/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2019 EvicenceBKidscode / Pierre-Yves Rollo <dev@pyrollo.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "guiHyperText.h" #include "guiScrollBar.h" #include "client/fontengine.h" #include "client/tile.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "client/client.h" #include "client/renderingengine.h" #include "hud.h" #include "inventory.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "irrlicht_changes/CGUITTFont.h" using namespace irr::gui; static bool check_color(const std::string &str) { irr::video::SColor color; return parseColorString(str, color, false); } static bool check_integer(const std::string &str) { if (str.empty()) return false; char *endptr = nullptr; strtol(str.c_str(), &endptr, 10); return *endptr == '\0'; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ParsedText - A text parser void ParsedText::Element::setStyle(StyleList &style) { this->underline = is_yes(style["underline"]); video::SColor color; if (parseColorString(style["color"], color, false)) this->color = color; if (parseColorString(style["hovercolor"], color, false)) this->hovercolor = color; unsigned int font_size = std::atoi(style["fontsize"].c_str()); FontMode font_mode = FM_Standard; if (style["fontstyle"] == "mono") font_mode = FM_Mono; // hypertext[] only accepts absolute font size values and has a hardcoded // default font size of 16. This is the only way to make hypertext[] // respect font size settings that I can think of. font_size = myround(font_size / 16.0f * g_fontengine->getFontSize(font_mode)); FontSpec spec(font_size, font_mode, is_yes(style["bold"]), is_yes(style["italic"])); // TODO: find a way to check font validity // Build a new fontengine ? this->font = g_fontengine->getFont(spec); if (!this->font) printf("No font found ! Size=%d, mode=%d, bold=%s, italic=%s\n", font_size, font_mode, style["bold"].c_str(), style["italic"].c_str()); } void ParsedText::Paragraph::setStyle(StyleList &style) { if (style["halign"] == "center") this->halign = HALIGN_CENTER; else if (style["halign"] == "right") this->halign = HALIGN_RIGHT; else if (style["halign"] == "justify") this->halign = HALIGN_JUSTIFY; else this->halign = HALIGN_LEFT; } ParsedText::ParsedText(const wchar_t *text) { // Default style m_root_tag.name = "root"; m_root_tag.style["fontsize"] = "16"; m_root_tag.style["fontstyle"] = "normal"; m_root_tag.style["bold"] = "false"; m_root_tag.style["italic"] = "false"; m_root_tag.style["underline"] = "false"; m_root_tag.style["halign"] = "left"; m_root_tag.style["color"] = "#EEEEEE"; m_root_tag.style["hovercolor"] = "#FF0000"; m_active_tags.push_front(&m_root_tag); m_style = m_root_tag.style; // Default simple tags definitions StyleList style; style["color"] = "#0000FF"; style["underline"] = "true"; m_elementtags["action"] = style; style.clear(); style["bold"] = "true"; m_elementtags["b"] = style; style.clear(); style["italic"] = "true"; m_elementtags["i"] = style; style.clear(); style["underline"] = "true"; m_elementtags["u"] = style; style.clear(); style["fontstyle"] = "mono"; m_elementtags["mono"] = style; style.clear(); style["fontsize"] = m_root_tag.style["fontsize"]; m_elementtags["normal"] = style; style.clear(); style["fontsize"] = "24"; m_elementtags["big"] = style; style.clear(); style["fontsize"] = "36"; m_elementtags["bigger"] = style; style.clear(); style["halign"] = "center"; m_paragraphtags["center"] = style; style.clear(); style["halign"] = "justify"; m_paragraphtags["justify"] = style; style.clear(); style["halign"] = "left"; m_paragraphtags["left"] = style; style.clear(); style["halign"] = "right"; m_paragraphtags["right"] = style; style.clear(); m_element = NULL; m_paragraph = NULL; m_end_paragraph_reason = ER_NONE; parse(text); } ParsedText::~ParsedText() { for (auto &tag : m_not_root_tags) delete tag; } void ParsedText::parse(const wchar_t *text) { wchar_t c; u32 cursor = 0; bool escape = false; while ((c = text[cursor]) != L'\0') { cursor++; if (c == L'\r') { // Mac or Windows breaks if (text[cursor] == L'\n') cursor++; // If text has begun, don't skip empty line if (m_paragraph) { endParagraph(ER_NEWLINE); enterElement(ELEMENT_SEPARATOR); } escape = false; continue; } if (c == L'\n') { // Unix breaks // If text has begun, don't skip empty line if (m_paragraph) { endParagraph(ER_NEWLINE); enterElement(ELEMENT_SEPARATOR); } escape = false; continue; } if (escape) { escape = false; pushChar(c); continue; } if (c == L'\\') { escape = true; continue; } // Tag check if (c == L'<') { u32 newcursor = parseTag(text, cursor); if (newcursor > 0) { cursor = newcursor; continue; } } // Default behavior pushChar(c); } endParagraph(ER_NONE); } void ParsedText::endElement() { m_element = NULL; } void ParsedText::endParagraph(EndReason reason) { if (!m_paragraph) return; EndReason previous = m_end_paragraph_reason; m_end_paragraph_reason = reason; if (m_empty_paragraph && (reason == ER_TAG || (reason == ER_NEWLINE && previous == ER_TAG))) { // Ignore last empty paragraph m_paragraph = nullptr; m_paragraphs.pop_back(); return; } endElement(); m_paragraph = NULL; } void ParsedText::enterParagraph() { if (!m_paragraph) { m_paragraphs.emplace_back(); m_paragraph = &m_paragraphs.back(); m_paragraph->setStyle(m_style); m_empty_paragraph = true; } } void ParsedText::enterElement(ElementType type) { enterParagraph(); if (!m_element || m_element->type != type) { m_paragraph->elements.emplace_back(); m_element = &m_paragraph->elements.back(); m_element->type = type; m_element->tags = m_active_tags; m_element->setStyle(m_style); } } void ParsedText::pushChar(wchar_t c) { // New word if needed if (c == L' ' || c == L'\t') { if (!m_empty_paragraph) enterElement(ELEMENT_SEPARATOR); else return; } else { m_empty_paragraph = false; enterElement(ELEMENT_TEXT); } m_element->text += c; } ParsedText::Tag *ParsedText::newTag(const std::string &name, const AttrsList &attrs) { endElement(); Tag *newtag = new Tag(); newtag->name = name; newtag->attrs = attrs; m_not_root_tags.push_back(newtag); return newtag; } ParsedText::Tag *ParsedText::openTag(const std::string &name, const AttrsList &attrs) { Tag *newtag = newTag(name, attrs); m_active_tags.push_front(newtag); return newtag; } bool ParsedText::closeTag(const std::string &name) { bool found = false; for (auto id = m_active_tags.begin(); id != m_active_tags.end(); ++id) if ((*id)->name == name) { m_active_tags.erase(id); found = true; break; } return found; } void ParsedText::parseGenericStyleAttr( const std::string &name, const std::string &value, StyleList &style) { // Color styles if (name == "color" || name == "hovercolor") { if (check_color(value)) style[name] = value; // Boolean styles } else if (name == "bold" || name == "italic" || name == "underline") { style[name] = is_yes(value); } else if (name == "size") { if (check_integer(value)) style["fontsize"] = value; } else if (name == "font") { if (value == "mono" || value == "normal") style["fontstyle"] = value; } } void ParsedText::parseStyles(const AttrsList &attrs, StyleList &style) { for (auto const &attr : attrs) parseGenericStyleAttr(attr.first, attr.second, style); } void ParsedText::globalTag(const AttrsList &attrs) { for (const auto &attr : attrs) { // Only page level style if (attr.first == "margin") { if (check_integer(attr.second)) margin = stoi(attr.second.c_str()); } else if (attr.first == "valign") { if (attr.second == "top") valign = ParsedText::VALIGN_TOP; else if (attr.second == "bottom") valign = ParsedText::VALIGN_BOTTOM; else if (attr.second == "middle") valign = ParsedText::VALIGN_MIDDLE; } else if (attr.first == "background") { irr::video::SColor color; if (attr.second == "none") { background_type = BACKGROUND_NONE; } else if (parseColorString(attr.second, color, false)) { background_type = BACKGROUND_COLOR; background_color = color; } // Inheriting styles } else if (attr.first == "halign") { if (attr.second == "left" || attr.second == "center" || attr.second == "right" || attr.second == "justify") m_root_tag.style["halign"] = attr.second; // Generic default styles } else { parseGenericStyleAttr(attr.first, attr.second, m_root_tag.style); } } } u32 ParsedText::parseTag(const wchar_t *text, u32 cursor) { // Tag name bool end = false; std::string name = ""; wchar_t c = text[cursor]; if (c == L'/') { end = true; c = text[++cursor]; if (c == L'\0') return 0; } while (c != ' ' && c != '>') { name += c; c = text[++cursor]; if (c == L'\0') return 0; } // Tag attributes AttrsList attrs; while (c != L'>') { std::string attr_name = ""; core::stringw attr_val = L""; while (c == ' ') { c = text[++cursor]; if (c == L'\0' || c == L'=') return 0; } while (c != L' ' && c != L'=') { attr_name += (char)c; c = text[++cursor]; if (c == L'\0' || c == L'>') return 0; } while (c == L' ') { c = text[++cursor]; if (c == L'\0' || c == L'>') return 0; } if (c != L'=') return 0; c = text[++cursor]; if (c == L'\0') return 0; while (c != L'>' && c != L' ') { attr_val += c; c = text[++cursor]; if (c == L'\0') return 0; } attrs[attr_name] = stringw_to_utf8(attr_val); } ++cursor; // Last ">" // Tag specific processing StyleList style; if (name == "global") { if (end) return 0; globalTag(attrs); } else if (name == "style") { if (end) { closeTag(name); } else { parseStyles(attrs, style); openTag(name, attrs)->style = style; } endElement(); } else if (name == "img" || name == "item") { if (end) return 0; // Name is a required attribute if (!attrs.count("name")) return 0; // Rotate attribute is only for <item> if (attrs.count("rotate") && name != "item") return 0; // Angle attribute is only for <item> if (attrs.count("angle") && name != "item") return 0; // Ok, element can be created newTag(name, attrs); if (name == "img") enterElement(ELEMENT_IMAGE); else enterElement(ELEMENT_ITEM); m_element->text = utf8_to_stringw(attrs["name"]); if (attrs.count("float")) { if (attrs["float"] == "left") m_element->floating = FLOAT_LEFT; if (attrs["float"] == "right") m_element->floating = FLOAT_RIGHT; } if (attrs.count("width")) { int width = stoi(attrs["width"]); if (width > 0) m_element->dim.Width = width; } if (attrs.count("height")) { int height = stoi(attrs["height"]); if (height > 0) m_element->dim.Height = height; } if (attrs.count("angle")) { std::string str = attrs["angle"]; std::vector<std::string> parts = split(str, ','); if (parts.size() == 3) { m_element->angle = v3s16( rangelim(stoi(parts[0]), -180, 180), rangelim(stoi(parts[1]), -180, 180), rangelim(stoi(parts[2]), -180, 180)); m_element->rotation = v3s16(0, 0, 0); } } if (attrs.count("rotate")) { if (attrs["rotate"] == "yes") { m_element->rotation = v3s16(0, 100, 0); } else { std::string str = attrs["rotate"]; std::vector<std::string> parts = split(str, ','); if (parts.size() == 3) { m_element->rotation = v3s16 ( rangelim(stoi(parts[0]), -1000, 1000), rangelim(stoi(parts[1]), -1000, 1000), rangelim(stoi(parts[2]), -1000, 1000)); } } } endElement(); } else if (name == "tag") { // Required attributes if (!attrs.count("name")) return 0; StyleList tagstyle; parseStyles(attrs, tagstyle); if (is_yes(attrs["paragraph"])) m_paragraphtags[attrs["name"]] = tagstyle; else m_elementtags[attrs["name"]] = tagstyle; } else if (name == "action") { if (end) { closeTag(name); } else { if (!attrs.count("name")) return 0; openTag(name, attrs)->style = m_elementtags["action"]; } } else if (m_elementtags.count(name)) { if (end) { closeTag(name); } else { openTag(name, attrs)->style = m_elementtags[name]; } endElement(); } else if (m_paragraphtags.count(name)) { if (end) { closeTag(name); } else { openTag(name, attrs)->style = m_paragraphtags[name]; } endParagraph(ER_TAG); } else return 0; // Unknown tag // Update styles accordingly m_style.clear(); for (auto tag = m_active_tags.crbegin(); tag != m_active_tags.crend(); ++tag) for (const auto &prop : (*tag)->style) m_style[prop.first] = prop.second; return cursor; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Text Drawer TextDrawer::TextDrawer(const wchar_t *text, Client *client, gui::IGUIEnvironment *environment, ISimpleTextureSource *tsrc) : m_text(text), m_client(client), m_tsrc(tsrc), m_guienv(environment) { // Size all elements for (auto &p : m_text.m_paragraphs) { for (auto &e : p.elements) { switch (e.type) { case ParsedText::ELEMENT_SEPARATOR: case ParsedText::ELEMENT_TEXT: if (e.font) { e.dim.Width = e.font->getDimension(e.text.c_str()).Width; e.dim.Height = e.font->getDimension(L"Yy").Height; if (e.font->getType() == irr::gui::EGFT_CUSTOM) { CGUITTFont *tmp = static_cast<CGUITTFont*>(e.font); e.baseline = e.dim.Height - 1 - tmp->getAscender() / 64; } } else { e.dim = {0, 0}; } break; case ParsedText::ELEMENT_IMAGE: case ParsedText::ELEMENT_ITEM: // Resize only non sized items if (e.dim.Height != 0 && e.dim.Width != 0) break; // Default image and item size core::dimension2d<u32> dim(80, 80); if (e.type == ParsedText::ELEMENT_IMAGE) { video::ITexture *texture = m_tsrc-> getTexture(stringw_to_utf8(e.text)); if (texture) dim = texture->getOriginalSize(); } if (e.dim.Height == 0) if (e.dim.Width == 0) e.dim = dim; else e.dim.Height = dim.Height * e.dim.Width / dim.Width; else e.dim.Width = dim.Width * e.dim.Height / dim.Height; break; } } } } // Get element at given coordinates. Coordinates are inner coordinates (starting // at 0,0). ParsedText::Element *TextDrawer::getElementAt(core::position2d<s32> pos) { pos.Y -= m_voffset; for (auto &p : m_text.m_paragraphs) { for (auto &el : p.elements) { core::rect<s32> rect(el.pos, el.dim); if (rect.isPointInside(pos)) return ⪙ } } return 0; } /* This function places all elements according to given width. Elements have been previously sized by constructor and will be later drawed by draw. It may be called each time width changes and resulting height can be retrieved using getHeight. See GUIHyperText constructor, it uses it once to test if text fits in window and eventually another time if width is reduced m_floating because of scrollbar added. */ void TextDrawer::place(const core::rect<s32> &dest_rect) { m_floating.clear(); s32 y = 0; s32 ymargin = m_text.margin; // Iterator used : // p - Current paragraph, walked only once // el - Current element, walked only once // e and f - local element and floating operators for (auto &p : m_text.m_paragraphs) { // Find and place floating stuff in paragraph for (auto e = p.elements.begin(); e != p.elements.end(); ++e) { if (e->floating != ParsedText::FLOAT_NONE) { if (y) e->pos.Y = y + std::max(ymargin, e->margin); else e->pos.Y = ymargin; if (e->floating == ParsedText::FLOAT_LEFT) e->pos.X = m_text.margin; if (e->floating == ParsedText::FLOAT_RIGHT) e->pos.X = dest_rect.getWidth() - e->dim.Width - m_text.margin; RectWithMargin floating; floating.rect = core::rect<s32>(e->pos, e->dim); floating.margin = e->margin; m_floating.push_back(floating); } } if (y) y = y + std::max(ymargin, p.margin); ymargin = p.margin; // Place non floating stuff std::vector<ParsedText::Element>::iterator el = p.elements.begin(); while (el != p.elements.end()) { // Determine line width and y pos s32 left, right; s32 nexty = y; do { y = nexty; nexty = 0; // Inner left & right left = m_text.margin; right = dest_rect.getWidth() - m_text.margin; for (const auto &f : m_floating) { // Does floating rect intersect paragraph y line? if (f.rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y - f.margin <= y && f.rect.LowerRightCorner.Y + f.margin >= y) { // Next Y to try if no room left if (!nexty || f.rect.LowerRightCorner.Y + std::max(f.margin, p.margin) < nexty) { nexty = f.rect.LowerRightCorner.Y + std::max(f.margin, p.margin) + 1; } if (f.rect.UpperLeftCorner.X - f.margin <= left && f.rect.LowerRightCorner.X + f.margin < right) { // float on left if (f.rect.LowerRightCorner.X + std::max(f.margin, p.margin) > left) { left = f.rect.LowerRightCorner.X + std::max(f.margin, p.margin); } } else if (f.rect.LowerRightCorner.X + f.margin >= right && f.rect.UpperLeftCorner.X - f.margin > left) { // float on right if (f.rect.UpperLeftCorner.X - std::max(f.margin, p.margin) < right) right = f.rect.UpperLeftCorner.X - std::max(f.margin, p.margin); } else if (f.rect.UpperLeftCorner.X - f.margin <= left && f.rect.LowerRightCorner.X + f.margin >= right) { // float taking all space left = right; } else { // float in the middle -- should not occure yet, see that later } } } } while (nexty && right <= left); u32 linewidth = right - left; float x = left; u32 charsheight = 0; u32 charswidth = 0; u32 wordcount = 0; // Skip beginning of line separators but include them in height // computation. while (el != p.elements.end() && el->type == ParsedText::ELEMENT_SEPARATOR) { if (el->floating == ParsedText::FLOAT_NONE) { el->drawwidth = 0; if (charsheight < el->dim.Height) charsheight = el->dim.Height; } el++; } std::vector<ParsedText::Element>::iterator linestart = el; std::vector<ParsedText::Element>::iterator lineend = p.elements.end(); // First pass, find elements fitting into line // (or at least one element) while (el != p.elements.end() && (charswidth == 0 || charswidth + el->dim.Width <= linewidth)) { if (el->floating == ParsedText::FLOAT_NONE) { if (el->type != ParsedText::ELEMENT_SEPARATOR) { lineend = el; wordcount++; } charswidth += el->dim.Width; if (charsheight < el->dim.Height) charsheight = el->dim.Height; } el++; } // Empty line, nothing to place only go down line height if (lineend == p.elements.end()) { y += charsheight; continue; } // Point to the first position outside line (may be end()) lineend++; // Second pass, compute printable line width and adjustments charswidth = 0; s32 top = 0; s32 bottom = 0; for (auto e = linestart; e != lineend; ++e) { if (e->floating == ParsedText::FLOAT_NONE) { charswidth += e->dim.Width; if (top < (s32)e->dim.Height - e->baseline) top = e->dim.Height - e->baseline; if (bottom < e->baseline) bottom = e->baseline; } } float extraspace = 0.f; switch (p.halign) { case ParsedText::HALIGN_CENTER: x += (linewidth - charswidth) / 2.f; break; case ParsedText::HALIGN_JUSTIFY: if (wordcount > 1 && // Justification only if at least two words !(lineend == p.elements.end())) // Don't justify last line extraspace = ((float)(linewidth - charswidth)) / (wordcount - 1); break; case ParsedText::HALIGN_RIGHT: x += linewidth - charswidth; break; case ParsedText::HALIGN_LEFT: break; } // Third pass, actually place everything for (auto e = linestart; e != lineend; ++e) { if (e->floating != ParsedText::FLOAT_NONE) continue; e->pos.X = x; e->pos.Y = y; switch (e->type) { case ParsedText::ELEMENT_TEXT: case ParsedText::ELEMENT_SEPARATOR: e->pos.X = x; // Align char baselines e->pos.Y = y + top + e->baseline - e->dim.Height; x += e->dim.Width; if (e->type == ParsedText::ELEMENT_SEPARATOR) x += extraspace; break; case ParsedText::ELEMENT_IMAGE: case ParsedText::ELEMENT_ITEM: x += e->dim.Width; break; } // Draw width for separator can be different than element // width. This will be important for char effects like // underline. e->drawwidth = x - e->pos.X; } y += charsheight; } // Elements (actually lines) } // Paragraph // Check if float goes under paragraph for (const auto &f : m_floating) { if (f.rect.LowerRightCorner.Y >= y) y = f.rect.LowerRightCorner.Y; } m_height = y + m_text.margin; // Compute vertical offset according to vertical alignment if (m_height < dest_rect.getHeight()) switch (m_text.valign) { case ParsedText::VALIGN_BOTTOM: m_voffset = dest_rect.getHeight() - m_height; break; case ParsedText::VALIGN_MIDDLE: m_voffset = (dest_rect.getHeight() - m_height) / 2; break; case ParsedText::VALIGN_TOP: default: m_voffset = 0; } else m_voffset = 0; } // Draw text in a rectangle with a given offset. Items are actually placed in // relative (to upper left corner) coordinates. void TextDrawer::draw(const core::rect<s32> &clip_rect, const core::position2d<s32> &dest_offset) { irr::video::IVideoDriver *driver = m_guienv->getVideoDriver(); core::position2d<s32> offset = dest_offset; offset.Y += m_voffset; if (m_text.background_type == ParsedText::BACKGROUND_COLOR) driver->draw2DRectangle(m_text.background_color, clip_rect); for (auto &p : m_text.m_paragraphs) { for (auto &el : p.elements) { core::rect<s32> rect(el.pos + offset, el.dim); if (!rect.isRectCollided(clip_rect)) continue; switch (el.type) { case ParsedText::ELEMENT_SEPARATOR: case ParsedText::ELEMENT_TEXT: { irr::video::SColor color = el.color; for (auto tag : el.tags) if (&(*tag) == m_hovertag) color = el.hovercolor; if (!el.font) break; if (el.type == ParsedText::ELEMENT_TEXT) el.font->draw(el.text, rect, color, false, true, &clip_rect); if (el.underline && el.drawwidth) { s32 linepos = el.pos.Y + offset.Y + el.dim.Height - (el.baseline >> 1); core::rect<s32> linerect(el.pos.X + offset.X, linepos - (el.baseline >> 3) - 1, el.pos.X + offset.X + el.drawwidth, linepos + (el.baseline >> 3)); driver->draw2DRectangle(color, linerect, &clip_rect); } } break; case ParsedText::ELEMENT_IMAGE: { video::ITexture *texture = m_tsrc->getTexture( stringw_to_utf8(el.text)); if (texture != 0) m_guienv->getVideoDriver()->draw2DImage( texture, rect, irr::core::rect<s32>( core::position2d<s32>(0, 0), texture->getOriginalSize()), &clip_rect, 0, true); } break; case ParsedText::ELEMENT_ITEM: { if (m_client) { IItemDefManager *idef = m_client->idef(); ItemStack item; item.deSerialize(stringw_to_utf8(el.text), idef); drawItemStack(m_guienv->getVideoDriver(), g_fontengine->getFont(), item, rect, &clip_rect, m_client, IT_ROT_OTHER, el.angle, el.rotation); } } break; } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GUIHyperText - The formated text area formspec item //! constructor GUIHyperText::GUIHyperText(const wchar_t *text, IGUIEnvironment *environment, IGUIElement *parent, s32 id, const core::rect<s32> &rectangle, Client *client, ISimpleTextureSource *tsrc) : IGUIElement(EGUIET_ELEMENT, environment, parent, id, rectangle), m_tsrc(tsrc), m_vscrollbar(nullptr), m_drawer(text, client, environment, tsrc), m_text_scrollpos(0, 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("GUIHyperText"); #endif IGUISkin *skin = 0; if (Environment) skin = Environment->getSkin(); m_scrollbar_width = skin ? skin->getSize(gui::EGDS_SCROLLBAR_SIZE) : 16; core::rect<s32> rect = irr::core::rect<s32>( RelativeRect.getWidth() - m_scrollbar_width, 0, RelativeRect.getWidth(), RelativeRect.getHeight()); m_vscrollbar = new GUIScrollBar(Environment, this, -1, rect, false, true, tsrc); m_vscrollbar->setVisible(false); } //! destructor GUIHyperText::~GUIHyperText() { m_vscrollbar->remove(); m_vscrollbar->drop(); } ParsedText::Element *GUIHyperText::getElementAt(s32 X, s32 Y) { core::position2d<s32> pos{X, Y}; pos -= m_display_text_rect.UpperLeftCorner; pos -= m_text_scrollpos; return m_drawer.getElementAt(pos); } void GUIHyperText::checkHover(s32 X, s32 Y) { m_drawer.m_hovertag = nullptr; if (AbsoluteRect.isPointInside(core::position2d<s32>(X, Y))) { ParsedText::Element *element = getElementAt(X, Y); if (element) { for (auto &tag : element->tags) { if (tag->name == "action") { m_drawer.m_hovertag = tag; break; } } } } #ifndef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (m_drawer.m_hovertag) RenderingEngine::get_raw_device()->getCursorControl()->setActiveIcon( gui::ECI_HAND); else RenderingEngine::get_raw_device()->getCursorControl()->setActiveIcon( gui::ECI_NORMAL); #endif } bool GUIHyperText::OnEvent(const SEvent &event) { // Scroll bar if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT && event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_SCROLL_BAR_CHANGED && event.GUIEvent.Caller == m_vscrollbar) { m_text_scrollpos.Y = -m_vscrollbar->getPos(); } // Reset hover if element left if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT && event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_LEFT) { m_drawer.m_hovertag = nullptr; #ifndef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI gui::ICursorControl *cursor_control = RenderingEngine::get_raw_device()->getCursorControl(); if (cursor_control->isVisible()) cursor_control->setActiveIcon(gui::ECI_NORMAL); #endif } if (event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT) { if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED) checkHover(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y); if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL && m_vscrollbar->isVisible()) { m_vscrollbar->setPos(m_vscrollbar->getPos() - event.MouseInput.Wheel * m_vscrollbar->getSmallStep()); m_text_scrollpos.Y = -m_vscrollbar->getPos(); m_drawer.draw(m_display_text_rect, m_text_scrollpos); checkHover(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y); return true; } else if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN) { ParsedText::Element *element = getElementAt( event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y); if (element) { for (auto &tag : element->tags) { if (tag->name == "action") { Text = core::stringw(L"action:") + utf8_to_stringw(tag->attrs["name"]); if (Parent) { SEvent newEvent; newEvent.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; newEvent.GUIEvent.Caller = this; newEvent.GUIEvent.Element = 0; newEvent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED; Parent->OnEvent(newEvent); } break; } } } } } return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event); } //! draws the element and its children void GUIHyperText::draw() { if (!IsVisible) return; // Text m_display_text_rect = AbsoluteRect; m_drawer.place(m_display_text_rect); // Show scrollbar if text overflow if (m_drawer.getHeight() > m_display_text_rect.getHeight()) { m_vscrollbar->setSmallStep(m_display_text_rect.getHeight() * 0.1f); m_vscrollbar->setLargeStep(m_display_text_rect.getHeight() * 0.5f); m_vscrollbar->setMax(m_drawer.getHeight() - m_display_text_rect.getHeight()); m_vscrollbar->setVisible(true); m_vscrollbar->setPageSize(s32(m_drawer.getHeight())); core::rect<s32> smaller_rect = m_display_text_rect; smaller_rect.LowerRightCorner.X -= m_scrollbar_width; m_drawer.place(smaller_rect); } else { m_vscrollbar->setMax(0); m_vscrollbar->setPos(0); m_vscrollbar->setVisible(false); } m_drawer.draw(AbsoluteClippingRect, m_display_text_rect.UpperLeftCorner + m_text_scrollpos); // draw children IGUIElement::draw(); }