int brightness_sum = 0; int brightness_count = 0; std::sort(values.begin(), values.end()); u32 num_values_to_use = values.size(); if(num_values_to_use >= 10) num_values_to_use -= num_values_to_use/2; else if(num_values_to_use >= 7) num_values_to_use -= num_values_to_use/3; u32 first_value_i = (values.size() - num_values_to_use) / 2; for (u32 i=first_value_i; i < first_value_i + num_values_to_use; i++) { brightness_sum += values[i]; brightness_count++; } int ret = 0; if(brightness_count == 0){ MapNode n = getNode(floatToInt(m_camera_position, BS)); if(m_nodedef->get(n).param_type == CPT_LIGHT){ ret = decode_light(n.getLightBlend(daylight_factor, m_nodedef)); } else { ret = oldvalue; } } else { ret = brightness_sum / brightness_count; } *sunlight_seen_result = (sunlight_seen_count > 0); return ret; } void ClientMap::renderPostFx(CameraMode cam_mode) { // Sadly ISceneManager has no "post effects" render pass, in that case we // could just register for that and handle it in renderMap(). MapNode n = getNode(floatToInt(m_camera_position, BS)); const ContentFeatures& features = m_nodedef->get(n); video::SColor post_effect_color = features.post_effect_color; // If the camera is in a solid node, make everything black. // (first person mode only) if (features.solidness == 2 && cam_mode == CAMERA_MODE_FIRST && !m_control.allow_noclip) { post_effect_color = video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0); } if (post_effect_color.getAlpha() != 0) { // Draw a full-screen rectangle video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver(); v2u32 ss = driver->getScreenSize(); core::rect<s32> rect(0,0, ss.X, ss.Y); driver->draw2DRectangle(post_effect_color, rect); } } void ClientMap::PrintInfo(std::ostream &out) { out<<"ClientMap: "; } void ClientMap::renderMapShadows(video::IVideoDriver *driver, const video::SMaterial &material, s32 pass, int frame, int total_frames) { bool is_transparent_pass = pass != scene::ESNRP_SOLID; std::string prefix; if (is_transparent_pass) prefix = "renderMap(SHADOW TRANS): "; else prefix = "renderMap(SHADOW SOLID): "; u32 drawcall_count = 0; u32 vertex_count = 0; MeshBufListList grouped_buffers; std::vector<DrawDescriptor> draw_order; int count = 0; int low_bound = is_transparent_pass ? 0 : m_drawlist_shadow.size() / total_frames * frame; int high_bound = is_transparent_pass ? m_drawlist_shadow.size() : m_drawlist_shadow.size() / total_frames * (frame + 1); // transparent pass should be rendered in one go if (is_transparent_pass && frame != total_frames - 1) { return; } for (auto &i : m_drawlist_shadow) { // only process specific part of the list & break early ++count; if (count <= low_bound) continue; if (count > high_bound) break; v3s16 block_pos = i.first; MapBlock *block = i.second; // If the mesh of the block happened to get deleted, ignore it if (!block->mesh) continue; /* Get the meshbuffers of the block */ if (is_transparent_pass) { // In transparent pass, the mesh will give us // the partial buffers in the correct order for (auto &buffer : block->mesh->getTransparentBuffers()) draw_order.emplace_back(block_pos, &buffer); } else { // otherwise, group buffers across meshes // using MeshBufListList MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh; assert(mapBlockMesh); for (int layer = 0; layer < MAX_TILE_LAYERS; layer++) { scene::IMesh *mesh = mapBlockMesh->getMesh(layer); assert(mesh); u32 c = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for (u32 i = 0; i < c; i++) { scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(i); video::SMaterial &mat = buf->getMaterial(); auto rnd = driver->getMaterialRenderer(mat.MaterialType); bool transparent = rnd && rnd->isTransparent(); if (!transparent) grouped_buffers.add(buf, block_pos, layer); } } } } u32 buffer_count = 0; for (auto &lists : grouped_buffers.lists) for (MeshBufList &list : lists) buffer_count += list.bufs.size(); draw_order.reserve(draw_order.size() + buffer_count); // Capture draw order for all solid meshes for (auto &lists : grouped_buffers.lists) { for (MeshBufList &list : lists) { // iterate in reverse to draw closest blocks first for (auto it = list.bufs.rbegin(); it != list.bufs.rend(); ++it) draw_order.emplace_back(it->first, it->second, it != list.bufs.rbegin()); } } TimeTaker draw("Drawing shadow mesh buffers"); core::matrix4 m; // Model matrix v3f offset = intToFloat(m_camera_offset, BS); u32 material_swaps = 0; // Render all mesh buffers in order drawcall_count += draw_order.size(); for (auto &descriptor : draw_order) { scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = descriptor.getBuffer(); // Check and abort if the machine is swapping a lot if (draw.getTimerTime() > 1000) { infostream << "ClientMap::renderMapShadows(): Rendering " "took >1s, returning." << std::endl; break; } if (!descriptor.m_reuse_material) { // override some material properties video::SMaterial local_material = buf->getMaterial(); local_material.MaterialType = material.MaterialType; local_material.BackfaceCulling = material.BackfaceCulling; local_material.FrontfaceCulling = material.FrontfaceCulling; local_material.BlendOperation = material.BlendOperation; local_material.Lighting = false; driver->setMaterial(local_material); ++material_swaps; } v3f block_wpos = intToFloat(descriptor.m_pos * MAP_BLOCKSIZE, BS); m.setTranslation(block_wpos - offset); driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, m); descriptor.draw(driver); vertex_count += buf->getIndexCount(); } // restore the driver material state video::SMaterial clean; clean.BlendOperation = video::EBO_ADD; driver->setMaterial(clean); // reset material to defaults driver->draw3DLine(v3f(), v3f(), video::SColor(0)); g_profiler->avg(prefix + "draw meshes [ms]", draw.stop(true)); g_profiler->avg(prefix + "vertices drawn [#]", vertex_count); g_profiler->avg(prefix + "drawcalls [#]", drawcall_count); g_profiler->avg(prefix + "material swaps [#]", material_swaps); } /* Custom update draw list for the pov of shadow light. */ void ClientMap::updateDrawListShadow(v3f shadow_light_pos, v3f shadow_light_dir, float radius, float length) { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawListShadow()", SPT_AVG); v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(shadow_light_pos, BS); v3s16 p_blocks_min; v3s16 p_blocks_max; getBlocksInViewRange(cam_pos_nodes, &p_blocks_min, &p_blocks_max, radius + length); std::vector<v2s16> blocks_in_range; for (auto &i : m_drawlist_shadow) { MapBlock *block = i.second; block->refDrop(); } m_drawlist_shadow.clear(); // Number of blocks currently loaded by the client u32 blocks_loaded = 0; // Number of blocks with mesh in rendering range u32 blocks_in_range_with_mesh = 0; // Number of blocks occlusion culled u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0; for (auto §or_it : m_sectors) { MapSector *sector = sector_it.second; if (!sector) continue; blocks_loaded += sector->size(); MapBlockVect sectorblocks; sector->getBlocks(sectorblocks); /* Loop through blocks in sector */ for (MapBlock *block : sectorblocks) { if (!block->mesh) { // Ignore if mesh doesn't exist continue; } v3f block_pos = intToFloat(block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE, BS); v3f projection = shadow_light_pos + shadow_light_dir * shadow_light_dir.dotProduct(block_pos - shadow_light_pos); if (projection.getDistanceFrom(block_pos) > radius) continue; blocks_in_range_with_mesh++; // This block is in range. Reset usage timer. block->resetUsageTimer(); // Add to set if (m_drawlist_shadow.find(block->getPos()) == m_drawlist_shadow.end()) { block->refGrab(); m_drawlist_shadow[block->getPos()] = block; } } } g_profiler->avg("SHADOW MapBlock meshes in range [#]", blocks_in_range_with_mesh); g_profiler->avg("SHADOW MapBlocks occlusion culled [#]", blocks_occlusion_culled); g_profiler->avg("SHADOW MapBlocks drawn [#]", m_drawlist_shadow.size()); g_profiler->avg("SHADOW MapBlocks loaded [#]", blocks_loaded); } void ClientMap::updateTransparentMeshBuffers() { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateTransparentMeshBuffers", SPT_AVG); u32 sorted_blocks = 0; u32 unsorted_blocks = 0; f32 sorting_distance_sq = pow(m_cache_transparency_sorting_distance * BS, 2.0f); // Update the order of transparent mesh buffers in each mesh for (auto it = m_drawlist.begin(); it != m_drawlist.end(); it++) { MapBlock* block = it->second; if (!block->mesh) continue; if (m_needs_update_transparent_meshes || block->mesh->getTransparentBuffers().size() == 0) { v3s16 block_pos = block->getPos(); v3f block_pos_f = intToFloat(block_pos * MAP_BLOCKSIZE + MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2, BS); f32 distance = m_camera_position.getDistanceFromSQ(block_pos_f); if (distance <= sorting_distance_sq) { block->mesh->updateTransparentBuffers(m_camera_position, block_pos); ++sorted_blocks; } else { block->mesh->consolidateTransparentBuffers(); ++unsorted_blocks; } } } g_profiler->avg("CM::Transparent Buffers - Sorted", sorted_blocks); g_profiler->avg("CM::Transparent Buffers - Unsorted", unsorted_blocks); m_needs_update_transparent_meshes = false; } scene::IMeshBuffer* ClientMap::DrawDescriptor::getBuffer() { return m_use_partial_buffer ? m_partial_buffer->getBuffer() : m_buffer; } void ClientMap::DrawDescriptor::draw(video::IVideoDriver* driver) { if (m_use_partial_buffer) { m_partial_buffer->beforeDraw(); driver->drawMeshBuffer(m_partial_buffer->getBuffer()); m_partial_buffer->afterDraw(); } else { driver->drawMeshBuffer(m_buffer); } }