minetest.mkdir(minetest.get_worldpath().."/config") function get_path(confname) return minetest.get_worldpath().."/config/"..confname end function read_conf(text) local lines = modlib.text.split_lines(text, nil, true) local dict = {} for i, line in ipairs(lines) do local error_base = "Line " .. (i+1) .. ": " line = modlib.text.trim_left(lines[i]) if line ~= "" and line:sub(1,1) ~= "#" then line = modlib.text.split(line, "=", 2) if #line ~= 2 then error(error_base .. "No value given") end local prop = modlib.text.trim_right(line[1]) if prop == "" then error(error_base .. "No key given") end local val = modlib.text.trim_left(line[2]) if val == "" then error(error_base .. "No value given") end if modlib.text.starts_with(val, '"""') then val = val:sub(3) local total_val = {} local function readMultiline() while i < #lines do if modlib.text.ends_with(val, '"""') then val = val:sub(1, val:len() - 3) return end table.insert(total_val, val) i = i + 1 val = lines[i] end i = i - 1 error(error_base .. "Unclosed multiline block") end readMultiline() table.insert(total_val, val) val = table.concat(total_val, "\n") else val = modlib.text.trim_right(val) end if dict[prop] then error(error_base .. "Duplicate key") end dict[prop] = val end end return dict end function build_tree(dict) local tree = {} for key, value in pairs(dict) do local path = modlib.text.split_unlimited(key, ".") local subtree = tree for i = 1, #path - 1 do local index = tonumber(path[i]) or path[i] subtree[index] = subtree[index] or {} subtree = subtree[index] end subtree[path[#path]] = value end return tree end function build_setting_tree() modlib.conf.settings = build_tree(minetest.settings:to_table()) end function check_config_constraints(config, constraints, handler) local no_error, error_or_retval = pcall(function() check_constraints(config, constraints) end) if not no_error then handler(error_or_retval) end end function load(filename, constraints) local config = minetest.parse_json(modlib.file.read(filename)) if constraints then check_config_constraints(config, constraints, function(message) error('Configuration of file "'..filename.."\" doesn't satisfy constraints: "..message) end) end return config end function load_or_create(filename, replacement_file, constraints) modlib.file.create_if_not_exists_from_file(filename, replacement_file) return load(filename, constraints) end function import(modname, constraints, no_settingtypes) local default_config = modlib.mod.get_resource(modname, "default_config.json") local config = load_or_create(get_path(modname)..".json", default_config, constraints) if not no_settingtypes then constraints.name = modname local settingtypes = generate_settingtypes(minetest.parse_json(modlib.file.read(default_config)), constraints) modlib.file.write(modlib.mod.get_resource(modname, "settingtypes.txt"), settingtypes) end local additional_settings = modlib.conf.settings[modname] or {} additional_settings = fix_types(additional_settings, constraints) config = merge_config(config, additional_settings) if constraints then check_config_constraints(config, constraints, function(message) error('Configuration of mod "'..modname.."\" doesn't satisfy constraints: "..message) end) end return config end function merge_config(config, additional_settings) if not config or type(additional_settings) ~= "table" then return additional_settings end for setting, value in pairs(additional_settings) do if config[setting] then config[setting] = merge_config(config[setting], value) end end return config end -- format: # comment -- name (Readable name) type type_args function generate_settingtypes(default_conf, constraints) local constraint_type = constraints.type if constraints.children or constraints.possible_children or constraints.required_children or constraints.keys or constraints.values then constraint_type = "table" end local settingtype, type_args local title = constraints.title if not title then title = modlib.text.split(constraints.name, "_") title[1] = modlib.text.upper_first(title[1]) title = table.concat(title, " ") end if constraint_type == "boolean" then settingtype = "bool" default_conf = default_conf and "true" or "false" elseif constraint_type == "string" then settingtype = "string" elseif constraint_type == "number" then settingtype = constraints.int and "int" or "float" local range = constraints.range if range then -- TODO consider better max type_args = (constraints.int and "%d %d" or "%f %f"):format(range[1], range[2] or math.pow(2, 30)) end elseif constraint_type == "table" then local handled = {} local settings = {} local function setting(key, value_constraints) if handled[key] then return end handled[key] = true value_constraints.name = constraints.name .. "." .. key value_constraints.title = title .. " " .. key table.insert(settings, generate_settingtypes(default_conf and default_conf[key], value_constraints)) end for _, table in ipairs{"children", "required_children", "possible_children"} do for key, constraints in pairs(constraints[table] or {}) do setting(key, constraints) end end return table.concat(settings, "\n") end if not constraint_type then return "" end local comment = constraints.comment if comment then comment = "# " .. comment .. "\n" else comment = "" end assert(type(default_conf) == "string" or type(default_conf) == "number" or type(default_conf) == "nil", dump(default_conf)) return comment .. constraints.name .. " (" .. title .. ") " .. settingtype .. " " .. (default_conf or "") ..(type_args and (" "..type_args) or "") end function fix_types(value, constraints) local type = type(value) local expected_type = constraints.type if expected_type and expected_type ~= type then assert(type == "string", "Can't fix non-string value") if expected_type == "boolean" then assert(value == "true" or value == "false", "Not a boolean (true or false): " .. value) value = value == "true" elseif expected_type == "number" then assert(tonumber(value), "Not a number: " .. value) value = tonumber(value) end end if type == "table" then for key, val in pairs(value) do for _, child_constraints in ipairs{"required_children", "children", "possible_children"} do child_constraints = (constraints[child_constraints] or {})[key] if child_constraints then val = fix_types(val, child_constraints) end end if constraints.values then val = fix_types(val, constraints.values) end if constraints.keys then value[key] = nil value[fix_types(key, constraints.keys)] = val else value[key] = val end end end return value end function check_constraints(value, constraints) local t = type(value) if constraints.type and constraints.type ~= t then error("Wrong type: Expected "..constraints.type..", found "..t) end if (t == "number" or t == "string") and constraints.range then if value < constraints.range[1] or (constraints.range[2] and value > constraints.range[2]) then error("Not inside range: Expected value >= "..constraints.range[1].." and <= "..(constraints.range[2] or "inf")..", found "..minetest.write_json(value)) end end if t == "number" and constraints.int and value % 1 ~= 0 then error("Not an integer number: " .. minetest.write_json(value)) end if constraints.possible_values and not constraints.possible_values[value] then error("None of the possible values: Expected one of "..minetest.write_json(modlib.table.keys(constraints.possible_values))..", found "..minetest.write_json(value)) end if t == "table" then if constraints.children then for key, val in pairs(value) do local child_constraints = constraints.children[key] if not child_constraints then error("Unexpected table entry: Expected one of "..minetest.write_json(modlib.table.keys(constraints.children))..", found "..minetest.write_json(key)) else check_constraints(val, child_constraints) end end for key, _ in pairs(constraints.children) do if value[key] == nil then error("Table entry missing: Expected key "..minetest.write_json(key).." to be present in table "..minetest.write_json(value)) end end end if constraints.required_children then for key, value_constraints in pairs(constraints.required_children) do local val = value[key] if val then check_constraints(val, value_constraints) else error("Table entry missing: Expected key "..minetest.write_json(key).." to be present in table "..minetest.write_json(value)) end end end if constraints.possible_children then for key, value_constraints in pairs(constraints.possible_children) do local val = value[key] if val then check_constraints(val, value_constraints) end end end if constraints.keys then for key,_ in pairs(value) do check_constraints(key, constraints.keys) end end if constraints.values then for _, val in pairs(value) do check_constraints(val, constraints.values) end end end if constraints.func then local possible_errors = constraints.func(value) if possible_errors then error(possible_errors) end end end