Paramat b1b40fef16
Allow multiple cave liquids in a biome definition (#8481)
This allows games to specify biome cave liquids and avoid the old
hardcoded behaviour, but preserves the ability to have multiple
cave liquids in one biome, such as lava and water.

When multiple cave liquids are defined by the biome definition,
make each entire cave use a randomly chosen liquid, instead of
every small cave segment using a randomly chosen liquid.

Plus an optimisation:
Don't place nodes if cave liquid is defined as 'air'
2019-05-18 21:13:14 +01:00

912 lines
25 KiB

Copyright (C) 2010-2018 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2010-2018 kwolekr, Ryan Kwolek <kwolekr@minetest.net>
Copyright (C) 2015-2018 paramat
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "util/numeric.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "map.h"
#include "mapgen.h"
#include "mapgen_v5.h"
#include "mapgen_v6.h"
#include "mapgen_v7.h"
#include "mg_biome.h"
#include "cavegen.h"
static NoiseParams nparams_caveliquids(0, 1, v3f(150.0, 150.0, 150.0), 776, 3, 0.6, 2.0);
//// CavesNoiseIntersection
const NodeDefManager *nodedef, BiomeManager *biomemgr, v3s16 chunksize,
NoiseParams *np_cave1, NoiseParams *np_cave2, s32 seed, float cave_width)
m_ndef = nodedef;
m_bmgr = biomemgr;
m_csize = chunksize;
m_cave_width = cave_width;
m_ystride = m_csize.X;
m_zstride_1d = m_csize.X * (m_csize.Y + 1);
// Noises are created using 1-down overgeneration
// A Nx-by-1-by-Nz-sized plane is at the bottom of the desired for
// re-carving the solid overtop placed for blocking sunlight
noise_cave1 = new Noise(np_cave1, seed, m_csize.X, m_csize.Y + 1, m_csize.Z);
noise_cave2 = new Noise(np_cave2, seed, m_csize.X, m_csize.Y + 1, m_csize.Z);
delete noise_cave1;
delete noise_cave2;
void CavesNoiseIntersection::generateCaves(MMVManip *vm,
v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax, u8 *biomemap)
noise_cave1->perlinMap3D(nmin.X, nmin.Y - 1, nmin.Z);
noise_cave2->perlinMap3D(nmin.X, nmin.Y - 1, nmin.Z);
const v3s16 &em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
u32 index2d = 0; // Biomemap index
for (s16 z = nmin.Z; z <= nmax.Z; z++)
for (s16 x = nmin.X; x <= nmax.X; x++, index2d++) {
bool column_is_open = false; // Is column open to overground
bool is_under_river = false; // Is column under river water
bool is_under_tunnel = false; // Is tunnel or is under tunnel
bool is_top_filler_above = false; // Is top or filler above node
// Indexes at column top
u32 vi = vm->m_area.index(x, nmax.Y, z);
u32 index3d = (z - nmin.Z) * m_zstride_1d + m_csize.Y * m_ystride +
(x - nmin.X); // 3D noise index
// Biome of column
Biome *biome = (Biome *)m_bmgr->getRaw(biomemap[index2d]);
u16 depth_top = biome->depth_top;
u16 base_filler = depth_top + biome->depth_filler;
u16 depth_riverbed = biome->depth_riverbed;
u16 nplaced = 0;
// Don't excavate the overgenerated stone at nmax.Y + 1,
// this creates a 'roof' over the tunnel, preventing light in
// tunnels at mapchunk borders when generating mapchunks upwards.
// This 'roof' is removed when the mapchunk above is generated.
for (s16 y = nmax.Y; y >= nmin.Y - 1; y--,
index3d -= m_ystride,
VoxelArea::add_y(em, vi, -1)) {
content_t c = vm->m_data[vi].getContent();
if (c == CONTENT_AIR || c == biome->c_water_top ||
c == biome->c_water) {
column_is_open = true;
is_top_filler_above = false;
if (c == biome->c_river_water) {
column_is_open = true;
is_under_river = true;
is_top_filler_above = false;
// Ground
float d1 = contour(noise_cave1->result[index3d]);
float d2 = contour(noise_cave2->result[index3d]);
if (d1 * d2 > m_cave_width && m_ndef->get(c).is_ground_content) {
// In tunnel and ground content, excavate
vm->m_data[vi] = MapNode(CONTENT_AIR);
is_under_tunnel = true;
// If tunnel roof is top or filler, replace with stone
if (is_top_filler_above)
vm->m_data[vi + em.X] = MapNode(biome->c_stone);
is_top_filler_above = false;
} else if (column_is_open && is_under_tunnel &&
(c == biome->c_stone || c == biome->c_filler)) {
// Tunnel entrance floor, place biome surface nodes
if (is_under_river) {
if (nplaced < depth_riverbed) {
vm->m_data[vi] = MapNode(biome->c_riverbed);
is_top_filler_above = true;
} else {
// Disable top/filler placement
column_is_open = false;
is_under_river = false;
is_under_tunnel = false;
} else if (nplaced < depth_top) {
vm->m_data[vi] = MapNode(biome->c_top);
is_top_filler_above = true;
} else if (nplaced < base_filler) {
vm->m_data[vi] = MapNode(biome->c_filler);
is_top_filler_above = true;
} else {
// Disable top/filler placement
column_is_open = false;
is_under_tunnel = false;
} else {
// Not tunnel or tunnel entrance floor
// Check node for possible replacing with stone for tunnel roof
if (c == biome->c_top || c == biome->c_filler)
is_top_filler_above = true;
column_is_open = false;
//// CavernsNoise
const NodeDefManager *nodedef, v3s16 chunksize, NoiseParams *np_cavern,
s32 seed, float cavern_limit, float cavern_taper, float cavern_threshold)
m_ndef = nodedef;
m_csize = chunksize;
m_cavern_limit = cavern_limit;
m_cavern_taper = cavern_taper;
m_cavern_threshold = cavern_threshold;
m_ystride = m_csize.X;
m_zstride_1d = m_csize.X * (m_csize.Y + 1);
// Noise is created using 1-down overgeneration
// A Nx-by-1-by-Nz-sized plane is at the bottom of the desired for
// re-carving the solid overtop placed for blocking sunlight
noise_cavern = new Noise(np_cavern, seed, m_csize.X, m_csize.Y + 1, m_csize.Z);
c_water_source = m_ndef->getId("mapgen_water_source");
if (c_water_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_water_source = CONTENT_AIR;
c_lava_source = m_ndef->getId("mapgen_lava_source");
if (c_lava_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_lava_source = CONTENT_AIR;
delete noise_cavern;
bool CavernsNoise::generateCaverns(MMVManip *vm, v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax)
// Calculate noise
noise_cavern->perlinMap3D(nmin.X, nmin.Y - 1, nmin.Z);
// Cache cavern_amp values
float *cavern_amp = new float[m_csize.Y + 1];
u8 cavern_amp_index = 0; // Index zero at column top
for (s16 y = nmax.Y; y >= nmin.Y - 1; y--, cavern_amp_index++) {
cavern_amp[cavern_amp_index] =
MYMIN((m_cavern_limit - y) / (float)m_cavern_taper, 1.0f);
//// Place nodes
bool near_cavern = false;
const v3s16 &em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
u32 index2d = 0;
for (s16 z = nmin.Z; z <= nmax.Z; z++)
for (s16 x = nmin.X; x <= nmax.X; x++, index2d++) {
// Reset cave_amp index to column top
cavern_amp_index = 0;
// Initial voxelmanip index at column top
u32 vi = vm->m_area.index(x, nmax.Y, z);
// Initial 3D noise index at column top
u32 index3d = (z - nmin.Z) * m_zstride_1d + m_csize.Y * m_ystride +
(x - nmin.X);
// Don't excavate the overgenerated stone at node_max.Y + 1,
// this creates a 'roof' over the cavern, preventing light in
// caverns at mapchunk borders when generating mapchunks upwards.
// This 'roof' is excavated when the mapchunk above is generated.
for (s16 y = nmax.Y; y >= nmin.Y - 1; y--,
index3d -= m_ystride,
VoxelArea::add_y(em, vi, -1),
cavern_amp_index++) {
content_t c = vm->m_data[vi].getContent();
float n_absamp_cavern = std::fabs(noise_cavern->result[index3d]) *
// Disable CavesRandomWalk at a safe distance from caverns
// to avoid excessively spreading liquids in caverns.
if (n_absamp_cavern > m_cavern_threshold - 0.1f) {
near_cavern = true;
if (n_absamp_cavern > m_cavern_threshold &&
vm->m_data[vi] = MapNode(CONTENT_AIR);
delete[] cavern_amp;
return near_cavern;
//// CavesRandomWalk
const NodeDefManager *ndef,
GenerateNotifier *gennotify,
s32 seed,
int water_level,
content_t water_source,
content_t lava_source,
int lava_depth,
BiomeGen *biomegen)
this->ndef = ndef;
this->gennotify = gennotify;
this->seed = seed;
this->water_level = water_level;
this->np_caveliquids = &nparams_caveliquids;
this->lava_depth = lava_depth;
this->bmgn = biomegen;
c_water_source = water_source;
if (c_water_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_water_source = ndef->getId("mapgen_water_source");
if (c_water_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_water_source = CONTENT_AIR;
c_lava_source = lava_source;
if (c_lava_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_lava_source = ndef->getId("mapgen_lava_source");
if (c_lava_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_lava_source = CONTENT_AIR;
void CavesRandomWalk::makeCave(MMVManip *vm, v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax,
PseudoRandom *ps, bool is_large_cave, int max_stone_height, s16 *heightmap)
this->vm = vm;
this->ps = ps;
this->node_min = nmin;
this->node_max = nmax;
this->heightmap = heightmap;
this->large_cave = is_large_cave;
this->ystride = nmax.X - nmin.X + 1;
flooded = ps->range(1, 2) == 2;
// If flooded:
// Get biome at mapchunk midpoint. If cave liquid defined for biome, use it.
// If defined liquid is "air", disable 'flooded' to avoid placing "air".
use_biome_liquid = false;
if (flooded && bmgn) {
v3s16 midp = node_min + (node_max - node_min) / v3s16(2, 2, 2);
Biome *biome = (Biome *)bmgn->getBiomeAtPoint(midp);
if (biome->c_cave_liquid[0] != CONTENT_IGNORE) {
use_biome_liquid = true;
c_biome_liquid =
biome->c_cave_liquid[ps->range(0, biome->c_cave_liquid.size() - 1)];
if (c_biome_liquid == CONTENT_AIR)
flooded = false;
// Set initial parameters from randomness
int dswitchint = ps->range(1, 14);
if (large_cave) {
part_max_length_rs = ps->range(2, 4);
tunnel_routepoints = ps->range(5, ps->range(15, 30));
min_tunnel_diameter = 5;
max_tunnel_diameter = ps->range(7, ps->range(8, 24));
} else {
part_max_length_rs = ps->range(2, 9);
tunnel_routepoints = ps->range(10, ps->range(15, 30));
min_tunnel_diameter = 2;
max_tunnel_diameter = ps->range(2, 6);
large_cave_is_flat = (ps->range(0, 1) == 0);
main_direction = v3f(0, 0, 0);
// Allowed route area size in nodes
ar = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1, 1, 1);
// Area starting point in nodes
of = node_min;
// Allow a bit more
//(this should be more than the maximum radius of the tunnel)
const s16 insure = 10;
s16 more = MYMAX(MAP_BLOCKSIZE - max_tunnel_diameter / 2 - insure, 1);
ar += v3s16(1, 0, 1) * more * 2;
of -= v3s16(1, 0, 1) * more;
route_y_min = 0;
// Allow half a diameter + 7 over stone surface
route_y_max = -of.Y + max_stone_height + max_tunnel_diameter / 2 + 7;
// Limit maximum to area
route_y_max = rangelim(route_y_max, 0, ar.Y - 1);
if (large_cave) {
s16 minpos = 0;
if (node_min.Y < water_level && node_max.Y > water_level) {
minpos = water_level - max_tunnel_diameter / 3 - of.Y;
route_y_max = water_level + max_tunnel_diameter / 3 - of.Y;
route_y_min = ps->range(minpos, minpos + max_tunnel_diameter);
route_y_min = rangelim(route_y_min, 0, route_y_max);
s16 route_start_y_min = route_y_min;
s16 route_start_y_max = route_y_max;
route_start_y_min = rangelim(route_start_y_min, 0, ar.Y - 1);
route_start_y_max = rangelim(route_start_y_max, route_start_y_min, ar.Y - 1);
// Randomize starting position
orp.Z = (float)(ps->next() % ar.Z) + 0.5f;
orp.Y = (float)(ps->range(route_start_y_min, route_start_y_max)) + 0.5f;
orp.X = (float)(ps->next() % ar.X) + 0.5f;
// Add generation notify begin event
if (gennotify) {
v3s16 abs_pos(of.X + orp.X, of.Y + orp.Y, of.Z + orp.Z);
GenNotifyType notifytype = large_cave ?
gennotify->addEvent(notifytype, abs_pos);
// Generate some tunnel starting from orp
for (u16 j = 0; j < tunnel_routepoints; j++)
makeTunnel(j % dswitchint == 0);
// Add generation notify end event
if (gennotify) {
v3s16 abs_pos(of.X + orp.X, of.Y + orp.Y, of.Z + orp.Z);
GenNotifyType notifytype = large_cave ?
gennotify->addEvent(notifytype, abs_pos);
void CavesRandomWalk::makeTunnel(bool dirswitch)
if (dirswitch && !large_cave) {
main_direction.Z = ((float)(ps->next() % 20) - (float)10) / 10;
main_direction.Y = ((float)(ps->next() % 20) - (float)10) / 30;
main_direction.X = ((float)(ps->next() % 20) - (float)10) / 10;
main_direction *= (float)ps->range(0, 10) / 10;
// Randomize size
s16 min_d = min_tunnel_diameter;
s16 max_d = max_tunnel_diameter;
rs = ps->range(min_d, max_d);
s16 rs_part_max_length_rs = rs * part_max_length_rs;
v3s16 maxlen;
if (large_cave) {
maxlen = v3s16(
rs_part_max_length_rs / 2,
} else {
maxlen = v3s16(
ps->range(1, rs_part_max_length_rs),
v3f vec;
// Jump downward sometimes
if (!large_cave && ps->range(0, 12) == 0) {
vec.Z = (float)(ps->next() % (maxlen.Z * 1)) - (float)maxlen.Z / 2;
vec.Y = (float)(ps->next() % (maxlen.Y * 2)) - (float)maxlen.Y;
vec.X = (float)(ps->next() % (maxlen.X * 1)) - (float)maxlen.X / 2;
} else {
vec.Z = (float)(ps->next() % (maxlen.Z * 1)) - (float)maxlen.Z / 2;
vec.Y = (float)(ps->next() % (maxlen.Y * 1)) - (float)maxlen.Y / 2;
vec.X = (float)(ps->next() % (maxlen.X * 1)) - (float)maxlen.X / 2;
// Do not make caves that are above ground.
// It is only necessary to check the startpoint and endpoint.
v3s16 p1 = v3s16(orp.X, orp.Y, orp.Z) + of + rs / 2;
v3s16 p2 = v3s16(vec.X, vec.Y, vec.Z) + p1;
if (isPosAboveSurface(p1) || isPosAboveSurface(p2))
vec += main_direction;
v3f rp = orp + vec;
if (rp.X < 0)
rp.X = 0;
else if (rp.X >= ar.X)
rp.X = ar.X - 1;
if (rp.Y < route_y_min)
rp.Y = route_y_min;
else if (rp.Y >= route_y_max)
rp.Y = route_y_max - 1;
if (rp.Z < 0)
rp.Z = 0;
else if (rp.Z >= ar.Z)
rp.Z = ar.Z - 1;
vec = rp - orp;
float veclen = vec.getLength();
if (veclen < 0.05f)
veclen = 1.0f;
// Every second section is rough
bool randomize_xz = (ps->range(1, 2) == 1);
// Carve routes
for (float f = 0.f; f < 1.0f; f += 1.0f / veclen)
carveRoute(vec, f, randomize_xz);
orp = rp;
void CavesRandomWalk::carveRoute(v3f vec, float f, bool randomize_xz)
MapNode airnode(CONTENT_AIR);
MapNode waternode(c_water_source);
MapNode lavanode(c_lava_source);
v3s16 startp(orp.X, orp.Y, orp.Z);
startp += of;
v3f fp = orp + vec * f;
fp.X += 0.1f * ps->range(-10, 10);
fp.Z += 0.1f * ps->range(-10, 10);
v3s16 cp(fp.X, fp.Y, fp.Z);
// Choose cave liquid
MapNode liquidnode = CONTENT_IGNORE;
if (flooded) {
if (use_biome_liquid) {
liquidnode = c_biome_liquid;
} else {
// If cave liquid not defined by biome, fallback to old hardcoded behaviour
float nval = NoisePerlin3D(np_caveliquids, startp.X,
startp.Y, startp.Z, seed);
liquidnode = (nval < 0.40f && node_max.Y < lava_depth) ?
lavanode : waternode;
s16 d0 = -rs / 2;
s16 d1 = d0 + rs;
if (randomize_xz) {
d0 += ps->range(-1, 1);
d1 += ps->range(-1, 1);
bool flat_cave_floor = !large_cave && ps->range(0, 2) == 2;
for (s16 z0 = d0; z0 <= d1; z0++) {
s16 si = rs / 2 - MYMAX(0, abs(z0) - rs / 7 - 1);
for (s16 x0 = -si - ps->range(0,1); x0 <= si - 1 + ps->range(0,1); x0++) {
s16 maxabsxz = MYMAX(abs(x0), abs(z0));
s16 si2 = rs / 2 - MYMAX(0, maxabsxz - rs / 7 - 1);
for (s16 y0 = -si2; y0 <= si2; y0++) {
// Make better floors in small caves
if (flat_cave_floor && y0 <= -rs / 2 && rs <= 7)
if (large_cave_is_flat) {
// Make large caves not so tall
if (rs > 7 && abs(y0) >= rs / 3)
v3s16 p(cp.X + x0, cp.Y + y0, cp.Z + z0);
p += of;
if (!vm->m_area.contains(p))
u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p);
content_t c = vm->m_data[i].getContent();
if (!ndef->get(c).is_ground_content)
if (large_cave) {
int full_ymin = node_min.Y - MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
int full_ymax = node_max.Y + MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
if (flooded && full_ymin < water_level && full_ymax > water_level)
vm->m_data[i] = (p.Y <= water_level) ? waternode : airnode;
else if (flooded && full_ymax < water_level)
vm->m_data[i] = (p.Y < startp.Y - 4) ? liquidnode : airnode;
vm->m_data[i] = airnode;
} else {
vm->m_data[i] = airnode;
vm->m_flags[i] |= VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE;
inline bool CavesRandomWalk::isPosAboveSurface(v3s16 p)
if (heightmap != NULL &&
p.Z >= node_min.Z && p.Z <= node_max.Z &&
p.X >= node_min.X && p.X <= node_max.X) {
u32 index = (p.Z - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X);
if (heightmap[index] < p.Y)
return true;
} else if (p.Y > water_level) {
return true;
return false;
//// CavesV6
CavesV6::CavesV6(const NodeDefManager *ndef, GenerateNotifier *gennotify,
int water_level, content_t water_source, content_t lava_source)
this->ndef = ndef;
this->gennotify = gennotify;
this->water_level = water_level;
c_water_source = water_source;
if (c_water_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_water_source = ndef->getId("mapgen_water_source");
if (c_water_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_water_source = CONTENT_AIR;
c_lava_source = lava_source;
if (c_lava_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_lava_source = ndef->getId("mapgen_lava_source");
if (c_lava_source == CONTENT_IGNORE)
c_lava_source = CONTENT_AIR;
void CavesV6::makeCave(MMVManip *vm, v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax,
PseudoRandom *ps, PseudoRandom *ps2,
bool is_large_cave, int max_stone_height, s16 *heightmap)
this->vm = vm;
this->ps = ps;
this->ps2 = ps2;
this->node_min = nmin;
this->node_max = nmax;
this->heightmap = heightmap;
this->large_cave = is_large_cave;
this->ystride = nmax.X - nmin.X + 1;
// Set initial parameters from randomness
min_tunnel_diameter = 2;
max_tunnel_diameter = ps->range(2, 6);
int dswitchint = ps->range(1, 14);
if (large_cave) {
part_max_length_rs = ps->range(2, 4);
tunnel_routepoints = ps->range(5, ps->range(15, 30));
min_tunnel_diameter = 5;
max_tunnel_diameter = ps->range(7, ps->range(8, 24));
} else {
part_max_length_rs = ps->range(2, 9);
tunnel_routepoints = ps->range(10, ps->range(15, 30));
large_cave_is_flat = (ps->range(0, 1) == 0);
main_direction = v3f(0, 0, 0);
// Allowed route area size in nodes
ar = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1, 1, 1);
// Area starting point in nodes
of = node_min;
// Allow a bit more
//(this should be more than the maximum radius of the tunnel)
const s16 max_spread_amount = MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
const s16 insure = 10;
s16 more = MYMAX(max_spread_amount - max_tunnel_diameter / 2 - insure, 1);
ar += v3s16(1, 0, 1) * more * 2;
of -= v3s16(1, 0, 1) * more;
route_y_min = 0;
// Allow half a diameter + 7 over stone surface
route_y_max = -of.Y + max_stone_height + max_tunnel_diameter / 2 + 7;
// Limit maximum to area
route_y_max = rangelim(route_y_max, 0, ar.Y - 1);
if (large_cave) {
s16 minpos = 0;
if (node_min.Y < water_level && node_max.Y > water_level) {
minpos = water_level - max_tunnel_diameter / 3 - of.Y;
route_y_max = water_level + max_tunnel_diameter / 3 - of.Y;
route_y_min = ps->range(minpos, minpos + max_tunnel_diameter);
route_y_min = rangelim(route_y_min, 0, route_y_max);
s16 route_start_y_min = route_y_min;
s16 route_start_y_max = route_y_max;
route_start_y_min = rangelim(route_start_y_min, 0, ar.Y - 1);
route_start_y_max = rangelim(route_start_y_max, route_start_y_min, ar.Y - 1);
// Randomize starting position
orp.Z = (float)(ps->next() % ar.Z) + 0.5f;
orp.Y = (float)(ps->range(route_start_y_min, route_start_y_max)) + 0.5f;
orp.X = (float)(ps->next() % ar.X) + 0.5f;
// Add generation notify begin event
if (gennotify != NULL) {
v3s16 abs_pos(of.X + orp.X, of.Y + orp.Y, of.Z + orp.Z);
GenNotifyType notifytype = large_cave ?
gennotify->addEvent(notifytype, abs_pos);
// Generate some tunnel starting from orp
for (u16 j = 0; j < tunnel_routepoints; j++)
makeTunnel(j % dswitchint == 0);
// Add generation notify end event
if (gennotify != NULL) {
v3s16 abs_pos(of.X + orp.X, of.Y + orp.Y, of.Z + orp.Z);
GenNotifyType notifytype = large_cave ?
gennotify->addEvent(notifytype, abs_pos);
void CavesV6::makeTunnel(bool dirswitch)
if (dirswitch && !large_cave) {
main_direction.Z = ((float)(ps->next() % 20) - (float)10) / 10;
main_direction.Y = ((float)(ps->next() % 20) - (float)10) / 30;
main_direction.X = ((float)(ps->next() % 20) - (float)10) / 10;
main_direction *= (float)ps->range(0, 10) / 10;
// Randomize size
s16 min_d = min_tunnel_diameter;
s16 max_d = max_tunnel_diameter;
rs = ps->range(min_d, max_d);
s16 rs_part_max_length_rs = rs * part_max_length_rs;
v3s16 maxlen;
if (large_cave) {
maxlen = v3s16(
rs_part_max_length_rs / 2,
} else {
maxlen = v3s16(
ps->range(1, rs_part_max_length_rs),
v3f vec;
vec.Z = (float)(ps->next() % maxlen.Z) - (float)maxlen.Z / 2;
vec.Y = (float)(ps->next() % maxlen.Y) - (float)maxlen.Y / 2;
vec.X = (float)(ps->next() % maxlen.X) - (float)maxlen.X / 2;
// Jump downward sometimes
if (!large_cave && ps->range(0, 12) == 0) {
vec.Z = (float)(ps->next() % maxlen.Z) - (float)maxlen.Z / 2;
vec.Y = (float)(ps->next() % (maxlen.Y * 2)) - (float)maxlen.Y;
vec.X = (float)(ps->next() % maxlen.X) - (float)maxlen.X / 2;
// Do not make caves that are entirely above ground, to fix shadow bugs
// caused by overgenerated large caves.
// It is only necessary to check the startpoint and endpoint.
v3s16 p1 = v3s16(orp.X, orp.Y, orp.Z) + of + rs / 2;
v3s16 p2 = v3s16(vec.X, vec.Y, vec.Z) + p1;
// If startpoint and endpoint are above ground, disable placement of nodes
// in carveRoute while still running all PseudoRandom calls to ensure caves
// are consistent with existing worlds.
bool tunnel_above_ground =
p1.Y > getSurfaceFromHeightmap(p1) &&
p2.Y > getSurfaceFromHeightmap(p2);
vec += main_direction;
v3f rp = orp + vec;
if (rp.X < 0)
rp.X = 0;
else if (rp.X >= ar.X)
rp.X = ar.X - 1;
if (rp.Y < route_y_min)
rp.Y = route_y_min;
else if (rp.Y >= route_y_max)
rp.Y = route_y_max - 1;
if (rp.Z < 0)
rp.Z = 0;
else if (rp.Z >= ar.Z)
rp.Z = ar.Z - 1;
vec = rp - orp;
float veclen = vec.getLength();
// As odd as it sounds, veclen is *exactly* 0.0 sometimes, causing a FPE
if (veclen < 0.05f)
veclen = 1.0f;
// Every second section is rough
bool randomize_xz = (ps2->range(1, 2) == 1);
// Carve routes
for (float f = 0.f; f < 1.0f; f += 1.0f / veclen)
carveRoute(vec, f, randomize_xz, tunnel_above_ground);
orp = rp;
void CavesV6::carveRoute(v3f vec, float f, bool randomize_xz,
bool tunnel_above_ground)
MapNode airnode(CONTENT_AIR);
MapNode waternode(c_water_source);
MapNode lavanode(c_lava_source);
v3s16 startp(orp.X, orp.Y, orp.Z);
startp += of;
v3f fp = orp + vec * f;
fp.X += 0.1f * ps->range(-10, 10);
fp.Z += 0.1f * ps->range(-10, 10);
v3s16 cp(fp.X, fp.Y, fp.Z);
s16 d0 = -rs / 2;
s16 d1 = d0 + rs;
if (randomize_xz) {
d0 += ps->range(-1, 1);
d1 += ps->range(-1, 1);
for (s16 z0 = d0; z0 <= d1; z0++) {
s16 si = rs / 2 - MYMAX(0, abs(z0) - rs / 7 - 1);
for (s16 x0 = -si - ps->range(0,1); x0 <= si - 1 + ps->range(0,1); x0++) {
if (tunnel_above_ground)
s16 maxabsxz = MYMAX(abs(x0), abs(z0));
s16 si2 = rs / 2 - MYMAX(0, maxabsxz - rs / 7 - 1);
for (s16 y0 = -si2; y0 <= si2; y0++) {
if (large_cave_is_flat) {
// Make large caves not so tall
if (rs > 7 && abs(y0) >= rs / 3)
v3s16 p(cp.X + x0, cp.Y + y0, cp.Z + z0);
p += of;
if (!vm->m_area.contains(p))
u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p);
content_t c = vm->m_data[i].getContent();
if (!ndef->get(c).is_ground_content)
if (large_cave) {
int full_ymin = node_min.Y - MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
int full_ymax = node_max.Y + MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
if (full_ymin < water_level && full_ymax > water_level) {
vm->m_data[i] = (p.Y <= water_level) ? waternode : airnode;
} else if (full_ymax < water_level) {
vm->m_data[i] = (p.Y < startp.Y - 2) ? lavanode : airnode;
} else {
vm->m_data[i] = airnode;
} else {
if (c == CONTENT_AIR)
vm->m_data[i] = airnode;
vm->m_flags[i] |= VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE;
inline s16 CavesV6::getSurfaceFromHeightmap(v3s16 p)
if (heightmap != NULL &&
p.Z >= node_min.Z && p.Z <= node_max.Z &&
p.X >= node_min.X && p.X <= node_max.X) {
u32 index = (p.Z - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X);
return heightmap[index];
return water_level;