// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "CGUIEditBox.h" #include "IGUISkin.h" #include "IGUIEnvironment.h" #include "IGUIFont.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "rect.h" #include "os.h" #include "Keycodes.h" /* todo: optional scrollbars ctrl+left/right to select word double click/ctrl click: word select + drag to select whole words, triple click to select line optional? dragging selected text numerical */ namespace irr { namespace gui { //! constructor CGUIEditBox::CGUIEditBox(const wchar_t *text, bool border, IGUIEnvironment *environment, IGUIElement *parent, s32 id, const core::rect &rectangle) : IGUIEditBox(environment, parent, id, rectangle), OverwriteMode(false), MouseMarking(false), Border(border), Background(true), OverrideColorEnabled(false), MarkBegin(0), MarkEnd(0), OverrideColor(video::SColor(101, 255, 255, 255)), OverrideFont(0), LastBreakFont(0), Operator(0), BlinkStartTime(0), CursorBlinkTime(350), CursorChar(L"_"), CursorPos(0), HScrollPos(0), VScrollPos(0), Max(0), WordWrap(false), MultiLine(false), AutoScroll(true), PasswordBox(false), PasswordChar(L'*'), HAlign(EGUIA_UPPERLEFT), VAlign(EGUIA_CENTER), CurrentTextRect(0, 0, 1, 1), FrameRect(rectangle) { Text = text; if (Environment) Operator = Environment->getOSOperator(); if (Operator) Operator->grab(); // this element can be tabbed to setTabStop(true); setTabOrder(-1); calculateFrameRect(); breakText(); calculateScrollPos(); } //! destructor CGUIEditBox::~CGUIEditBox() { if (OverrideFont) OverrideFont->drop(); if (Operator) Operator->drop(); } //! Sets another skin independent font. void CGUIEditBox::setOverrideFont(IGUIFont *font) { if (OverrideFont == font) return; if (OverrideFont) OverrideFont->drop(); OverrideFont = font; if (OverrideFont) OverrideFont->grab(); breakText(); } //! Gets the override font (if any) IGUIFont *CGUIEditBox::getOverrideFont() const { return OverrideFont; } //! Get the font which is used right now for drawing IGUIFont *CGUIEditBox::getActiveFont() const { if (OverrideFont) return OverrideFont; IGUISkin *skin = Environment->getSkin(); if (skin) return skin->getFont(); return 0; } //! Sets another color for the text. void CGUIEditBox::setOverrideColor(video::SColor color) { OverrideColor = color; OverrideColorEnabled = true; } video::SColor CGUIEditBox::getOverrideColor() const { return OverrideColor; } //! Turns the border on or off void CGUIEditBox::setDrawBorder(bool border) { Border = border; } //! Checks if border drawing is enabled bool CGUIEditBox::isDrawBorderEnabled() const { return Border; } //! Sets whether to draw the background void CGUIEditBox::setDrawBackground(bool draw) { Background = draw; } //! Checks if background drawing is enabled bool CGUIEditBox::isDrawBackgroundEnabled() const { return Background; } //! Sets if the text should use the override color or the color in the gui skin. void CGUIEditBox::enableOverrideColor(bool enable) { OverrideColorEnabled = enable; } bool CGUIEditBox::isOverrideColorEnabled() const { return OverrideColorEnabled; } //! Enables or disables word wrap void CGUIEditBox::setWordWrap(bool enable) { WordWrap = enable; breakText(); } void CGUIEditBox::updateAbsolutePosition() { core::rect oldAbsoluteRect(AbsoluteRect); IGUIElement::updateAbsolutePosition(); if (oldAbsoluteRect != AbsoluteRect) { calculateFrameRect(); breakText(); calculateScrollPos(); } } //! Checks if word wrap is enabled bool CGUIEditBox::isWordWrapEnabled() const { return WordWrap; } //! Enables or disables newlines. void CGUIEditBox::setMultiLine(bool enable) { MultiLine = enable; breakText(); } //! Checks if multi line editing is enabled bool CGUIEditBox::isMultiLineEnabled() const { return MultiLine; } void CGUIEditBox::setPasswordBox(bool passwordBox, wchar_t passwordChar) { PasswordBox = passwordBox; if (PasswordBox) { PasswordChar = passwordChar; setMultiLine(false); setWordWrap(false); BrokenText.clear(); } } bool CGUIEditBox::isPasswordBox() const { return PasswordBox; } //! Sets text justification void CGUIEditBox::setTextAlignment(EGUI_ALIGNMENT horizontal, EGUI_ALIGNMENT vertical) { HAlign = horizontal; VAlign = vertical; } //! called if an event happened. bool CGUIEditBox::OnEvent(const SEvent &event) { if (isEnabled()) { switch (event.EventType) { case EET_GUI_EVENT: if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST) { if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == this) { MouseMarking = false; setTextMarkers(0, 0); } } break; case EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT: if (processKey(event)) return true; break; case EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT: if (processMouse(event)) return true; break; case EET_STRING_INPUT_EVENT: inputString(*event.StringInput.Str); return true; break; default: break; } } return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event); } bool CGUIEditBox::processKey(const SEvent &event) { if (!event.KeyInput.PressedDown) return false; bool textChanged = false; s32 newMarkBegin = MarkBegin; s32 newMarkEnd = MarkEnd; // control shortcut handling if (event.KeyInput.Control) { // german backlash '\' entered with control + '?' if (event.KeyInput.Char == '\\') { inputChar(event.KeyInput.Char); return true; } switch (event.KeyInput.Key) { case KEY_KEY_A: // select all newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = Text.size(); break; case KEY_KEY_C: // copy to clipboard if (!PasswordBox && Operator && MarkBegin != MarkEnd) { const s32 realmbgn = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd; const s32 realmend = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkEnd : MarkBegin; core::stringc s; wStringToUTF8(s, Text.subString(realmbgn, realmend - realmbgn)); Operator->copyToClipboard(s.c_str()); } break; case KEY_KEY_X: // cut to the clipboard if (!PasswordBox && Operator && MarkBegin != MarkEnd) { const s32 realmbgn = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd; const s32 realmend = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkEnd : MarkBegin; // copy core::stringc sc; wStringToUTF8(sc, Text.subString(realmbgn, realmend - realmbgn)); Operator->copyToClipboard(sc.c_str()); if (isEnabled()) { // delete core::stringw s; s = Text.subString(0, realmbgn); s.append(Text.subString(realmend, Text.size() - realmend)); Text = s; CursorPos = realmbgn; newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; textChanged = true; } } break; case KEY_KEY_V: if (!isEnabled()) break; // paste from the clipboard if (Operator) { const s32 realmbgn = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd; const s32 realmend = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkEnd : MarkBegin; // add the string const c8 *p = Operator->getTextFromClipboard(); if (p) { irr::core::stringw widep; core::utf8ToWString(widep, p); if (MarkBegin == MarkEnd) { // insert text core::stringw s = Text.subString(0, CursorPos); s.append(widep); s.append(Text.subString(CursorPos, Text.size() - CursorPos)); if (!Max || s.size() <= Max) { // thx to Fish FH for fix Text = s; s = widep; CursorPos += s.size(); } } else { // replace text core::stringw s = Text.subString(0, realmbgn); s.append(widep); s.append(Text.subString(realmend, Text.size() - realmend)); if (!Max || s.size() <= Max) { // thx to Fish FH for fix Text = s; s = widep; CursorPos = realmbgn + s.size(); } } } newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; textChanged = true; } break; case KEY_HOME: // move/highlight to start of text if (event.KeyInput.Shift) { newMarkEnd = CursorPos; newMarkBegin = 0; CursorPos = 0; } else { CursorPos = 0; newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; } break; case KEY_END: // move/highlight to end of text if (event.KeyInput.Shift) { newMarkBegin = CursorPos; newMarkEnd = Text.size(); CursorPos = 0; } else { CursorPos = Text.size(); newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; } break; default: return false; } } // Some special keys - but only handle them if KeyInput.Char is null as on some systems (X11) they might have same key-code as ansi-keys otherwise else if (event.KeyInput.Char == 0) { switch (event.KeyInput.Key) { case KEY_END: { s32 p = Text.size(); if (WordWrap || MultiLine) { p = getLineFromPos(CursorPos); p = BrokenTextPositions[p] + (s32)BrokenText[p].size(); if (p > 0 && (Text[p - 1] == L'\r' || Text[p - 1] == L'\n')) p -= 1; } if (event.KeyInput.Shift) { if (MarkBegin == MarkEnd) newMarkBegin = CursorPos; newMarkEnd = p; } else { newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; } CursorPos = p; BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); } break; case KEY_HOME: { s32 p = 0; if (WordWrap || MultiLine) { p = getLineFromPos(CursorPos); p = BrokenTextPositions[p]; } if (event.KeyInput.Shift) { if (MarkBegin == MarkEnd) newMarkBegin = CursorPos; newMarkEnd = p; } else { newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; } CursorPos = p; BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); } break; case KEY_LEFT: if (event.KeyInput.Shift) { if (CursorPos > 0) { if (MarkBegin == MarkEnd) newMarkBegin = CursorPos; newMarkEnd = CursorPos - 1; } } else { newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; } if (CursorPos > 0) CursorPos--; BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (event.KeyInput.Shift) { if (Text.size() > (u32)CursorPos) { if (MarkBegin == MarkEnd) newMarkBegin = CursorPos; newMarkEnd = CursorPos + 1; } } else { newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; } if (Text.size() > (u32)CursorPos) CursorPos++; BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); break; case KEY_UP: if (MultiLine || (WordWrap && BrokenText.size() > 1)) { s32 lineNo = getLineFromPos(CursorPos); s32 mb = (MarkBegin == MarkEnd) ? CursorPos : (MarkBegin > MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd); if (lineNo > 0) { s32 cp = CursorPos - BrokenTextPositions[lineNo]; if ((s32)BrokenText[lineNo - 1].size() < cp) CursorPos = BrokenTextPositions[lineNo - 1] + core::max_((u32)1, BrokenText[lineNo - 1].size()) - 1; else CursorPos = BrokenTextPositions[lineNo - 1] + cp; } if (event.KeyInput.Shift) { newMarkBegin = mb; newMarkEnd = CursorPos; } else { newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; } } else { return false; } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (MultiLine || (WordWrap && BrokenText.size() > 1)) { s32 lineNo = getLineFromPos(CursorPos); s32 mb = (MarkBegin == MarkEnd) ? CursorPos : (MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd); if (lineNo < (s32)BrokenText.size() - 1) { s32 cp = CursorPos - BrokenTextPositions[lineNo]; if ((s32)BrokenText[lineNo + 1].size() < cp) CursorPos = BrokenTextPositions[lineNo + 1] + core::max_((u32)1, BrokenText[lineNo + 1].size()) - 1; else CursorPos = BrokenTextPositions[lineNo + 1] + cp; } if (event.KeyInput.Shift) { newMarkBegin = mb; newMarkEnd = CursorPos; } else { newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; } } else { return false; } break; case KEY_INSERT: if (!isEnabled()) break; OverwriteMode = !OverwriteMode; break; case KEY_DELETE: if (!isEnabled()) break; if (keyDelete()) { BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; textChanged = true; } break; default: return false; } } else { // default keyboard handling switch (event.KeyInput.Key) { case KEY_RETURN: if (MultiLine) { inputChar(L'\n'); } else { calculateScrollPos(); sendGuiEvent(EGET_EDITBOX_ENTER); } return true; case KEY_BACK: if (!isEnabled()) break; if (Text.size()) { core::stringw s; if (MarkBegin != MarkEnd) { // delete marked text const s32 realmbgn = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd; const s32 realmend = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkEnd : MarkBegin; s = Text.subString(0, realmbgn); s.append(Text.subString(realmend, Text.size() - realmend)); Text = s; CursorPos = realmbgn; } else { // delete text behind cursor if (CursorPos > 0) s = Text.subString(0, CursorPos - 1); else s = L""; s.append(Text.subString(CursorPos, Text.size() - CursorPos)); Text = s; --CursorPos; } if (CursorPos < 0) CursorPos = 0; BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; textChanged = true; } break; case KEY_DELETE: // At least on X11 we get a char with 127 when the delete key is pressed. // We get no char when the delete key on numkeys is pressed with numlock off (handled in the other case calling keyDelete as Char is then 0). // We get a keykode != 127 when delete key on numlock is pressed with numlock on. if (event.KeyInput.Char == 127) { if (!isEnabled()) break; if (keyDelete()) { BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); newMarkBegin = 0; newMarkEnd = 0; textChanged = true; } break; } else { inputChar(event.KeyInput.Char); return true; } case KEY_ESCAPE: case KEY_TAB: case KEY_SHIFT: case KEY_F1: case KEY_F2: case KEY_F3: case KEY_F4: case KEY_F5: case KEY_F6: case KEY_F7: case KEY_F8: case KEY_F9: case KEY_F10: case KEY_F11: case KEY_F12: case KEY_F13: case KEY_F14: case KEY_F15: case KEY_F16: case KEY_F17: case KEY_F18: case KEY_F19: case KEY_F20: case KEY_F21: case KEY_F22: case KEY_F23: case KEY_F24: // ignore these keys return false; default: inputChar(event.KeyInput.Char); return true; } } // Set new text markers setTextMarkers(newMarkBegin, newMarkEnd); // break the text if it has changed if (textChanged) { breakText(); calculateScrollPos(); sendGuiEvent(EGET_EDITBOX_CHANGED); } else { calculateScrollPos(); } return true; } bool CGUIEditBox::keyDelete() { if (Text.size() != 0) { core::stringw s; if (MarkBegin != MarkEnd) { // delete marked text const s32 realmbgn = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd; const s32 realmend = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkEnd : MarkBegin; s = Text.subString(0, realmbgn); s.append(Text.subString(realmend, Text.size() - realmend)); Text = s; CursorPos = realmbgn; } else { // delete text before cursor s = Text.subString(0, CursorPos); s.append(Text.subString(CursorPos + 1, Text.size() - CursorPos - 1)); Text = s; } if (CursorPos > (s32)Text.size()) CursorPos = (s32)Text.size(); return true; } return false; } //! draws the element and its children void CGUIEditBox::draw() { if (!IsVisible) return; const bool focus = Environment->hasFocus(this); IGUISkin *skin = Environment->getSkin(); if (!skin) return; EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR bgCol = EGDC_GRAY_EDITABLE; if (isEnabled()) bgCol = focus ? EGDC_FOCUSED_EDITABLE : EGDC_EDITABLE; if (!Border && Background) { skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(bgCol), AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect); } if (Border) { // draw the border skin->draw3DSunkenPane(this, skin->getColor(bgCol), false, Background, AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect); calculateFrameRect(); } core::rect localClipRect = FrameRect; localClipRect.clipAgainst(AbsoluteClippingRect); // draw the text IGUIFont *font = getActiveFont(); s32 cursorLine = 0; s32 charcursorpos = 0; if (font) { if (LastBreakFont != font) { breakText(); } // calculate cursor pos core::stringw *txtLine = &Text; s32 startPos = 0; core::stringw s, s2; // get mark position const bool ml = (!PasswordBox && (WordWrap || MultiLine)); const s32 realmbgn = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd; const s32 realmend = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkEnd : MarkBegin; const s32 hlineStart = ml ? getLineFromPos(realmbgn) : 0; const s32 hlineCount = ml ? getLineFromPos(realmend) - hlineStart + 1 : 1; const s32 lineCount = ml ? BrokenText.size() : 1; // Save the override color information. // Then, alter it if the edit box is disabled. const bool prevOver = OverrideColorEnabled; const video::SColor prevColor = OverrideColor; if (Text.size()) { if (!isEnabled() && !OverrideColorEnabled) { OverrideColorEnabled = true; OverrideColor = skin->getColor(EGDC_GRAY_TEXT); } for (s32 i = 0; i < lineCount; ++i) { setTextRect(i); // clipping test - don't draw anything outside the visible area core::rect c = localClipRect; c.clipAgainst(CurrentTextRect); if (!c.isValid()) continue; // get current line if (PasswordBox) { if (BrokenText.size() != 1) { BrokenText.clear(); BrokenText.push_back(core::stringw()); } if (BrokenText[0].size() != Text.size()) { BrokenText[0] = Text; for (u32 q = 0; q < Text.size(); ++q) { BrokenText[0][q] = PasswordChar; } } txtLine = &BrokenText[0]; startPos = 0; } else { txtLine = ml ? &BrokenText[i] : &Text; startPos = ml ? BrokenTextPositions[i] : 0; } // draw normal text font->draw(txtLine->c_str(), CurrentTextRect, OverrideColorEnabled ? OverrideColor : skin->getColor(EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT), false, true, &localClipRect); // draw mark and marked text if (focus && MarkBegin != MarkEnd && i >= hlineStart && i < hlineStart + hlineCount) { s32 mbegin = 0, mend = 0; s32 lineStartPos = 0, lineEndPos = txtLine->size(); if (i == hlineStart) { // highlight start is on this line s = txtLine->subString(0, realmbgn - startPos); mbegin = font->getDimension(s.c_str()).Width; // deal with kerning mbegin += font->getKerningWidth( &((*txtLine)[realmbgn - startPos]), realmbgn - startPos > 0 ? &((*txtLine)[realmbgn - startPos - 1]) : 0); lineStartPos = realmbgn - startPos; } if (i == hlineStart + hlineCount - 1) { // highlight end is on this line s2 = txtLine->subString(0, realmend - startPos); mend = font->getDimension(s2.c_str()).Width; lineEndPos = (s32)s2.size(); } else mend = font->getDimension(txtLine->c_str()).Width; CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X += mbegin; CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.X = CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + mend - mbegin; // draw mark skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_HIGH_LIGHT), CurrentTextRect, &localClipRect); // draw marked text s = txtLine->subString(lineStartPos, lineEndPos - lineStartPos); if (s.size()) font->draw(s.c_str(), CurrentTextRect, OverrideColorEnabled ? OverrideColor : skin->getColor(EGDC_HIGH_LIGHT_TEXT), false, true, &localClipRect); } } // Return the override color information to its previous settings. OverrideColorEnabled = prevOver; OverrideColor = prevColor; } // draw cursor if (isEnabled()) { if (WordWrap || MultiLine) { cursorLine = getLineFromPos(CursorPos); txtLine = &BrokenText[cursorLine]; startPos = BrokenTextPositions[cursorLine]; } s = txtLine->subString(0, CursorPos - startPos); charcursorpos = font->getDimension(s.c_str()).Width + font->getKerningWidth(CursorChar.c_str(), CursorPos - startPos > 0 ? &((*txtLine)[CursorPos - startPos - 1]) : 0); if (focus && (CursorBlinkTime == 0 || (os::Timer::getTime() - BlinkStartTime) % (2 * CursorBlinkTime) < CursorBlinkTime)) { setTextRect(cursorLine); CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X += charcursorpos; if (OverwriteMode) { core::stringw character = Text.subString(CursorPos, 1); s32 mend = font->getDimension(character.c_str()).Width; // Make sure the cursor box has at least some width to it if (mend <= 0) mend = font->getDimension(CursorChar.c_str()).Width; CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.X = CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + mend; skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_HIGH_LIGHT), CurrentTextRect, &localClipRect); font->draw(character.c_str(), CurrentTextRect, OverrideColorEnabled ? OverrideColor : skin->getColor(EGDC_HIGH_LIGHT_TEXT), false, true, &localClipRect); } else { font->draw(CursorChar, CurrentTextRect, OverrideColorEnabled ? OverrideColor : skin->getColor(EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT), false, true, &localClipRect); } } } } // draw children IGUIElement::draw(); } //! Sets the new caption of this element. void CGUIEditBox::setText(const wchar_t *text) { Text = text; if (u32(CursorPos) > Text.size()) CursorPos = Text.size(); HScrollPos = 0; breakText(); } //! Enables or disables automatic scrolling with cursor position //! \param enable: If set to true, the text will move around with the cursor position void CGUIEditBox::setAutoScroll(bool enable) { AutoScroll = enable; } //! Checks to see if automatic scrolling is enabled //! \return true if automatic scrolling is enabled, false if not bool CGUIEditBox::isAutoScrollEnabled() const { return AutoScroll; } //! Gets the area of the text in the edit box //! \return Returns the size in pixels of the text core::dimension2du CGUIEditBox::getTextDimension() { core::rect ret; setTextRect(0); ret = CurrentTextRect; for (u32 i = 1; i < BrokenText.size(); ++i) { setTextRect(i); ret.addInternalPoint(CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner); ret.addInternalPoint(CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner); } return core::dimension2du(ret.getSize()); } //! Sets the maximum amount of characters which may be entered in the box. //! \param max: Maximum amount of characters. If 0, the character amount is //! infinity. void CGUIEditBox::setMax(u32 max) { Max = max; if (Text.size() > Max && Max != 0) Text = Text.subString(0, Max); } //! Returns maximum amount of characters, previously set by setMax(); u32 CGUIEditBox::getMax() const { return Max; } //! Set the character used for the cursor. /** By default it's "_" */ void CGUIEditBox::setCursorChar(const wchar_t cursorChar) { CursorChar[0] = cursorChar; } //! Get the character used for the cursor. wchar_t CGUIEditBox::getCursorChar() const { return CursorChar[0]; } //! Set the blinktime for the cursor. 2x blinktime is one full cycle. void CGUIEditBox::setCursorBlinkTime(irr::u32 timeMs) { CursorBlinkTime = timeMs; } //! Get the cursor blinktime irr::u32 CGUIEditBox::getCursorBlinkTime() const { return CursorBlinkTime; } bool CGUIEditBox::processMouse(const SEvent &event) { switch (event.MouseInput.Event) { case irr::EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP: if (Environment->hasFocus(this)) { CursorPos = getCursorPos(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y); if (MouseMarking) { setTextMarkers(MarkBegin, CursorPos); } MouseMarking = false; calculateScrollPos(); return true; } break; case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: { if (MouseMarking) { CursorPos = getCursorPos(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y); setTextMarkers(MarkBegin, CursorPos); calculateScrollPos(); return true; } } break; case EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: if (!Environment->hasFocus(this)) { // can happen when events are manually send to the element BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); MouseMarking = true; CursorPos = getCursorPos(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y); setTextMarkers(CursorPos, CursorPos); calculateScrollPos(); return true; } else { if (!AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside( core::position2d(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y))) { return false; } else { // move cursor CursorPos = getCursorPos(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y); s32 newMarkBegin = MarkBegin; if (!MouseMarking) newMarkBegin = CursorPos; MouseMarking = true; setTextMarkers(newMarkBegin, CursorPos); calculateScrollPos(); return true; } } case EMIE_MMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: { if (!AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside(core::position2d( event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y))) return false; if (!Environment->hasFocus(this)) { BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); } // move cursor and disable marking CursorPos = getCursorPos(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y); MouseMarking = false; setTextMarkers(CursorPos, CursorPos); // paste from the primary selection inputString([&] { irr::core::stringw inserted_text; if (!Operator) return inserted_text; const c8 *inserted_text_utf8 = Operator->getTextFromPrimarySelection(); if (!inserted_text_utf8) return inserted_text; core::utf8ToWString(inserted_text, inserted_text_utf8); return inserted_text; }()); return true; } default: break; } return false; } s32 CGUIEditBox::getCursorPos(s32 x, s32 y) { IGUIFont *font = getActiveFont(); const u32 lineCount = (WordWrap || MultiLine) ? BrokenText.size() : 1; core::stringw *txtLine = 0; s32 startPos = 0; x += 3; for (u32 i = 0; i < lineCount; ++i) { setTextRect(i); if (i == 0 && y < CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y) y = CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y; if (i == lineCount - 1 && y > CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.Y) y = CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.Y; // is it inside this region? if (y >= CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y && y <= CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.Y) { // we've found the clicked line txtLine = (WordWrap || MultiLine) ? &BrokenText[i] : &Text; startPos = (WordWrap || MultiLine) ? BrokenTextPositions[i] : 0; break; } } if (x < CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X) x = CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X; if (!txtLine) return 0; s32 idx = font->getCharacterFromPos(txtLine->c_str(), x - CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X); // click was on or left of the line if (idx != -1) return idx + startPos; // click was off the right edge of the line, go to end. return txtLine->size() + startPos; } //! Breaks the single text line. void CGUIEditBox::breakText() { if ((!WordWrap && !MultiLine)) return; BrokenText.clear(); // need to reallocate :/ BrokenTextPositions.set_used(0); IGUIFont *font = getActiveFont(); if (!font) return; LastBreakFont = font; core::stringw line; core::stringw word; core::stringw whitespace; s32 lastLineStart = 0; s32 size = Text.size(); s32 length = 0; s32 elWidth = RelativeRect.getWidth() - 6; wchar_t c; for (s32 i = 0; i < size; ++i) { c = Text[i]; bool lineBreak = false; if (c == L'\r') { // Mac or Windows breaks lineBreak = true; c = 0; if (Text[i + 1] == L'\n') { // Windows breaks // TODO: I (Michael) think that we shouldn't change the text given by the user for whatever reason. // Instead rework the cursor positioning to be able to handle this (but not in stable release // branch as users might already expect this behavior). Text.erase(i + 1); --size; if (CursorPos > i) --CursorPos; } } else if (c == L'\n') { // Unix breaks lineBreak = true; c = 0; } // don't break if we're not a multi-line edit box if (!MultiLine) lineBreak = false; if (c == L' ' || c == 0 || i == (size - 1)) { // here comes the next whitespace, look if // we can break the last word to the next line // We also break whitespace, otherwise cursor would vanish beside the right border. s32 whitelgth = font->getDimension(whitespace.c_str()).Width; s32 worldlgth = font->getDimension(word.c_str()).Width; if (WordWrap && length + worldlgth + whitelgth > elWidth && line.size() > 0) { // break to next line length = worldlgth; BrokenText.push_back(line); BrokenTextPositions.push_back(lastLineStart); lastLineStart = i - (s32)word.size(); line = word; } else { // add word to line line += whitespace; line += word; length += whitelgth + worldlgth; } word = L""; whitespace = L""; if (c) whitespace += c; // compute line break if (lineBreak) { line += whitespace; line += word; BrokenText.push_back(line); BrokenTextPositions.push_back(lastLineStart); lastLineStart = i + 1; line = L""; word = L""; whitespace = L""; length = 0; } } else { // yippee this is a word.. word += c; } } line += whitespace; line += word; BrokenText.push_back(line); BrokenTextPositions.push_back(lastLineStart); } // TODO: that function does interpret VAlign according to line-index (indexed line is placed on top-center-bottom) // but HAlign according to line-width (pixels) and not by row. // Intuitively I suppose HAlign handling is better as VScrollPos should handle the line-scrolling. // But please no one change this without also rewriting (and this time fucking testing!!!) autoscrolling (I noticed this when fixing the old autoscrolling). void CGUIEditBox::setTextRect(s32 line) { if (line < 0) return; IGUIFont *font = getActiveFont(); if (!font) return; core::dimension2du d; // get text dimension const u32 lineCount = (WordWrap || MultiLine) ? BrokenText.size() : 1; if (WordWrap || MultiLine) { d = font->getDimension(BrokenText[line].c_str()); } else { d = font->getDimension(Text.c_str()); d.Height = AbsoluteRect.getHeight(); } d.Height += font->getKerningHeight(); // justification switch (HAlign) { case EGUIA_CENTER: // align to h centre CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = (FrameRect.getWidth() / 2) - (d.Width / 2); CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.X = (FrameRect.getWidth() / 2) + (d.Width / 2); break; case EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT: // align to right edge CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = FrameRect.getWidth() - d.Width; CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.X = FrameRect.getWidth(); break; default: // align to left edge CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = 0; CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.X = d.Width; } switch (VAlign) { case EGUIA_CENTER: // align to v centre CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (FrameRect.getHeight() / 2) - (lineCount * d.Height) / 2 + d.Height * line; break; case EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT: // align to bottom edge CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = FrameRect.getHeight() - lineCount * d.Height + d.Height * line; break; default: // align to top edge CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = d.Height * line; break; } CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X -= HScrollPos; CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.X -= HScrollPos; CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y -= VScrollPos; CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.Y = CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + d.Height; CurrentTextRect += FrameRect.UpperLeftCorner; } s32 CGUIEditBox::getLineFromPos(s32 pos) { if (!WordWrap && !MultiLine) return 0; s32 i = 0; while (i < (s32)BrokenTextPositions.size()) { if (BrokenTextPositions[i] > pos) return i - 1; ++i; } return (s32)BrokenTextPositions.size() - 1; } void CGUIEditBox::inputChar(wchar_t c) { if (c == 0) return; core::stringw s(&c, 1); inputString(s); } void CGUIEditBox::inputString(const core::stringw &str) { if (!isEnabled()) return; core::stringw s; u32 len = str.size(); if (MarkBegin != MarkEnd) { // replace marked text const s32 realmbgn = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd; const s32 realmend = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkEnd : MarkBegin; s = Text.subString(0, realmbgn); s.append(str); s.append(Text.subString(realmend, Text.size() - realmend)); Text = s; CursorPos = realmbgn + len; } else if (OverwriteMode) { // check to see if we are at the end of the text if ((u32)CursorPos + len < Text.size()) { bool isEOL = false; s32 EOLPos; for (u32 i = CursorPos; i < CursorPos + len && i < Max; i++) { if (Text[i] == L'\n' || Text[i] == L'\r') { isEOL = true; EOLPos = i; break; } } if (!isEOL || Text.size() + len <= Max || Max == 0) { s = Text.subString(0, CursorPos); s.append(str); if (isEOL) { // just keep appending to the current line // This follows the behavior of other gui libraries behaviors s.append(Text.subString(EOLPos, Text.size() - EOLPos)); } else { // replace the next character s.append(Text.subString(CursorPos + len, Text.size() - CursorPos - len)); } Text = s; CursorPos += len; } } else if (Text.size() + len <= Max || Max == 0) { // add new character because we are at the end of the string s = Text.subString(0, CursorPos); s.append(str); s.append(Text.subString(CursorPos + len, Text.size() - CursorPos - len)); Text = s; CursorPos += len; } } else if (Text.size() + len <= Max || Max == 0) { // add new character s = Text.subString(0, CursorPos); s.append(str); s.append(Text.subString(CursorPos, Text.size() - CursorPos)); Text = s; CursorPos += len; } BlinkStartTime = os::Timer::getTime(); setTextMarkers(0, 0); breakText(); calculateScrollPos(); sendGuiEvent(EGET_EDITBOX_CHANGED); } // calculate autoscroll void CGUIEditBox::calculateScrollPos() { if (!AutoScroll) return; IGUIFont *font = getActiveFont(); if (!font) return; s32 cursLine = getLineFromPos(CursorPos); if (cursLine < 0) return; setTextRect(cursLine); const bool hasBrokenText = MultiLine || WordWrap; // Check horizonal scrolling // NOTE: Calculations different to vertical scrolling because setTextRect interprets VAlign relative to line but HAlign not relative to row { // get cursor position // get cursor area irr::u32 cursorWidth = font->getDimension(CursorChar.c_str()).Width; core::stringw *txtLine = hasBrokenText ? &BrokenText[cursLine] : &Text; s32 cPos = hasBrokenText ? CursorPos - BrokenTextPositions[cursLine] : CursorPos; // column s32 cStart = font->getDimension(txtLine->subString(0, cPos).c_str()).Width; // pixels from text-start s32 cEnd = cStart + cursorWidth; s32 txtWidth = font->getDimension(txtLine->c_str()).Width; if (txtWidth < FrameRect.getWidth()) { // TODO: Needs a clean left and right gap removal depending on HAlign, similar to vertical scrolling tests for top/bottom. // This check just fixes the case where it was most noticable (text smaller than clipping area). HScrollPos = 0; setTextRect(cursLine); } if (CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + cStart < FrameRect.UpperLeftCorner.X) { // cursor to the left of the clipping area HScrollPos -= FrameRect.UpperLeftCorner.X - (CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + cStart); setTextRect(cursLine); // TODO: should show more characters to the left when we're scrolling left // and the cursor reaches the border. } else if (CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + cEnd > FrameRect.LowerRightCorner.X) { // cursor to the right of the clipping area HScrollPos += (CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + cEnd) - FrameRect.LowerRightCorner.X; setTextRect(cursLine); } } // calculate vertical scrolling if (hasBrokenText) { irr::u32 lineHeight = font->getDimension(L"A").Height + font->getKerningHeight(); // only up to 1 line fits? if (lineHeight >= (irr::u32)FrameRect.getHeight()) { VScrollPos = 0; setTextRect(cursLine); s32 unscrolledPos = CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y; s32 pivot = FrameRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y; switch (VAlign) { case EGUIA_CENTER: pivot += FrameRect.getHeight() / 2; unscrolledPos += lineHeight / 2; break; case EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT: pivot += FrameRect.getHeight(); unscrolledPos += lineHeight; break; default: break; } VScrollPos = unscrolledPos - pivot; setTextRect(cursLine); } else { // First 2 checks are necessary when people delete lines setTextRect(0); if (CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y > FrameRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y && VAlign != EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT) { // first line is leaving a gap on top VScrollPos = 0; } else if (VAlign != EGUIA_UPPERLEFT) { u32 lastLine = BrokenTextPositions.empty() ? 0 : BrokenTextPositions.size() - 1; setTextRect(lastLine); if (CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.Y < FrameRect.LowerRightCorner.Y) { // last line is leaving a gap on bottom VScrollPos -= FrameRect.LowerRightCorner.Y - CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.Y; } } setTextRect(cursLine); if (CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y < FrameRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y) { // text above valid area VScrollPos -= FrameRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y - CurrentTextRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y; setTextRect(cursLine); } else if (CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.Y > FrameRect.LowerRightCorner.Y) { // text below valid area VScrollPos += CurrentTextRect.LowerRightCorner.Y - FrameRect.LowerRightCorner.Y; setTextRect(cursLine); } } } } void CGUIEditBox::calculateFrameRect() { FrameRect = AbsoluteRect; IGUISkin *skin = 0; if (Environment) skin = Environment->getSkin(); if (Border && skin) { FrameRect.UpperLeftCorner.X += skin->getSize(EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_X) + 1; FrameRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y += skin->getSize(EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_Y) + 1; FrameRect.LowerRightCorner.X -= skin->getSize(EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_X) + 1; FrameRect.LowerRightCorner.Y -= skin->getSize(EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_Y) + 1; } } //! set text markers void CGUIEditBox::setTextMarkers(s32 begin, s32 end) { if (begin != MarkBegin || end != MarkEnd) { MarkBegin = begin; MarkEnd = end; if (!PasswordBox && Operator && MarkBegin != MarkEnd) { // copy to primary selection const s32 realmbgn = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkBegin : MarkEnd; const s32 realmend = MarkBegin < MarkEnd ? MarkEnd : MarkBegin; core::stringc s; wStringToUTF8(s, Text.subString(realmbgn, realmend - realmbgn)); Operator->copyToPrimarySelection(s.c_str()); } sendGuiEvent(EGET_EDITBOX_MARKING_CHANGED); } } //! send some gui event to parent void CGUIEditBox::sendGuiEvent(EGUI_EVENT_TYPE type) { if (Parent) { SEvent e; e.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; e.GUIEvent.Caller = this; e.GUIEvent.Element = 0; e.GUIEvent.EventType = type; Parent->OnEvent(e); } } //! Returns whether the element takes input from the IME bool CGUIEditBox::acceptsIME() { return isEnabled(); } } // end namespace gui } // end namespace irr