#!/bin/bash -e prompt_for() { local prompt_text=$1 local pattern=$2 local default_value=$3 local tmp= while true; do read -p "$prompt_text [$default_value]: " tmp if [ -z "$tmp" ]; then echo "$default_value"; return elif echo "$tmp" | grep -qE "^(${pattern})\$"; then echo "$tmp"; return fi done } # Reads current versions # out: VERSION_MAJOR VERSION_MINOR VERSION_PATCH VERSION_IS_DEV CURRENT_VERSION ANDROID_VERSION_CODE read_versions() { VERSION_MAJOR=$(grep -oE '^set\(VERSION_MAJOR [0-9]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt | tr -dC 0-9) VERSION_MINOR=$(grep -oE '^set\(VERSION_MINOR [0-9]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt | tr -dC 0-9) VERSION_PATCH=$(grep -oE '^set\(VERSION_PATCH [0-9]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt | tr -dC 0-9) VERSION_IS_DEV=$(grep -oE '^set\(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD [A-Z]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt) ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(grep -oE '\("versionCode", [0-9]+\)' android/build.gradle | tr -dC 0-9) # Make sure they all exist [ -n "$VERSION_MAJOR" ] [ -n "$VERSION_MINOR" ] [ -n "$VERSION_PATCH" ] [ -n "$VERSION_IS_DEV" ] [ -n "$ANDROID_VERSION_CODE" ] if echo "$VERSION_IS_DEV" | grep -q ' TRUE'; then VERSION_IS_DEV=1 else VERSION_IS_DEV=0 fi CURRENT_VERSION="$VERSION_MAJOR.$VERSION_MINOR.$VERSION_PATCH" echo "Current Minetest version: $CURRENT_VERSION" echo "Current Android version code: $ANDROID_VERSION_CODE" } # Retrieves protocol version from header # in: $1 read_proto_ver() { local ref=$1 git show "$ref":src/network/networkprotocol.h | grep -oE 'LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION [0-9]+' | tr -dC 0-9 } ## Prompts for new android version code # in: ANDROID_VERSION_CODE # out: NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE bump_android_ver() { # +1 for ARM and +1 for ARM64 APKs NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(expr $ANDROID_VERSION_CODE + 2) NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(prompt_for "Set android version code" '[0-9]+' $NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE) echo echo "New android version code: $NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE" } ## Prompts for new version # in: VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH} DO_PATCH_REL # out: NEXT_VERSION NEXT_VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH} bump_version() { NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR=$VERSION_MAJOR if [ "$DO_PATCH_REL" -eq 1 ]; then NEXT_VERSION_MINOR=$VERSION_MINOR NEXT_VERSION_PATCH=$(expr $VERSION_PATCH + 1) else NEXT_VERSION_MINOR=$(expr $VERSION_MINOR + 1) NEXT_VERSION_PATCH=0 fi NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR=$(prompt_for "Set next major" '[0-9]+' $NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR) if [ "$NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR" != "$VERSION_MAJOR" ]; then NEXT_VERSION_MINOR=0 NEXT_VERSION_PATCH=0 fi NEXT_VERSION_MINOR=$(prompt_for "Set next minor" '[0-9]+' $NEXT_VERSION_MINOR) if [ "$NEXT_VERSION_MINOR" != "$VERSION_MINOR" ]; then NEXT_VERSION_PATCH=0 fi NEXT_VERSION_PATCH=$(prompt_for "Set next patch" '[0-9]+' $NEXT_VERSION_PATCH) NEXT_VERSION="$NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR.$NEXT_VERSION_MINOR.$NEXT_VERSION_PATCH" echo echo "New version: $NEXT_VERSION" } ## Toggles development build # in: $1 set_dev_build() { local is_dev=$1 # Update CMakeList.txt versions if [ "$is_dev" -eq 1 ]; then sed -i -re 's/^set\(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD [A-Z]+\)$/set(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD TRUE)/' CMakeLists.txt else sed -i -re 's/^set\(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD [A-Z]+\)$/set(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD FALSE)/' CMakeLists.txt fi git add -f CMakeLists.txt android/build.gradle } ## Writes new android version code # in: NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE write_android_version() { sed -i -re "s/\"versionCode\", [0-9]+/\"versionCode\", $NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE/" android/build.gradle git add -f android/build.gradle } ## Writes new version to the right files # in: NEXT_VERSION NEXT_VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH} write_new_version() { # Update CMakeList.txt versions sed -i -re "s/^set\(VERSION_MAJOR [0-9]+\)$/set(VERSION_MAJOR $NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR)/" CMakeLists.txt sed -i -re "s/^set\(VERSION_MINOR [0-9]+\)$/set(VERSION_MINOR $NEXT_VERSION_MINOR)/" CMakeLists.txt sed -i -re "s/^set\(VERSION_PATCH [0-9]+\)$/set(VERSION_PATCH $NEXT_VERSION_PATCH)/" CMakeLists.txt # Update Android versions sed -i -re "s/set\(\"versionMajor\", [0-9]+\)/set(\"versionMajor\", $NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR)/" android/build.gradle sed -i -re "s/set\(\"versionMinor\", [0-9]+\)/set(\"versionMinor\", $NEXT_VERSION_MINOR)/" android/build.gradle sed -i -re "s/set\(\"versionPatch\", [0-9]+\)/set(\"versionPatch\", $NEXT_VERSION_PATCH)/" android/build.gradle # Update doc versions sed -i -re '1s/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/'"$NEXT_VERSION"'/g' doc/menu_lua_api.md sed -i -re '1s/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/'"$NEXT_VERSION"'/g' doc/client_lua_api.md git add -f CMakeLists.txt android/build.gradle doc/menu_lua_api.md doc/client_lua_api.md } ## Create release commit and tag # in: $1 perform_release() { local release_version=$1 RELEASE_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) sed -i '/\<release/s/\(version\)="[^"]*"/\1="'"$release_version"'"/' misc/net.minetest.minetest.appdata.xml sed -i 's/\(<release date\)="[^"]*"/\1="'"$RELEASE_DATE"'"/' misc/net.minetest.minetest.appdata.xml git add -f misc/net.minetest.minetest.appdata.xml git commit -m "Bump version to $release_version" echo "Tagging $release_version" git tag -a "$release_version" -m "$release_version" } ## Create after-release commit # in: NEXT_VERSION back_to_devel() { echo 'Creating "return back to development" commit' git commit -m "Continue with $NEXT_VERSION-dev" } ####################### # Start of main logic: ####################### # Switch to top minetest directory cd ${0%/*}/.. # Determine old versions read_versions # Double-check what we're doing if [ "$VERSION_IS_DEV" -eq 1 ]; then echo "You are on the development branch and about to make a major or minor release." DO_PATCH_REL=0 else echo "You are on the stable/backport branch and about to make a patch release." DO_PATCH_REL=1 fi if [[ "$(prompt_for "Is this correct?" '[Yy][Ee][Ss]|[Nn][Oo]|' no)" != [Yy][Ee][Ss] ]]; then echo "Aborting" exit 1 fi if [ "$DO_PATCH_REL" -eq 0 ]; then # On a regular release the version moves from 5.7.0-dev -> 5.7.0 (new tag) -> 5.8.0-dev old_proto=$(read_proto_ver origin/stable-5) new_proto=$(read_proto_ver HEAD) [ -n "$old_proto" ] [ -n "$new_proto" ] echo "Protocol versions: $old_proto (last release) -> $new_proto (now)" if [ "$new_proto" -le "$old_proto" ]; then echo "The protocol version has not been increased since last release, refusing to continue." exit 1 fi bump_android_ver write_android_version set_dev_build 0 perform_release "$CURRENT_VERSION" bump_version set_dev_build 1 write_new_version back_to_devel else # On a patch release the version moves from 5.7.0 -> 5.7.1 (new tag) bump_android_ver write_android_version bump_version write_new_version perform_release "$NEXT_VERSION" fi