--[[ Register function to easily register new builtin hud elements `def` is a table and contains the following fields: elem_def the HUD element definition which can be changed with hud_replace_builtin events (optional) additional event names on which the element will be updated ("hud_changed" will always be used.) show_elem(player, flags, id) (optional) a function to decide if the element should be shown to a player It is called before the element gets updated. update_def(player, elem_def) (optional) a function to change the elem_def before it will be used. (elem_def can be changed, since the table which got set by using hud_replace_builtin isn't exposed to the API.) update_elem(player, id) (optional) a function to change the element after it has been updated (Is not called when the element is first set or recreated.) ]]-- local registered_elements = {} local update_events = {} local function register_builtin_hud_element(name, def) registered_elements[name] = def for _, event in ipairs(def.events or {}) do update_events[event] = update_events[event] or {} table.insert(update_events[event], name) end end -- Stores HUD ids for all players local hud_ids = {} -- Updates one element -- In case the element is already added, it only calls the update_elem function from -- registered_elements. (To recreate the element remove it first.) local function update_element(player, player_hud_ids, elem_name, flags) local def = registered_elements[elem_name] local id = player_hud_ids[elem_name] if def.show_elem and not def.show_elem(player, flags, id) then if id then player:hud_remove(id) player_hud_ids[elem_name] = nil end return end if not id then if def.update_def then def.update_def(player, def.elem_def) end id = player:hud_add(def.elem_def) player_hud_ids[elem_name] = id return end if def.update_elem then def.update_elem(player, id) end end -- Updates all elements -- If to_update is specified it will only update those elements. local function update_hud(player, to_update) local flags = player:hud_get_flags() local playername = player:get_player_name() hud_ids[playername] = hud_ids[playername] or {} local player_hud_ids = hud_ids[playername] if to_update then for _, elem_name in ipairs(to_update) do update_element(player, player_hud_ids, elem_name, flags) end else for elem_name, _ in pairs(registered_elements) do update_element(player, player_hud_ids, elem_name, flags) end end end local function player_event_handler(player, eventname) assert(player:is_player()) if eventname == "hud_changed" then update_hud(player) return end -- Custom events local to_update = update_events[eventname] if to_update then update_hud(player, to_update) end end -- Returns true if successful, otherwise false, -- but currently the return value is not documented in the Lua API. function core.hud_replace_builtin(elem_name, elem_def) assert(type(elem_def) == "table") local registered = registered_elements[elem_name] if not registered then return false end registered.elem_def = table.copy(elem_def) for playername, player_hud_ids in pairs(hud_ids) do local player = core.get_player_by_name(playername) local id = player_hud_ids[elem_name] if player and id then player:hud_remove(id) player_hud_ids[elem_name] = nil update_element(player, player_hud_ids, elem_name, player:hud_get_flags()) end end return true end local function cleanup_builtin_hud(player) hud_ids[player:get_player_name()] = nil end -- Append "update_hud" as late as possible -- This ensures that the HUD is hidden when the flags are updated in this callback core.register_on_mods_loaded(function() core.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) update_hud(player) end) end) core.register_on_leaveplayer(cleanup_builtin_hud) core.register_playerevent(player_event_handler) ---- Builtin HUD Elements --- Healthbar -- Cache setting local enable_damage = core.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") local function scale_to_hud_max(player, field) -- Scale "hp" or "breath" to the hud maximum dimensions local current = player["get_" .. field](player) local nominal if field == "hp" then -- HUD is called health but field is hp nominal = registered_elements.health.elem_def.item else nominal = registered_elements[field].elem_def.item end local max_display = math.max(player:get_properties()[field .. "_max"], current) return math.ceil(current / max_display * nominal) end register_builtin_hud_element("health", { elem_def = { type = "statbar", position = {x = 0.5, y = 1}, text = "heart.png", text2 = "heart_gone.png", number = core.PLAYER_MAX_HP_DEFAULT, item = core.PLAYER_MAX_HP_DEFAULT, direction = 0, size = {x = 24, y = 24}, offset = {x = (-10 * 24) - 25, y = -(48 + 24 + 16)}, }, events = {"properties_changed", "health_changed"}, show_elem = function(player, flags) return flags.healthbar and enable_damage and player:get_armor_groups().immortal ~= 1 end, update_def = function(player, elem_def) elem_def.item = elem_def.item or elem_def.number or core.PLAYER_MAX_HP_DEFAULT elem_def.number = scale_to_hud_max(player, "hp") end, update_elem = function(player, id) player:hud_change(id, "number", scale_to_hud_max(player, "hp")) end, }) --- Breathbar -- Stores core.after calls for every player local breathbar_removal_jobs = {} register_builtin_hud_element("breath", { elem_def = { type = "statbar", position = {x = 0.5, y = 1}, text = "bubble.png", text2 = "bubble_gone.png", number = core.PLAYER_MAX_BREATH_DEFAULT * 2, item = core.PLAYER_MAX_BREATH_DEFAULT * 2, direction = 0, size = {x = 24, y = 24}, offset = {x = 25, y= -(48 + 24 + 16)}, }, events = {"properties_changed", "breath_changed"}, show_elem = function(player, flags, id) local show_breathbar = flags.breathbar and enable_damage and player:get_armor_groups().immortal ~= 1 if id then -- The element will not prematurely be removed by update_element -- (but may still be instantly removed if the flag changed) return show_breathbar end -- Don't add the element if the breath is full local breath_relevant = player:get_breath() < player:get_properties().breath_max return show_breathbar and breath_relevant end, update_def = function(player, elem_def) elem_def.item = elem_def.item or elem_def.number or core.PLAYER_MAX_BREATH_DEFAULT elem_def.number = scale_to_hud_max(player, "breath") end, update_elem = function(player, id) player:hud_change(id, "number", scale_to_hud_max(player, "breath")) local player_name = player:get_player_name() local breath_relevant = player:get_breath() < player:get_properties().breath_max if not breath_relevant then if not breathbar_removal_jobs[player_name] then -- The breathbar stays for some time and then gets removed. breathbar_removal_jobs[player_name] = core.after(1, function() local player = core.get_player_by_name(player_name) local player_hud_ids = hud_ids[player_name] if player and player_hud_ids and player_hud_ids.breath then player:hud_remove(player_hud_ids.breath) player_hud_ids.breath = nil end breathbar_removal_jobs[player_name] = nil end) end else -- Cancel removal local job = breathbar_removal_jobs[player_name] if job then job:cancel() breathbar_removal_jobs[player_name] = nil end end end, }) --- Minimap register_builtin_hud_element("minimap", { elem_def = { type = "minimap", position = {x = 1, y = 0}, alignment = {x = -1, y = 1}, offset = {x = -10, y = 10}, size = {x = 256, y = 256}, }, show_elem = function(player, flags) -- Don't add a minimap for clients which already have it hardcoded in C++. return flags.minimap and core.get_player_information(player:get_player_name()).protocol_version >= 44 end, }) --- Hotbar register_builtin_hud_element("hotbar", { elem_def = { type = "hotbar", position = {x = 0.5, y = 1}, direction = 0, alignment = {x = 0, y = -1}, offset = {x = 0, y = -4}, -- Extra padding below. }, show_elem = function(player, flags) return flags.hotbar end, })