local class = getfenv(1) local metatable = {__index = function(_self, key) return rawget(class, key) end} comparator = modlib.table.default_comparator --+ Uses a weight-balanced binary tree function new(comparator) return setmetatable({comparator = comparator, root = {total = 0}}, metatable) end function len(self) return self.root.total end metatable.__len = len function is_empty(self) return len(self) == 0 end local function insert_all(tree, _table) if tree.left then insert_all(tree.left, _table) end table.insert(_table, tree.key) if tree.right then insert_all(tree.right, _table) end end function to_table(self) local table = {} if not is_empty(self) then insert_all(self.root, table) end return table end --> iterator: function() -> `rank, key` with ascending rank function ipairs(self, min, max) if is_empty(self) then return function() end end min = min or 1 local tree = self.root local current_rank = (tree.left and tree.left.total or 0) + 1 repeat if min == current_rank then break end local left, right = tree.left, tree.right if min < current_rank then current_rank = current_rank - (left and left.right and left.right.total or 0) - 1 tree = left else current_rank = current_rank + (right and right.left and right.left.total or 0) + 1 tree = right end until not tree max = max or len(self) local to_visit = {tree} tree = nil local rank = min - 1 local function next() if not tree then local len = #to_visit if len == 0 then return end tree = to_visit[len] to_visit[len] = nil else while tree.left do table.insert(to_visit, tree) tree = tree.left end end local key = tree.key tree = tree.right return key end return function() if rank >= max then return end local key = next() if key == nil then return end rank = rank + 1 return rank, key end end local function _right_rotation(parent, right, left) local new_parent = parent[left] parent[left] = new_parent[right] new_parent[right] = parent parent.total = (parent[left] and parent[left].total or 0) + (parent[right] and parent[right].total or 0) + 1 assert(parent.total > 0 or (parent.left == nil and parent.right == nil)) new_parent.total = (new_parent[left] and new_parent[left].total or 0) + parent.total + 1 return new_parent end local function right_rotation(parent) return _right_rotation(parent, "right", "left") end local function left_rotation(parent) return _right_rotation(parent, "left", "right") end local function _rebalance(parent) local left_count, right_count = (parent.left and parent.left.total or 0), (parent.right and parent.right.total or 0) if right_count > 1 and left_count * 2 < right_count then return left_rotation(parent) end if left_count > 1 and right_count * 2 < left_count then return right_rotation(parent) end return parent end -- Rebalances a parent chain local function rebalance(self, len, parents, sides) if len <= 1 then return end for i = len, 2, -1 do parents[i] = _rebalance(parents[i]) parents[i - 1][sides[i - 1]] = parents[i] end self.root = parents[1] end local function _insert(self, key, replace) assert(key ~= nil) if is_empty(self) then self.root = {key = key, total = 1} return end local comparator = self.comparator local parents, sides = {}, {} local tree = self.root repeat local tree_key = tree.key local compared = comparator(key, tree_key) if compared == 0 then if replace then tree.key = key return tree_key end return end table.insert(parents, tree) local side = compared < 0 and "left" or "right" table.insert(sides, side) tree = tree[side] until not tree local len = #parents parents[len][sides[len]] = {key = key, total = 1} for _, parent in pairs(parents) do parent.total = parent.total + 1 end rebalance(self, len, parents, sides) end function insert(self, key) return _insert(self, key) end function insert_or_replace(self, key) return _insert(self, key, true) end local function _delete(self, key, is_rank) assert(key ~= nil) if is_empty(self) then return end local comparator = self.comparator local parents, sides = {}, {} local tree = self.root local rank = (tree.left and tree.left.total or 0) + 1 repeat local tree_key = tree.key local compared if is_rank then if key == rank then compared = 0 elseif key < rank then rank = rank - (tree.left and tree.left.right and tree.left.right.total or 0) - 1 compared = -1 else rank = rank + (tree.right and tree.right.left and tree.right.left.total or 0) + 1 compared = 1 end else compared = comparator(key, tree_key) end if compared == 0 then local len = #parents local left, right = tree.left, tree.right if left then tree.total = tree.total - 1 if right then -- Obtain successor local side = left.total > right.total and "left" or "right" local other_side = side == "left" and "right" or "left" local sidemost = tree[side] while sidemost[other_side] do sidemost.total = sidemost.total - 1 table.insert(parents, sidemost) table.insert(sides, other_side) sidemost = sidemost[other_side] end -- Replace deleted key tree.key = sidemost.key -- Replace the successor by it's single child parents[len][sides[len]] = sidemost[side] else if len == 0 then self.root = left or {total = 0} else parents[len][sides[len]] = left end end elseif right then if len == 0 then self.root = right or {total = 0} else tree.total = tree.total - 1 parents[len][sides[len]] = right end else if len == 0 then self.root = {total = 0} else parents[len][sides[len]] = nil end end for _, parent in pairs(parents) do parent.total = parent.total - 1 end rebalance(self, len, parents, sides) if is_rank then return tree_key end return rank, tree_key end table.insert(parents, tree) local side if compared < 0 then side = "left" else side = "right" end table.insert(sides, side) tree = tree[side] until not tree end function delete(self, key) return _delete(self, key) end delete_by_key = delete function delete_by_rank(self, rank) return _delete(self, rank, true) end --> `rank, key` if the key was found --> `rank` the key would have if inserted function get(self, key) if is_empty(self) then return end local comparator = self.comparator local tree = self.root local rank = (tree.left and tree.left.total or 0) + 1 while tree do local compared = comparator(key, tree.key) if compared == 0 then return rank, tree.key end if compared < 0 then rank = rank - (tree.left and tree.left.right and tree.left.right.total or 0) - 1 tree = tree.left else rank = rank + (tree.right and tree.right.left and tree.right.left.total or 0) + 1 tree = tree.right end end return rank end get_by_key = get --> key function get_by_rank(self, rank) local tree = self.root local current_rank = (tree.left and tree.left.total or 0) + 1 repeat if rank == current_rank then return tree.key end local left, right = tree.left, tree.right if rank < current_rank then current_rank = current_rank - (left and left.right and left.right.total or 0) - 1 tree = left else current_rank = current_rank + (right and right.left and right.left.total or 0) + 1 tree = right end until not tree end