-- Lua version check if _VERSION then if _VERSION < "Lua 5" then error("Outdated Lua version! modlib requires Lua 5 or greater.") end if _VERSION > "Lua 5.1" then -- not throwing error("Too new Lua version! modlib requires Lua 5.1 or smaller.") anymore unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- unpack was moved to table.unpack in Lua 5.2 loadstring = load function setfenv(fn, env) local i = 1 while true do name = debug.getupvalue(fn, i) if name == "_ENV" then debug.setupvalue(fn, i, env) break elseif not name then break end end return fn end function getfenv(fn) local i = 1 local name, val repeat name, val = debug.getupvalue(fn, i) if name == "_ENV" then return val end i = i + 1 until not name end end end modlib = { dir_delim = rawget(_G, "DIR_DELIM") or "/", _RG = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, index) return rawget(_G, index) end, __newindex = function(_, index, value) return rawset(_G, index, value) end }) } local function get_resource(modname, resource, ...) if not resource then resource = modname modname = minetest.get_current_modname() end return table.concat({minetest.get_modpath(modname), resource, ...}, modlib.dir_delim) end local function loadfile_exports(filename) local env = setmetatable({}, {__index = _G}) local file = assert(loadfile(filename)) setfenv(file, env) file() return env end local minetest_only = { mod = true, minetest = true, data = true, log = true, player = true, -- not actually minetest-only, but a deprecated component conf = true } for _, component in ipairs{ "mod", "conf", "schema", "data", "file", "func", "log", "math", "player", "table", "text", "vector", "quaternion", "minetest", "trie", "kdtree", "heap", "ranked_set", "b3d" } do if minetest or not minetest_only[component] then local path = minetest and get_resource(component .. ".lua") or component .. ".lua" modlib[component] = loadfile_exports(path) end end -- Aliases modlib.string = modlib.text modlib.number = modlib.math if minetest then modlib.conf.build_setting_tree() modlib.mod.get_resource = get_resource modlib.mod.loadfile_exports = loadfile_exports end _ml = modlib --[[ --modlib.mod.include("test.lua") ]] return modlib