local texmod = ... local colorspec = modlib.minetest.colorspec -- Generator readers local gr = {} function gr.png(r) r:expect":" local base64 = r:match_str"[a-zA-Z0-9+/=]" return assert(minetest.decode_base64(base64), "invalid base64") end function gr.inventorycube(r) local top = r:invcubeside() local left = r:invcubeside() local right = r:invcubeside() return top, left, right end function gr.combine(r) r:expect":" local w = r:int() r:expect"x" local h = r:int() local blits = {} while r:match":" do if r.eof then break end -- we can just end with `:`, right? local x = r:int() r:expect"," local y = r:int() r:expect"=" table.insert(blits, {x = x, y = y, texture = r:subtexp()}) end return w, h, blits end -- Parameter readers local pr = {} function pr.brighten() end function pr.noalpha() end function pr.resize(r) r:expect":" local w = r:int() r:expect"x" local h = r:int() return w, h end function pr.makealpha(r) r:expect":" local red = r:int() r:expect"," local green = r:int() r:expect"," local blue = r:int() return red, green, blue end function pr.opacity(r) r:expect":" local ratio = r:int() return ratio end function pr.invert(r) r:expect":" local channels = {} while true do local c = r:match_charset"[rgba]" if not c then break end channels[c] = true end return channels end do function pr.transform(r) if r:match_charset"[iI]" then return pr.transform(r) end local idx = r:match_charset"[0-7]" if idx then return tonumber(idx), pr.transform(r) end if r:match_charset"[fF]" then local flip_axis = assert(r:match_charset"[xXyY]", "axis expected") return "f" .. flip_axis, pr.transform(r) end if r:match_charset"[rR]" then local deg = r:match_str"%d" -- Be strict here: Minetest won't recognize other ways to write these numbers (or other numbers) assert(deg == "90" or deg == "180" or deg == "270") return ("r%d"):format(deg), pr.transform(r) end -- return nothing, we're done end end function pr.verticalframe(r) r:expect":" local framecount = r:int() r:expect":" local frame = r:int() return framecount, frame end function pr.crack(r) r:expect":" local framecount = r:int() r:expect":" local frame = r:int() if r:match":" then return framecount, frame, r:int() end return framecount, frame end pr.cracko = pr.crack function pr.sheet(r) r:expect":" local w = r:int() r:expect"x" local h = r:int() r:expect":" local x = r:int() r:expect"," local y = r:int() return w, h, x, y end function pr.multiply(r) r:expect":" return r:colorspec() end function pr.colorize(r) r:expect":" local color = r:colorspec() if not r:match":" then return color end if not r:match"a" then return color, r:int() end for c in ("lpha"):gmatch"." do r:expect(c) end return color, "alpha" end function pr.mask(r) r:expect":" return r:subtexp(r) end function pr.lowpart(r) r:expect":" local percent = r:int() assert(percent) r:expect":" return percent, r:subtexp() end -- Build a prefix tree of parameter readers to greedily match the longest texture modifier prefix; -- just matching `%a+` and looking it up in a table -- doesn't work since `[transform` may be followed by a lowercase transform name -- TODO (?...) consolidate with `modlib.trie` local texmod_reader_trie = {} for _, readers in pairs{pr, gr} do for type in pairs(readers) do local subtrie = texmod_reader_trie for char in type:gmatch"." do subtrie[char] = subtrie[char] or {} subtrie = subtrie[char] end subtrie.type = type end end -- Reader methods. We use `r` instead of the `self` "sugar" for consistency (and to save us some typing). local rm = {} function rm.peek(r) if r.eof then return end local expected_escapes = 0 if r.level > 0 then -- Premature optimization my beloved (this is `2^(level-1)`) expected_escapes = math.ldexp(0.5, r.level) end if r.character:match"[&^:]" then if r.escapes == expected_escapes then return r.character end elseif r.escapes <= expected_escapes then return r.character elseif r.escapes >= 2*expected_escapes then return "\\" end end function rm.popchar(r) assert(not r.eof, "unexpected eof") r.escapes = 0 while true do r.character = r:read_char() if r.character ~= "\\" then break end r.escapes = r.escapes + 1 end if r.character == nil then assert(r.escapes == 0, "end of texmod expected") r.eof = true end end function rm.pop(r) local expected_escapes = 0 if r.level > 0 then -- Premature optimization my beloved (this is `2^(level-1)`) expected_escapes = math.ldexp(0.5, r.level) end if r.escapes > 0 and r.escapes >= 2*expected_escapes then r.escapes = r.escapes - 2*expected_escapes return end return r:popchar() end function rm.match(r, char) if r:peek() == char then r:pop() return true end end function rm.expect(r, char) if not r:match(char) then error(("%q expected"):format(char)) end end function rm.hat(r) return r:match(r.invcube and "&" or "^") end function rm.match_charset(r, set) local char = r:peek() if char and char:match(set) then r:pop() return char end end function rm.match_str(r, set) local c = r:match_charset(set) if not c then error(("character in %s expected"):format(set)) end local t = {c} while true do c = r:match_charset(set) if not c then break end table.insert(t, c) end return table.concat(t) end function rm.int(r) local sign = 1 if r:match"-" then sign = -1 end return sign * tonumber(r:match_str"%d") end function rm.fname(r) -- This is overly permissive, as is Minetest; -- we just allow arbitrary characters up until a character which may terminate the name. -- Inside an inventorycube, `&` also terminates names. -- Note that the constructor will however - unlike Minetest - perform validation. -- We could leverage the knowledge of the allowed charset here already, -- but that might lead to more confusing error messages. return r:match_str(r.invcube and "[^:^&){]" or "[^:^){]") end function rm.subtexp(r) r.level = r.level + 1 local res = r:texp() r.level = r.level - 1 return res end function rm.invcubeside(r) assert(not r.invcube, "can't nest inventorycube") r.invcube = true assert(r:match"{", "'{' expected") local res = r:texp() r.invcube = false return res end function rm.basexp(r) if r:match"(" then local res = r:texp() r:expect")" return res end if r:match"[" then local type = r:match_str"%a" local gen_reader = gr[type] if not gen_reader then error("invalid texture modifier: " .. type) end return texmod[type](gen_reader(r)) end return texmod.file(r:fname()) end function rm.colorspec(r) -- Leave exact validation up to colorspec, only do a rough greedy charset matching return assert(colorspec.from_string(r:match_str"[#%x%a]")) end function rm.texp(r) local base = r:basexp() while r:hat() do if r:match"[" then local reader_subtrie = texmod_reader_trie while true do local next_subtrie = reader_subtrie[r:peek()] if next_subtrie then reader_subtrie = next_subtrie r:pop() else break end end local type = assert(reader_subtrie.type, "invalid texture modifier") local param_reader, gen_reader = pr[type], gr[type] assert(param_reader or gen_reader) if param_reader then base = base[type](base, param_reader(r)) elseif gen_reader then base = base:overlay(texmod[type](gen_reader(r))) end else base = base:overlay(r:basexp()) end end return base end local mt = {__index = rm} return function(read_char) local r = setmetatable({ level = 0, invcube = false, eof = false, read_char = read_char, }, mt) r:popchar() local res = r:texp() assert(r.eof, "eof expected") return res end