2023-02-28 13:39:20 +01:00

132 lines
4.5 KiB

local assert, floor, char, insert, concat = assert, math.floor, string.char, table.insert, table.concat
local base64 = {}
local alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
--! This is currently 5 - 10x slower than a C(++) implementation like Minetest's `minetest.encode_base64`
function base64.encode(
str, -- byte string to encode
padding -- whether to add padding, defaults to `true`
local res = {}
for i = 1, #str - 2, 3 do
-- Convert 3 bytes to 4 sextets
local b1, b2, b3 = str:byte(i, i + 2)
insert(res, char(
alphabet:byte(floor(b1 / 4) + 1), -- high 6 bits of first byte
alphabet:byte(16 * (b1 % 4) + floor(b2 / 16) + 1), -- low 2 bits of first byte & high 4 bits of second byte
alphabet:byte(4 * (b2 % 16) + floor(b3 / 64) + 1), -- low 4 bits of second byte & high 2 bits of third byte
alphabet:byte((b3 % 64) + 1) -- low 6 bits of third byte
-- Handle remaining 1 or 2 bytes:
-- Treat "missing" bytes to a multiple of 3 as "0" bytes, add appropriate padding.
local bytes_left = #str % 3
if bytes_left == 1 then
local b = str:byte(#str) -- b2 and b3 are missing ("= 0")
insert(res, char(
alphabet:byte(floor(b / 4) + 1),
alphabet:byte(16 * (b % 4) + 1)
-- Last two sextets depend only on missing bytes => padding
if padding ~= false then
insert(res, "==")
elseif bytes_left == 2 then
local b1, b2 = str:byte(#str - 1, #str) -- b3 is missing ("= 0")
insert(res, char(
alphabet:byte(floor(b1 / 4) + 1),
alphabet:byte(16 * (b1 % 4) + floor(b2 / 16) + 1),
alphabet:byte(4 * (b2 % 16) + 1)
-- Last sextet depends only on missing byte => padding
if padding ~= false then
insert(res, "=")
return concat(res)
-- Build reverse lookup table
local values = {}
for i = 1, #alphabet do
values[alphabet:byte(i)] = i - 1
local function decode_sextets_2(b1, b2)
local v1, v2 = values[b1], values[b2]
assert(v1 and v2)
assert(v2 % 16 == 0) -- 4 low bits from second sextet must be 0
return char(4 * v1 + floor(v2 / 16)) -- first sextet + 2 high bits from second sextet
local function decode_sextets_3(b1, b2, b3)
local v1, v2, v3 = values[b1], values[b2], values[b3]
assert(v1 and v2 and v3)
assert(v3 % 4 == 0) -- 2 low bits from third sextet must be 0
return char(
4 * v1 + floor(v2 / 16), -- first sextet + 2 high bits from second sextet
16 * (v2 % 16) + floor(v3 / 4) -- 4 low bits from second sextet + 4 high bits from third sextet
local function decode_sextets_4(b1, b2, b3, b4)
local v1, v2, v3, v4 = values[b1], values[b2], values[b3], values[b4]
assert(v1 and v2 and v3 and v4)
return char(
4 * v1 + floor(v2 / 16), -- first sextet + 2 high bits from second sextet
16 * (v2 % 16) + floor(v3 / 4), -- 4 low bits from second sextet + 4 high bits from third sextet
64 * (v3 % 4) + v4 -- 2 low bits from third sextet + fourth sextet
--! This is also about 10x slower than a C(++) implementation like Minetest's `minetest.decode_base64`
function base64.decode(
-- base64-encoded string to decode
-- Whether to expect padding:
-- * `nil` (default) - may (or may not) be padded,
-- * `false` - must not be padded,
-- * `true` - must be padded
-- Handle the empty string - the below code expects a nonempty string
if str == "" then return "" end
local res = {}
-- Note: the last (up to) 4 sextets are deliberately excluded, since they may contain padding
for i = 1, #str - 4, 4 do
-- Convert 4 sextets to 3 bytes
insert(res, decode_sextets_4(str:byte(i, i + 3)))
local sextets_left = #str % 4
if sextets_left == 0 then -- possibly padded
-- Convert 4 sextets to 3 bytes, taking padding into account
local b3, b4 = str:byte(#str - 1, #str)
if b3 == ("="):byte() then
assert(b4 == ("="):byte())
assert(padding ~= false, "got padding")
insert(res, decode_sextets_2(str:byte(#str - 3, #str - 2)))
elseif b4 == ("="):byte() then
assert(padding ~= false, "got padding")
insert(res, decode_sextets_3(str:byte(#str - 3, #str - 1)))
else -- no padding necessary
assert(#str >= 4)
assert(#({str:byte(#str - 3, #str)}) == 4)
insert(res, decode_sextets_4(str:byte(#str - 3, #str)))
else -- no padding and length not divisible by 4
assert(padding ~= true, "missing/invalid padding")
assert(sextets_left ~= 1)
if sextets_left == 2 then
insert(res, decode_sextets_2(str:byte(#str - 1, #str)))
elseif sextets_left == 3 then
insert(res, decode_sextets_3(str:byte(#str - 2, #str)))
return concat(res)
return base64