local mt_vector = vector local vector = getfenv(1) index_aliases = { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, w = 4 } modlib.table.add_all(index_aliases, modlib.table.flip(index_aliases)) metatable = { __index = function(table, key) local index = index_aliases[key] if index ~= nil then return table[index] end return vector[key] end, __newindex = function(table, key, value) local index = letters[key] if index ~= nil then return rawset(table, index, value) end end } function new(v) return setmetatable(v, metatable) end function from_xyzw(v) return new{v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w} end function from_minetest(v) return new{v.x, v.y, v.z} end function to_xyzw(v) return {x = v[1], y = v[2], z = v[3], w = v[4]} end --+ not necessarily required, as Minetest respects the metatable function to_minetest(v) return mt_vector.new(unpack(v)) end function equals(v, other_v) for k, v in pairs(v) do if v ~= other_v[k] then return false end end return true end metatable.__eq = equals function less_than(v, other_v) for k, v in pairs(v) do if v >= other_v[k] then return false end end return true end metatable.__lt = less_than function less_or_equal(v, other_v) for k, v in pairs(v) do if v > other_v[k] then return false end end return true end metatable.__le = less_or_equal function combine(v, other_v, f) local new_vector = {} for key, value in pairs(v) do new_vector[key] = f(value, other_v[key]) end return new(new_vector) end function apply(v, f, ...) local new_vector = {} for key, value in pairs(v) do new_vector[key] = f(value, ...) end return new(new_vector) end function combinator(f) return function(v, other_v) return combine(v, other_v, f) end, function(v, ...) return apply(v, f, ...) end end function invert(v) for key, value in pairs(v) do v[key] = -value end end add, add_scalar = combinator(function(a, b) return a + b end) subtract, subtract_scalar = combinator(function(a, b) return a - b end) multiply, multiply_scalar = combinator(function(a, b) return a * b end) divide, divide_scalar = combinator(function(a, b) return a / b end) pow, pow_scalar = combinator(function(a, b) return a ^ b end) metatable.__add = add metatable.__unm = invert metatable.__sub = subtract metatable.__mul = multiply metatable.__div = divide --+ linear interpolation --: ratio number from 0 (all the first vector) to 1 (all the second vector) function interpolate(v, other_v, ratio) return add(multiply(v, 1 - ratio), multiply(other_v, ratio)) end function norm(v) local sum = 0 for _, value in pairs(v) do sum = sum + value ^ 2 end return sum end function length(v) return math.sqrt(norm(v)) end function normalize(v) return divide_scalar(v, length(v)) end function floor(v) return apply(v, math.floor) end function ceil(v) return apply(v, math.ceil) end function clamp(v, min, max) return apply(apply(v, math.max, min), math.min, max) end function cross3(v, other_v) return new{ v[2] * other_v[3] - v[3] * other_v[2], v[3] * other_v[1] - v[1] * other_v[3], v[1] * other_v[2] - v[2] * other_v[1] } end function dot(v, other_v) local sum = 0 for i, c in pairs(v) do sum = sum + c * other_v[i] end return sum end function box_box_collision(diff, box, other_box) for index, diff in pairs(diff) do if box[index] + diff > other_box[index + 3] or other_box[index] > box[index + 3] + diff then return false end end return true end --+ Möller-Trumbore function ray_triangle_intersection(origin, direction, triangle) local point_1, point_2, point_3 = unpack(triangle) local edge_1, edge_2 = subtract(point_2, point_1), subtract(point_3, point_1) local h = cross3(direction, edge_2) local a = dot(edge_1, h) if math.abs(a) < 1e-9 then return end local f = 1 / a local diff = subtract(origin, point_1) local u = f * dot(diff, h) if u < 0 or u > 1 then return end local q = cross3(diff, edge_1) local v = f * dot(direction, q) if v < 0 or u + v > 1 then return end local pos_on_line = f * dot(edge_2, q) if pos_on_line >= 0 then return pos_on_line end end function triangle_normal(triangle) local point_1, point_2, point_3 = unpack(triangle) local edge_1, edge_2 = subtract(point_2, point_1), subtract(point_3, point_1) return normalize(cross3(edge_1, edge_2)) end