--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2014 sapier --Copyright (C) 2018 rubenwardy <rw@rubenwardy.com> -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. local packages_raw local packages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata) if pkgmgr.global_mods == nil then pkgmgr.refresh_globals() end if pkgmgr.games == nil then pkgmgr.update_gamelist() end if packages == nil then packages_raw = {} table.insert_all(packages_raw, pkgmgr.games) table.insert_all(packages_raw, pkgmgr.get_texture_packs()) table.insert_all(packages_raw, pkgmgr.global_mods:get_list()) local function get_data() return packages_raw end local function is_equal(element, uid) --uid match return (element.type == "game" and element.id == uid) or element.name == uid end packages = filterlist.create(get_data, pkgmgr.compare_package, is_equal, nil, {}) end if tabdata.selected_pkg == nil then tabdata.selected_pkg = 1 end local retval = "label[0.05,-0.25;".. fgettext("Installed Packages:") .. "]" .. "tablecolumns[color;tree;text]" .. "table[0,0.25;5.1,4.3;pkglist;" .. pkgmgr.render_packagelist(packages) .. ";" .. tabdata.selected_pkg .. "]" .. "button[0,4.85;5.25,0.5;btn_contentdb;".. fgettext("Browse online content") .. "]" local selected_pkg if filterlist.size(packages) >= tabdata.selected_pkg then selected_pkg = packages:get_list()[tabdata.selected_pkg] end if selected_pkg ~= nil then --check for screenshot beeing available local screenshotfilename = selected_pkg.path .. DIR_DELIM .. "screenshot.png" local screenshotfile, error = io.open(screenshotfilename, "r") local modscreenshot if error == nil then screenshotfile:close() modscreenshot = screenshotfilename end if modscreenshot == nil then modscreenshot = defaulttexturedir .. "no_screenshot.png" end local info = core.get_content_info(selected_pkg.path) local desc = fgettext("No package description available") if info.description and info.description:trim() ~= "" then desc = info.description end retval = retval .. "image[5.5,0;3,2;" .. core.formspec_escape(modscreenshot) .. "]" .. "label[8.25,0.6;" .. core.formspec_escape(selected_pkg.name) .. "]" .. "box[5.5,2.2;6.15,2.35;#000]" if selected_pkg.type == "mod" then if selected_pkg.is_modpack then retval = retval .. "button[8.65,4.65;3.25,1;btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack;" .. fgettext("Rename") .. "]" else --show dependencies desc = desc .. "\n\n" local toadd_hard = table.concat(info.depends or {}, "\n") local toadd_soft = table.concat(info.optional_depends or {}, "\n") if toadd_hard == "" and toadd_soft == "" then desc = desc .. fgettext("No dependencies.") else if toadd_hard ~= "" then desc = desc ..fgettext("Dependencies:") .. "\n" .. toadd_hard end if toadd_soft ~= "" then if toadd_hard ~= "" then desc = desc .. "\n\n" end desc = desc .. fgettext("Optional dependencies:") .. "\n" .. toadd_soft end end end else if selected_pkg.type == "txp" then if selected_pkg.enabled then retval = retval .. "button[8.65,4.65;3.25,1;btn_mod_mgr_disable_txp;" .. fgettext("Disable Texture Pack") .. "]" else retval = retval .. "button[8.65,4.65;3.25,1;btn_mod_mgr_use_txp;" .. fgettext("Use Texture Pack") .. "]" end end end retval = retval .. "textarea[5.85,2.2;6.35,2.9;;" .. fgettext("Information:") .. ";" .. desc .. "]" if core.may_modify_path(selected_pkg.path) then retval = retval .. "button[5.5,4.65;3.25,1;btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod;" .. fgettext("Uninstall Package") .. "]" end end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function handle_buttons(tabview, fields, tabname, tabdata) if fields["pkglist"] ~= nil then local event = core.explode_table_event(fields["pkglist"]) tabdata.selected_pkg = event.row return true end if fields["btn_mod_mgr_install_local"] ~= nil then core.show_file_open_dialog("mod_mgt_open_dlg", fgettext("Select Package File:")) return true end if fields["btn_contentdb"] ~= nil then local dlg = create_store_dlg() dlg:set_parent(tabview) tabview:hide() dlg:show() packages = nil return true end if fields["btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack"] ~= nil then local mod = packages:get_list()[tabdata.selected_pkg] local dlg_renamemp = create_rename_modpack_dlg(mod) dlg_renamemp:set_parent(tabview) tabview:hide() dlg_renamemp:show() packages = nil return true end if fields["btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod"] ~= nil then local mod = packages:get_list()[tabdata.selected_pkg] local dlg_delmod = create_delete_content_dlg(mod) dlg_delmod:set_parent(tabview) tabview:hide() dlg_delmod:show() packages = nil return true end if fields.btn_mod_mgr_use_txp then local txp = packages:get_list()[tabdata.selected_pkg] core.settings:set("texture_path", txp.path) packages = nil return true end if fields.btn_mod_mgr_disable_txp then core.settings:set("texture_path", "") packages = nil return true end if fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] and fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] ~= "" then pkgmgr.install_mod(fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"],nil) return true end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { name = "content", caption = fgettext("Content"), cbf_formspec = get_formspec, cbf_button_handler = handle_buttons, on_change = pkgmgr.update_gamelist }