local modpath = minetest.get_modpath('mtimer')..DIR_DELIM local syspath = modpath..'system'..DIR_DELIM local S = minetest.get_translator('mtimer') -- Set initial global `mtimer` table -- -- The sub-table `show_formspec` is filled programmatically and is used for the -- functions that show the formspecs to the player. -- -- In sub-table `meta` the meta keys and their default values are defined. Those -- are iterated over when a player joins. The names are searched for whenever -- somewhere in the code a meta information is to be loaded. -- -- @see ./system/formspec/formspec_creation.lua mtimer = { translator = S, dialog = {}, meta = { visible = { key = 'mtimer:visible', default = 'true' }, position = { key = 'mtimer:position', default = 'bl' }, color = { key = 'mtimer:color', default = '#ffffff' }, timezone_offset = { key = 'mtimer:timezone_offset', default = '0' }, ingame_time = { key = 'mtimer:ingame_time_format', default = '{24h}:{min}' }, real_time = { key = 'mtimer:real_time_format', default = '{24h}:{min} ({isodate})' }, session_start_time = { key = 'mtimer:session_start_time_format', default = '{isodate}T{isotime}' }, session_duration = { key = 'mtimer:session_duration_format', default = '{hours}:{minutes}' }, timer_format = { key = 'mtimer:timer_format', default = table.concat({ S('Current Date: @1', '{rd}'), S('Ingame Time: @1', '{it}'), S('Session Start: @1', '{st}'), S('Session Duration: @1', '{sd}') }, '\n') } } } -- Load formspec functionality dofile(syspath..'formspec'..DIR_DELIM..'formspec_helpers.lua') dofile(syspath..'formspec'..DIR_DELIM..'real_time_universal.lua') dofile(syspath..'formspec'..DIR_DELIM..'formspec_creation.lua') -- Load system dofile(syspath..'chat_command.lua') dofile(syspath..'update_timer.lua') dofile(syspath..'on_receive_fields.lua') dofile(syspath..'on_joinplayer.lua') dofile(syspath..'get_times.lua') dofile(syspath..'get_timer_data.lua') dofile(syspath..'register_globalstep.lua')