-- Localize globals local assert, error, math, minetest, modlib, next, ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, string_char, table = assert, error, math, minetest, modlib, next, ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, string.char, table local mat4 = modlib.matrix4 local read_int, read_single = modlib.binary.read_int, modlib.binary.read_single local write_int, write_uint, write_single = modlib.binary.write_int, modlib.binary.write_uint, modlib.binary.write_single local fround = modlib.math.fround -- Set environment local _ENV = {} setfenv(1, _ENV) local metatable = {__index = _ENV} --+ Reads a single BB3D chunk from a stream --+ Doing `assert(stream:read(1) == nil)` afterwards is recommended --+ See `b3d_specification.txt` as well as https://github.com/blitz-research/blitz3d/blob/master/blitz3d/loader_b3d.cpp --> B3D model function read(stream) local left = 8 local function byte() left = left - 1 return assert(stream:read(1):byte()) end local function int() return read_int(byte, 4) end local function id() return int() + 1 end local function optional_id() local id = int() if id == -1 then return end return id + 1 end local function string() local rope = {} while true do left = left - 1 local char = assert(stream:read(1)) if char == "\0" then return table.concat(rope) end table.insert(rope, char) end end local function float() return read_single(byte) end local function float_array(length) local list = {} for index = 1, length do list[index] = float() end return list end local function color() local ret = {} ret.r = float() ret.g = float() ret.b = float() ret.a = float() return ret end local function vector3() return float_array(3) end local function quaternion() local w = float() local x = float() local y = float() local z = float() return {x, y, z, w} end local function content() if left < 0 then error(("unexpected EOF at position %d"):format(stream:seek())) end return left ~= 0 end local chunk local chunks = { TEXS = function() local textures = {} while content() do local tex = {} tex.file = string() tex.flags = int() tex.blend = int() tex.pos = float_array(2) tex.scale = float_array(2) tex.rotation = float() table.insert(textures, tex) end return textures end, BRUS = function() local brushes = {} local n_texs = int() assert(n_texs <= 8) while content() do local brush = {} brush.name = string() brush.color = color() brush.shininess = float() brush.blend = int() brush.fx = int() brush.texture_id = {} for index = 1, n_texs do brush.texture_id[index] = optional_id() end table.insert(brushes, brush) end return brushes end, VRTS = function() local vertices = {} vertices.flags = int() vertices.tex_coord_sets = int() vertices.tex_coord_set_size = int() assert(vertices.tex_coord_sets <= 8 and vertices.tex_coord_set_size <= 4) local has_normal = (vertices.flags % 2 == 1) or nil local has_color = (math.floor(vertices.flags / 2) % 2 == 1) or nil while content() do local vertex = {} vertex.pos = vector3() vertex.normal = has_normal and vector3() vertex.color = has_color and color() vertex.tex_coords = {} for tex_coord_set = 1, vertices.tex_coord_sets do local tex_coords = {} for tex_coord = 1, vertices.tex_coord_set_size do tex_coords[tex_coord] = float() end vertex.tex_coords[tex_coord_set] = tex_coords end table.insert(vertices, vertex) end return vertices end, TRIS = function() local tris = {} tris.brush_id = id() tris.vertex_ids = {} while content() do local i = id() local j = id() local k = id() table.insert(tris.vertex_ids, {i, j, k}) end return tris end, MESH = function() local mesh = {} mesh.brush_id = optional_id() mesh.vertices = chunk{VRTS = true} mesh.triangle_sets = {} repeat local tris = chunk{TRIS = true} table.insert(mesh.triangle_sets, tris) until not content() return mesh end, BONE = function() local bone = {} while content() do local vertex_id = id() assert(not bone[vertex_id], "duplicate vertex weight") local weight = float() if weight > 0 then -- Many exporters include unneeded zero weights bone[vertex_id] = weight end end return bone end, KEYS = function() local flags = int() local _flags = flags % 8 local rotation, scale, position if _flags >= 4 then rotation = true _flags = _flags - 4 end if _flags >= 2 then scale = true _flags = _flags - 2 end position = _flags >= 1 local bone = { flags = flags } while content() do local frame = {} frame.frame = int() if position then frame.position = vector3() end if scale then frame.scale = vector3() end if rotation then frame.rotation = quaternion() end table.insert(bone, frame) end return bone end, ANIM = function() local ret = {} ret.flags = int() -- flags are unused ret.frames = int() ret.fps = float() return ret end, NODE = function() local node = {} node.name = string() node.position = vector3() node.scale = vector3() node.keys = {} node.rotation = quaternion() node.children = {} local node_type -- See https://github.com/blitz-research/blitz3d/blob/master/blitz3d/loader_b3d.cpp#L263 -- Order is not validated; double occurrences of mutually exclusive node def are while content() do local elem, type = chunk() if type == "MESH" then assert(not node_type) node_type = "mesh" node.mesh = elem elseif type == "BONE" then assert(not node_type) node_type = "bone" node.bone = elem elseif type == "KEYS" then modlib.table.append(node.keys, elem) elseif type == "NODE" then table.insert(node.children, elem) elseif type == "ANIM" then node.animation = elem else assert(not node_type) node_type = "pivot" end end -- Ensure frames are sorted ascendingly table.sort(node.keys, function(a, b) assert(a.frame ~= b.frame, "duplicate frame") return a.frame < b.frame end) return node end, BB3D = function() local version = int() local self = { version = { major = math.floor(version / 100), minor = version % 100, }, textures = {}, brushes = {} } assert(self.version.major <= 2, "unsupported version: " .. self.version.major) while content() do local field, type = chunk{TEXS = true, BRUS = true, NODE = true} if type == "TEXS" then modlib.table.append(self.textures, field) elseif type == "BRUS" then modlib.table.append(self.brushes, field) else self.node = field end end return self end } local function chunk_header() left = left - 4 return stream:read(4), int() end function chunk(possible_chunks) local type, new_left = chunk_header() local parent_left left, parent_left = new_left, left if possible_chunks and not possible_chunks[type] then error("expected one of " .. table.concat(modlib.table.keys(possible_chunks), ", ") .. ", found " .. type) end local res = assert(chunks[type])() assert(left == 0) left = parent_left - new_left return res, type end local self = chunk{BB3D = true} return setmetatable(self, metatable) end -- Writer local function write_rope(self) local rope = {} local written_len = 0 local function write(str) written_len = written_len + #str table.insert(rope, str) end local function byte(val) write(string_char(val)) end local function int(val) write_int(byte, val, 4) end local function id(val) int(val - 1) end local function optional_id(val) int(val and (val - 1) or -1) end local function string(val) write(val) write"\0" end local function float(val) write_single(byte, fround(val)) end local function float_array(arr, len) assert(#arr == len) for i = 1, len do float(arr[i]) end end local function color(val) float(val.r) float(val.g) float(val.b) float(val.a) end local function vector3(val) float_array(val, 3) end local function quaternion(quat) float(quat[4]) float(quat[1]) float(quat[2]) float(quat[3]) end local function chunk(name, write_func) write(name) -- Insert placeholder for the 4-bit len table.insert(rope, false) written_len = written_len + 4 local len_idx = #rope -- save index of placeholder local prev_written_len = written_len write_func() -- Write the length of this chunk local chunk_len = written_len - prev_written_len local len_binary = {} write_int(function(byte) table.insert(len_binary, string_char(byte)) end, chunk_len, 4) rope[len_idx] = table.concat(len_binary) end local function NODE(node) chunk("NODE", function() string(node.name) vector3(node.position) vector3(node.scale) quaternion(node.rotation) local mesh = node.mesh if mesh then chunk("MESH", function() optional_id(mesh.brush_id) local vertices = mesh.vertices chunk("VRTS", function() int(vertices.flags) int(vertices.tex_coord_sets) int(vertices.tex_coord_set_size) for _, vertex in ipairs(vertices) do vector3(vertex.pos) if vertex.normal then vector3(vertex.normal) end if vertex.color then color(vertex.color) end for tex_coord_set = 1, vertices.tex_coord_sets do local tex_coords = vertex.tex_coords[tex_coord_set] for tex_coord = 1, vertices.tex_coord_set_size do float(tex_coords[tex_coord]) end end end end) for _, triangle_set in ipairs(mesh.triangle_sets) do chunk("TRIS", function() id(triangle_set.brush_id) for _, tri in ipairs(triangle_set.vertex_ids) do id(tri[1]) id(tri[2]) id(tri[3]) end end) end end) end if node.bone then chunk("BONE", function() for vertex_id, weight in pairs(node.bone) do id(vertex_id) float(weight) end end) end if node.keys then local keys_by_flags = {} for _, key in ipairs(node.keys) do local flags = 0 flags = flags + (key.position and 1 or 0) + (key.scale and 2 or 0) + (key.rotation and 4 or 0) keys_by_flags[flags] = keys_by_flags[flags] or {} table.insert(keys_by_flags[flags], key) end for flags, keys in pairs(keys_by_flags) do chunk("KEYS", function() int(flags) for _, frame in ipairs(keys) do int(frame.frame) if frame.position then vector3(frame.position) end if frame.scale then vector3(frame.scale) end if frame.rotation then quaternion(frame.rotation) end end end) end end local anim = node.animation if anim then chunk("ANIM", function() int(anim.flags) int(anim.frames) float(anim.fps) end) end for _, child in ipairs(node.children) do NODE(child) end end) end chunk("BB3D", function() int(self.version.major * 100 + self.version.minor) if self.textures[1] then chunk("TEXS", function() for _, tex in ipairs(self.textures) do string(tex.file) int(tex.flags) int(tex.blend) float_array(tex.pos, 2) float_array(tex.scale, 2) float(tex.rotation) end end) end if self.brushes[1] then local max_n_texs = 0 for _, brush in ipairs(self.brushes) do for n in pairs(brush.texture_id) do if n > max_n_texs then max_n_texs = n end end end chunk("BRUS", function() int(max_n_texs) for _, brush in ipairs(self.brushes) do string(brush.name) color(brush.color) float(brush.shininess) int(brush.blend) int(brush.fx) for index = 1, max_n_texs do optional_id(brush.texture_id[index]) end end end) end if self.node then NODE(self.node) end end) return rope end function write_string(self) return table.concat(write_rope(self)) end function write(self, stream) for _, str in ipairs(write_rope(self)) do stream:write(str) end end -- B3D to glTF converter -- See https://registry.khronos.org/glTF/specs/2.0/glTF-2.0.html --! Highly experimental; expect bugs! do -- glTF constants local array_buffer = 34962 -- "Buffer containing vertex attributes, such as vertices, texcoords or colors." local element_array_buffer = 34963 -- "Buffer used for element indices." local component_type = { signed_byte = 5120, unsigned_byte = 5121, signed_short = 5122, unsigned_short = 5123, unsigned_int = 5125, float = 5126, } -- Coordinate system conversions: -- "Blitz 3D uses a left-handed system: X+ is to the right. Y+ is up. Z+ is forward." -- "glTF uses a right-handed coordinate system. glTF defines +Y as up, +Z as forward, and -X as right; -- the front of a glTF asset faces +Z." local function translation_to_gltf(vec) return {-vec[1], vec[2], vec[3]} -- invert the X-axis end local function quaternion_to_gltf(quat) -- TODO (!) is this correct? return {-quat[1], quat[2], quat[3], quat[4]} -- invert the X-axis end -- Convert a color from table format to glTF RGBA list format local function color_to_gltf(col) return {col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a} end -- Basic helpers for writing to the buffer, all parameterized in terms of `write_byte` local function write_index(write_byte, index) write_uint(write_byte, index - 1 --[[1-based to 0-based]], 4) end local function write_float(write_byte, float) assert(-math.huge < float and float < math.huge) assert(-math.huge < fround(float) and fround(float) < math.huge, ("%.18g got %.18g"):format(float, fround(float))) write_single(write_byte, fround(float)) end local function write_floats(write_byte, floats, expected_len) assert(#floats == expected_len) for i = 1, expected_len do write_float(write_byte, floats[i]) end end local function write_vector(write_byte, vec) return write_floats(write_byte, vec, 3) end local function write_translation(write_byte, vec) return write_vector(write_byte, translation_to_gltf(vec)) end local function write_quaternion(write_byte, quat) -- XYZW order is already correct, but we still need to convert left-handed to right-handed return write_floats(write_byte, quaternion_to_gltf(quat), 4) end function to_gltf(self) -- Accessor helper: Stores arrays of raw data in a buffer, produces views & accessors. -- Everything is dumped in the same large buffer. local buffer_rope = {} -- buffer content (table of strings) local buffer_views = {} -- glTF buffer views local accessors = {} -- glTF accessors local offset = 0 -- current byte offset local function add_accessor( type, -- name of the composite type (e.g. SCALAR, VEC3, VEC4, MAT4, ...) comp_type, -- name of the component type (e.g. float, unsigned_int, ...) index, -- true / false / nil: whether this is an index (true) or vertex data (false) or neither (nil) func -- `function(write_byte) ... return count, min, max end` to be called to write to the buffer view; -- the count of elements written must be returned; min and max may be returned ) -- Always add padding to obtain a multiple of 4 -- TODO (?) don't add padding if it isn't required table.insert(buffer_rope, ("\0"):rep(offset % 4)) offset = math.ceil(offset / 4) * 4 local bytes_written = 0 local count, min, max = func(function(byte) table.insert(buffer_rope, string_char(byte)) bytes_written = bytes_written + 1 end) assert(count) -- Add buffer view table.insert(buffer_views, { buffer = 0, -- 0-based - there only is one buffer byteOffset = offset, byteLength = bytes_written, target = ((index == true) and element_array_buffer) -- index data or ((index == false) and array_buffer) -- vertex data or nil, -- no target hint }) table.insert(accessors, { bufferView = #buffer_views - 1, -- 0-based byteOffset = 0, -- view has correct offset componentType = assert(component_type[comp_type]), type = type, count = count, min = min, max = max, }) offset = offset + bytes_written return #accessors - 1 -- 0-based index of the accessor end local textures = {} -- glTF textures local function add_texture(name) -- TODO (?) add an appropriate sampler table.insert(textures, {name = name}) return #textures - 1 -- 0-based texture index end for _, tex in ipairs(self.textures) do -- Assert that all values we don't map properly yet are defaults -- TODO dig into Blitz3D sources to figure out the meaning of flags & blend -- TODO (...) deal with flag value of 65536: -- "The flags field value can conditional an additional flag value of '65536'. -- This is used to indicate that the texture uses secondary UV values, ala the TextureCoords command." assert(tex.flags == 1) -- TODO (?) see https://github.com/blitz-research/blitz3d/blob/master/gxruntime/gxcanvas.h#L59 assert(tex.blend == 2) -- Assert that the texture isn't transformed assert(tex.rotation == 0) assert(tex.pos[1] == 0 and tex.pos[2] == 0) assert(tex.scale[1] == 1 and tex.scale[2] == 1) add_texture(tex.file) end -- Map brushes to materials (& textures) local materials = {} for i, brush in ipairs(self.brushes) do -- Assert defaults -- See https://github.com/blitz-research/blitz3d/blob/6beb288cb5962393684a59a4a44ac11524894939/blitz3d/brush.cpp#L164-L167: -- 0 = default/replace, 1 = alpha, 2 = multiply, 3 = add assert(brush.blend == 1) -- (alpha) -- TODO (...) figure out what these "effects" are and if/how to map them to glTF assert(brush.fx == 0) assert(#brush.texture_id <= 1) -- TODO (...) this supports only a single texture per brush for now local index if brush.texture_id[1] then index = brush.texture_id[1] -- 0-based else -- Implementations seem to implicitly assume textures for brushes index = add_texture(brush.name) end materials[i] = { name = brush.name, alphaMode = "BLEND", pbrMetallicRoughness = { baseColorFactor = color_to_gltf(brush.color), metallicFactor = brush.shininess, -- TODO (?) are these really equivalent? -- Add texture if there is none baseColorTexture = { index = index, -- `texCoord = 0` is the default already, no need to set it }, }, } end local meshes = {} local function add_mesh(mesh, weights) local attributes = {} local vertices = mesh.vertices attributes.POSITION = add_accessor("VEC3", "float", false, function(write_byte) local inf = math.huge local min_pos, max_pos = {inf, inf, inf}, {-inf, -inf, -inf} for _, vertex in ipairs(mesh.vertices) do local pos = translation_to_gltf(vertex.pos) write_vector(write_byte, pos) min_pos = modlib.vector.combine(min_pos, pos, math.min) max_pos = modlib.vector.combine(max_pos, pos, math.max) end return #mesh.vertices, min_pos, max_pos -- vertex accessors MUST provide min & max end) local has_normals = vertices.flags % 2 == 1 -- lowest bit set? if has_normals then attributes.NORMAL = add_accessor("VEC3", "float", false, function(write_byte) for _, vertex in ipairs(mesh.vertices) do write_translation(write_byte, vertex.normal) end return #mesh.vertices end) end local has_colors = vertices.flags % 4 >= 2 -- second lowest bit set? if has_colors then attributes.COLOR_0 = add_accessor("VEC4", "float", false, function(write_byte) for _, vertex in ipairs(mesh.vertices) do write_floats(write_byte, color_to_gltf(vertex.color), 4) end return #mesh.vertices end) end if vertices.tex_coord_sets >= 1 then assert(vertices.tex_coord_set_size == 2) for tex_coord_set = 1, vertices.tex_coord_sets do local tcs_id = tex_coord_set - 1 -- 0-based attributes[("TEXCOORD_%d"):format(tcs_id)] = add_accessor("VEC2", "float", false, function(write_byte) for _, vertex in ipairs(mesh.vertices) do write_floats(write_byte, vertex.tex_coords[tex_coord_set], 2) end return #mesh.vertices end) end end if next(weights) ~= nil then -- Count (& pack into list) joints influencing vertices, normalize weights local max_count = 0 local joint_ids = {} local normalized_weights = {} for vertex_id, joint_weights in pairs(weights) do local total_weight = 0 local count = 0 for _, weight in pairs(joint_weights) do total_weight = total_weight + weight count = count + 1 end joint_ids[vertex_id] = {} normalized_weights[vertex_id] = {} for joint, weight in pairs(joint_weights) do table.insert(joint_ids[vertex_id], joint) table.insert(normalized_weights[vertex_id], weight / total_weight) end max_count = math.max(max_count, count) end assert(max_count > 0) -- TODO (?) warning for max_count > 4 for set_start = 1, max_count, 4 do -- Iterate sets of 4 bones local set_id = math.floor(set_start / 4) -- 0-based => floor rather than ceil -- Write the joint IDs attributes[("JOINTS_%d"):format(set_id)] = add_accessor("VEC4", "unsigned_short", false, function(write_byte) for vertex_id in ipairs(mesh.vertices) do for i = set_start, set_start + 3 do assert(#normalized_weights[vertex_id] == #joint_ids[vertex_id]) local id = (joint_ids[vertex_id] or {})[i] or 0 local weight = (normalized_weights[vertex_id] or {})[i] or 0 if weight == 0 then id = 0 -- required by the glTF spec end write_uint(write_byte, id, 2) end end return #mesh.vertices end) -- Write the corresponding weights attributes[("WEIGHTS_%d"):format(set_id)] = add_accessor("VEC4", "float", false, function(write_byte) for vertex_id in ipairs(mesh.vertices) do for i = set_start, set_start + 3 do local weight = (normalized_weights[vertex_id] or {})[i] or 0 write_float(write_byte, weight) end end return #mesh.vertices end) end end -- Write the indices per triangle set local primitives = {} for i, triangle_set in ipairs(mesh.triangle_sets) do local index_accessor = add_accessor("SCALAR", "unsigned_int", true, function(write_byte) for _, tri in ipairs(triangle_set.vertex_ids) do -- Flip winding order due to the coordinate system transformation -- TODO (!) is this correct? for j = 3, 1, -1 do write_index(write_byte, tri[j]) end end return 3 * #triangle_set.vertex_ids end) -- Each triangle set is equivalent to one glTF "primitive" primitives[i] = { attributes = attributes, indices = index_accessor, material = (triangle_set.brush_id or mesh.brush_id) - 1, -- 0-based -- `mode = 4` (triangles) is the default already, no need to set it } end table.insert(meshes, {primitives = primitives}) return #meshes - 1 -- 0-based end -- glTF lists local nodes = {} local skins = {} local samplers = {} local channels = {} local function add_node( node, -- b3d node to add bind_mat, -- bind matrix of the parent bone (may be `nil` if none) fps, -- fps of the parent bone (may be `nil` if none) anim -- shared animation of the parent mesh ) table.insert(nodes, false) -- HACK first insert a placeholder to get a fixed ID local node_id = #nodes - 1 -- 0-indexed <=> before `table.insert`! -- Animation (speed)? fps = node.animation and node.animation.fps or fps -- Keyframes? if node.keys then -- Convert from a list of keyframes of three overrides to three lists of channels local targets = { translation = {output_type = "VEC3", b3d_field = "position", write_value = write_translation}, scale = {output_type = "VEC3", b3d_field = "scale", write_value = write_vector}, rotation = {output_type = "VEC4", b3d_field = "rotation", write_value = write_quaternion} } for _, keyframe in ipairs(node.keys) do local frame = keyframe.frame for _, target in pairs(targets) do local value = keyframe[target.b3d_field] if value then table.insert(target, {frame = frame, value = value}) end end end for target, keyframes in pairs(targets) do if #keyframes > 0 then -- Write input (timestamps) local input = add_accessor("SCALAR", "float", nil, function(write_byte) local min, max = math.huge, -math.huge for _, keyframe in ipairs(keyframes) do local sec = keyframe.frame / (fps or 60) -- convert frames to seconds; default FPS is 60 write_float(write_byte, sec) min, max = math.min(min, sec), math.max(max, sec) end return #keyframes, {min}, {max} -- min and max are mandatory end) -- Write output (overrides) local output = add_accessor(keyframes.output_type, "float", nil, function(write_byte) for _, keyframe in ipairs(keyframes) do keyframes.write_value(write_byte, keyframe.value) end return #keyframes end) table.insert(samplers, { input = input, output = output, -- interpolation default is already linear, matching b3d }) table.insert(channels, { sampler = #samplers - 1, -- 0-based target = { node = node_id, path = target, } }) end end end if node.mesh then -- Initialize skeletal animation assert(not anim) anim = { weights = {}, joints = {}, inv_bind_mats = {}, } end if node.bone then local joint_id = #anim.joints table.insert(anim.joints, node_id) -- "To compose the local transformation matrix, TRS properties MUST be converted to matrices and postmultiplied in -- the T * R * S order; first the scale is applied to the vertices, then the rotation, and then the translation." local translation = translation_to_gltf(node.position) local rotation = modlib.quaternion.normalize(quaternion_to_gltf(node.rotation)) local scale = node.scale local loc_trans_mat = mat4.scale(scale) :compose(mat4.rotation(rotation)) :compose(mat4.translation(translation)) -- Compute a proper inverse bind matrix as the inverse of the product of the transformation matrices -- along the path from the root (the mesh) to the current node (the bone). -- See e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17127994/opengl-bone-animation-why-do-i-need-inverse-of-bind-pose-when-working-with-gp -- https://computergraphics.stackexchange.com/questions/7603/confusion-about-how-inverse-bind-pose-is-actually-calculated-and-used bind_mat = bind_mat and bind_mat:multiply(loc_trans_mat) or loc_trans_mat table.insert(anim.inv_bind_mats, bind_mat:inverse()) -- Insert into reverse lookup `anim.weights[vertex_id][joint_id] = weight` -- such that writing the mesh can then write the weights per vertex for vertex_id, weight in pairs(node.bone) do if weight > 0 then anim.weights[vertex_id] = anim.weights[vertex_id] or {} anim.weights[vertex_id][joint_id] = weight end end end local children = {} for _, child in ipairs(node.children) do table.insert(children, add_node(child, bind_mat, fps, anim)) end local mesh, skin_id if node.mesh then mesh = add_mesh(node.mesh, anim.weights) if anim.joints and anim.joints[1] then table.insert(skins, { inverseBindMatrices = add_accessor("MAT4", "float", nil, function(write_byte) for _, inv_bind_mat in ipairs(anim.inv_bind_mats) do assert(#inv_bind_mat == 4) -- glTF uses column-major order (we use row-major order) for i = 1, 4 do for j = 1, 4 do write_float(write_byte, inv_bind_mat[j][i]) end end end return #anim.inv_bind_mats end), joints = anim.joints, skeleton = node_id, }) skin_id = #skins - 1 -- 0-based end end -- Now replace the placeholder nodes[node_id + 1 --[[0-based to 1-based]]] = { name = node.name, mesh = mesh, skin = skin_id, children = children[1] and children, -- glTF does not allow empty lists translation = translation_to_gltf(node.position), scale = node.scale, rotation = quaternion_to_gltf(node.rotation), } return node_id -- 0-based end local scene, scenes if self.node then scene, scenes = 0, {{nodes = {add_node(self.node)}}} end local buffer_string = table.concat(buffer_rope) return { asset = { generator = "modlib b3d:to_gltf", version = "2.0" }, -- Textures textures = textures[1] and textures, -- glTF does not allow empty lists materials = materials, -- Accessors, buffer views & buffers accessors = accessors, bufferViews = buffer_views, buffers = { { byteLength = #buffer_string, uri = "data:application/octet-stream;base64," .. assert(minetest.encode_base64, "b3d:to_gltf needs `minetest.encode_base64`!")(buffer_string) }, }, -- Meshes & nodes meshes = meshes, nodes = nodes, -- A scene is not strictly needed but is useful for getting rid of validator warnings & having a proper root defined scene = scene, scenes = scenes, -- Animation skins = skins, -- B3D only contains (up to) a single animation animations = channels[1] and { { channels = channels, samplers = samplers, }, }, } end end function write_gltf(self, file) modlib.json:write_file(self:to_gltf(), file) end local binary_search_frame = modlib.table.binary_search_comparator(function(a, b) return modlib.table.default_comparator(a, b.frame) end) --> list of { bone_name = string, parent_bone_name = string, position = vector, rotation = quaternion, scale = vector } function get_animated_bone_properties(self, keyframe, interpolate) local function get_frame_values(keys) local values = keys[keyframe] if values and values.frame == keyframe then return { position = values.position, rotation = values.rotation, scale = values.scale } end local index = binary_search_frame(keys, keyframe) if index > 0 then return keys[index] end index = -index assert(index > 1 and index <= #keys) local a, b = keys[index - 1], keys[index] if not interpolate then return a end local ratio = (keyframe - a.frame) / (b.frame - a.frame) return { position = (a.position and b.position and modlib.vector.interpolate(a.position, b.position, ratio)) or a.position or b.position, rotation = (a.rotation and b.rotation and modlib.quaternion.slerp(a.rotation, b.rotation, ratio)) or a.rotation or b.rotation, scale = (a.scale and b.scale and modlib.vector.interpolate(a.scale, b.scale, ratio)) or a.scale or b.scale, } end local bone_properties = {} local function get_props(node, parent_bone_name) local properties = {parent_bone_name = parent_bone_name} if keyframe > 0 and node.keys and next(node.keys) ~= nil then modlib.table.add_all(properties, get_frame_values(node.keys)) end if not properties.position then -- animation not present, fall back to node position properties.position = modlib.table.copy(node.position) end if properties.rotation then -- animation is relative to node rotation properties.rotation = modlib.quaternion.compose(node.rotation, properties.rotation) else properties.rotation = modlib.table.copy(node.rotation) end if not properties.scale then -- animation not present, fall back to node scale properties.scale = modlib.table.copy(node.scale) end if node.bone then properties.bone_name = node.name table.insert(bone_properties, properties) end for _, child in pairs(node.children or {}) do get_props(child, properties.bone_name) end end get_props(self.node) return bone_properties end -- Export environment return _ENV