diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index 5cf906d..bc79a74 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ local S = minetest.get_translator('mtimer')
 -- Set initial global `mtimer` table
--- The sub-table `show_formspec` is filled programmatically and is used for the
+-- The sub-table `dialog` is filled programmatically and is used for the
 -- functions that show the formspecs to the player.
 -- In sub-table `meta` the meta keys and their default values are defined. Those
diff --git a/system/get_times.lua b/system/get_times.lua
index 00763cc..8f6bbfa 100644
--- a/system/get_times.lua
+++ b/system/get_times.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ local S = m.translator
 -- Get translated date names
 -- This helper function takes a table containing a numerical month and a
--- numerical day of the week and returns the respecive names.
+-- numerical day of the week and returns the respecive names that are ready
+-- for being translated.
 --   { day = 1, month = 6 }   ->   { day = S('Monday'), month = S('May') }
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ end
 -- Real-world time handling
--- This function returns the formatted string as well a s the raw format string
+-- This function returns the formatted string as well as the raw format string
 -- and all the replacement values for the variables basing on what time type
 -- was requested. The types are `real` for the real-world time or `session`
 -- for the session start time.
@@ -58,7 +59,8 @@ end
 --       month = month of the requested time,
 --       day = day of the requested time,
 --       iso8601_date = ISO 8601 date part based on the requested time,
---       iso8601_time = ISO 8601 time part based on the requested time
+--       iso8601_time = ISO 8601 time part based on the requested time,
+--       timestamp = the date’s timestamp
 --     },
 --     format = raw string for formatting the requeste time type,
 --     formatted = the formatted (all variables replaced) string
@@ -157,6 +159,10 @@ end
 --           thus is only useful to represent the time of the day and nothing
 --           else like the date or something like that.
+-- The generated timestamp is then passed to the os.date() default Lua function
+-- to parse the human-readable interpretations. Technically this is our own
+-- epoch timestamp just being reset after 86400 seconds.
 -- @param player_name The name of the player to get the time for
 -- @return table The table as described
 local get_ingame_time = function (player_name)
diff --git a/system/register_globalstep.lua b/system/register_globalstep.lua
index 7270769..b5ede93 100644
--- a/system/register_globalstep.lua
+++ b/system/register_globalstep.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ local timer = 0
 -- The globalstep iterates over all players every second and updates the timers
--- by invoking the `mtimer.update_timer` function that has ben localized to
+-- by invoking the `mtimer.update_timer` function that has been localized to
 -- `update_timer` for faster access.
     timer = timer + dtime;