-- Localize globals local math, math_floor, minetest, modlib_table_reverse, os, string_char, table, table_insert, table_concat = math, math.floor, minetest, modlib.table.reverse, os, string.char, table, table.insert, table.concat -- Set environment local _ENV = {} setfenv(1, _ENV) -- Make random random math.randomseed(minetest and minetest.get_us_time() or os.time() + os.clock()) for _ = 1, 100 do math.random() end negative_nan = 0/0 positive_nan = negative_nan ^ 1 function round(number, steps) steps = steps or 1 return math_floor(number * steps + 0.5) / steps end local c0 = ("0"):byte() local cA = ("A"):byte() function default_digit_function(digit) if digit <= 9 then return string_char(c0 + digit) end return string_char(cA + digit - 10) end default_precision = 10 -- See https://github.com/appgurueu/Luon/blob/master/index.js#L724 function tostring(number, base, digit_function, precision) digit_function = digit_function or default_digit_function precision = precision or default_precision local out = {} if number < 0 then table_insert(out, "-") number = -number end -- Rounding number = number + base ^ -precision / 2 local digit while number >= base do digit = math_floor(number % base) table_insert(out, digit_function(digit)) number = (number - digit) / base end digit = math_floor(number) table_insert(out, digit_function(digit)) modlib_table_reverse(out) number = number % 1 if number ~= 0 and number >= base ^ -precision then table_insert(out, ".") while precision >= 0 and number >= base ^ -precision do number = number * base digit = math_floor(number % base) table_insert(out, digit_function(digit)) number = number - digit precision = precision - 1 end end return table_concat(out) end -- See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/fround#polyfill function fround(number) if number == 0 or number ~= number then return number end local sign = 1 if number < 0 then sign = -1 number = -number end local exp = math_floor(math.log(number, 2)) local powexp = 2 ^ math.max(-126, math.min(exp, 127)) local leading = exp < -127 and 0 or 1 local mantissa = math_floor((leading - number / powexp) * 0x800000 + 0.5) if mantissa <= -0x800000 then return sign * math.huge end return sign * powexp * (leading - mantissa / 0x800000) end -- Export environment return _ENV