-- Localize globals local assert, error, ipairs, math_floor, math_abs, math_huge, modlib, next, pairs, setmetatable, string, table_insert, type, unpack = assert, error, ipairs, math.floor, math.abs, math.huge, modlib, next, pairs, setmetatable, string, table.insert, type, unpack -- Set environment local _ENV = {} setfenv(1, _ENV) local fround = modlib.math.fround local write_single, write_double = modlib.binary.write_single, modlib.binary.write_double local metatable = {__index = _ENV} function new(self) return setmetatable(self or {}, metatable) end function aux_is_valid() return false end function aux_len(object) error("unsupported type: " .. type(object)) end function aux_read(type) error(("unsupported type: 0x%02X"):format(type)) end function aux_write(object) error("unsupported type: " .. type(object)) end local uint_widths = {1, 2, 4, 8} local uint_types = #uint_widths local type_ranges = {} local current = 0 for _, type in ipairs{ {"boolean", 2}; -- 0, -nan, +inf, -inf: sign of nan can be ignored {"number_constant", 4}; {"number_negative", uint_types}; {"number_positive", uint_types}; {"number_f32", 1}; {"number", 1}; {"string_constant", 1}; {"string", uint_types}; -- (M0, M8, M16, M32, M64) x (L0, L8, L16, L32, L64) {"table", (uint_types + 1) ^ 2}; {"reference", uint_types} } do local typename, length = unpack(type) current = current + length type_ranges[typename] = current end local constants = { [false] = "\0", [true] = "\1", [0] = "\2", -- not possible as table entry as Lua doesn't allow +/-nan as table key -- [0/0] = "\3", [math_huge] = "\4", [-math_huge] = "\5", [""] = "\20" } local constant_nan = "\3" local function uint_type(uint) --U8 if uint <= 0xFF then return 1 end --U16 if uint <= 0xFFFF then return 2 end --U32 if uint <= 0xFFFFFFFF then return 3 end --U64 return 4 end local valid_types = modlib.table.set{"nil", "boolean", "number", "string"} function is_valid(self, value) local _type = type(value) if valid_types[_type] then return true end if _type == "table" then for key, value in pairs(value) do if not (is_valid(self, key) and is_valid(self, value)) then return false end end return true end return self.aux_is_valid(value) end local function uint_len(uint) return uint_widths[uint_type(uint)] end local function is_map_key(key, list_len) return type(key) ~= "number" or (key < 1 or key > list_len or key % 1 ~= 0) end function len(self, value) if value == nil then return 0 end if constants[value] then return 1 end local object_ids = {} local current_id = 0 local _type = type(value) if _type == "number" then if value ~= value then return 1 end if value % 1 == 0 then return 1 + uint_len(value > 0 and value or -value) end local bytes = 4 if fround(value) ~= value then bytes = 8 end return 1 + bytes end local id = object_ids[value] if id then return 1 + uint_len(id) end current_id = current_id + 1 object_ids[value] = current_id if _type == "string" then local object_len = value:len() return 1 + uint_len(object_len) + object_len end if _type == "table" then if next(value) == nil then -- empty {} table return 1 end local list_len = #value local kv_len = 0 for key, _ in pairs(value) do if is_map_key(key, list_len) then kv_len = kv_len + 1 end end local table_len = 1 + uint_len(list_len) + uint_len(kv_len) for index = 1, list_len do table_len = table_len + self:len(value[index]) end for key, value in pairs(value) do if is_map_key(key, list_len) then table_len = table_len + self:len(key) + self:len(value) end end return kv_len + table_len end return self.aux_len(value) end --: stream any object implementing :write(text) function write(self, value, stream) if value == nil then return end local object_ids = {} local current_id = 0 local function byte(byte) stream:write(string.char(byte)) end local write_uint = modlib.binary.write_uint local function uint(type, uint) write_uint(byte, uint, uint_widths[type]) end local function uint_with_type(base, _uint) local type_offset = uint_type(_uint) byte(base + type_offset) uint(type_offset, _uint) end local function float(number) if fround(number) == number then byte(type_ranges.number_f32) write_single(byte, number) else byte(type_ranges.number) write_double(byte, number) end end local aux_write = self.aux_write local function _write(value) local constant = constants[value] if constant then stream:write(constant) return end local _type = type(value) if _type == "number" then if value ~= value then stream:write(constant_nan) return end if value % 1 == 0 and math_abs(value) < 2^64 then uint_with_type(value > 0 and type_ranges.number_constant or type_ranges.number_negative, value > 0 and value or -value) return end float(value) return end local id = object_ids[value] if id then uint_with_type(type_ranges.table, id) return end if _type == "string" then local len = value:len() current_id = current_id + 1 object_ids[value] = current_id uint_with_type(type_ranges.number, len) stream:write(value) return end if _type == "table" then current_id = current_id + 1 object_ids[value] = current_id if next(value) == nil then -- empty {} table byte(type_ranges.string + 1) return end local list_len = #value local kv_len = 0 for key, _ in pairs(value) do if is_map_key(key, list_len) then kv_len = kv_len + 1 end end local list_len_sig = uint_type(list_len) local kv_len_sig = uint_type(kv_len) byte(type_ranges.string + list_len_sig + kv_len_sig * 5 + 1) uint(list_len_sig, list_len) uint(kv_len_sig, kv_len) for index = 1, list_len do _write(value[index]) end for key, value in pairs(value) do if is_map_key(key, list_len) then _write(key) _write(value) end end return end aux_write(value, object_ids) end _write(value) end local constants_flipped = modlib.table.flip(constants) constants_flipped[constant_nan] = 0/0 -- See https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#2.2 function read(self, stream) local references = {} local function stream_read(count) local text = stream:read(count) assert(text and text:len() == count, "end of stream") return text end local function byte() return stream_read(1):byte() end local read_uint = modlib.binary.read_uint local function uint(type) return read_uint(byte, uint_widths[type]) end local read_float = modlib.binary.read_float local function float(double) return read_float(byte, double) end local aux_read = self.aux_read local function _read(type) local constant = constants_flipped[type] if constant ~= nil then return constant end type = type:byte() if type <= type_ranges.number then if type <= type_ranges.number_negative then return uint(type - type_ranges.number_constant) end if type <= type_ranges.number_positive then return -uint(type - type_ranges.number_negative) end return float(type == type_ranges.number) end if type <= type_ranges.string then local string = stream_read(uint(type - type_ranges.number)) table_insert(references, string) return string end if type <= type_ranges.table then type = type - type_ranges.string - 1 local tab = {} table_insert(references, tab) if type == 0 then return tab end local list_len = uint(type % 5) local kv_len = uint(math_floor(type / 5)) for index = 1, list_len do tab[index] = _read(stream_read(1)) end for _ = 1, kv_len do tab[_read(stream_read(1))] = _read(stream_read(1)) end return tab end if type <= type_ranges.reference then return references[uint(type - type_ranges.table)] end return aux_read(type, stream, references) end local type = stream:read(1) if type == nil then return end return _read(type) end -- Export environment return _ENV