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synced 2025-03-14 06:12:36 +01:00
This adds a chat console the server owner can use for administration or to talk with players. It runs in its own thread, which makes the user interface immune to the server's lag, behaving just like a client, except timeout. As it uses the same console code as the f10 console, things like nick completion or a scroll buffer basically come for free. The terminal itself is written in a general way so that adding a client version later on is just about implementing an interface. Fatal errors are printed after the console exists and the ncurses terminal buffer gets cleaned up with endwin(), so that the error still remains visible. The server owner can chose their username their entered text will have in chat and where players can send PMs to. Once the username is secured with a password to prevent anybody to take over the server, the owner can execute admin tasks over the console. This change includes a contribution by @kahrl who has improved ncurses library detection.
447 lines
8.4 KiB
447 lines
8.4 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "irrlichttypes_bloated.h"
#include "inventory.h"
#include "constants.h" // BS
#include "threading/mutex.h"
#include <list>
#define PLAYERNAME_ALLOWED_CHARS "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_"
#define PLAYERNAME_ALLOWED_CHARS_USER_EXPL "'a' to 'z', 'A' to 'Z', '0' to '9', '-', '_'"
struct PlayerControl
up = false;
down = false;
left = false;
right = false;
jump = false;
aux1 = false;
sneak = false;
LMB = false;
RMB = false;
pitch = 0;
yaw = 0;
bool a_up,
bool a_down,
bool a_left,
bool a_right,
bool a_jump,
bool a_aux1,
bool a_sneak,
bool a_LMB,
bool a_RMB,
float a_pitch,
float a_yaw
up = a_up;
down = a_down;
left = a_left;
right = a_right;
jump = a_jump;
aux1 = a_aux1;
sneak = a_sneak;
LMB = a_LMB;
RMB = a_RMB;
pitch = a_pitch;
yaw = a_yaw;
bool up;
bool down;
bool left;
bool right;
bool jump;
bool aux1;
bool sneak;
bool LMB;
bool RMB;
float pitch;
float yaw;
class Map;
class IGameDef;
struct CollisionInfo;
class PlayerSAO;
struct HudElement;
class Environment;
// Do *not* perform an assignment or copy operation on a Player or
// RemotePlayer object! This will copy the lock held for HUD synchronization
class Player
Player(IGameDef *gamedef, const char *name);
virtual ~Player() = 0;
virtual void move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d)
virtual void move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
std::vector<CollisionInfo> *collision_info)
v3f getSpeed()
return m_speed;
void setSpeed(v3f speed)
m_speed = speed;
void accelerateHorizontal(v3f target_speed, f32 max_increase);
void accelerateVertical(v3f target_speed, f32 max_increase);
v3f getPosition()
return m_position;
v3s16 getLightPosition() const;
v3f getEyeOffset()
float eye_height = camera_barely_in_ceiling ? 1.5f : 1.625f;
return v3f(0, BS * eye_height, 0);
v3f getEyePosition()
return m_position + getEyeOffset();
virtual void setPosition(const v3f &position)
if (position != m_position)
m_dirty = true;
m_position = position;
void setPitch(f32 pitch)
if (pitch != m_pitch)
m_dirty = true;
m_pitch = pitch;
virtual void setYaw(f32 yaw)
if (yaw != m_yaw)
m_dirty = true;
m_yaw = yaw;
f32 getPitch()
return m_pitch;
f32 getYaw()
return m_yaw;
u16 getBreath()
return m_breath;
virtual void setBreath(u16 breath)
if (breath != m_breath)
m_dirty = true;
m_breath = breath;
f32 getRadPitch()
return -1.0 * m_pitch * core::DEGTORAD;
f32 getRadYaw()
return (m_yaw + 90.) * core::DEGTORAD;
const char *getName() const
return m_name;
core::aabbox3d<f32> getCollisionbox()
return m_collisionbox;
u32 getFreeHudID() {
size_t size = hud.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i != size; i++) {
if (!hud[i])
return i;
return size;
void setHotbarItemcount(s32 hotbar_itemcount)
hud_hotbar_itemcount = hotbar_itemcount;
s32 getHotbarItemcount()
return hud_hotbar_itemcount;
void setHotbarImage(const std::string &name)
hud_hotbar_image = name;
std::string getHotbarImage()
return hud_hotbar_image;
void setHotbarSelectedImage(const std::string &name)
hud_hotbar_selected_image = name;
std::string getHotbarSelectedImage() {
return hud_hotbar_selected_image;
void setSky(const video::SColor &bgcolor, const std::string &type,
const std::vector<std::string> ¶ms)
m_sky_bgcolor = bgcolor;
m_sky_type = type;
m_sky_params = params;
void getSky(video::SColor *bgcolor, std::string *type,
std::vector<std::string> *params)
*bgcolor = m_sky_bgcolor;
*type = m_sky_type;
*params = m_sky_params;
void overrideDayNightRatio(bool do_override, float ratio)
m_day_night_ratio_do_override = do_override;
m_day_night_ratio = ratio;
void getDayNightRatio(bool *do_override, float *ratio)
*do_override = m_day_night_ratio_do_override;
*ratio = m_day_night_ratio;
void setLocalAnimations(v2s32 frames[4], float frame_speed)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
local_animations[i] = frames[i];
local_animation_speed = frame_speed;
void getLocalAnimations(v2s32 *frames, float *frame_speed)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
frames[i] = local_animations[i];
*frame_speed = local_animation_speed;
virtual bool isLocal() const
return false;
virtual PlayerSAO *getPlayerSAO()
return NULL;
virtual void setPlayerSAO(PlayerSAO *sao)
serialize() writes a bunch of text that can contain
any characters except a '\0', and such an ending that
deSerialize stops reading exactly at the right point.
void serialize(std::ostream &os);
void deSerialize(std::istream &is, std::string playername);
bool checkModified() const
return m_dirty || inventory.checkModified();
void setModified(const bool x)
m_dirty = x;
if (x == false)
// Use a function, if isDead can be defined by other conditions
bool isDead() { return hp == 0; }
bool touching_ground;
// This oscillates so that the player jumps a bit above the surface
bool in_liquid;
// This is more stable and defines the maximum speed of the player
bool in_liquid_stable;
// Gets the viscosity of water to calculate friction
u8 liquid_viscosity;
bool is_climbing;
bool swimming_vertical;
bool camera_barely_in_ceiling;
v3f eye_offset_first;
v3f eye_offset_third;
Inventory inventory;
f32 movement_acceleration_default;
f32 movement_acceleration_air;
f32 movement_acceleration_fast;
f32 movement_speed_walk;
f32 movement_speed_crouch;
f32 movement_speed_fast;
f32 movement_speed_climb;
f32 movement_speed_jump;
f32 movement_liquid_fluidity;
f32 movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth;
f32 movement_liquid_sink;
f32 movement_gravity;
float physics_override_speed;
float physics_override_jump;
float physics_override_gravity;
bool physics_override_sneak;
bool physics_override_sneak_glitch;
v2s32 local_animations[4];
float local_animation_speed;
u16 hp;
float hurt_tilt_timer;
float hurt_tilt_strength;
u16 protocol_version;
u16 peer_id;
std::string inventory_formspec;
PlayerControl control;
PlayerControl getPlayerControl()
return control;
u32 keyPressed;
HudElement* getHud(u32 id);
u32 addHud(HudElement* hud);
HudElement* removeHud(u32 id);
void clearHud();
u32 maxHudId() {
return hud.size();
u32 hud_flags;
s32 hud_hotbar_itemcount;
std::string hud_hotbar_image;
std::string hud_hotbar_selected_image;
IGameDef *m_gamedef;
char m_name[PLAYERNAME_SIZE];
u16 m_breath;
f32 m_pitch;
f32 m_yaw;
v3f m_speed;
v3f m_position;
core::aabbox3d<f32> m_collisionbox;
bool m_dirty;
std::vector<HudElement *> hud;
std::string m_sky_type;
video::SColor m_sky_bgcolor;
std::vector<std::string> m_sky_params;
bool m_day_night_ratio_do_override;
float m_day_night_ratio;
// Protect some critical areas
// hud for example can be modified by EmergeThread
// and ServerThread
Mutex m_mutex;
Player on the server
class RemotePlayer : public Player
RemotePlayer(IGameDef *gamedef, const char *name):
Player(gamedef, name),
virtual ~RemotePlayer() {}
void save(std::string savedir);
PlayerSAO *getPlayerSAO()
{ return m_sao; }
void setPlayerSAO(PlayerSAO *sao)
{ m_sao = sao; }
void setPosition(const v3f &position);
PlayerSAO *m_sao;