function override(function_name, function_builder) local func = minetest[function_name] minetest["original_" .. function_name] = func minetest[function_name] = function_builder(func) end -- TODO fix modlib.minetest.get_gametime() messing up responsible "mod" determined by engine on crash get_gametime = minetest.get_gametime local get_gametime_initialized local function get_gametime_init(dtime) if get_gametime_initialized then -- if the profiler is being used, the globalstep can't be unregistered return end get_gametime_initialized = true assert(dtime == 0) local gametime = minetest.get_gametime() assert(gametime) function modlib.minetest.get_gametime() local imprecise_gametime = minetest.get_gametime() if imprecise_gametime > gametime then minetest.log("warning", "modlib.minetest.get_gametime(): Called after increment and before first globalstep") return imprecise_gametime end return gametime end for index, globalstep in pairs(minetest.registered_globalsteps) do if globalstep == get_gametime_init then table.remove(minetest.registered_globalsteps, index) break end end -- globalsteps of mods which depend on modlib will execute after this minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) gametime = gametime + dtime end) end minetest.register_globalstep(get_gametime_init) delta_times={} delays={} callbacks={} function register_globalstep(interval, callback) if type(callback) ~= "function" then return end table.insert(delta_times, 0) table.insert(delays, interval) table.insert(callbacks, callback) end function texture_modifier_inventorycube(face_1, face_2, face_3) return "[inventorycube{" .. string.gsub(face_1, "%^", "&") .. "{" .. string.gsub(face_2, "%^", "&") .. "{" .. string.gsub(face_3, "%^", "&") end function get_node_inventory_image(nodename) local n = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] if not n then return end local tiles = {} for l, tile in pairs(n.tiles or {}) do tiles[l] = (type(tile) == "string" and tile) or end local chosen_tiles = { tiles[1], tiles[3], tiles[5] } if #chosen_tiles == 0 then return false end if not chosen_tiles[2] then chosen_tiles[2] = chosen_tiles[1] end if not chosen_tiles[3] then chosen_tiles[3] = chosen_tiles[2] end local img = minetest.registered_items[nodename].inventory_image if string.len(img) == 0 then img = nil end return img or texture_modifier_inventorycube(chosen_tiles[1], chosen_tiles[2], chosen_tiles[3]) end function get_color_int(color) return color.b + (color.g*256) + (color.r*256*256) end function check_player_privs(playername, privtable) local privs=minetest.get_player_privs(playername) local missing_privs={} local to_lose_privs={} for priv, expected_value in pairs(privtable) do local actual_value=privs[priv] if expected_value then if not actual_value then table.insert(missing_privs, priv) end else if actual_value then table.insert(to_lose_privs, priv) end end end return missing_privs, to_lose_privs end function box_box_collision(a, b) for i=1, 3 do if a[i] < (b[i] + b[i+3]) or b[i] < (a[i] + a[i+3]) then return false end end return true end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) for k, v in pairs(delta_times) do local v=dtime+v if v > delays[k] then callbacks[k](v) v=0 end delta_times[k]=v end end) form_listeners = {} function register_form_listener(formname, func) local current_listeners = form_listeners[formname] or {} table.insert(current_listeners, func) form_listeners[formname] = current_listeners end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local handlers = form_listeners[formname] if handlers then for _, handler in pairs(handlers) do handler(player, fields) end end end)