--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2018-24 rubenwardy -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. if not core.get_http_api then return end contentdb = { loading = false, load_ok = false, load_error = false, -- Unordered preserves the original order of the ContentDB API, -- before the package list is ordered based on installed state. packages = {}, packages_full = {}, packages_full_unordered = {}, package_by_id = {}, aliases = {}, number_downloading = 0, download_queue = {}, REASON_NEW = "new", REASON_UPDATE = "update", REASON_DEPENDENCY = "dependency", } local function get_download_url(package, reason) local base_url = core.settings:get("contentdb_url") local ret = base_url .. ("/packages/%s/releases/%d/download/"):format( package.url_part, package.release) if reason then ret = ret .. "?reason=" .. reason end return ret end local function download_and_extract(param) local package = param.package local filename = core.get_temp_path(true) if filename == "" or not core.download_file(param.url, filename) then core.log("error", "Downloading " .. dump(param.url) .. " failed") return { msg = fgettext_ne("Failed to download \"$1\"", package.title) } end local tempfolder = core.get_temp_path() if tempfolder ~= "" and not core.extract_zip(filename, tempfolder) then tempfolder = "" end os.remove(filename) if tempfolder == "" then return { msg = fgettext_ne("Failed to extract \"$1\" " .. "(insufficient disk space, unsupported file type or broken archive)", package.title), } end return { path = tempfolder } end local function start_install(package, reason) local params = { package = package, url = get_download_url(package, reason), } contentdb.number_downloading = contentdb.number_downloading + 1 local function callback(result) if result.msg then gamedata.errormessage = result.msg else local path, msg = pkgmgr.install_dir(package.type, result.path, package.name, package.path) core.delete_dir(result.path) if not path then gamedata.errormessage = fgettext_ne("Error installing \"$1\": $2", package.title, msg) else core.log("action", "Installed package to " .. path) local conf_path local name_is_title = false if package.type == "mod" then local actual_type = pkgmgr.get_folder_type(path) if actual_type.type == "modpack" then conf_path = path .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.conf" else conf_path = path .. DIR_DELIM .. "mod.conf" end elseif package.type == "game" then conf_path = path .. DIR_DELIM .. "game.conf" name_is_title = true elseif package.type == "txp" then conf_path = path .. DIR_DELIM .. "texture_pack.conf" end if conf_path then local conf = Settings(conf_path) if not conf:get("title") then conf:set("title", package.title) end if not name_is_title then conf:set("name", package.name) end if not conf:get("description") then conf:set("description", package.short_description) end conf:set("author", package.author) conf:set("release", package.release) conf:write() end pkgmgr.reload_by_type(package.type) end end package.downloading = false contentdb.number_downloading = contentdb.number_downloading - 1 local next = contentdb.download_queue[1] if next then table.remove(contentdb.download_queue, 1) start_install(next.package, next.reason) end ui.update() end package.queued = false package.downloading = true if not core.handle_async(download_and_extract, params, callback) then core.log("error", "ERROR: async event failed") gamedata.errormessage = fgettext_ne("Failed to download $1", package.name) return end end function contentdb.queue_download(package, reason) if package.queued or package.downloading then return end local max_concurrent_downloads = tonumber(core.settings:get("contentdb_max_concurrent_downloads")) if contentdb.number_downloading < math.max(max_concurrent_downloads, 1) then start_install(package, reason) else table.insert(contentdb.download_queue, { package = package, reason = reason }) package.queued = true end end function contentdb.get_package_by_id(id) return contentdb.package_by_id[id] end -- Create a coroutine from `fn` and provide results to `callback` when complete (dead). -- Returns a resumer function. local function make_callback_coroutine(fn, callback) local co = coroutine.create(fn) local function resumer(...) local ok, result = coroutine.resume(co, ...) if not ok then error(result) elseif coroutine.status(co) == "dead" then callback(result) end end return resumer end local function get_raw_dependencies_async(package) local url_fmt = "/api/packages/%s/dependencies/?only_hard=1&protocol_version=%s&engine_version=%s" local version = core.get_version() local base_url = core.settings:get("contentdb_url") local url = base_url .. url_fmt:format(package.url_part, core.get_max_supp_proto(), core.urlencode(version.string)) local http = core.get_http_api() local response = http.fetch_sync({ url = url }) if not response.succeeded then return nil end return core.parse_json(response.data) or {} end local function get_raw_dependencies_co(package, resumer) if package.type ~= "mod" then return {} end if package.raw_deps then return package.raw_deps end core.handle_async(get_raw_dependencies_async, package, resumer) local data = coroutine.yield() if not data then return nil end for id, raw_deps in pairs(data) do local package2 = contentdb.package_by_id[id:lower()] if package2 and not package2.raw_deps then package2.raw_deps = raw_deps for _, dep in pairs(raw_deps) do local packages = {} for i=1, #dep.packages do packages[#packages + 1] = contentdb.package_by_id[dep.packages[i]:lower()] end dep.packages = packages end end end return package.raw_deps end local function has_hard_deps_co(package, resumer) local raw_deps = get_raw_dependencies_co(package, resumer) if not raw_deps then return nil end for i=1, #raw_deps do if not raw_deps[i].is_optional then return true end end return false end function contentdb.has_hard_deps(package, callback) local resumer = make_callback_coroutine(has_hard_deps_co, callback) resumer(package, resumer) end -- Recursively resolve dependencies, given the installed mods local function resolve_dependencies_2_co(raw_deps, installed_mods, out, resumer) local function resolve_dep(dep) -- Check whether it's already installed if installed_mods[dep.name] then return { is_optional = dep.is_optional, name = dep.name, installed = true, } end -- Find exact name matches local fallback for _, package in pairs(dep.packages) do if package.type ~= "game" then if package.name == dep.name then return { is_optional = dep.is_optional, name = dep.name, installed = false, package = package, } elseif not fallback then fallback = package end end end -- Otherwise, find the first mod that fulfills it if fallback then return { is_optional = dep.is_optional, name = dep.name, installed = false, package = fallback, } end return { is_optional = dep.is_optional, name = dep.name, installed = false, } end for _, dep in pairs(raw_deps) do if not dep.is_optional and not out[dep.name] then local result = resolve_dep(dep) out[dep.name] = result if result and result.package and not result.installed then local raw_deps2 = get_raw_dependencies_co(result.package, resumer) if raw_deps2 then resolve_dependencies_2_co(raw_deps2, installed_mods, out, resumer) end end end end return true end local function resolve_dependencies_co(package, game, resumer) assert(game) local raw_deps = get_raw_dependencies_co(package, resumer) local installed_mods = {} local mods = {} pkgmgr.get_game_mods(game, mods) for _, mod in pairs(mods) do installed_mods[mod.name] = true end for _, mod in pairs(pkgmgr.global_mods:get_list()) do installed_mods[mod.name] = true end local out = {} if not resolve_dependencies_2_co(raw_deps, installed_mods, out, resumer) then return nil end local retval = {} for _, dep in pairs(out) do retval[#retval + 1] = dep end table.sort(retval, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) return retval end -- Resolve dependencies for a package, calls the recursive version. function contentdb.resolve_dependencies(package, game, callback) local resumer = make_callback_coroutine(resolve_dependencies_co, callback) resumer(package, game, resumer) end local function fetch_pkgs(params) local version = core.get_version() local base_url = core.settings:get("contentdb_url") local url = base_url .. "/api/packages/?type=mod&type=game&type=txp&protocol_version=" .. core.get_max_supp_proto() .. "&engine_version=" .. core.urlencode(version.string) for _, item in pairs(core.settings:get("contentdb_flag_blacklist"):split(",")) do item = item:trim() if item ~= "" then url = url .. "&hide=" .. core.urlencode(item) end end local languages local current_language = core.get_language() if current_language ~= "" then languages = { current_language, "en;q=0.8" } else languages = { "en" } end local http = core.get_http_api() local response = http.fetch_sync({ url = url, extra_headers = { "Accept-Language: " .. table.concat(languages, ", ") }, }) if not response.succeeded then return end local packages = core.parse_json(response.data) if not packages or #packages == 0 then return end local aliases = {} for _, package in pairs(packages) do local name_len = #package.name -- This must match what contentdb.update_paths() does! package.id = package.author:lower() .. "/" if package.type == "game" and name_len > 5 and package.name:sub(name_len - 4) == "_game" then package.id = package.id .. package.name:sub(1, name_len - 5) else package.id = package.id .. package.name end package.url_part = core.urlencode(package.author) .. "/" .. core.urlencode(package.name) if package.aliases then for _, alias in ipairs(package.aliases) do -- We currently don't support name changing local suffix = "/" .. package.name if alias:sub(-#suffix) == suffix then aliases[alias:lower()] = package.id end end end end return { packages = packages, aliases = aliases } end function contentdb.fetch_pkgs(callback) contentdb.loading = true core.handle_async(fetch_pkgs, nil, function(result) if result then contentdb.load_ok = true contentdb.load_error = false contentdb.packages = result.packages contentdb.packages_full = result.packages contentdb.packages_full_unordered = result.packages contentdb.aliases = result.aliases for _, package in ipairs(result.packages) do contentdb.package_by_id[package.id] = package end else contentdb.load_error = true end contentdb.loading = false callback(result) end) end function contentdb.update_paths() pkgmgr.load_all() local mod_hash = {} for _, mod in pairs(pkgmgr.global_mods:get_list()) do local cdb_id = pkgmgr.get_contentdb_id(mod) if cdb_id then mod_hash[contentdb.aliases[cdb_id] or cdb_id] = mod end end local game_hash = {} for _, game in pairs(pkgmgr.games) do local cdb_id = pkgmgr.get_contentdb_id(game) if cdb_id then game_hash[contentdb.aliases[cdb_id] or cdb_id] = game end end local txp_hash = {} for _, txp in pairs(pkgmgr.texture_packs) do local cdb_id = pkgmgr.get_contentdb_id(txp) if cdb_id then txp_hash[contentdb.aliases[cdb_id] or cdb_id] = txp end end for _, package in pairs(contentdb.packages_full) do local content if package.type == "mod" then content = mod_hash[package.id] elseif package.type == "game" then content = game_hash[package.id] elseif package.type == "txp" then content = txp_hash[package.id] end if content then package.path = content.path package.installed_release = content.release or 0 else package.path = nil package.installed_release = nil end end end function contentdb.sort_packages() local ret = {} -- Add installed content for _, pkg in ipairs(contentdb.packages_full_unordered) do if pkg.path then ret[#ret + 1] = pkg end end -- Sort installed content first by "is there an update available?", then by title table.sort(ret, function(a, b) local a_updatable = a.installed_release < a.release local b_updatable = b.installed_release < b.release if a_updatable and not b_updatable then return true elseif b_updatable and not a_updatable then return false end return a.title < b.title end) -- Add uninstalled content for _, pkg in ipairs(contentdb.packages_full_unordered) do if not pkg.path then ret[#ret + 1] = pkg end end contentdb.packages_full = ret end function contentdb.filter_packages(query, by_type) if query == "" and by_type == nil then contentdb.packages = contentdb.packages_full return end local keywords = {} for word in query:lower():gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(keywords, word) end local function matches_keywords(package) for k = 1, #keywords do local keyword = keywords[k] if string.find(package.name:lower(), keyword, 1, true) or string.find(package.title:lower(), keyword, 1, true) or string.find(package.author:lower(), keyword, 1, true) or string.find(package.short_description:lower(), keyword, 1, true) then return true end end return false end contentdb.packages = {} for _, package in pairs(contentdb.packages_full) do if (query == "" or matches_keywords(package)) and (by_type == nil or package.type == by_type) then contentdb.packages[#contentdb.packages + 1] = package end end end