local class = getfenv(1) local metatable = {__index = function(_self, key) return rawget(class, key) end} distance = modlib.vector.distance --: vectors first vector is used to infer the dimension --: distance (vector, other_vector) -> number, default: modlib.vector.distance function new(vectors, distance) assert(#vectors > 0, "vector list must not be empty") local dimension = #vectors[1] local function builder(vectors, axis) if #vectors == 1 then return { value = vectors[1] } end table.sort(vectors, function(a, b) return a[axis] > b[axis] end) local median = math.floor(#vectors / 2) local next_axis = ((axis + 1) % dimension) + 1 return setmetatable({ axis = axis, pivot = vectors[median], left = builder({ unpack(vectors, 1, median) }, next_axis), right = builder({ unpack(vectors, median + 1) }, next_axis) }, metatable) end local self = builder(vectors, 1) self.distance = distance return setmetatable(self, metatable) end function get_nearest_neighbor(self, vector) local min_distance = math.huge local nearest_neighbor local distance_func = self.distance local function visit(tree) local axis = tree.axis if tree.value ~= nil then local distance = distance_func(tree.value, vector) if distance < min_distance then min_distance = distance nearest_neighbor = tree.value end return else local this_side, other_side = tree.left, tree.right if vector[axis] < tree.pivot[axis] then this_side, other_side = other_side, this_side end visit(this_side) if tree.pivot then local dist = math.abs(tree.pivot[axis] - vector[axis]) if dist <= min_distance then visit(other_side) end end end end visit(self) return nearest_neighbor, min_distance end -- TODO insertion & deletion + rebalancing