Document Global Strictness (strict.lua)

This commit is contained in:
Lars Müller 2022-04-04 00:02:49 +02:00
parent cf138b33a7
commit 7cf13d6988

@ -19,6 +19,36 @@ See the {url-reference-manual}[Lua 5.1 Reference Manual] for platform- and OS-en
* Some parts of the `io` library like `io.popen` (only available in an insecure environment) or handling of binary files
* `require` and `package.loadlib` (only available in an insecure environment anyways)
== Global Strictness
Variables in Lua are global by default (both assignment and access). This often leads to mistaken use of global variables, with the two perhaps most common issues being:
. Missspelling a local variable and accessing a global variable instead (which will usually be `nil`)
. Forgetting `local` when assigning to a variable, (over)writing a global variable, leading to "global pollution"
Minetest's built-in strictness works using a metatable on the global table and will log warnings for both cases. Minetest defines a global declaration as a *global assignment at load time*.
. Reading an undeclared global variable will trigger an "undeclared global variable access" warning
. Setting an undeclared global variable after load time will trigger an "assignment to undeclared global" warning
Warnings are identified by their location as returned by `debug.getinfo` (`short_src` and `currentline`) and won't be logged twice.
WARNING: Accessing undeclared global variables will be an order of magnitude slower than accessing declared globals due to the executed strictness checking code.
TIP: These warnings are only triggered at run time as the global variable access or assignment occurs. It is recommended to use a linter like [`luacheck`]( to detect mistaken global variable usage statically at the time of development.
=== Checking for global existence
For mod compatibility, the existence of global variables must be checked. A simple `if name then ... end` check might trigger an "undeclared global variable access" warning if the variable doesn't exist (is `nil`) and has not been declared either (usually when an optional dependency isn't present).
As Minetest implements global strictness over a metatable, `rawget(_G, name)` can be used in place of just `name` to access possibly `nil` globals without triggering a warning. Similarly, `rawset(_G, name, value)` may be used to set globals at run time.
==== `minetest.global_exists(name)`
Returns `true` if a global variable with the given `name` exists (is not `nil`), `false` otherwise. An error is thrown if `name` is not a string.
NOTE: This wraps `rawget(_G, name)` in the end but might be considered more readable as it makes the intention clear.
== Standard Library Extensions
=== `math`