2024-03-26 21:39:02 +01:00

2245 lines
72 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CIrrDeviceLinux.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <clocale>
#include "IEventReceiver.h"
#include "ISceneManager.h"
#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "CTimer.h"
#include "irrString.h"
#include "Keycodes.h"
#include "COSOperator.h"
#include "CColorConverter.h"
#include "SIrrCreationParameters.h"
#include "SExposedVideoData.h"
#include "IGUISpriteBank.h"
#include "IImageLoader.h"
#include "IFileSystem.h"
#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#if defined(_IRR_LINUX_X11_XINPUT2_)
#include <X11/extensions/XInput2.h>
#if defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_OGLES1_) || defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_OGLES2_)
#include "CEGLManager.h"
#include "CGLXManager.h"
#include <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
#include <sys/joystick.h>
// linux/joystick.h includes linux/input.h, which #defines values for various KEY_FOO keys.
// These override the irr::KEY_FOO equivalents, which stops key handling from working.
// As a workaround, defining _INPUT_H stops linux/input.h from being included; it
// doesn't actually seem to be necessary except to pull in sys/ioctl.h.
#define _INPUT_H
#include <sys/ioctl.h> // Would normally be included in linux/input.h
#include <linux/joystick.h>
#undef _INPUT_H
namespace irr
namespace video
IVideoDriver *createOpenGLDriver(const irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters &params, io::IFileSystem *io, IContextManager *contextManager);
IVideoDriver *createOGLES1Driver(const irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters &params, io::IFileSystem *io, IContextManager *contextManager);
IVideoDriver *createOGLES2Driver(const irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters &params, io::IFileSystem *io, IContextManager *contextManager);
IVideoDriver *createWebGL1Driver(const irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters &params, io::IFileSystem *io, IContextManager *contextManager);
} // end namespace irr
#if defined(_IRR_LINUX_X11_XINPUT2_)
namespace irr
//! constructor
CIrrDeviceLinux::CIrrDeviceLinux(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters &param) :
XDisplay(0), VisualInfo(0), Screennr(0), XWindow(0), StdHints(0),
XInputMethod(0), XInputContext(0),
#if defined(_IRR_LINUX_X11_XINPUT2_)
Width(param.WindowSize.Width), Height(param.WindowSize.Height),
WindowHasFocus(false), WindowMinimized(false), WindowMaximized(param.WindowMaximized),
ExternalWindow(false), AutorepeatSupport(0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// print version, distribution etc.
// thx to LynxLuna for pointing me to the uname function
core::stringc linuxversion;
struct utsname LinuxInfo;
linuxversion += LinuxInfo.sysname;
linuxversion += " ";
linuxversion += LinuxInfo.release;
linuxversion += " ";
linuxversion += LinuxInfo.version;
linuxversion += " ";
linuxversion += LinuxInfo.machine;
Operator = new COSOperator(linuxversion, this);
os::Printer::log(linuxversion.c_str(), ELL_INFORMATION);
// create keymap
// initialize X11 thread safety
// libX11 1.8+ has this on by default
// without it, multi-threaded GL drivers may crash
// create window
if (CreationParams.DriverType != video::EDT_NULL) {
// create the window, only if we do not use the null device
if (!createWindow())
if (param.WindowResizable < 2)
setResizable(param.WindowResizable == 1 ? true : false);
// create cursor control
CursorControl = new CCursorControl(this, CreationParams.DriverType == video::EDT_NULL);
// create driver
if (!VideoDriver)
if (param.WindowMaximized)
//! destructor
if (StdHints)
// Disable cursor (it is drop'ed in stub)
if (CursorControl) {
static_cast<CCursorControl *>(CursorControl)->clearCursors();
// Must free OpenGL textures etc before destroying context, so can't wait for stub destructor
if (GUIEnvironment) {
GUIEnvironment = NULL;
if (SceneManager) {
SceneManager = NULL;
if (VideoDriver) {
VideoDriver = NULL;
if (XDisplay) {
if (ContextManager) {
if (!ExternalWindow) {
XDestroyWindow(XDisplay, XWindow);
if (VisualInfo)
#endif // #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_
for (u32 joystick = 0; joystick < ActiveJoysticks.size(); ++joystick) {
if (ActiveJoysticks[joystick].fd >= 0) {
#if defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_) && defined(_DEBUG)
int IrrPrintXError(Display *display, XErrorEvent *event)
char msg[256];
char msg2[256];
snprintf_irr(msg, 256, "%d", event->request_code);
XGetErrorDatabaseText(display, "XRequest", msg, "unknown", msg2, 256);
XGetErrorText(display, event->error_code, msg, 256);
os::Printer::log("X Error", msg, ELL_WARNING);
os::Printer::log("From call ", msg2, ELL_WARNING);
return 0;
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::switchToFullscreen()
if (!CreationParams.Fullscreen)
return true;
if (!HasNetWM) {
os::Printer::log("NetWM support is required to allow Irrlicht to switch "
"to fullscreen mode. Running in windowed mode instead.",
CreationParams.Fullscreen = false;
return false;
XEvent ev = {0};
ev.type = ClientMessage;
ev.xclient.window = XWindow;
ev.xclient.message_type = X_ATOM_NETWM_STATE;
ev.xclient.format = 32;
ev.xclient.data.l[0] = 1; // _NET_WM_STATE_ADD
ev.xclient.data.l[1] = X_ATOM_NETWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN;
XSendEvent(XDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(XDisplay), false,
SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev);
return true;
void CIrrDeviceLinux::setupTopLevelXorgWindow()
if (CreationParams.DriverType == video::EDT_NULL)
return; // no display and window
os::Printer::log("Configuring X11-specific top level window properties", ELL_DEBUG);
// Set application name and class hints. For now name and class are the same.
// Note: SDL uses the executable name here (i.e. "minetest").
XClassHint *classhint = XAllocClassHint();
classhint->res_name = const_cast<char *>("Minetest");
classhint->res_class = const_cast<char *>("Minetest");
XSetClassHint(XDisplay, XWindow, classhint);
// FIXME: In the future WMNormalHints should be set ... e.g see the
// gtk/gdk code (gdk/x11/gdksurface-x11.c) for the setup_top_level
// method. But for now (as it would require some significant changes)
// leave the code as is.
// The following is borrowed from the above gdk source for setting top
// level windows. The source indicates and the Xlib docs suggest that
// this will set the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE and WM_LOCAL_NAME. This will not
// set the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE to a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) which is
// required by the Extended Window Manager Hints (EWMH) spec when setting
// the _NET_WM_PID (see further down) but running Minetest in an env
// where the window manager is on another machine from Minetest (therefore
// making the PID useless) is not expected to be a problem. Further
// more, using gtk/gdk as the model it would seem that not using a FQDN is
// not an issue for modern Xorg window managers.
os::Printer::log("Setting Xorg window manager Properties", ELL_DEBUG);
XSetWMProperties(XDisplay, XWindow, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Set the _NET_WM_PID window property according to the EWMH spec. _NET_WM_PID
// (in conjunction with WM_CLIENT_MACHINE) can be used by window managers to
// force a shutdown of an application if it doesn't respond to the destroy
// window message.
os::Printer::log("Setting Xorg _NET_WM_PID extended window manager property", ELL_DEBUG);
Atom NET_WM_PID = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "_NET_WM_PID", false);
long pid = static_cast<long>(getpid());
XChangeProperty(XDisplay, XWindow, NET_WM_PID,
XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace,
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&pid), 1);
// Set the WM_CLIENT_LEADER window property here. Minetest has only one
// window and that window will always be the leader.
os::Printer::log("Setting Xorg WM_CLIENT_LEADER property", ELL_DEBUG);
Atom WM_CLIENT_LEADER = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "WM_CLIENT_LEADER", false);
XChangeProperty(XDisplay, XWindow, WM_CLIENT_LEADER,
XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace,
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&XWindow), 1);
#if defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_)
void IrrPrintXGrabError(int grabResult, const c8 *grabCommand)
if (grabResult == GrabSuccess) {
// os::Printer::log(grabCommand, "GrabSuccess", ELL_INFORMATION);
switch (grabResult) {
case AlreadyGrabbed:
os::Printer::log(grabCommand, "AlreadyGrabbed", ELL_WARNING);
case GrabNotViewable:
os::Printer::log(grabCommand, "GrabNotViewable", ELL_WARNING);
case GrabFrozen:
os::Printer::log(grabCommand, "GrabFrozen", ELL_WARNING);
case GrabInvalidTime:
os::Printer::log(grabCommand, "GrabInvalidTime", ELL_WARNING);
os::Printer::log(grabCommand, "grab failed with unknown problem", ELL_WARNING);
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::createWindow()
#ifdef _DEBUG
os::Printer::log("Creating X window...", ELL_INFORMATION);
XDisplay = XOpenDisplay(0);
if (!XDisplay) {
os::Printer::log("Error: Need running XServer to start Irrlicht Engine.", ELL_ERROR);
if (XDisplayName(0)[0])
os::Printer::log("Could not open display", XDisplayName(0), ELL_ERROR);
os::Printer::log("Could not open display, set DISPLAY variable", ELL_ERROR);
return false;
Screennr = DefaultScreen(XDisplay);
// check netwm support
Atom WMCheck = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", True);
if (WMCheck != None)
HasNetWM = true;
// don't use the XVisual with OpenGL, because it ignores all requested
// properties of the CreationParams
if (CreationParams.DriverType == video::EDT_OPENGL) {
video::SExposedVideoData data;
data.OpenGLLinux.X11Display = XDisplay;
ContextManager = new video::CGLXManager(CreationParams, data, Screennr);
VisualInfo = ((video::CGLXManager *)ContextManager)->getVisual();
if (!VisualInfo) {
// create visual with standard X methods
os::Printer::log("Using plain X visual");
XVisualInfo visTempl; // Template to hold requested values
int visNumber; // Return value of available visuals
visTempl.screen = Screennr;
// ARGB visuals should be avoided for usual applications
visTempl.depth = CreationParams.WithAlphaChannel ? 32 : 24;
while ((!VisualInfo) && (visTempl.depth >= 16)) {
VisualInfo = XGetVisualInfo(XDisplay, VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask,
&visTempl, &visNumber);
visTempl.depth -= 8;
if (!VisualInfo) {
os::Printer::log("Fatal error, could not get visual.", ELL_ERROR);
XDisplay = 0;
return false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
os::Printer::log("Visual chosen", core::stringc(static_cast<u32>(VisualInfo->visualid)).c_str(), ELL_DEBUG);
// create color map
Colormap colormap;
colormap = XCreateColormap(XDisplay,
RootWindow(XDisplay, VisualInfo->screen),
VisualInfo->visual, AllocNone);
WndAttributes.colormap = colormap;
WndAttributes.border_pixel = 0;
WndAttributes.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | FocusChangeMask | ExposureMask;
WndAttributes.event_mask |= PointerMotionMask |
ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask |
ButtonReleaseMask | KeyReleaseMask;
if (!CreationParams.WindowId) {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
if (!CreationParams.Fullscreen) {
if (CreationParams.WindowPosition.X > 0)
x = CreationParams.WindowPosition.X;
if (CreationParams.WindowPosition.Y > 0)
y = CreationParams.WindowPosition.Y;
// create new Window
// Remove window manager decoration in fullscreen
XWindow = XCreateWindow(XDisplay,
RootWindow(XDisplay, VisualInfo->screen),
x, y, Width, Height, 0, VisualInfo->depth,
InputOutput, VisualInfo->visual,
CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask,
XMapRaised(XDisplay, XWindow);
CreationParams.WindowId = (void *)XWindow;
XSetWMProtocols(XDisplay, XWindow, &X_ATOM_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, 1);
if (CreationParams.Fullscreen) {
// Don't try to set window position
} else if (CreationParams.WindowPosition.X >= 0 || CreationParams.WindowPosition.Y >= 0) { // default is -1, -1
// Window managers are free to ignore positions above, so give it another shot
XMoveWindow(XDisplay, XWindow, x, y);
} else {
// attach external window
XWindow = (Window)CreationParams.WindowId;
// Note: This might be further improved by using a InputOnly window instead of InputOutput.
// I think then it should be possible to render into the given parent window instead of
// creating a child-window.
// Also... this does possibly leak.
Window child_window = XCreateWindow(XDisplay,
0, 0, Width, Height, 0, VisualInfo->depth,
InputOutput, VisualInfo->visual,
CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask,
// do not forget to map new window
XMapWindow(XDisplay, child_window);
// overwrite device window id
XWindow = child_window;
XWindowAttributes wa;
XGetWindowAttributes(XDisplay, XWindow, &wa);
CreationParams.WindowSize.Width = wa.width;
CreationParams.WindowSize.Height = wa.height;
CreationParams.Fullscreen = false;
ExternalWindow = true;
WindowMinimized = false;
XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(XDisplay, True, &AutorepeatSupport);
Window tmp;
u32 borderWidth;
int x, y;
unsigned int bits;
XGetGeometry(XDisplay, XWindow, &tmp, &x, &y, &Width, &Height, &borderWidth, &bits);
CreationParams.Bits = bits;
CreationParams.WindowSize.Width = Width;
CreationParams.WindowSize.Height = Height;
StdHints = XAllocSizeHints();
long num;
XGetWMNormalHints(XDisplay, XWindow, StdHints, &num);
#endif // #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_
return true;
//! create the driver
void CIrrDeviceLinux::createDriver()
switch (CreationParams.DriverType) {
case video::EDT_OPENGL:
video::SExposedVideoData data;
data.OpenGLLinux.X11Window = XWindow;
data.OpenGLLinux.X11Display = XDisplay;
ContextManager->initialize(CreationParams, data);
VideoDriver = video::createOpenGLDriver(CreationParams, FileSystem, ContextManager);
os::Printer::log("No OpenGL support compiled in.", ELL_ERROR);
case video::EDT_OGLES1:
video::SExposedVideoData data;
data.OpenGLLinux.X11Window = XWindow;
data.OpenGLLinux.X11Display = XDisplay;
ContextManager = new video::CEGLManager();
ContextManager->initialize(CreationParams, data);
VideoDriver = video::createOGLES1Driver(CreationParams, FileSystem, ContextManager);
os::Printer::log("No OpenGL-ES1 support compiled in.", ELL_ERROR);
case video::EDT_OGLES2:
video::SExposedVideoData data;
data.OpenGLLinux.X11Window = XWindow;
data.OpenGLLinux.X11Display = XDisplay;
ContextManager = new video::CEGLManager();
ContextManager->initialize(CreationParams, data);
VideoDriver = video::createOGLES2Driver(CreationParams, FileSystem, ContextManager);
os::Printer::log("No OpenGL-ES2 support compiled in.", ELL_ERROR);
case video::EDT_WEBGL1:
video::SExposedVideoData data;
data.OpenGLLinux.X11Window = XWindow;
data.OpenGLLinux.X11Display = XDisplay;
ContextManager = new video::CEGLManager();
ContextManager->initialize(CreationParams, data);
VideoDriver = video::createWebGL1Driver(CreationParams, FileSystem, ContextManager);
os::Printer::log("No WebGL1 support compiled in.", ELL_ERROR);
case video::EDT_NULL:
VideoDriver = video::createNullDriver(FileSystem, CreationParams.WindowSize);
os::Printer::log("Unable to create video driver of unknown type.", ELL_ERROR);
case video::EDT_NULL:
VideoDriver = video::createNullDriver(FileSystem, CreationParams.WindowSize);
os::Printer::log("No X11 support compiled in. Only Null driver available.", ELL_ERROR);
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::createInputContext()
// One one side it would be nicer to let users do that - on the other hand
// not setting the environment locale will not work when using i18n X11 functions.
// So users would have to call it always or their input is broken badly.
// We can restore immediately - so won't mess with anything in users apps.
core::stringc oldLocale(setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL));
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); // use environment locale
if (!XSupportsLocale()) {
os::Printer::log("Locale not supported. Falling back to non-i18n input.", ELL_WARNING);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, oldLocale.c_str());
return false;
// Load XMODIFIERS (e.g. for IMEs)
if (!XSetLocaleModifiers("")) {
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, oldLocale.c_str());
os::Printer::log("XSetLocaleModifiers failed. Falling back to non-i18n input.", ELL_WARNING);
return false;
XInputMethod = XOpenIM(XDisplay, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!XInputMethod) {
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, oldLocale.c_str());
os::Printer::log("XOpenIM failed to create an input method. Falling back to non-i18n input.", ELL_WARNING);
return false;
XIMStyles *im_supported_styles;
XGetIMValues(XInputMethod, XNQueryInputStyle, &im_supported_styles, (char *)NULL);
XIMStyle bestStyle = 0;
XIMStyle supportedStyle = XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing;
for (int i = 0; i < im_supported_styles->count_styles; ++i) {
XIMStyle style = im_supported_styles->supported_styles[i];
if ((style & supportedStyle) == style) /* if we can handle it */
bestStyle = style;
if (!bestStyle) {
XInputContext = 0;
os::Printer::log("XInputMethod has no input style we can use. Falling back to non-i18n input.", ELL_WARNING);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, oldLocale.c_str());
return false;
XInputContext = XCreateIC(XInputMethod,
XNInputStyle, bestStyle,
XNClientWindow, XWindow,
(char *)NULL);
if (!XInputContext) {
os::Printer::log("XInputContext failed to create an input context. Falling back to non-i18n input.", ELL_WARNING);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, oldLocale.c_str());
return false;
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, oldLocale.c_str());
return true;
void CIrrDeviceLinux::destroyInputContext()
if (XInputContext) {
XInputContext = 0;
if (XInputMethod) {
XInputMethod = 0;
EKEY_CODE CIrrDeviceLinux::getKeyCode(XEvent &event)
SKeyMap mp;
mp.X11Key = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(XDisplay, event.xkey.keycode, 0, 0);
const s32 idx = KeyMap.binary_search(mp);
if (idx != -1) {
keyCode = (EKEY_CODE)KeyMap[idx].Win32Key;
if (keyCode == 0) {
keyCode = KEY_UNKNOWN;
if (!mp.X11Key) {
os::Printer::log("No such X11Key, event keycode", core::stringc(event.xkey.keycode).c_str(), ELL_INFORMATION);
} else if (idx == -1) {
os::Printer::log("EKEY_CODE not found, X11 keycode", core::stringc(mp.X11Key).c_str(), ELL_INFORMATION);
} else {
os::Printer::log("EKEY_CODE is 0, X11 keycode", core::stringc(mp.X11Key).c_str(), ELL_INFORMATION);
return keyCode;
//! runs the device. Returns false if device wants to be deleted
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::run()
if (CursorControl)
static_cast<CCursorControl *>(CursorControl)->update();
if ((CreationParams.DriverType != video::EDT_NULL) && XDisplay) {
SEvent irrevent;
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates = 0xffffffff;
while (XPending(XDisplay) > 0 && !Close) {
XEvent event;
XNextEvent(XDisplay, &event);
if (XFilterEvent(&event, None))
switch (event.type) {
case ConfigureNotify:
// check for changed window size
if ((event.xconfigure.width != (int)Width) ||
(event.xconfigure.height != (int)Height)) {
Width = event.xconfigure.width;
Height = event.xconfigure.height;
if (VideoDriver)
VideoDriver->OnResize(core::dimension2d<u32>(Width, Height));
case MapNotify:
WindowMinimized = false;
case UnmapNotify:
WindowMinimized = true;
case FocusIn:
WindowHasFocus = true;
case FocusOut:
WindowHasFocus = false;
case MotionNotify:
irrevent.EventType = irr::EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT;
irrevent.MouseInput.Event = irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED;
irrevent.MouseInput.X = event.xbutton.x;
irrevent.MouseInput.Y = event.xbutton.y;
irrevent.MouseInput.Control = (event.xkey.state & ControlMask) != 0;
irrevent.MouseInput.Shift = (event.xkey.state & ShiftMask) != 0;
// mouse button states
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates = (event.xbutton.state & Button1Mask) ? irr::EMBSM_LEFT : 0;
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates |= (event.xbutton.state & Button3Mask) ? irr::EMBSM_RIGHT : 0;
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates |= (event.xbutton.state & Button2Mask) ? irr::EMBSM_MIDDLE : 0;
case ButtonPress:
case ButtonRelease:
irrevent.EventType = irr::EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT;
irrevent.MouseInput.X = event.xbutton.x;
irrevent.MouseInput.Y = event.xbutton.y;
irrevent.MouseInput.Control = (event.xkey.state & ControlMask) != 0;
irrevent.MouseInput.Shift = (event.xkey.state & ShiftMask) != 0;
// mouse button states
// This sets the state which the buttons had _prior_ to the event.
// So unlike on Windows the button which just got changed has still the old state here.
// We handle that below by flipping the corresponding bit later.
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates = (event.xbutton.state & Button1Mask) ? irr::EMBSM_LEFT : 0;
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates |= (event.xbutton.state & Button3Mask) ? irr::EMBSM_RIGHT : 0;
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates |= (event.xbutton.state & Button2Mask) ? irr::EMBSM_MIDDLE : 0;
irrevent.MouseInput.Event = irr::EMIE_COUNT;
switch (event.xbutton.button) {
case Button1:
irrevent.MouseInput.Event =
(event.type == ButtonPress) ? irr::EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN : irr::EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP;
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates ^= irr::EMBSM_LEFT;
case Button3:
irrevent.MouseInput.Event =
(event.type == ButtonPress) ? irr::EMIE_RMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN : irr::EMIE_RMOUSE_LEFT_UP;
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates ^= irr::EMBSM_RIGHT;
case Button2:
irrevent.MouseInput.Event =
(event.type == ButtonPress) ? irr::EMIE_MMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN : irr::EMIE_MMOUSE_LEFT_UP;
irrevent.MouseInput.ButtonStates ^= irr::EMBSM_MIDDLE;
case Button4:
if (event.type == ButtonPress) {
irrevent.MouseInput.Event = EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL;
irrevent.MouseInput.Wheel = 1.0f;
case Button5:
if (event.type == ButtonPress) {
irrevent.MouseInput.Event = EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL;
irrevent.MouseInput.Wheel = -1.0f;
if (irrevent.MouseInput.Event != irr::EMIE_COUNT) {
if (irrevent.MouseInput.Event >= EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN && irrevent.MouseInput.Event <= EMIE_MMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN) {
u32 clicks = checkSuccessiveClicks(irrevent.MouseInput.X, irrevent.MouseInput.Y, irrevent.MouseInput.Event);
if (clicks == 2) {
irrevent.MouseInput.Event = (EMOUSE_INPUT_EVENT)(EMIE_LMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK + irrevent.MouseInput.Event - EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN);
} else if (clicks == 3) {
irrevent.MouseInput.Event = (EMOUSE_INPUT_EVENT)(EMIE_LMOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK + irrevent.MouseInput.Event - EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN);
case MappingNotify:
case KeyRelease:
if (0 == AutorepeatSupport && (XPending(XDisplay) > 0)) {
// check for Autorepeat manually
// We'll do the same as Windows does: Only send KeyPressed
// So every KeyRelease is a real release
XEvent next_event;
XPeekEvent(event.xkey.display, &next_event);
if ((next_event.type == KeyPress) &&
(next_event.xkey.keycode == event.xkey.keycode) &&
(next_event.xkey.time - event.xkey.time) < 2) // usually same time, but on some systems a difference of 1 is possible
// Ignore the key release event
irrevent.EventType = irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT;
irrevent.KeyInput.PressedDown = false;
irrevent.KeyInput.Char = 0; // on release that's undefined
irrevent.KeyInput.Control = (event.xkey.state & ControlMask) != 0;
irrevent.KeyInput.Shift = (event.xkey.state & ShiftMask) != 0;
irrevent.KeyInput.Key = getKeyCode(event);
case KeyPress: {
SKeyMap mp;
if (XInputContext) {
wchar_t buf[64] = {0};
Status status;
int strLen = XwcLookupString(XInputContext, &event.xkey, buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(wchar_t) - 1, &mp.X11Key, &status);
if (status == XBufferOverflow) {
os::Printer::log("XwcLookupString needs a larger buffer", ELL_INFORMATION);
if (strLen > 0 && (status == XLookupChars || status == XLookupBoth)) {
if (strLen > 1) {
// Multiple characters: send string event
irrevent.EventType = irr::EET_STRING_INPUT_EVENT;
irrevent.StringInput.Str = new core::stringw(buf);
delete irrevent.StringInput.Str;
irrevent.StringInput.Str = NULL;
} else {
irrevent.KeyInput.Char = buf[0];
} else {
#if 0 // Most of those are fine - but useful to have the info when debugging Irrlicht itself.
if ( status == XLookupNone )
os::Printer::log("XLookupNone", ELL_INFORMATION);
else if ( status == XLookupKeySym )
// Getting this also when user did not set setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); and using an unknown locale
// XSupportsLocale doesn't seem to catch that unfortunately - any other ideas to catch it are welcome.
os::Printer::log("XLookupKeySym", ELL_INFORMATION);
else if ( status == XBufferOverflow )
os::Printer::log("XBufferOverflow", ELL_INFORMATION);
else if ( strLen == 0 )
os::Printer::log("no string", ELL_INFORMATION);
irrevent.KeyInput.Char = 0;
} else // Old version without InputContext. Does not support i18n, but good to have as fallback.
char buf[8];
wchar_t wbuf[2];
} tmp = {{0}};
XLookupString(&event.xkey, tmp.buf, sizeof(tmp.buf), &mp.X11Key, NULL);
irrevent.KeyInput.Char = tmp.wbuf[0];
irrevent.EventType = irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT;
irrevent.KeyInput.PressedDown = true;
irrevent.KeyInput.Control = (event.xkey.state & ControlMask) != 0;
irrevent.KeyInput.Shift = (event.xkey.state & ShiftMask) != 0;
irrevent.KeyInput.Key = getKeyCode(event);
} break;
case ClientMessage: {
if (static_cast<Atom>(event.xclient.data.l[0]) == X_ATOM_WM_DELETE_WINDOW && X_ATOM_WM_DELETE_WINDOW != None) {
os::Printer::log("Quit message received.", ELL_INFORMATION);
Close = true;
} else {
// we assume it's a user message
irrevent.EventType = irr::EET_USER_EVENT;
irrevent.UserEvent.UserData1 = static_cast<size_t>(event.xclient.data.l[0]);
irrevent.UserEvent.UserData2 = static_cast<size_t>(event.xclient.data.l[1]);
} break;
case SelectionRequest: {
XSelectionRequestEvent *req = &(event.xselectionrequest);
auto send_response = [this, req](Atom property) {
XEvent response;
response.xselection.type = SelectionNotify;
response.xselection.display = req->display;
response.xselection.requestor = req->requestor;
response.xselection.selection = req->selection;
response.xselection.target = req->target;
response.xselection.property = property;
response.xselection.time = req->time;
XSendEvent(XDisplay, req->requestor, 0, 0, &response);
auto send_response_refuse = [&send_response] {
// sets the required property to data of type type and
// sends the according response
auto set_property_and_notify = [this, req, &send_response](Atom type, int format, const void *data, u32 data_size) {
(const unsigned char *)data,
if ((req->selection != X_ATOM_CLIPBOARD &&
req->selection != XA_PRIMARY) ||
req->owner != XWindow) {
// we are not the owner, refuse request
const core::stringc &text_buffer = req->selection == X_ATOM_CLIPBOARD ? Clipboard : PrimarySelection;
// for debugging:
//~ {
//~ char *target_name = XGetAtomName(XDisplay, req->target);
//~ fprintf(stderr, "CIrrDeviceLinux::run: target: %s (=%ld)\n",
//~ target_name, req->target);
//~ XFree(target_name);
//~ }
if (req->property == None) {
// req is from obsolete client, use target as property name
// and X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING as type
// Note: this was not tested and might be incorrect
os::Printer::log("CIrrDeviceLinux::run: SelectionRequest from obsolete client",
req->target, X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING,
8, // format = 8-bit
(unsigned char *)text_buffer.c_str(),
if (req->target == X_ATOM_TARGETS) {
Atom data[] = {
32, // Atom is long, we need to set 32 for longs
sizeof(data) / sizeof(*data));
} else if (req->target == X_ATOM_TEXT ||
req->target == X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING ||
req->target == X_ATOM_UTF8_MIME_TYPE) {
} else {
// refuse the request
} break;
#if defined(_IRR_LINUX_X11_XINPUT2_)
case GenericEvent: {
XGenericEventCookie *cookie = &event.xcookie;
if (XGetEventData(XDisplay, cookie) && cookie->extension == XI_EXTENSIONS_OPCODE && XI_EXTENSIONS_OPCODE && (cookie->evtype == XI_TouchUpdate || cookie->evtype == XI_TouchBegin || cookie->evtype == XI_TouchEnd)) {
XIDeviceEvent *de = (XIDeviceEvent *)cookie->data;
irrevent.EventType = EET_TOUCH_INPUT_EVENT;
irrevent.TouchInput.Event = cookie->evtype == XI_TouchUpdate ? ETIE_MOVED : (cookie->evtype == XI_TouchBegin ? ETIE_PRESSED_DOWN : ETIE_LEFT_UP);
irrevent.TouchInput.ID = de->detail;
irrevent.TouchInput.X = de->event_x;
irrevent.TouchInput.Y = de->event_y;
if (irrevent.TouchInput.Event == ETIE_PRESSED_DOWN) {
irrevent.TouchInput.touchedCount = currentTouchedCount;
if (currentTouchedCount > 0 && irrevent.TouchInput.Event == ETIE_LEFT_UP) {
} break;
} // end switch
// Update IME information
if (XInputContext && GUIEnvironment) {
gui::IGUIElement *elem = GUIEnvironment->getFocus();
if (elem && elem->acceptsIME()) {
core::rect<s32> r = elem->getAbsolutePosition();
XPoint p;
p.x = (short)r.UpperLeftCorner.X;
p.y = (short)r.LowerRightCorner.Y;
XVaNestedList l = XVaCreateNestedList(0, XNSpotLocation, &p, NULL);
XSetICValues(XInputContext, XNPreeditAttributes, l, NULL);
} else {
} // end while
#endif //_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_
if (!Close)
return !Close;
//! Pause the current process for the minimum time allowed only to allow other processes to execute
void CIrrDeviceLinux::yield()
struct timespec ts = {0, 1};
nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
//! Pause execution and let other processes to run for a specified amount of time.
void CIrrDeviceLinux::sleep(u32 timeMs, bool pauseTimer = false)
const bool wasStopped = Timer ? Timer->isStopped() : true;
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_sec = (time_t)(timeMs / 1000);
ts.tv_nsec = (long)(timeMs % 1000) * 1000000;
if (pauseTimer && !wasStopped)
nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
if (pauseTimer && !wasStopped)
//! sets the caption of the window
void CIrrDeviceLinux::setWindowCaption(const wchar_t *text)
if (CreationParams.DriverType == video::EDT_NULL)
XTextProperty txt;
if (Success == XwcTextListToTextProperty(XDisplay, const_cast<wchar_t **>(&text),
1, XStdICCTextStyle, &txt)) {
XSetWMName(XDisplay, XWindow, &txt);
XSetWMIconName(XDisplay, XWindow, &txt);
//! Sets the window icon.
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::setWindowIcon(const video::IImage *img)
if (CreationParams.DriverType == video::EDT_NULL)
return false; // no display and window
u32 height = img->getDimension().Height;
u32 width = img->getDimension().Width;
size_t icon_buffer_len = 2 + height * width;
long *icon_buffer = new long[icon_buffer_len];
icon_buffer[0] = width;
icon_buffer[1] = height;
for (u32 x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (u32 y = 0; y < height; y++) {
video::SColor col = img->getPixel(x, y);
long pixel_val = 0;
pixel_val |= (u8)col.getAlpha() << 24;
pixel_val |= (u8)col.getRed() << 16;
pixel_val |= (u8)col.getGreen() << 8;
pixel_val |= (u8)col.getBlue();
icon_buffer[2 + x + y * width] = pixel_val;
if (XDisplay == NULL) {
os::Printer::log("Could not find x11 display for setting its icon.", ELL_ERROR);
delete[] icon_buffer;
return false;
Atom net_wm_icon = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "_NET_WM_ICON", False);
Atom cardinal = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "CARDINAL", False);
XChangeProperty(XDisplay, XWindow, net_wm_icon, cardinal, 32, PropModeReplace,
(const unsigned char *)icon_buffer, icon_buffer_len);
delete[] icon_buffer;
return true;
//! notifies the device that it should close itself
void CIrrDeviceLinux::closeDevice()
Close = true;
//! returns if window is active. if not, nothing need to be drawn
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::isWindowActive() const
return (WindowHasFocus && !WindowMinimized);
//! returns if window has focus.
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::isWindowFocused() const
return WindowHasFocus;
//! returns if window is minimized.
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::isWindowMinimized() const
return WindowMinimized;
//! returns last state from maximizeWindow() and restoreWindow()
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::isWindowMaximized() const
return WindowMaximized;
//! returns color format of the window.
video::ECOLOR_FORMAT CIrrDeviceLinux::getColorFormat() const
if (VisualInfo && (VisualInfo->depth != 16))
return video::ECF_R8G8B8;
return video::ECF_R5G6B5;
//! Sets if the window should be resizable in windowed mode.
void CIrrDeviceLinux::setResizable(bool resize)
if (CreationParams.DriverType == video::EDT_NULL || CreationParams.Fullscreen)
if (!resize) {
// Must be heap memory because data size depends on X Server
XSizeHints *hints = XAllocSizeHints();
hints->flags = PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize;
hints->min_width = hints->max_width = hints->base_width = Width;
hints->min_height = hints->max_height = hints->base_height = Height;
XSetWMNormalHints(XDisplay, XWindow, hints);
} else {
XSetWMNormalHints(XDisplay, XWindow, StdHints);
#endif // #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_
//! Resize the render window.
void CIrrDeviceLinux::setWindowSize(const irr::core::dimension2d<u32> &size)
if (CreationParams.DriverType == video::EDT_NULL || CreationParams.Fullscreen)
XWindowChanges values;
values.width = size.Width;
values.height = size.Height;
XConfigureWindow(XDisplay, XWindow, CWWidth | CWHeight, &values);
#endif // #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_
//! Minimize window
void CIrrDeviceLinux::minimizeWindow()
XIconifyWindow(XDisplay, XWindow, Screennr);
//! Maximize window
void CIrrDeviceLinux::maximizeWindow()
// Maximize is not implemented in bare X, it's a WM construct.
if (HasNetWM) {
XEvent ev = {0};
ev.type = ClientMessage;
ev.xclient.window = XWindow;
ev.xclient.message_type = X_ATOM_NETWM_STATE;
ev.xclient.format = 32;
ev.xclient.data.l[0] = 1; // _NET_WM_STATE_ADD
ev.xclient.data.l[1] = X_ATOM_NETWM_MAXIMIZE_VERT;
ev.xclient.data.l[2] = X_ATOM_NETWM_MAXIMIZE_HORZ;
XSendEvent(XDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(XDisplay), false,
SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev);
XMapWindow(XDisplay, XWindow);
WindowMaximized = true;
//! Restore original window size
void CIrrDeviceLinux::restoreWindow()
// Maximize is not implemented in bare X, it's a WM construct.
if (HasNetWM) {
XEvent ev = {0};
ev.type = ClientMessage;
ev.xclient.window = XWindow;
ev.xclient.message_type = X_ATOM_NETWM_STATE;
ev.xclient.format = 32;
ev.xclient.data.l[0] = 0; // _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE
ev.xclient.data.l[1] = X_ATOM_NETWM_MAXIMIZE_VERT;
ev.xclient.data.l[2] = X_ATOM_NETWM_MAXIMIZE_HORZ;
XSendEvent(XDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(XDisplay), false,
SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev);
XMapWindow(XDisplay, XWindow);
WindowMaximized = false;
core::position2di CIrrDeviceLinux::getWindowPosition()
int wx = 0, wy = 0;
Window child;
XTranslateCoordinates(XDisplay, XWindow, DefaultRootWindow(XDisplay), 0, 0, &wx, &wy, &child);
return core::position2di(wx, wy);
void CIrrDeviceLinux::createKeyMap()
// I don't know if this is the best method to create
// the lookuptable, but I'll leave it like that until
// I find a better version.
// Search for missing numbers in keysymdef.h
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_BackSpace, KEY_BACK));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Tab, KEY_TAB));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_ISO_Left_Tab, KEY_TAB));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Linefeed, 0)); // ???
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Clear, KEY_CLEAR));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Return, KEY_RETURN));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Pause, KEY_PAUSE));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Scroll_Lock, KEY_SCROLL));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Sys_Req, 0)); // ???
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Escape, KEY_ESCAPE));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Insert, KEY_INSERT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Delete, KEY_DELETE));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Home, KEY_HOME));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Left, KEY_LEFT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Up, KEY_UP));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Right, KEY_RIGHT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Down, KEY_DOWN));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Prior, KEY_PRIOR));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Page_Up, KEY_PRIOR));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Next, KEY_NEXT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Page_Down, KEY_NEXT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_End, KEY_END));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Begin, KEY_NUMPAD5));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Num_Lock, KEY_NUMLOCK));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Space, KEY_SPACE));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Tab, KEY_TAB));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Enter, KEY_RETURN));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_F1, KEY_F1));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_F2, KEY_F2));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_F3, KEY_F3));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_F4, KEY_F4));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Home, KEY_HOME));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Left, KEY_LEFT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Up, KEY_UP));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Right, KEY_RIGHT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Down, KEY_DOWN));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Print, KEY_PRINT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Prior, KEY_PRIOR));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Page_Up, KEY_PRIOR));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Next, KEY_NEXT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Page_Down, KEY_NEXT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_End, KEY_END));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Begin, KEY_NUMPAD5));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Insert, KEY_INSERT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Delete, KEY_DELETE));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Equal, 0)); // ???
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Multiply, KEY_MULTIPLY));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Add, KEY_ADD));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Separator, KEY_SEPARATOR));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Subtract, KEY_SUBTRACT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Decimal, KEY_DECIMAL));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_Divide, KEY_DIVIDE));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_0, KEY_NUMPAD0));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_1, KEY_NUMPAD1));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_2, KEY_NUMPAD2));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_3, KEY_NUMPAD3));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_4, KEY_NUMPAD4));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_5, KEY_NUMPAD5));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_6, KEY_NUMPAD6));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_7, KEY_NUMPAD7));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_8, KEY_NUMPAD8));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_KP_9, KEY_NUMPAD9));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F1, KEY_F1));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F2, KEY_F2));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F3, KEY_F3));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F4, KEY_F4));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F5, KEY_F5));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F6, KEY_F6));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F7, KEY_F7));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F8, KEY_F8));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F9, KEY_F9));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F10, KEY_F10));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F11, KEY_F11));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F12, KEY_F12));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Shift_L, KEY_LSHIFT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Shift_R, KEY_RSHIFT));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Control_L, KEY_LCONTROL));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Control_R, KEY_RCONTROL));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Caps_Lock, KEY_CAPITAL));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Shift_Lock, KEY_CAPITAL));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Meta_L, KEY_LWIN));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Meta_R, KEY_RWIN));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Alt_L, KEY_LMENU));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Alt_R, KEY_RMENU));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_ISO_Level3_Shift, KEY_RMENU));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Menu, KEY_MENU));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_space, KEY_SPACE));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_exclam, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_quotedbl, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_section, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_numbersign, KEY_OEM_2));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_dollar, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_percent, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_ampersand, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_apostrophe, KEY_OEM_7));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_parenleft, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_parenright, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_asterisk, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_plus, KEY_PLUS)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_comma, KEY_COMMA)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_minus, KEY_MINUS)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_period, KEY_PERIOD)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_slash, KEY_OEM_2)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_0, KEY_KEY_0));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_1, KEY_KEY_1));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_2, KEY_KEY_2));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_3, KEY_KEY_3));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_4, KEY_KEY_4));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_5, KEY_KEY_5));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_6, KEY_KEY_6));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_7, KEY_KEY_7));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_8, KEY_KEY_8));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_9, KEY_KEY_9));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_colon, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_semicolon, KEY_OEM_1));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_less, KEY_OEM_102));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_equal, KEY_PLUS));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_greater, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_question, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_at, KEY_KEY_2)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_mu, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_EuroSign, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_A, KEY_KEY_A));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_B, KEY_KEY_B));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_C, KEY_KEY_C));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_D, KEY_KEY_D));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_E, KEY_KEY_E));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_F, KEY_KEY_F));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_G, KEY_KEY_G));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_H, KEY_KEY_H));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_I, KEY_KEY_I));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_J, KEY_KEY_J));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_K, KEY_KEY_K));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_L, KEY_KEY_L));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_M, KEY_KEY_M));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_N, KEY_KEY_N));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_O, KEY_KEY_O));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_P, KEY_KEY_P));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Q, KEY_KEY_Q));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_R, KEY_KEY_R));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_S, KEY_KEY_S));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_T, KEY_KEY_T));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_U, KEY_KEY_U));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_V, KEY_KEY_V));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_W, KEY_KEY_W));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_X, KEY_KEY_X));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Y, KEY_KEY_Y));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Z, KEY_KEY_Z));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_bracketleft, KEY_OEM_4));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_backslash, KEY_OEM_5));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_bracketright, KEY_OEM_6));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_asciicircum, KEY_OEM_5));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_dead_circumflex, KEY_OEM_5));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_degree, 0)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_underscore, KEY_MINUS)); //?
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_grave, KEY_OEM_3));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_dead_grave, KEY_OEM_3));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_acute, KEY_OEM_6));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_dead_acute, KEY_OEM_6));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_a, KEY_KEY_A));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_b, KEY_KEY_B));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_c, KEY_KEY_C));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_d, KEY_KEY_D));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_e, KEY_KEY_E));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_f, KEY_KEY_F));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_g, KEY_KEY_G));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_h, KEY_KEY_H));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_i, KEY_KEY_I));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_j, KEY_KEY_J));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_k, KEY_KEY_K));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_l, KEY_KEY_L));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_m, KEY_KEY_M));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_n, KEY_KEY_N));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_o, KEY_KEY_O));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_p, KEY_KEY_P));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_q, KEY_KEY_Q));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_r, KEY_KEY_R));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_s, KEY_KEY_S));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_t, KEY_KEY_T));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_u, KEY_KEY_U));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_v, KEY_KEY_V));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_w, KEY_KEY_W));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_x, KEY_KEY_X));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_y, KEY_KEY_Y));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_z, KEY_KEY_Z));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_ssharp, KEY_OEM_4));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_adiaeresis, KEY_OEM_7));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_odiaeresis, KEY_OEM_3));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_udiaeresis, KEY_OEM_1));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Super_L, KEY_LWIN));
KeyMap.push_back(SKeyMap(XK_Super_R, KEY_RWIN));
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::activateJoysticks(core::array<SJoystickInfo> &joystickInfo)
u32 joystick;
for (joystick = 0; joystick < 32; ++joystick) {
// The joystick device could be here...
core::stringc devName = "/dev/js";
devName += joystick;
SJoystickInfo returnInfo;
JoystickInfo info;
info.fd = open(devName.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (-1 == info.fd) {
// ...but Ubuntu and possibly other distros
// create the devices in /dev/input
devName = "/dev/input/js";
devName += joystick;
info.fd = open(devName.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (-1 == info.fd) {
// and BSD here
devName = "/dev/joy";
devName += joystick;
info.fd = open(devName.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (-1 == info.fd)
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
info.axes = 2;
info.buttons = 2;
ioctl(info.fd, JSIOCGAXES, &(info.axes));
ioctl(info.fd, JSIOCGBUTTONS, &(info.buttons));
fcntl(info.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
(void)memset(&info.persistentData, 0, sizeof(info.persistentData));
info.persistentData.EventType = irr::EET_JOYSTICK_INPUT_EVENT;
info.persistentData.JoystickEvent.Joystick = ActiveJoysticks.size();
// There's no obvious way to determine which (if any) axes represent a POV
// hat, so we'll just set it to "not used" and forget about it.
info.persistentData.JoystickEvent.POV = 65535;
returnInfo.Joystick = joystick;
returnInfo.PovHat = SJoystickInfo::POV_HAT_UNKNOWN;
returnInfo.Axes = info.axes;
returnInfo.Buttons = info.buttons;
#ifndef __FreeBSD__
char name[80];
ioctl(info.fd, JSIOCGNAME(80), name);
returnInfo.Name = name;
for (joystick = 0; joystick < joystickInfo.size(); ++joystick) {
char logString[256];
snprintf_irr(logString, sizeof(logString), "Found joystick %d, %d axes, %d buttons '%s'",
joystick, joystickInfo[joystick].Axes,
joystickInfo[joystick].Buttons, joystickInfo[joystick].Name.c_str());
os::Printer::log(logString, ELL_INFORMATION);
return true;
return false;
void CIrrDeviceLinux::pollJoysticks()
if (0 == ActiveJoysticks.size())
for (u32 j = 0; j < ActiveJoysticks.size(); ++j) {
JoystickInfo &info = ActiveJoysticks[j];
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
struct joystick js;
if (read(info.fd, &js, sizeof(js)) == sizeof(js)) {
info.persistentData.JoystickEvent.ButtonStates = js.b1 | (js.b2 << 1); /* should be a two-bit field */
info.persistentData.JoystickEvent.Axis[0] = js.x; /* X axis */
info.persistentData.JoystickEvent.Axis[1] = js.y; /* Y axis */
struct js_event event;
while (sizeof(event) == read(info.fd, &event, sizeof(event))) {
switch (event.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) {
if (event.value)
info.persistentData.JoystickEvent.ButtonStates |= (1 << event.number);
info.persistentData.JoystickEvent.ButtonStates &= ~(1 << event.number);
if (event.number < SEvent::SJoystickEvent::NUMBER_OF_AXES)
info.persistentData.JoystickEvent.Axis[event.number] = event.value;
// Send an irrlicht joystick event once per ::run() even if no new data were received.
#if defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_)
//! gets text from the clipboard
//! \return Returns 0 if no string is in there, otherwise utf-8 text.
const c8 *CIrrDeviceLinux::getTextFromSelection(Atom selection, core::stringc &text_buffer) const
Window ownerWindow = XGetSelectionOwner(XDisplay, selection);
if (ownerWindow == XWindow) {
return text_buffer.c_str();
text_buffer = "";
if (ownerWindow == None) {
return text_buffer.c_str();
// delete the property to be set beforehand
XDeleteProperty(XDisplay, XWindow, XA_PRIMARY);
XConvertSelection(XDisplay, selection, X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING, XA_PRIMARY,
XWindow, CurrentTime);
// wait for event via a blocking call
XEvent event_ret;
std::pair<Window, Atom> args(XWindow, selection);
XDisplay, &event_ret, [](Display *_display, XEvent *event, XPointer arg) {
auto p = reinterpret_cast<std::pair<Window, Atom> *>(arg);
return (Bool)(event->type == SelectionNotify &&
event->xselection.requestor == p->first &&
event->xselection.selection == p->second &&
event->xselection.target == X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING);
_IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(!(event_ret.type == SelectionNotify &&
event_ret.xselection.requestor == XWindow &&
event_ret.xselection.selection == selection &&
event_ret.xselection.target == X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING));
Atom property_set = event_ret.xselection.property;
if (event_ret.xselection.property == None) {
// request failed => empty string
return text_buffer.c_str();
// check for data
Atom type;
int format;
unsigned long numItems, bytesLeft, dummy;
unsigned char *data = nullptr;
XGetWindowProperty(XDisplay, XWindow,
property_set, // property name
0, // offset
0, // length (we only check for data, so 0)
0, // Delete 0==false
AnyPropertyType, // AnyPropertyType or property identifier
&type, // return type
&format, // return format
&numItems, // number items
&bytesLeft, // remaining bytes for partial reads
&data); // data
if (data) {
data = nullptr;
// for debugging:
//~ {
//~ char *type_name = XGetAtomName(XDisplay, type);
//~ fprintf(stderr, "CIrrDeviceLinux::getTextFromSelection: actual type: %s (=%ld)\n",
//~ type_name, type);
//~ XFree(type_name);
//~ }
if (type != X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING && type != X_ATOM_UTF8_MIME_TYPE) {
os::Printer::log("CIrrDeviceLinux::getTextFromSelection: did not get utf-8 string",
return text_buffer.c_str();
if (bytesLeft > 0) {
// there is some data to get
int result = XGetWindowProperty(XDisplay, XWindow, property_set, 0,
bytesLeft, 0, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format,
&numItems, &dummy, &data);
if (result == Success)
text_buffer = (irr::c8 *)data;
// delete the property again, to inform the owner about the successful transfer
XDeleteProperty(XDisplay, XWindow, property_set);
return text_buffer.c_str();
//! gets text from the clipboard
//! \return Returns 0 if no string is in there, otherwise utf-8 text.
const c8 *CIrrDeviceLinux::getTextFromClipboard() const
#if defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_)
return getTextFromSelection(X_ATOM_CLIPBOARD, Clipboard);
return nullptr;
//! gets text from the primary selection
//! \return Returns 0 if no string is in there, otherwise utf-8 text.
const c8 *CIrrDeviceLinux::getTextFromPrimarySelection() const
#if defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_)
return getTextFromSelection(XA_PRIMARY, PrimarySelection);
return nullptr;
#if defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_)
bool CIrrDeviceLinux::becomeSelectionOwner(Atom selection) const
XSetSelectionOwner(XDisplay, selection, XWindow, CurrentTime);
Window owner = XGetSelectionOwner(XDisplay, selection);
return owner == XWindow;
//! copies text to the clipboard
void CIrrDeviceLinux::copyToClipboard(const c8 *text) const
#if defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_)
// Actually there is no clipboard on X but applications just say they own the clipboard and return text when asked.
// Which btw. also means that on X you lose clipboard content when closing applications.
Clipboard = text;
if (!becomeSelectionOwner(X_ATOM_CLIPBOARD)) {
os::Printer::log("CIrrDeviceLinux::copyToClipboard: failed to set owner", ELL_WARNING);
//! copies text to the primary selection
void CIrrDeviceLinux::copyToPrimarySelection(const c8 *text) const
#if defined(_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_)
PrimarySelection = text;
if (!becomeSelectionOwner(XA_PRIMARY)) {
os::Printer::log("CIrrDeviceLinux::copyToPrimarySelection: failed to set owner", ELL_WARNING);
// return true if the passed event has the type passed in parameter arg
Bool PredicateIsEventType(Display *display, XEvent *event, XPointer arg)
if (event && event->type == *(int *)arg) {
// os::Printer::log("remove event", core::stringc((int)arg).c_str(), ELL_INFORMATION);
return True;
return False;
#endif //_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_
//! Remove all messages pending in the system message loop
void CIrrDeviceLinux::clearSystemMessages()
if (CreationParams.DriverType != video::EDT_NULL) {
XEvent event;
int usrArg = ButtonPress;
while (XCheckIfEvent(XDisplay, &event, PredicateIsEventType, XPointer(&usrArg)) == True) {
usrArg = ButtonRelease;
while (XCheckIfEvent(XDisplay, &event, PredicateIsEventType, XPointer(&usrArg)) == True) {
usrArg = MotionNotify;
while (XCheckIfEvent(XDisplay, &event, PredicateIsEventType, XPointer(&usrArg)) == True) {
usrArg = KeyRelease;
while (XCheckIfEvent(XDisplay, &event, PredicateIsEventType, XPointer(&usrArg)) == True) {
usrArg = KeyPress;
while (XCheckIfEvent(XDisplay, &event, PredicateIsEventType, XPointer(&usrArg)) == True) {
#endif //_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_
//! Get the display density in dots per inch.
float CIrrDeviceLinux::getDisplayDensity() const
if (XDisplay != NULL) {
/* try x direct */
int dh = DisplayHeight(XDisplay, 0);
int dw = DisplayWidth(XDisplay, 0);
int dh_mm = DisplayHeightMM(XDisplay, 0);
int dw_mm = DisplayWidthMM(XDisplay, 0);
if (dh_mm != 0 && dw_mm != 0) {
float dpi_height = floor(dh / (dh_mm * 0.039370) + 0.5);
float dpi_width = floor(dw / (dw_mm * 0.039370) + 0.5);
return std::max(dpi_height, dpi_width);
#endif //_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_
return 0.0f;
void CIrrDeviceLinux::initXAtoms()
X_ATOM_CLIPBOARD = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "CLIPBOARD", False);
X_ATOM_TARGETS = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "TARGETS", False);
X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "UTF8_STRING", False);
X_ATOM_UTF8_MIME_TYPE = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", False);
X_ATOM_TEXT = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "TEXT", False);
X_ATOM_NETWM_STATE = XInternAtom(XDisplay, "_NET_WM_STATE", true);
void CIrrDeviceLinux::initXInput2()
#if defined(_IRR_LINUX_X11_XINPUT2_)
int ev = 0;
int err = 0;
if (!XQueryExtension(XDisplay, "XInputExtension", &XI_EXTENSIONS_OPCODE, &ev, &err)) {
os::Printer::log("X Input extension not available.", ELL_WARNING);
int major = 2;
int minor = 3;
int rc = XIQueryVersion(XDisplay, &major, &minor);
if (rc != Success) {
os::Printer::log("No XI2 support.", ELL_WARNING);
// So far we only use XInput2 for touch events.
// So we enable those and disable all other events for now.
XIEventMask eventMask;
unsigned char mask[XIMaskLen(XI_TouchEnd)];
memset(mask, 0, sizeof(mask));
eventMask.deviceid = XIAllMasterDevices;
eventMask.mask_len = sizeof(mask);
eventMask.mask = mask;
XISetMask(eventMask.mask, XI_TouchBegin);
XISetMask(eventMask.mask, XI_TouchUpdate);
XISetMask(eventMask.mask, XI_TouchEnd);
XISelectEvents(XDisplay, XWindow, &eventMask, 1);
Cursor CIrrDeviceLinux::TextureToMonochromeCursor(irr::video::ITexture *tex, const core::rect<s32> &sourceRect, const core::position2d<s32> &hotspot)
XImage *sourceImage = XCreateImage(XDisplay, VisualInfo->visual,
1, // depth,
ZPixmap, // XYBitmap (depth=1), ZPixmap(depth=x)
0, 0, sourceRect.getWidth(), sourceRect.getHeight(),
32, // bitmap_pad,
0 // bytes_per_line (0 means continuous in memory)
sourceImage->data = new char[sourceImage->height * sourceImage->bytes_per_line];
XImage *maskImage = XCreateImage(XDisplay, VisualInfo->visual,
1, // depth,
0, 0, sourceRect.getWidth(), sourceRect.getHeight(),
32, // bitmap_pad,
0 // bytes_per_line
maskImage->data = new char[maskImage->height * maskImage->bytes_per_line];
// write texture into XImage
video::ECOLOR_FORMAT format = tex->getColorFormat();
u32 bytesPerPixel = video::IImage::getBitsPerPixelFromFormat(format) / 8;
u32 bytesLeftGap = sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner.X * bytesPerPixel;
u32 bytesRightGap = tex->getPitch() - sourceRect.LowerRightCorner.X * bytesPerPixel;
const u8 *data = (const u8 *)tex->lock(video::ETLM_READ_ONLY, 0);
data += sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y * tex->getPitch();
for (s32 y = 0; y < sourceRect.getHeight(); ++y) {
data += bytesLeftGap;
for (s32 x = 0; x < sourceRect.getWidth(); ++x) {
video::SColor pixelCol;
pixelCol.setData((const void *)data, format);
data += bytesPerPixel;
if (pixelCol.getAlpha() == 0) { // transparent
XPutPixel(maskImage, x, y, 0);
XPutPixel(sourceImage, x, y, 0);
} else // color
if (pixelCol.getAverage() >= 127)
XPutPixel(sourceImage, x, y, 1);
XPutPixel(sourceImage, x, y, 0);
XPutPixel(maskImage, x, y, 1);
data += bytesRightGap;
Pixmap sourcePixmap = XCreatePixmap(XDisplay, XWindow, sourceImage->width, sourceImage->height, sourceImage->depth);
Pixmap maskPixmap = XCreatePixmap(XDisplay, XWindow, maskImage->width, maskImage->height, maskImage->depth);
XGCValues values;
values.foreground = 1;
values.background = 1;
GC gc = XCreateGC(XDisplay, sourcePixmap, GCForeground | GCBackground, &values);
XPutImage(XDisplay, sourcePixmap, gc, sourceImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, sourceImage->width, sourceImage->height);
XPutImage(XDisplay, maskPixmap, gc, maskImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, maskImage->width, maskImage->height);
XFreeGC(XDisplay, gc);
Cursor cursorResult = 0;
XColor foreground, background;
foreground.red = 65535;
foreground.green = 65535;
foreground.blue = 65535;
foreground.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
background.red = 0;
background.green = 0;
background.blue = 0;
background.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
cursorResult = XCreatePixmapCursor(XDisplay, sourcePixmap, maskPixmap, &foreground, &background, hotspot.X, hotspot.Y);
XFreePixmap(XDisplay, sourcePixmap);
XFreePixmap(XDisplay, maskPixmap);
return cursorResult;
Cursor CIrrDeviceLinux::TextureToARGBCursor(irr::video::ITexture *tex, const core::rect<s32> &sourceRect, const core::position2d<s32> &hotspot)
XcursorImage *image = XcursorImageCreate(sourceRect.getWidth(), sourceRect.getHeight());
image->xhot = hotspot.X;
image->yhot = hotspot.Y;
// write texture into XcursorImage
video::ECOLOR_FORMAT format = tex->getColorFormat();
u32 bytesPerPixel = video::IImage::getBitsPerPixelFromFormat(format) / 8;
u32 bytesLeftGap = sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner.X * bytesPerPixel;
u32 bytesRightGap = tex->getPitch() - sourceRect.LowerRightCorner.X * bytesPerPixel;
XcursorPixel *target = image->pixels;
const u8 *data = (const u8 *)tex->lock(video::ETLM_READ_ONLY, 0);
data += sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y * tex->getPitch();
for (s32 y = 0; y < sourceRect.getHeight(); ++y) {
data += bytesLeftGap;
for (s32 x = 0; x < sourceRect.getWidth(); ++x) {
video::SColor pixelCol;
pixelCol.setData((const void *)data, format);
data += bytesPerPixel;
*target = (XcursorPixel)pixelCol.color;
data += bytesRightGap;
Cursor cursorResult = XcursorImageLoadCursor(XDisplay, image);
return cursorResult;
#endif // #ifdef _IRR_LINUX_XCURSOR_
Cursor CIrrDeviceLinux::TextureToCursor(irr::video::ITexture *tex, const core::rect<s32> &sourceRect, const core::position2d<s32> &hotspot)
return TextureToARGBCursor(tex, sourceRect, hotspot);
return TextureToMonochromeCursor(tex, sourceRect, hotspot);
#endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_
CIrrDeviceLinux::CCursorControl::CCursorControl(CIrrDeviceLinux *dev, bool null) :
PlatformBehavior(gui::ECPB_NONE), LastQuery(0)
#ifdef _IRR_LINUX_X11_XINPUT2_
IsVisible(true), Null(null), UseReferenceRect(false), ActiveIcon(gui::ECI_NORMAL), ActiveIconStartTime(0)
if (!Null) {
#ifdef _IRR_LINUX_X11_XINPUT2_
// XIWarpPointer is entirely broken on multi-head setups (see also [1]),
// but behaves better in other cases so we can't just disable it outright.
// [1] https://developer.blender.org/rB165caafb99c6846e53d11c4e966990aaffc06cea
if (XScreenCount(Device->XDisplay) > 1) {
os::Printer::log("Detected classic multi-head setup, not using XIWarpPointer");
} else {
XIGetClientPointer(Device->XDisplay, Device->XWindow, &DeviceId);
XGCValues values;
unsigned long valuemask = 0;
XColor fg, bg;
// this code, for making the cursor invisible was sent in by
// Sirshane, thank your very much!
Pixmap invisBitmap = XCreatePixmap(Device->XDisplay, Device->XWindow, 32, 32, 1);
Pixmap maskBitmap = XCreatePixmap(Device->XDisplay, Device->XWindow, 32, 32, 1);
Colormap screen_colormap = DefaultColormap(Device->XDisplay, DefaultScreen(Device->XDisplay));
XAllocNamedColor(Device->XDisplay, screen_colormap, "black", &fg, &fg);
XAllocNamedColor(Device->XDisplay, screen_colormap, "white", &bg, &bg);
GC gc = XCreateGC(Device->XDisplay, invisBitmap, valuemask, &values);
XSetForeground(Device->XDisplay, gc, BlackPixel(Device->XDisplay, DefaultScreen(Device->XDisplay)));
XFillRectangle(Device->XDisplay, invisBitmap, gc, 0, 0, 32, 32);
XFillRectangle(Device->XDisplay, maskBitmap, gc, 0, 0, 32, 32);
InvisCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(Device->XDisplay, invisBitmap, maskBitmap, &fg, &bg, 1, 1);
XFreeGC(Device->XDisplay, gc);
XFreePixmap(Device->XDisplay, invisBitmap);
XFreePixmap(Device->XDisplay, maskBitmap);
// Do not clearCursors here as the display is already closed
// TODO (cutealien): dropping cursorcontrol earlier might work, not sure about reason why that's done in stub currently.
void CIrrDeviceLinux::CCursorControl::clearCursors()
if (!Null)
XFreeCursor(Device->XDisplay, InvisCursor);
for (u32 i = 0; i < Cursors.size(); ++i) {
for (u32 f = 0; f < Cursors[i].Frames.size(); ++f) {
XFreeCursor(Device->XDisplay, Cursors[i].Frames[f].IconHW);
void CIrrDeviceLinux::CCursorControl::initCursors()
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_top_left_arrow))); // (or XC_arrow?)
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_crosshair)));
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_hand2))); // (or XC_hand1? )
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_question_arrow)));
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_xterm)));
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_X_cursor))); // (or XC_pirate?)
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_watch))); // (or XC_clock?)
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_fleur)));
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_top_right_corner))); // NESW not available in X11
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_top_left_corner))); // NWSE not available in X11
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_sb_v_double_arrow)));
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_sb_h_double_arrow)));
Cursors.push_back(CursorX11(XCreateFontCursor(Device->XDisplay, XC_sb_up_arrow))); // (or XC_center_ptr?)
void CIrrDeviceLinux::CCursorControl::update()
if ((u32)ActiveIcon < Cursors.size() && !Cursors[ActiveIcon].Frames.empty() && Cursors[ActiveIcon].FrameTime) {
// update animated cursors. This could also be done by X11 in case someone wants to figure that out (this way was just easier to implement)
u32 now = Device->getTimer()->getRealTime();
u32 frame = ((now - ActiveIconStartTime) / Cursors[ActiveIcon].FrameTime) % Cursors[ActiveIcon].Frames.size();
XDefineCursor(Device->XDisplay, Device->XWindow, Cursors[ActiveIcon].Frames[frame].IconHW);
//! Sets the active cursor icon
void CIrrDeviceLinux::CCursorControl::setActiveIcon(gui::ECURSOR_ICON iconId)
if (iconId >= (s32)Cursors.size())
if (Cursors[iconId].Frames.size())
XDefineCursor(Device->XDisplay, Device->XWindow, Cursors[iconId].Frames[0].IconHW);
ActiveIconStartTime = Device->getTimer()->getRealTime();
ActiveIcon = iconId;
//! Add a custom sprite as cursor icon.
gui::ECURSOR_ICON CIrrDeviceLinux::CCursorControl::addIcon(const gui::SCursorSprite &icon)
if (icon.SpriteId >= 0) {
CursorX11 cX11;
cX11.FrameTime = icon.SpriteBank->getSprites()[icon.SpriteId].frameTime;
for (u32 i = 0; i < icon.SpriteBank->getSprites()[icon.SpriteId].Frames.size(); ++i) {
irr::u32 texId = icon.SpriteBank->getSprites()[icon.SpriteId].Frames[i].textureNumber;
irr::u32 rectId = icon.SpriteBank->getSprites()[icon.SpriteId].Frames[i].rectNumber;
irr::core::rect<s32> rectIcon = icon.SpriteBank->getPositions()[rectId];
Cursor cursor = Device->TextureToCursor(icon.SpriteBank->getTexture(texId), rectIcon, icon.HotSpot);
return (gui::ECURSOR_ICON)(Cursors.size() - 1);
return gui::ECI_NORMAL;
//! replace the given cursor icon.
void CIrrDeviceLinux::CCursorControl::changeIcon(gui::ECURSOR_ICON iconId, const gui::SCursorSprite &icon)
if (iconId >= (s32)Cursors.size())
for (u32 i = 0; i < Cursors[iconId].Frames.size(); ++i)
XFreeCursor(Device->XDisplay, Cursors[iconId].Frames[i].IconHW);
if (icon.SpriteId >= 0) {
CursorX11 cX11;
cX11.FrameTime = icon.SpriteBank->getSprites()[icon.SpriteId].frameTime;
for (u32 i = 0; i < icon.SpriteBank->getSprites()[icon.SpriteId].Frames.size(); ++i) {
irr::u32 texId = icon.SpriteBank->getSprites()[icon.SpriteId].Frames[i].textureNumber;
irr::u32 rectId = icon.SpriteBank->getSprites()[icon.SpriteId].Frames[i].rectNumber;
irr::core::rect<s32> rectIcon = icon.SpriteBank->getPositions()[rectId];
Cursor cursor = Device->TextureToCursor(icon.SpriteBank->getTexture(texId), rectIcon, icon.HotSpot);
Cursors[iconId] = cX11;
irr::core::dimension2di CIrrDeviceLinux::CCursorControl::getSupportedIconSize() const
// this returns the closest match that is smaller or same size, so we just pass a value which should be large enough for cursors
unsigned int width = 0, height = 0;
XQueryBestCursor(Device->XDisplay, Device->XWindow, 64, 64, &width, &height);
return core::dimension2di(width, height);
} // end namespace