Use new intllib format syntax

This commit is contained in:
Wuzzy 2016-12-16 20:12:43 +01:00
parent 2f40a2d2e8
commit 6b4549641f
3 changed files with 36 additions and 36 deletions

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ local S
if (minetest.get_modpath("intllib")) then
S = intllib.Getter()
S = function ( s ) return s end
S = function(s,a,...)a={a,...}return s:gsub("@(%d+)",function(n)return a[tonumber(n)]end)end
local orienteering = {}
@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ function orienteering.update_hud_displays(player)
local str_pos, str_angles, str_time, str_speed
local pos = vector.round(player:getpos())
if (altimeter and triangulator) or gps or quadcorder then
str_pos = string.format(S("Coordinates: X=%d, Y=%d, Z=%d"), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
str_pos = S("Coordinates: X=@1, Y=@2, Z=@3", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
elseif altimeter then
str_pos = string.format(S("Height: Y=%d"), pos.y)
str_pos = S("Height: Y=@1", pos.y)
elseif triangulator then
str_pos = string.format(S("Coordinates: X=%d, Z=%d"), pos.x, pos.z)
str_pos = S("Coordinates: X=@1, Z=@2", pos.x, pos.z)
str_pos = ""
@ -297,11 +297,11 @@ function orienteering.update_hud_displays(player)
local yaw = (player:get_look_yaw()-math.pi/2)*toDegrees
local pitch = player:get_look_pitch()*toDegrees
if ((compass or gps) and sextant) or quadcorder then
str_angles = string.format(S("Yaw: %.1f°, pitch: %.1f°"), yaw, pitch)
str_angles = S("Yaw: @1°, pitch: @2°", string.format("%.1f", yaw), string.format("%.1f", pitch))
elseif compass or gps then
str_angles = string.format(S("Yaw: %.1f°"), yaw)
str_angles = S("Yaw: @1°", string.format("%.1f", yaw))
elseif sextant then
str_angles = string.format(S("Pitch: %.1f°"), pitch)
str_angles = S("Pitch: @1°", string.format("%.1f", pitch))
str_angles = ""
@ -313,19 +313,21 @@ function orienteering.update_hud_displays(player)
local hours = math.floor((totalminutes - minutes) / 60)
local twelve = orienteering.playerhuds[name].twelve
if twelve then
local ampm
if hours == 12 and minutes == 0 then
str_time = S("Time: noon")
elseif hours == 0 and minutes == 0 then
str_time = S("Time: midnight")
if hours >= 12 then ampm = S("p.m.") else ampm = S("a.m.") end
hours = math.fmod(hours, 12)
if hours == 0 then hours = 12 end
str_time = string.format(S("Time: %i:%02i %s"), hours, minutes, ampm)
if hours >= 12 then
str_time = S("Time: @1:@2 p.m.", string.format("%i", hours), string.format("%02i", minutes))
str_time = S("Time: @1:@2 a.m.", string.format("%i", hours), string.format("%02i", minutes))
str_time = string.format(S("Time: %02i:%02i"), hours, minutes)
str_time = S("Time: @1:@2", string.format("%02i", hours), string.format("%02i", minutes))
str_time = ""
@ -345,7 +347,7 @@ function orienteering.update_hud_displays(player)
if speedometer or quadcorder then
local u = orienteering.settings.speed_unit
str_speed = string.format(S("Speed: hor.: %.1f %s, vert.: %.1f %s"), speed_hor, u, speed_ver, u)
str_speed = S("Speed: hor.: @1 @2, vert.: @3 @4", string.format("%.1f", speed_hor), u, string.format("%.1f", speed_ver), u)
str_speed = ""

@ -9,25 +9,24 @@ Automapper = Autokartierer
GPS device = GPS-Gerät
Binoculars = Fernglas
Yaw: %.1f°, pitch: %.1f° = Gier: %.1f°, Nick: %.1f°
Yaw: %.1f° = Gier: %.1f°
Pitch: %.1f° = Nick: %.1f°
Yaw: @1°, pitch: @2° = Gier: @1°, Nick: @2°
Yaw: @1° = Gier: @1°
Pitch: @1° = Nick: @1°
Time: noon = Uhrzeit: Mittag
Time: midnight = Uhrzeit: Mitternacht
p.m. = PM
a.m. = AM
Time: %i:%02i %s = Uhrzeit: %i:%02i %s
Time: %02i:%02i = Uhrzeit: %02i:%02i
Time: @1:@2 a.m. = Uhrzeit: @1:@2 AM
Time: @1:@2 p.m. = Uhrzeit: @1:@2 PM
Time: @1:@2 = Uhrzeit: @1:@2
Speed: hor.: %.1f %s, vert.: %.1f %s = Tempo: hor.: %.1f %s, vert.: %.1f %s
Speed: hor.: @1 @2, vert.: @3 @4 = Tempo: hor.: @1 @2, vert.: @3 @4
m = m
m/s = m/s
Coordinates: X\=%d, Y\=%d, Z\=%d = Koordinaten: X\=%d, Y\=%d, Z\=%d
Height: Y\=%d = Höhe: Y\=%d
Coordinates: X\=%d, Z\=%d = Koordinaten: X\=%d, Z\=%d
Coordinates: X\=@1, Y\=@2, Z\=@3 = Koordinaten: X\=@1, Y\=@2, Z\=@3
Height: Y\=@1 = Höhe: Y\=@1
Coordinates: X\=@1, Z\=@2 = Koordinaten: X\=@1, Z\=@2
Master of Orienteering = Meister der Orientierung
Craft a quadcorder. = Fertigen Sie einen Vierkorder.

@ -11,34 +11,33 @@ GPS device
# Coordinates
Coordinates: X\=%d, Y\=%d, Z\=%d
Height: Y\=%d
Coordinates: X\=%d, Z\=%d
Coordinates: X\=@1, Y\=@2, Z\=@3
Height: Y\=@1
Coordinates: X\=@1, Z\=@2
# Angles
Yaw: %.1f°, pitch: %.1f°
Yaw: %.1f°
Pitch: %.1f°
Yaw: @1°, pitch: @1°
Yaw: @1°
Pitch: @1°
# Time
## For the 12h mode
Time: noon
Time: midnight
# 12h format Format: hours:minutes a.m/p.m
Time: %i:%02i %s
# 12h format
Time: @1:@2 a.m
Time: @1:@2 p.m
# 24h Format: hours:minutes
Time: %02i:%02i
Time: @1:@2
# meters
# meters per second
# %.1f will be replaced by number, %s will be replaced by speed unit
# @1 and @3 will be replaced by number, @2 and @4 will be replaced by speed units
# "hor." = "horizontal"; "vert." = "vertical"
Speed: hor.: %.1f %s, vert.: %.1f %s
Speed: hor.: @1 @2, vert.: @3 @4
# awards
Master of Orienteering