-- Localize globals local assert, math_floor, setmetatable, table_insert = assert, math.floor, setmetatable, table.insert -- Set environment -- Min. heap + Lua hash table to allow updating the stored values local _ENV = {} setfenv(1, _ENV) local metatable = { __index = _ENV } function less_than(a, b) return a < b end --> empty, duplicate-free min heap with priority queue functionality function table_heap.new(less_than) return setmetatable({ less_than = less_than, indices = {} }, metatable) end local function swap(self, child_index, parent_index) local child_value, parent_value = self[child_index], self[parent_index] self.indices[parent_value], self.indices[child_value] = child_index, parent_index self[parent_index], self[child_index] = child_value, parent_value end local function heapify_up(self, index) if index == 1 then return end local parent_index = math_floor(index / 2) if self.less_than(self[index], self[parent_index]) then swap(self, index, parent_index) heapify_up(self, parent_index) end end local function heapify_down(self, index) local left_child = index * 2 if left_child > #self then return end local smallest_child = left_child + 1 if smallest_child > #self or self.less_than(self[left_child], self[smallest_child]) then smallest_child = left_child end if self.less_than(self[smallest_child], self[index]) then swap(self, smallest_child, index) heapify_down(self, smallest_child) end end function push(self, value) table_insert(self, value) local last = #self self.indices[value] = last heapify_up(self, last) end function top(self) return self[1] end -- TODO what if empty? function pop(self) local value = self[1] self.indices[value] = nil local last = #self if last == 1 then self[1] = nil return value end self[1], self[last] = self[last], nil heapify_down(self, 1) return value end function find_index(self, element) return self.indices[element] end -- Notify heap that the element has been decreased function decrease(self, element) heapify_up(self, assert(self:find_index(element))) end -- Notify heap that the element has been increased function increase(self, element) heapify_down(self, assert(self:find_index(element))) end -- Replaces the specified element - by identity - with the new element function replace(self, element, new_element) local index = assert(self:find_index(element)) assert(self:find_index(new_element) == nil, "no duplicates allowed") self[index] = new_element self.indices[element] = nil self.indices[new_element] = index; (self.less_than(new_element, element) and heapify_up or heapify_down)(self, index) end function remove(self, element) local index = assert(self:find_index(element), "element not found") self.indices[element] = nil if index == #self then self[index] = nil else local last_index = #self local last_element = self[last_index] self[last_index] = nil self[index] = last_element self.indices[last_element] = index; (self.less_than(last_element, element) and heapify_up or heapify_down)(self, index) end end -- Export environment return _ENV