local modlib, setmetatable, pairs, assert, error, table, table_insert, table_concat, tonumber, tostring, math_huge, string, type, next = modlib, setmetatable, pairs, assert, error, table, table.insert, table.concat, tonumber, tostring, math.huge, string, type, next local _ENV = {} setfenv(1, _ENV) --! experimental -- Null -- TODO consider using userdata (for ex. by using newproxy) do local metatable = {} -- eq is not among the metamethods, len won't work on 5.1 for _, metamethod in pairs{"add", "sub", "mul", "div", "mod", "pow", "unm", "concat", "len", "lt", "le", "index", "newindex", "call"} do metatable["__" .. metamethod] = function() return error("attempt to " .. metamethod .. " a null value") end end null = setmetatable({}, metatable) end local metatable = {__index = self} _ENV.metatable = metatable function new(self) return setmetatable(self, metatable) end local whitespace = modlib.table.set{"\t", "\r", "\n", " "} local decoding_escapes = { ['"'] = '"', ["\\"] = "\\", ["/"] = "/", b = "\b", f = "\f", n = "\n", r = "\r", t = "\t" -- TODO is this complete? } -- Set up a DFA for number syntax validations local number_dfa do -- TODO proper DFA utilities local function set_transitions(state, transitions) for chars, next_state in pairs(transitions) do for char in chars:gmatch"." do state[char] = next_state end end end local onenine = "123456789" local digit = "0" .. onenine local e = "eE" local exponent = {final = true} set_transitions(exponent, { [digit] = exponent }) local pre_exponent = {expected = "exponent"} set_transitions(pre_exponent, { [digit] = exponent }) local exponent_sign = {expected = "exponent"} set_transitions(exponent_sign, { [digit] = exponent, ["+"] = exponent, ["-"] = exponent }) local fraction_final = {final = true} set_transitions(fraction_final, { [digit] = fraction_final, [e] = exponent_sign }) local fraction = {expected = "fraction"} set_transitions(fraction, { [digit] = fraction_final }) local integer = {final = true} set_transitions(integer, { [digit] = integer, [e] = exponent_sign, ["."] = fraction }) local zero = {final = true} set_transitions(zero, { ["."] = fraction }) number_dfa = {} set_transitions(number_dfa, { [onenine] = integer, ["0"] = zero }) end local hex_digit_values = {} for i = 0, 9 do hex_digit_values[tostring(i)] = i end for i = 0, 5 do hex_digit_values[string.char(("a"):byte() + i)] = 10 + i hex_digit_values[string.char(("A"):byte() + i)] = 10 + i end -- TODO SAX vs DOM function read(self, read_) local index = 0 local char -- TODO support read functions which provide additional debug output (such as row:column) local function read() index = index + 1 char = read_() return char end local function syntax_error(errmsg) -- TODO ensure the index isn't off error("syntax error: " .. index .. ": " .. errmsg) end local function syntax_assert(value, errmsg) if not value then syntax_error(errmsg or "assertion failed!") end return value end local function skip_whitespace() while whitespace[char] do read() end end -- Forward declaration local value local function number() local state = number_dfa local num = {} while true do -- Will work for nil too local next_state = state[char] if not next_state then if not state.final then if state == number_dfa then syntax_error"expected a number" end syntax_error("invalid number: expected " .. state.expected) end return assert(tonumber(table_concat(num))) end table_insert(num, char) state = next_state read() end end local function string() local chars = {} while true do if char == '"' then return table_concat(chars) end if char == "\\" then read() if char == "u" then local num = 0 for i = 3, 0, -1 do num = syntax_assert(hex_digit_values[read()], "expected a hex digit") * (16 ^ i) + num end table_insert(chars, syntax_assert(modlib.text.utf8(num), "invalid codepoint")) else table_insert(chars, syntax_assert(decoding_escapes[char], "invalid escape sequence")) end else syntax_assert(char, "unclosed string") -- TODO check whether the character is one that must be escaped ("strict" mode) table_insert(chars, char) end read() end end local element local funcs = { ['-'] = function() return -number() end, ['"'] = string, ["{"] = function() local dict = {} skip_whitespace() if char == "}" then return dict end while true do syntax_assert(char == '"', "key expected") read() local key = string() read() skip_whitespace() syntax_assert(char == ":", "colon expected, got " .. char) local val = element() dict[key] = val if char == "}" then return dict end syntax_assert(char == ",", "comma expected") read() skip_whitespace() end end, ["["] = function() local list = {} skip_whitespace() if char == "]" then return list end while true do table_insert(list, value()) skip_whitespace() if char == "]" then return list end syntax_assert(char == ",", "comma expected") read() skip_whitespace() end end, } local function expect_word(word, value) local msg = word .. " expected" funcs[word:sub(1, 1)] = function() syntax_assert(char == word:sub(2, 2), msg) for i = 3, #word do read() syntax_assert(char == word:sub(i, i), msg) end return value end end expect_word("true", true) expect_word("false", false) expect_word("null", self.null) function value() syntax_assert(char, "value expected") local func = funcs[char] if func then -- Advance after first char read() local val = func() -- Advance after last char read() return val end if char >= "0" and char <= "9" then return number() end syntax_error"value expected" end function element() read() skip_whitespace() local val = value() skip_whitespace() return val end -- TODO consider asserting EOF as read() == nil, perhaps controlled by a parameter return element() end local encoding_escapes = modlib.table.flip(decoding_escapes) -- Solidus does not need to be escaped encoding_escapes["/"] = nil -- Control characters. Note: U+0080 to U+009F and U+007F are not considered control characters. for byte = 0, 0x1F do encoding_escapes[string.char(byte)] = string.format("u%04X", byte) end modlib.table.map(encoding_escapes, function(str) return "\\" .. str end) local function escape(str) return str:gsub(".", encoding_escapes) end function write(self, value, write) local null = self.null local written_strings = self.cache_escaped_strings and setmetatable({}, {__index = function(self, str) local escaped_str = escape(str) self[str] = escaped_str return escaped_str end}) local function string(str) write'"' write(written_strings and written_strings[str] or escape(str)) return write'"' end local dump local function write_kv(key, value) assert(type(key) == "string", "not a dictionary") string(key) write":" dump(value) end function dump(value) if value == null then -- TODO improve null check (checking for equality doesn't allow using nan as null, for instance) return write"null" end if value == true then return write"true" end if value == false then return write"false" end local type_ = type(value) if type_ == "number" then assert(value == value, "unsupported number value: nan") assert(value ~= math_huge, "unsupported number value: inf") assert(value ~= -math_huge, "unsupported number value: -inf") return write(("%.17g"):format(value)) end if type_ == "string" then return string(value) end if type_ == "table" then local table = value local len = #table if len == 0 then local first, value = next(table) write"{" if first ~= nil then write_kv(first, value) end for key, value in next, table, first do write"," write_kv(key, value) end write"}" else assert(modlib.table.count(table) == len, "mixed list & hash part") write"[" for i = 1, len - 1 do dump(table[i]) write"," end dump(table[len]) write"]" end return end error("unsupported type: " .. type_) end dump(value) end -- TODO get rid of this paste of write_file and write_string (see modlib.luon) function write_file(self, value, file) return self:write(value, function(text) file:write(text) end) end function write_string(self, value) local rope = {} self:write(value, function(text) table_insert(rope, text) end) return table_concat(rope) end -- TODO read_path (for other serializers too) function read_file(self, file) local value = self:read(function() return file:read(1) end) -- TODO consider file:close() return value end function read_string(self, string) -- TODO move the string -> one char read func pattern to modlib.text local index = 0 local value = self:read(function() index = index + 1 if index > #string then return end return string:sub(index, index) end) -- We just expect EOF for strings assert(index > #string, "EOF expected") return value end return _ENV