schematic = {} local metatable = {__index = schematic} function schematic.setmetatable(self) return setmetatable(self, metatable) end function schematic.create(self, pos_min, pos_max) -- Don't use the metatable for the defaults to force a serialization self.baked_light = self.backed_light or false self.meta_data = self.meta_data or true self.size = vector.subtract(pos_max, pos_min) local voxelmanip = minetest.get_voxel_manip(pos_min, pos_max) local emin, emax = voxelmanip:read_from_map(pos_min, pos_max) local voxelarea = VoxelArea:new{ MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax } local meta_data = {} for _, pos in ipairs(minetest.find_nodes_with_meta(pos_min, pos_max)) do local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos):to_table() if next(meta.fields) ~= nil or next(meta.inventory) ~= nil then meta_data[voxelarea:indexp(pos)] = meta end end local data, light_data, param2_data = voxelmanip:get_data(), self.baked_light and voxelmanip:get_light_data() or {}, voxelmanip:get_param2_data() local nodes = {} for index in voxelarea:iterp(pos_min, pos_max) do table.insert(nodes, { name = minetest.get_name_from_content_id(data[index]), light = light_data[index], param2 = param2_data[index], meta = meta_data[index] }) end self.nodes = nodes return schematic.setmetatable(self) end function schematic:write_to_voxelmanip(voxelmanip, pos_min) local pos_max = vector.add(pos_min, self.size) local emin, emax = voxelmanip:read_from_map(pos_min, pos_max) local voxelarea = VoxelArea:new{ MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax } local data, light_data, param2_data = voxelmanip:get_data(), self.baked_light and voxelmanip:get_light_data(), voxelmanip:get_param2_data() for _, pos in ipairs(minetest.find_nodes_with_meta(pos_min, pos_max)) do -- Clear all metadata. Due to an engine bug, nodes will actually have empty metadata. minetest.get_meta(pos):from_table{} end local i = 1 for index in voxelarea:iterp(pos_min, pos_max) do local node = self.nodes[i] i = i + 1 data[index] = minetest.get_content_id( if data[index] == nil then error(("unknown node %q"):format( end if self.baked_light then light_data[index] = node.light end param2_data[index] = node.param2 if node.meta then -- TODO consider removing this check by using a separate table [index] = meta for node meta minetest.get_meta(voxelarea:position(index)):from_table(node.meta) end end voxelmanip:set_data(data) if self.baked_light then voxelmanip:set_light_data(light_data) end voxelmanip:set_param2_data(param2_data) end function schematic:place(pos_min) local pos_max = vector.add(pos_min, self.size) local voxelmanip = minetest.get_voxel_manip(pos_min, pos_max) self:write_to_voxelmanip(voxelmanip, pos_min) voxelmanip:write_to_map(not self.baked_light) return voxelmanip end function schematic:write_bluon(path) local file =, "w") -- Header, short for "ModLib Bluon Schematic" file:write"MLBS" modlib.bluon:write(self, file) file:close() end function schematic.read_bluon(path) local file =, "r") assert(file:read(4) == "MLBS", "not a modlib bluon schematic") local self = modlib.bluon:read(file) assert(not file:read(), "expected EOF") return schematic.setmetatable(self) end function schematic:write_zlib_bluon(path, compression) local file =, "w") -- Header, short for "ModLib Zlib-compressed-bluon Schematic" file:write"MLZS" local rope = modlib.table.rope{} modlib.bluon:write(self, rope) local text = rope:to_text() file:write(minetest.compress(text, "deflate", compression or 9)) file:close() end function schematic.read_zlib_bluon(path) local file =, "r") assert(file:read(4) == "MLZS", "not a modlib zlib compressed bluon schematic") local self = modlib.bluon:read(modlib.text.inputstream(minetest.decompress(file:read"*a", "deflate"))) return schematic.setmetatable(self) end