-- TODO add more items from minetest_game -- Names listed are in the order shown in the minetest_game repo local energy_values = { ["default"] = { --- Nodes -- Stone stone = 1, cobble = 2, stonebrick = 3, stone_block = 3, mossycobble = 3, desert_stone = 3, desert_cobble = 3, desert_stonebrick = 3, desert_stone_block = 3, sandstone = 2, sandstonebrick = 3, sandstone_block = 3, desert_sandstone = 2, desert_sandstone_brick = 3, desert_sandstone_block = 3, silver_sandstone = 2, silver_sandstone_brick = 3, silver_sandstone_block = 3, obsidian = 10, obsidianbrick = 11, obsidian_block = 11, -- Soft / Non-Stone, dirt = 1, dirt_with_grass = 1, dirt_with_grass_footsteps = 1, dirt_with_dry_grass = 1, dirt_with_snow = 1, dirt_with_rainforest_litter = 1, dirt_with_coniferous_litter = 1, dry_dirt = 1, dry_dirt_with_dry_grass = 1, permafrost = 1, permafrost_with_stones = 1, permafrost_with_moss = 1, sand = 1, desert_sand = 1, silver_sand = 1, gravel = 1, clay = 3, snow = 1, snowblock = 1, ice = 1, cave_ice = 1, -- Trees, tree = 2, wood = 2, leaves = 1, sapling = 3, apple = 5, jungletree = 2, junglewood = 2, jungleleaves = 1, junglesapling = 2, emergent_jungle_sapling = 2, pine_tree = 2, pine_wood = 2, pine_needles = 2, pine_sapling = 3, acacia_tree = 1, acacia_wood = 2, acacia_leaves = 2, acacia_sapling = 3, aspen_tree = 2, aspen_wood = 2, aspen_leaves = 1, aspen_sapling = 3, -- Ores, stone_with_coal = 5, coalblock = 5, stone_with_iron = 5, steelblock = 5, stone_with_copper = 5, copperblock = 5, stone_with_tin = 5, tinblock = 5, bronzeblock = 5, stone_with_gold = 5, goldblock = 5, stone_with_mese = 5, mese = 5, stone_with_diamond = 17, diamondblock = 17, -- Plantlife, cactus = 2, large_cactus_seedling = 1, papyrus = 1, dry_shrub = 1, junglegrass = 1, grass_1 = 1, grass_2 = 1, grass_3 = 1, grass_4 = 1, grass_5 = 1, dry_grass_1 = 1, dry_grass_2 = 1, dry_grass_3 = 1, dry_grass_4 = 1, dry_grass_5 = 1, fern_1 = 1, fern_2 = 1, fern_3 = 1, marram_grass_1 = 1, marram_grass_2 = 1, marram_grass_3 = 1, bush_stem = 1, bush_leaves = 1, bush_sapling = 1, acacia_bush_stem = 1, acacia_bush_leaves = 1, acacia_bush_sapling = 1, pine_bush_stem = 1, pine_bush_needles = 1, pine_bush_sapling = 1, blueberry_bush_leaves_with_berries = 1, blueberry_bush_leaves = 1, blueberry_bush_sapling = 1, sand_with_kelp = 1, -- Corals, coral_green = 2, coral_pink = 2, coral_cyan = 2, coral_brown = 2, coral_orange = 2, coral_skeleton = 2, -- Tools / "Advanced" crafting / Non-"natural", bookshelf = 9, sign_wall_wood = 4, sign_wall_steel = 4, ladder_wood = 4, ladder_steel = 4, fence_wood = 4, fence_acacia_wood = 4, fence_junglewood = 4, fence_pine_wood = 4, fence_aspen_wood = 4, fence_rail_wood = 4, fence_rail_acacia_wood = 4, fence_rail_junglewood = 4, fence_rail_pine_wood = 4, fence_rail_aspen_wood = 4, glass = 9, obsidian_glass = 10, brick = 8, meselamp = 15, mese_post_light = 4, mese_post_light_acacia_wood = 4, mese_post_light_junglewood = 4, mese_post_light_pine_wood = 4, mese_post_light_aspen_wood = 4, --- Craft Items blueberries = 5 book = 4 book_written = 5 bronze_ingot = 7 clay_brick = 6 clay_lump = 4 coal_lump = 4 copper_ingot = 10 copper_lump = 4 diamond = 22 flint = 5 gold_ingot = 12 gold_lump = 5 iron_lump = 5 mese_crystal = 30 mese_crystal_fragment = 19 obsidian_shard = 7 paper = 4 steel_ingot = 10 stick = 3 tin_ingot = 10 tin_lump = 4 --- Furnace furnace = 4 --- Tools -- Picks pick_wood = 2 pick_stone = 3 pick_bronze = 5 pick_steel = 5 pick_mese = 8 pick_diamond = 6 -- Shovels shovel_wood = 2 shovel_stone = 3 shovel_bronze = 5 shovel_steel = 5 shovel_mese = 7 shovel_diamond = 6 -- Axes axe_wood = 2 axe_stone = 3 axe_bronze = 5 axe_steel = 5 axe_mese = 8 axe_diamond = 6 -- Swords sword_wood = 2 sword_stone = 3 sword_bronze = 5 sword_steel = 5 sword_mese = 8 sword_diamond = 6 --- Torch torch = 3 --- Chest chest = 2 chest_locked = 2 }, } -- load energy values into known items for modname, itemlist in pairs(energy_values) do for itemname, energy_value in pairs(itemlist) do minetest.override_item(modname..":"..itemname, { description = minetest.registered_items[modname..":"..itemname].description.."\nEnergy Value: "..energy_value, energy_value = energy_value, }) end end