local pw = {} -- parameter writers: `[type] = func(self, write)` function pw:png(w) w.colon(); w.str(minetest.encode_base64(self.data)) end function pw:combine(w) w.colon(); w.int(self.w); w.str"x"; w.str(self.h) for _, blit in ipairs(self.blits) do w.colon() w.int(blit.x); w.str","; w.int(blit.y); w.str"=" w.esctex(blit.texture) end end function pw:inventorycube(w) assert(not w.inventorycube, "[inventorycube may not be nested") local function write_side(side) w.str"{" w.inventorycube = true w.tex(self[side]) w.inventorycube = false end write_side"top" write_side"left" write_side"right" end -- No parameters to write pw.brighten = modlib.func.no_op pw.noalpha = modlib.func.no_op function pw:resize(w) w.colon(); w.int(self.w); w.str"x"; w.int(self.h) end function pw:makealpha(w) w.colon(); w.int(self.r); w.str","; w.int(self.g); w.str","; w.int(self.b) end function pw:opacity(w) w.colon(); w.int(self.ratio) end function pw:invert(w) w.colon() if self.r then w.str"r" end if self.g then w.str"g" end if self.b then w.str"b" end if self.a then w.str"a" end end function pw:transform(w) w.int(self.idx) end function pw:verticalframe(w) w.colon(); w.int(self.framecount); w.colon(); w.int(self.frame) end function pw:crack(w) w.colon(); w.int(self.tilecount); w.colon(); w.int(self.framecount); w.colon(); w.int(self.frame) end pw.cracko = pw.crack function pw:sheet(w) w.colon(); w.int(self.w); w.str"x"; w.int(self.h); w.colon(); w.int(self.x); w.str","; w.int(self.y) end function pw:multiply(w) w.colon() w.str(self.color:to_string()) end function pw:colorize(w) w.colon() w.str(self.color:to_string()) if self.ratio then w.colon() if self.ratio == "alpha" then w.str"alpha" else w.int(self.ratio) end end end function pw:mask(w) w.colon(); w.esctex(self.mask) end function pw:lowpart(w) w.colon(); w.int(self.percent); w.colon(); w.esctex(self.over) end -- Set of "non-modifiers" which do not modify a base image local non_modifiers = {file = true, png = true, combine = true, inventorycube = true} return function(self, write_str) -- We could use a metatable here, but it wouldn't really be worth it; -- it would save us instantiating a handful of closures at the cost of constant `__index` events -- and having to constantly pass `self`, increasing code complexity local w = {} w.inventorycube = false w.level = 0 w.str = write_str function w.esc() if w.level == 0 then return end w.str(("\\"):rep(math.ldexp(0.5, w.level))) end function w.hat() -- Note: We technically do not need to escape `&` inside an [inventorycube which is nested inside [combine, -- but we do it anyways for good practice and since we have to escape `&` inside [combine inside [inventorycube. w.esc() w.str(w.inventorycube and "&" or "^") end function w.colon() w.esc(); w.str":" end function w.int(int) w.str(("%d"):format(int)) end function w.tex(tex) if tex.type == "file" then assert(not tex.filename:find"[:^\\&{[]", "invalid character in filename") w.str(tex.filename) return end if tex.base then w.tex(tex.base) w.hat() end if tex.type == "overlay" then if non_modifiers[tex.over.type] then w.tex(tex.over) else -- Make sure the modifier is first applied to its base image -- and only after this overlaid on top of `tex.base` w.str"("; w.tex(tex.over); w.str")" end else w.str"[" w.str(tex.type) pw[tex.type](tex, w) end end function w.esctex(tex) w.level = w.level + 1 w.tex(tex) w.level = w.level - 1 end w.tex(self) end