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-- # vim: nowrap
-- Set Vim to no-wrapping mode because of some lines not fitting within the 80
-- characters width limit due to overall readability of the code.
-- Localise needed functions
local m = mtimer
local S = m.translator
local esc = minetest.formspec_escape
-- Custom Timer Formspec
-- This formspec shows the custom timer configuration and controls.
-- @see mtimer.show_formspec
-- @param player_name The name of the player to show the formspec to
mtimer.dialog.custom_timer = function (player_name)
local player_meta = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name):get_meta()
local ctv = minetest.deserialize(player_meta:get_string(m.meta.custom_timer_settings.key))
local timer_status = (ctv.running == true) and S('running') or S('stopped')
local days = ctv.values.days or 0
local hours = ctv.values.hours or 0
local minutes = ctv.values.minutes or 0
local seconds = ctv.values.seconds or 0
local a_countdown = ctv.timer_mode == 'countdown' and 'true' or 'false'
local a_timer = ctv.timer_mode == 'timer' and 'true' or 'false'
local a_continuous = ctv.timer_mode == 'continuous' and 'true' or 'false'
local format_running = ctv.format.running or ''
local format_stopped = ctv.format.stopped or ''
local format_finished = ctv.format.finished or ''
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:custom_timer', {
title = S('Custom Timer'),
show_to = player_name,
height = 6.25,
width = 13,
formspec = {
' label[0,0.25;'..S('Running')..'] field[2.5,0;10.5,0.5;v_format_running;;'..esc(format_running)..']',
' label[0,0.85;'..S('Stopped')..'] field[2.5,0.6;10.5,0.5;v_format_stopped;;'..esc(format_stopped)..']',
' label[0,1.45;'..S('Finished')..'] field[2.5,1.2;10.5,0.5;v_format_finished;;'..esc(format_finished)..']',
' box[0,2;+contentWidth,0.04;#ffffff]',
' label[0,0;'..S('Information')..'] label[2.5,0;'..S('Variable')..'] label[5,0;'..S('Used Value')..']',
' box[0,0.25;7,0.02;#ffffff]',
' label[0,0.5;'..S('Days')..'] label[2.5,0.5;{days}] label[5,0.5;'..days..']',
' label[0,0.9;'..S('Hours')..'] label[2.5,0.9;{hours}] label[5,0.9;'..hours..']',
' label[0,1.3;'..S('Minutes')..'] label[2.5,1.3;{minutes}] label[5,1.3;'..minutes..']',
' label[0,1.7;'..S('Seconds')..'] label[2.5,1.7;{seconds}] label[5,1.7;'..seconds..']',
' container[0,0]',
' button[0,0;0.75,0.25;c_days_p;+]',
' field[0,0.25;0.755,0.5;v_days;;'..days..']',
' button[0,0.75;0.75,0.25;c_days_m;-]',
' container_end[]',
' container[0.9,0]',
' button[0,0;0.75,0.25;c_hours_p;+]',
' field[0,0.25;0.755,0.5;v_hours;;'..hours..']',
' button[0,0.75;0.75,0.25;c_hours_m;-]',
' container_end[]',
' container[1.8,0]',
' button[0,0;0.75,0.25;c_minutes_p;+]',
' field[0,0.25;0.755,0.5;v_minutes;;'..minutes..']',
' button[0,0.75;0.75,0.25;c_minutes_m;-]',
' container_end[]',
' container[2.7,0]',
' button[0,0;0.75,0.25;c_seconds_p;+]',
' field[0,0.25;0.755,0.5;v_seconds;;'..seconds..']',
' button[0,0.75;0.75,0.25;c_seconds_m;-]',
' container_end[]',
' checkbox[0,0;mode_countdown;'..S('Countdown')..';'..a_countdown..']',
' checkbox[0,0.4;mode_timer;'..S('Timer Mode')..';'..a_timer..']',
' checkbox[0,0.8;mode_continuous;'..S('Continuous Run')..';'..a_continuous..']',
' box[0,-0.25;+contentWidth,0.04;#ffffff]',
' label[0,0.375;'..esc(S('The timer is currently @1', timer_status))..']',
' container[+contentWidth,0]',
mtimer.get_icon_button('ct_start', { width = 2.25, label = S('Start'), colorize = { color = '#4e9a06' }, container = { left = -7.25 } }),
mtimer.get_icon_button('ct_stop', { width = 2.25, label = S('Stop'), colorize = { color = '#a40000', ratio = 128 }, container = { left = -4.75 } }),
mtimer.get_icon_button('ct_restart', { width = 2.25, label = S('Restart'), colorize = { color = '#729fcf' }, container = { left = -2.25 } }),
' container_end[]',