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-- wool/init.lua
-- Load support for MT game translation.
local S = minetest.get_translator("wool")
local dyes = dye.dyes
for i = 1, #dyes do
local name, desc = unpack(dyes[i])
local color_group = "color_" .. name
minetest.register_node("wool:" .. name, {
description = S(desc .. " Wool"),
tiles = {"wool_" .. name .. ".png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {snappy = 2, choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3,
flammable = 3, wool = 1, [color_group] = 1},
sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(),
type = "shapeless",
output = "wool:" .. name,
recipe = {"group:dye," .. color_group, "group:wool"},
-- Legacy
-- Backwards compatibility with jordach's 16-color wool mod
minetest.register_alias("wool:dark_blue", "wool:blue")
minetest.register_alias("wool:gold", "wool:yellow")
-- Dummy calls to S() to allow translation scripts to detect the strings.
-- To update this run:
-- for _,e in ipairs(dye.dyes) do print(("S(%q)"):format(e[2].." Wool")) end
S("White Wool")
S("Grey Wool")
S("Dark Grey Wool")
S("Black Wool")
S("Violet Wool")
S("Blue Wool")
S("Cyan Wool")
S("Dark Green Wool")
S("Green Wool")
S("Yellow Wool")
S("Brown Wool")
S("Orange Wool")
S("Red Wool")
S("Magenta Wool")
S("Pink Wool")