local metatable = {__index = getfenv(1)} --! experimental --+ Reads a single BB3D chunk from a stream --+ Doing `assert(stream:read(1) == nil)` afterwards is recommended --+ See `b3d_specification.txt` as well as https://github.com/blitz-research/blitz3d/blob/master/blitz3d/loader_b3d.cpp --> B3D model function read(stream) local left = 8 local function byte() left = left - 1 return assert(stream:read(1):byte()) end local function int() local value = byte() + byte() * 0x100 + byte() * 0x10000 + byte() * 0x1000000 if value >= 2^31 then return value - 2^32 end return value end local function id() return int() + 1 end local function optional_id() local id = int() if id == -1 then return end return id + 1 end local function string() local rope = {} while true do left = left - 1 local char = assert(stream:read(1)) if char == "\0" then return table.concat(rope) end table.insert(rope, char) end end local function float() -- TODO properly truncate to single floating point local byte_4, byte_3, byte_2, byte_1 = byte(), byte(), byte(), byte() local sign = 1 if byte_1 >= 0x80 then sign = -1 byte_1 = byte_1 - 0x80 end local exponent = byte_1 * 2 if byte_2 >= 0x80 then byte_2 = byte_2 - 0x80 exponent = exponent + 1 end local mantissa = ((((byte_4 / 0x100) + byte_3) / 0x100) + byte_2) / 0x80 if exponent == 0xFF then if mantissa == 0 then return sign * math.huge end -- Differentiating quiet and signalling nan is not possible in Lua, hence we don't have to do it -- HACK ((0/0)^1) yields nan, 0/0 yields -nan return sign == 1 and ((0/0)^1) or 0/0 end if exponent == 0 then -- subnormal value return sign * 2^-126 * mantissa end return sign * 2 ^ (exponent - 127) * (1 + mantissa) end local function float_array(length) local list = {} for index = 1, length do list[index] = float() end return list end local function color() return { r = float(), g = float(), b = float(), a = float() } end local function vector3() return float_array(3) end local function quaternion() return {[4] = float(), [1] = float(), [2] = float(), [3] = float()} end local function content() assert(left >= 0, stream:seek()) return left ~= 0 end local chunk local chunks = { TEXS = function() local textures = {} while content() do table.insert(textures, { file = string(), flags = int(), blend = int(), pos = float_array(2), scale = float_array(2), rotation = float() }) end return textures end, BRUS = function() local brushes = {} brushes.n_texs = int() assert(brushes.n_texs <= 8) while content() do local brush = { name = string(), color = color(), shininess = float(), blend = float(), fx = float(), texture_id = {} } for index = 1, brushes.n_texs do brush.texture_id[index] = optional_id() end table.insert(brushes, brush) end return brushes end, VRTS = function() local vertices = { flags = int(), tex_coord_sets = int(), tex_coord_set_size = int() } assert(vertices.tex_coord_sets <= 8 and vertices.tex_coord_set_size <= 4) local has_normal = (vertices.flags % 2 == 1) or nil local has_color = (math.floor(vertices.flags / 2) % 2 == 1) or nil while content() do local vertex = { pos = vector3(), normal = has_normal and vector3(), color = has_color and color(), tex_coords = {} } for tex_coord_set = 1, vertices.tex_coord_sets do local tex_coords = {} for tex_coord = 1, vertices.tex_coord_set_size do tex_coords[tex_coord] = float() end vertex.tex_coords[tex_coord_set] = tex_coords end table.insert(vertices, vertex) end return vertices end, TRIS = function() local tris = { brush_id = id(), vertex_ids = {} } while content() do table.insert(tris.vertex_ids, {id(), id(), id()}) end return tris end, MESH = function() local mesh = { brush_id = optional_id(), vertices = chunk{VRTS = true} } mesh.triangle_sets = {} repeat local tris = chunk{TRIS = true} table.insert(mesh.triangle_sets, tris) until not content() return mesh end, BONE = function() local bone = {} while content() do local vertex_id = id() assert(not bone[vertex_id], "duplicate vertex weight") local weight = float() if weight > 0 then -- Many exporters include unneeded zero weights bone[vertex_id] = weight end end return bone end, KEYS = function() local flags = int() local _flags = flags % 8 local rotation, scale, position if _flags >= 4 then rotation = true _flags = _flags - 4 end if _flags >= 2 then scale = true _flags = _flags - 2 end position = _flags >= 1 local bone = { flags = flags } while content() do table.insert(bone, { frame = int(), position = position and vector3() or nil, scale = scale and vector3() or nil, rotation = rotation and quaternion() or nil }) end -- Ensure frames are sorted ascending table.sort(bone, function(a, b) return a.frame < b.frame end) return bone end, ANIM = function() return { -- flags are unused flags = int(), frames = int(), fps = float() } end, NODE = function() local node = { name = string(), position = vector3(), scale = vector3(), keys = {}, rotation = quaternion(), children = {} } local node_type -- See https://github.com/blitz-research/blitz3d/blob/master/blitz3d/loader_b3d.cpp#L263 -- Order is not validated; double occurences of mutually exclusive node def are while content() do local elem, type = chunk() if type == "MESH" then assert(not node_type) node_type = "mesh" node.mesh = elem elseif type == "BONE" then assert(not node_type) node_type = "bone" node.bone = elem elseif type == "KEYS" then assert((node.keys[#node.keys] or {}).frame ~= (elem[1] or {}).frame, "duplicate frame") modlib.table.append(node.keys, elem) elseif type == "NODE" then table.insert(node.children, elem) elseif type == "ANIM" then node.animation = elem else assert(not node_type) node_type = "pivot" end end -- TODO somehow merge keys return node end, BB3D = function() local version = int() local self = { version = { major = math.floor(version / 100), minor = version % 100, raw = version }, textures = {}, brushes = {} } assert(self.version.major <= 2, "unsupported version: " .. self.version.major) while content() do local field, type = chunk{TEXS = true, BRUS = true, NODE = true} if type == "TEXS" then modlib.table.append(self.textures, field) elseif type == "BRUS" then modlib.table.append(self.brushes, field) else self.node = field end end return self end } local function chunk_header() left = left - 4 return stream:read(4), int() end function chunk(possible_chunks) local type, new_left = chunk_header() local parent_left left, parent_left = new_left, left if possible_chunks and not possible_chunks[type] then error("expected one of " .. table.concat(modlib.table.keys(possible_chunks), ", ") .. ", found " .. type) end local res = assert(chunks[type])() assert(left == 0) left = parent_left - new_left return res, type end local self = chunk{BB3D = true} return setmetatable(self, metatable) end -- TODO function write(self, stream) local binary_search_frame = modlib.table.binary_search_comparator(function(a, b) return modlib.table.default_comparator(a, b.frame) end) --> [bonename] = { position = vector, rotation = quaternion, scale = vector } function get_animated_bone_properties(self, keyframe, interpolate) local function get_frame_values(keys) local values = keys[keyframe] if values and values.frame == keyframe then return { position = values.position, rotation = values.rotation, scale = values.scale } end local index = binary_search_frame(keys, keyframe) if index > 0 then return keys[index] end index = -index assert(index > 1 and index <= #keys) local a, b = keys[index - 1], keys[index] if not interpolate then return a end local ratio = (keyframe - a.frame) / (b.frame - a.frame) return { position = (a.position and b.position and modlib.vector.interpolate(a.position, b.position, ratio)) or a.position or b.position, rotation = (a.rotation and b.rotation and modlib.quaternion.interpolate(a.rotation, b.rotation, ratio)) or a.rotation or b.rotation, scale = (a.scale and b.scale and modlib.vector.interpolate(a.scale, b.scale, ratio)) or a.scale or b.scale, } end local bone_properties = {} local function get_props(node) local properties = {} if node.keys and next(node.keys) ~= nil then properties = modlib.table.add_all(properties, get_frame_values(node.keys)) end for _, property in pairs{"position", "rotation", "scale"} do properties[property] = properties[property] or modlib.table.copy(node[property]) end if node.bone then assert(not bone_properties[node.name]) bone_properties[node.name] = properties end for _, child in pairs(node.children or {}) do get_props(child) end end get_props(self.node) return bone_properties end