-- Localize globals local Settings, _G, assert, dofile, error, getmetatable, ipairs, loadfile, loadstring, minetest, modlib, pairs, rawget, rawset, setfenv, setmetatable, tonumber, type = Settings, _G, assert, dofile, error, getmetatable, ipairs, loadfile, loadstring, minetest, modlib, pairs, rawget, rawset, setfenv, setmetatable, tonumber, type -- get resource + dofile function include(modname, file) if not file then file = modname modname = minetest.get_current_modname() end return dofile(get_resource(modname, file)) end function include_env(file_or_string, env, is_string) setfenv(assert((is_string and loadstring or loadfile)(file_or_string)), env)() end function create_namespace(namespace_name, parent_namespace) namespace_name = namespace_name or minetest.get_current_modname() parent_namespace = parent_namespace or _G local metatable = {__index = parent_namespace == _G and function(_, key) return rawget(_G, key) end or parent_namespace} local namespace = {} namespace = setmetatable(namespace, metatable) if parent_namespace == _G then rawset(parent_namespace, namespace_name, namespace) else parent_namespace[namespace_name] = namespace end return namespace end -- formerly extend_mod function extend(modname, file) if not file then file = modname modname = minetest.get_current_modname() end include_env(get_resource(modname, file .. ".lua"), rawget(_G, modname)) end -- runs main.lua in table env -- formerly include_mod function init(modname) modname = modname or minetest.get_current_modname() create_namespace(modname) extend(modname, "main") end --! deprecated function extend_string(modname, string) if not string then string = modname modname = minetest.get_current_modname() end include_env(string, rawget(_G, modname), true) end function configuration(modname) modname = modname or minetest.get_current_modname() local schema = modlib.schema.new(assert(include(modname, "schema.lua"))) schema.name = schema.name or modname local settingtypes = schema:generate_settingtypes() assert(schema.type == "table") local overrides = {} local conf local function add(path) for _, format in ipairs{ {extension = "lua", read = function(text) assert(overrides._C == nil) local additions = setfenv(assert(loadstring(text)), setmetatable(overrides, {__index = {_C = overrides}}))() setmetatable(overrides, nil) if additions == nil then return overrides end return additions end}, {extension = "luon", read = function(text) local value = {setfenv(assert(loadstring("return " .. text)), setmetatable(overrides, {}))()} assert(#value == 1) value = value[1] local function check_type(value) local type = type(value) if type == "table" then assert(getmetatable(value) == nil) for key, value in pairs(value) do check_type(key) check_type(value) end elseif not (type == "boolean" or type == "number" or type == "string") then error("disallowed type " .. type) end end check_type(value) return value end}, {extension = "conf", read = function(text) return modlib.conf.build_setting_tree(Settings(text):to_table()) end, convert_strings = true}, {extension = "json", read = minetest.parse_json} } do local content = modlib.file.read(path .. "." .. format.extension) if content then overrides = modlib.table.deep_add_all(overrides, format.read(content)) conf = schema:load(overrides, {convert_strings = format.convert_strings, error_message = true}) end end end add(minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/conf/" .. modname) add(get_resource(modname, "conf")) local minetest_conf = modlib.conf.settings[schema.name] if minetest_conf then overrides = modlib.table.deep_add_all(overrides, minetest_conf) conf = schema:load(overrides, {convert_strings = true, error_message = true}) end modlib.file.ensure_content(get_resource(modname, "settingtypes.txt"), settingtypes) local readme_path = get_resource(modname, "Readme.md") local readme = modlib.file.read(readme_path) if readme then local modified = false readme = readme:gsub("" .. "(.-)" .. "", function(level, content) schema._md_level = assert(tonumber(level)) + 1 -- HACK: Newline between comment and heading (MD implementations don't handle comments properly) local markdown = "\n" .. schema:generate_markdown() if content ~= markdown then modified = true return "" .. markdown .. "" end end, 1) if modified then assert(modlib.file.write(readme_path, readme)) end end if conf == nil then return schema:load({}, {error_message = true}) end return conf end