/* sha1.h Copyright (c) 2005 Michael D. Leonhard http://tamale.net/ This file is licensed under the terms described in the accompanying LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SHA1_HEADER typedef unsigned int Uint32; class SHA1 { private: // fields Uint32 H0, H1, H2, H3, H4; unsigned char bytes[64]; int unprocessedBytes; Uint32 size; void process(); public: SHA1(); ~SHA1(); void addBytes( const char* data, int num ); unsigned char* getDigest(); // utility methods static Uint32 lrot( Uint32 x, int bits ); static void storeBigEndianUint32( unsigned char* byte, Uint32 num ); static void hexPrinter( unsigned char* c, int l ); }; #define SHA1_HEADER #endif