local random, huge = math.random, math.huge local parent_env = getfenv(1) setfenv(1, setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, key) local value = modlib[key] if value ~= nil then return value end return parent_env[key] end, __newindex = function(_, key, value) error(dump{key = key, value = value}) end })) -- string assert(string.escape_magic_chars"%" == "%%") -- table do local tab = {} tab[tab] = tab local table_copy = table.deepcopy(tab) assert(table_copy[table_copy] == table_copy) assert(table.is_circular(tab)) assert(not table.is_circular{a = 1}) assert(table.equals_noncircular({[{}]={}}, {[{}]={}})) assert(table.equals_content(tab, table_copy)) local equals_references = table.equals_references assert(equals_references(tab, table_copy)) assert(equals_references({}, {})) assert(not equals_references({a = 1, b = 2}, {a = 1, b = 3})) tab = {} tab.a, tab.b = tab, tab table_copy = table.deepcopy(tab) assert(equals_references(tab, table_copy)) local x, y = {}, {} assert(not equals_references({[x] = x, [y] = y}, {[x] = y, [y] = x})) assert(equals_references({[x] = x, [y] = y}, {[x] = x, [y] = y})) local nilget = table.nilget assert(nilget({a = {b = {c = 42}}}, "a", "b", "c") == 42) assert(nilget({a = {}}, "a", "b", "c") == nil) assert(nilget(nil, "a", "b", "c") == nil) assert(nilget(nil, "a", nil, "c") == nil) local rope = table.rope{} rope:write"hello" rope:write" " rope:write"world" assert(rope:to_text() == "hello world", rope:to_text()) end -- heap do local n = 100 local list = {} for index = 1, n do list[index] = index end table.shuffle(list) local heap = heap.new() for index = 1, #list do heap:push(list[index]) end for index = 1, #list do local popped = heap:pop() assert(popped == index) end end -- ranked set do local n = 100 local ranked_set = ranked_set.new() local list = {} for i = 1, n do ranked_set:insert(i) list[i] = i end assert(table.equals(ranked_set:to_table(), list)) local i = 0 for rank, key in ranked_set:ipairs() do i = i + 1 assert(i == key and i == rank) assert(ranked_set:get_by_rank(rank) == key) local rank, key = ranked_set:get(i) assert(key == i and i == rank) end assert(i == n) for i = 1, n do local _, v = ranked_set:delete(i) assert(v == i, i) end assert(not next(ranked_set:to_table())) local ranked_set = ranked_set.new() for i = 1, n do ranked_set:insert(i) end for rank, key in ranked_set:ipairs(10, 20) do assert(rank == key and key >= 10 and key <= 20) end for i = n, 1, -1 do local j = ranked_set:delete_by_rank(i) assert(j == i) end end -- k-d-tree local vectors = {} for _ = 1, 1000 do _G.table.insert(vectors, {random(), random(), random()}) end local kdtree = kdtree.new(vectors) for _, v in ipairs(vectors) do local neighbor, distance = kdtree:get_nearest_neighbor(v) assert(vector.equals(v, neighbor), distance == 0) end for _ = 1, 1000 do local v = {random(), random(), random()} local _, distance = kdtree:get_nearest_neighbor(v) local min_distance = huge for _, w in ipairs(vectors) do local other_distance = vector.distance(v, w) if other_distance < min_distance then min_distance = other_distance end end assert(distance == min_distance) end -- bluon do local bluon = bluon local function assert_preserves(object) local rope = table.rope{} local written, read, input local _, err = pcall(function() bluon:write(object, rope) written = rope:to_text() input = text.inputstream(written) read = bluon:read(input) local remaining = input:read(1000) assert(not remaining) end) assertdump(table.equals_references(object, read) and not err, { object = object, read = read, written = written and text.hexdump(written), err = err }) end for _, constant in pairs{true, false, huge, -huge} do assert_preserves(constant) end for i = 1, 1000 do assert_preserves(_G.table.concat(table.repetition(_G.string.char(i % 256), i))) end for _ = 1, 1000 do local int = random(-2^50, 2^50) assert(int % 1 == 0) assert_preserves(int) assert_preserves((random() - 0.5) * 2^random(-20, 20)) end assert_preserves{hello = "world", welt = "hallo"} assert_preserves{"hello", "hello", "hello"} local a = {} a[a] = a a[1] = a assert_preserves(a) end if not _G.minetest then return end -- colorspec local colorspec = minetest.colorspec local function test_from_string(string, number) local spec = colorspec.from_string(string) local expected = colorspec.from_number(number) assertdump(table.equals(spec, expected), {expected = expected, actual = spec}) end local spec = colorspec.from_number(0xDDCCBBAA) assertdump(table.equals(spec, {a = 0xAA, b = 0xBB, g = 0xCC, r = 0xDD}), spec) test_from_string("aliceblue", 0xf0f8ffff) test_from_string("aliceblue#42", 0xf0f8ff42) test_from_string("#333", 0x333333FF) test_from_string("#694269", 0x694269FF) test_from_string("#11223344", 0x11223344) local logfile = persistence.lua_log_file.new(mod.get_resource"logfile.test.lua", {}) logfile:init() logfile.root = {} logfile:rewrite() logfile:set_root({a = 1}, {b = 2, c = 3}) logfile:close() logfile:init() assert(table.equals(logfile.root, {[{a = 1}] = {b = 2, c = 3}})) -- in-game tests & b3d testing local tests = { -- depends on player_api b3d = false, liquid_dir = false, liquid_raycast = false } if tests.b3d then local stream = io.open(mod.get_resource("player_api", "models", "character.b3d"), "r") assert(stream) local b3d = b3d.read(stream) --! dirty helper method to create truncate tables with 10+ number keys local function _b3d_truncate(table) local count = 1 for key, value in pairs(table) do if type(key) == "table" then _b3d_truncate(key) end if type(value) == "table" then _b3d_truncate(value) end count = count + 1 if type(key) == "number" and count >= 9 and next(table, key) then if count == 9 then table[key] = "TRUNCATED" else table[key] = nil end end end return table end file.write(mod.get_resource"character.b3d.lua", "return " .. dump(_b3d_truncate(table.copy(b3d)))) stream:close() end local vector, minetest, ml_mt = _G.vector, _G.minetest, minetest if tests.liquid_dir then minetest.register_abm{ label = "get_liquid_corner_levels & get_liquid_direction test", nodenames = {"group:liquid"}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = function(pos, node) assert(type(node) == "table") for _, corner_level in pairs(ml_mt.get_liquid_corner_levels(pos, node)) do minetest.add_particle{ pos = vector.add(pos, corner_level), size = 2, texture = "logo.png" } end local direction = ml_mt.get_liquid_flow_direction(pos, node) local start_pos = pos start_pos.y = start_pos.y + 1 for i = 0, 5 do minetest.add_particle{ pos = vector.add(start_pos, vector.multiply(direction, i/5)), size = i/2.5, texture = "logo.png" } end end } end if tests.liquid_raycast then minetest.register_globalstep(function() for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local eye_pos = vector.offset(player:get_pos(), 0, player:get_properties().eye_height, 0) local raycast = ml_mt.raycast(eye_pos, vector.add(eye_pos, vector.multiply(player:get_look_dir(), 3)), false, true) for pointed_thing in raycast do if pointed_thing.type == "node" and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under).name].liquidtype == "flowing" then minetest.add_particle{ pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.intersection_point, vector.multiply(pointed_thing.intersection_normal, 0.1)), size = 0.5, texture = "object_marker_red.png", expirationtime = 3 } end end end end) end