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synced 2025-02-18 19:03:46 +01:00
226 lines
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226 lines
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Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2015 nerzhul, Loic Blot <loic.blot@unix-experience.fr>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "serveropcodes.h"
const static ToServerCommandHandler null_command_handler = { "TOSERVER_NULL", TOSERVER_STATE_ALL, &Server::handleCommand_Null };
const ToServerCommandHandler toServerCommandTable[TOSERVER_NUM_MSG_TYPES] =
null_command_handler, // 0x00 (never use this)
null_command_handler, // 0x01
{ "TOSERVER_INIT", TOSERVER_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED, &Server::handleCommand_Init }, // 0x02
null_command_handler, // 0x03
null_command_handler, // 0x04
null_command_handler, // 0x05
null_command_handler, // 0x06
null_command_handler, // 0x07
null_command_handler, // 0x08
null_command_handler, // 0x09
null_command_handler, // 0x0a
null_command_handler, // 0x0b
null_command_handler, // 0x0c
null_command_handler, // 0x0d
null_command_handler, // 0x0e
null_command_handler, // 0x0f
null_command_handler, // 0x10
{ "TOSERVER_INIT2", TOSERVER_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED, &Server::handleCommand_Init2 }, // 0x11
null_command_handler, // 0x12
null_command_handler, // 0x13
null_command_handler, // 0x14
null_command_handler, // 0x15
null_command_handler, // 0x16
{ "TOSERVER_MODCHANNEL_JOIN", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_ModChannelJoin }, // 0x17
{ "TOSERVER_MODCHANNEL_LEAVE", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_ModChannelLeave }, // 0x18
{ "TOSERVER_MODCHANNEL_MSG", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_ModChannelMsg }, // 0x19
null_command_handler, // 0x1a
null_command_handler, // 0x1b
null_command_handler, // 0x1c
null_command_handler, // 0x1d
null_command_handler, // 0x1e
null_command_handler, // 0x1f
null_command_handler, // 0x20
null_command_handler, // 0x21
null_command_handler, // 0x22
{ "TOSERVER_PLAYERPOS", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_PlayerPos }, // 0x23
{ "TOSERVER_GOTBLOCKS", TOSERVER_STATE_STARTUP, &Server::handleCommand_GotBlocks }, // 0x24
{ "TOSERVER_DELETEDBLOCKS", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_DeletedBlocks }, // 0x25
null_command_handler, // 0x26
null_command_handler, // 0x27
null_command_handler, // 0x28
null_command_handler, // 0x29
null_command_handler, // 0x2a
null_command_handler, // 0x2b
null_command_handler, // 0x2c
null_command_handler, // 0x2d
null_command_handler, // 0x2e
null_command_handler, // 0x2f
null_command_handler, // 0x30
{ "TOSERVER_INVENTORY_ACTION", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_InventoryAction }, // 0x31
{ "TOSERVER_CHAT_MESSAGE", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_ChatMessage }, // 0x32
null_command_handler, // 0x33
null_command_handler, // 0x34
{ "TOSERVER_DAMAGE", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Damage }, // 0x35
null_command_handler, // 0x36
{ "TOSERVER_PLAYERITEM", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_PlayerItem }, // 0x37
{ "TOSERVER_RESPAWN", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Respawn }, // 0x38
{ "TOSERVER_INTERACT", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Interact }, // 0x39
{ "TOSERVER_REMOVED_SOUNDS", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_RemovedSounds }, // 0x3a
{ "TOSERVER_NODEMETA_FIELDS", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_NodeMetaFields }, // 0x3b
{ "TOSERVER_INVENTORY_FIELDS", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_InventoryFields }, // 0x3c
null_command_handler, // 0x3d
null_command_handler, // 0x3e
null_command_handler, // 0x3f
{ "TOSERVER_REQUEST_MEDIA", TOSERVER_STATE_STARTUP, &Server::handleCommand_RequestMedia }, // 0x40
{ "TOSERVER_HAVE_MEDIA", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_HaveMedia }, // 0x41
null_command_handler, // 0x42
{ "TOSERVER_CLIENT_READY", TOSERVER_STATE_STARTUP, &Server::handleCommand_ClientReady }, // 0x43
null_command_handler, // 0x44
null_command_handler, // 0x45
null_command_handler, // 0x46
null_command_handler, // 0x47
null_command_handler, // 0x48
null_command_handler, // 0x49
null_command_handler, // 0x4a
null_command_handler, // 0x4b
null_command_handler, // 0x4c
null_command_handler, // 0x4d
null_command_handler, // 0x4e
null_command_handler, // 0x4f
{ "TOSERVER_FIRST_SRP", TOSERVER_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED, &Server::handleCommand_FirstSrp }, // 0x50
{ "TOSERVER_SRP_BYTES_A", TOSERVER_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED, &Server::handleCommand_SrpBytesA }, // 0x51
{ "TOSERVER_SRP_BYTES_M", TOSERVER_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED, &Server::handleCommand_SrpBytesM }, // 0x52
const static ClientCommandFactory null_command_factory = { "TOCLIENT_NULL", 0, false };
Channels used for Server -> Client communication
2: Bulk data (mapblocks, media, ...)
1: HUD packets
0: everything else
Packet order is only guaranteed inside a channel, so packets that operate on
the same objects are *required* to be in the same channel.
const ClientCommandFactory clientCommandFactoryTable[TOCLIENT_NUM_MSG_TYPES] =
null_command_factory, // 0x00
null_command_factory, // 0x01
{ "TOCLIENT_HELLO", 0, true }, // 0x02
{ "TOCLIENT_AUTH_ACCEPT", 0, true }, // 0x03
{ "TOCLIENT_ACCEPT_SUDO_MODE", 0, true }, // 0x04
{ "TOCLIENT_DENY_SUDO_MODE", 0, true }, // 0x05
null_command_factory, // 0x06
null_command_factory, // 0x07
null_command_factory, // 0x08
null_command_factory, // 0x09
{ "TOCLIENT_ACCESS_DENIED", 0, true }, // 0x0A
null_command_factory, // 0x0B
null_command_factory, // 0x0C
null_command_factory, // 0x0D
null_command_factory, // 0x0E
null_command_factory, // 0x0F
{ "TOCLIENT_INIT", 0, true }, // 0x10
null_command_factory, // 0x11
null_command_factory, // 0x12
null_command_factory, // 0x13
null_command_factory, // 0x14
null_command_factory, // 0x15
null_command_factory, // 0x16
null_command_factory, // 0x17
null_command_factory, // 0x18
null_command_factory, // 0x19
null_command_factory, // 0x1A
null_command_factory, // 0x1B
null_command_factory, // 0x1C
null_command_factory, // 0x1D
null_command_factory, // 0x1E
null_command_factory, // 0x1F
{ "TOCLIENT_BLOCKDATA", 2, true }, // 0x20
{ "TOCLIENT_ADDNODE", 0, true }, // 0x21
{ "TOCLIENT_REMOVENODE", 0, true }, // 0x22
null_command_factory, // 0x23
null_command_factory, // 0x24
null_command_factory, // 0x25
null_command_factory, // 0x26
{ "TOCLIENT_INVENTORY", 0, true }, // 0x27
null_command_factory, // 0x28
{ "TOCLIENT_TIME_OF_DAY", 0, true }, // 0x29
{ "TOCLIENT_PLAYER_SPEED", 0, true }, // 0x2B
{ "TOCLIENT_MEDIA_PUSH", 0, true }, // 0x2C (sent over channel 1 too if legacy)
null_command_factory, // 0x2D
null_command_factory, // 0x2E
{ "TOCLIENT_CHAT_MESSAGE", 0, true }, // 0x2F
null_command_factory, // 0x30
{ "TOCLIENT_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MESSAGES", 0, true }, // 0x32 (may be sent as unrel over channel 1 too)
{ "TOCLIENT_HP", 0, true }, // 0x33
{ "TOCLIENT_MOVE_PLAYER", 0, true }, // 0x34
null_command_factory, // 0x35
{ "TOCLIENT_FOV", 0, true }, // 0x36
{ "TOCLIENT_DEATHSCREEN", 0, true }, // 0x37
{ "TOCLIENT_MEDIA", 2, true }, // 0x38
null_command_factory, // 0x39
{ "TOCLIENT_NODEDEF", 0, true }, // 0x3A
null_command_factory, // 0x3B
{ "TOCLIENT_ANNOUNCE_MEDIA", 0, true }, // 0x3C
{ "TOCLIENT_ITEMDEF", 0, true }, // 0x3D
null_command_factory, // 0x3E
{ "TOCLIENT_PLAY_SOUND", 0, true }, // 0x3f (may be sent as unrel too)
{ "TOCLIENT_STOP_SOUND", 0, true }, // 0x40
{ "TOCLIENT_PRIVILEGES", 0, true }, // 0x41
{ "TOCLIENT_INVENTORY_FORMSPEC", 0, true }, // 0x42
{ "TOCLIENT_DETACHED_INVENTORY", 0, true }, // 0x43
{ "TOCLIENT_SHOW_FORMSPEC", 0, true }, // 0x44
{ "TOCLIENT_MOVEMENT", 0, true }, // 0x45
{ "TOCLIENT_SPAWN_PARTICLE", 0, true }, // 0x46
{ "TOCLIENT_ADD_PARTICLESPAWNER", 0, true }, // 0x47
null_command_factory, // 0x48
{ "TOCLIENT_HUDADD", 1, true }, // 0x49
{ "TOCLIENT_HUDRM", 1, true }, // 0x4a
{ "TOCLIENT_HUDCHANGE", 1, true }, // 0x4b
{ "TOCLIENT_HUD_SET_FLAGS", 1, true }, // 0x4c
{ "TOCLIENT_HUD_SET_PARAM", 1, true }, // 0x4d
{ "TOCLIENT_BREATH", 0, true }, // 0x4e
{ "TOCLIENT_SET_SKY", 0, true }, // 0x4f
{ "TOCLIENT_EYE_OFFSET", 0, true }, // 0x52
{ "TOCLIENT_CLOUD_PARAMS", 0, true }, // 0x54
{ "TOCLIENT_FADE_SOUND", 0, true }, // 0x55
{ "TOCLIENT_UPDATE_PLAYER_LIST", 0, true }, // 0x56
{ "TOCLIENT_MODCHANNEL_MSG", 0, true }, // 0x57
{ "TOCLIENT_MODCHANNEL_SIGNAL", 0, true }, // 0x58
{ "TOCLIENT_NODEMETA_CHANGED", 0, true }, // 0x59
{ "TOCLIENT_SET_SUN", 0, true }, // 0x5a
{ "TOCLIENT_SET_MOON", 0, true }, // 0x5b
{ "TOCLIENT_SET_STARS", 0, true }, // 0x5c
null_command_factory, // 0x5d
null_command_factory, // 0x5e
null_command_factory, // 0x5f
{ "TOSERVER_SRP_BYTES_S_B", 0, true }, // 0x60
{ "TOCLIENT_FORMSPEC_PREPEND", 0, true }, // 0x61
{ "TOCLIENT_MINIMAP_MODES", 0, true }, // 0x62