local m = mtimer local S = m.translator -- Get translated date names -- -- This helper function takes a table containing a numerical month and a -- numerical day of the week and returns the respecive names that are ready -- for being translated. -- -- { day = 1, month = 6 } -> { day = S('Monday'), month = S('May') } -- -- @param dates A table of dates as described -- @return table The table containing the date names local get_date_names = function (dates) -- %w -> weekday [0-6 = Sunday-Saturday] local weekdays = { S('Sunday'), S('Monday'), S('Tuesday'), S('Wednesday'), S('Thursday'), S('Friday'), S('Saturday') } -- %m -> month [01-12 = January-December] local months = { S('January'), S('February'), S('March'), S('April'), S('May'), S('June'), S('July'), S('August'), S('September'), S('Oktober'), S('November'), S('December') } return { day = weekdays[tonumber(dates.day+1)], month = months[tonumber(dates.month)] } end -- Real-world time handling -- -- This function returns the formatted string as well as the raw format string -- and all the replacement values for the variables basing on what time type -- was requested. The types are `real` for the real-world time or `session` -- for the session start time. -- -- Both of the times use the same syntax and have the same variables to set so -- one function is used for both when getting the times with `mtimer.get_times` -- where needed. -- -- { -- times = { -- server_time = ISO 8601 date of the server’s timestamp, -- server_local = ISO 8601 date of the local ofsetted timestamp, -- offset = timezone offset as set by the player -- }, -- variables = { -- hours_24 = 24h representation of the time, -- hours_12 = 12h representation of the time, -- minutes = minutes for the requested time, -- seconds = seconds for the requested time, -- dayname = name of the day for the requested time, -- monthname = name of the month for the requested time, -- year = year of the requested time, -- month = month of the requested time, -- day = day of the requested time, -- iso8601_date = ISO 8601 date part based on the requested time, -- iso8601_time = ISO 8601 time part based on the requested time, -- timestamp = the date’s timestamp -- }, -- format = raw string for formatting the requeste time type, -- formatted = the formatted (all variables replaced) string -- } -- -- @param player_name The name of the player to get the times for -- @param time_type A Time type as described -- @return table The table containing the data as described local get_real_time_universal = function (player_name, time_type) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name) local player_meta = player:get_meta() local m_meta = m.meta local timezone_offset = player_meta:get_string(m_meta.timezone_offset.key) local server_timestamp = '' local local_timestamp = '' local format = '' local force_utc = '!' if time_type == 'real' then server_timestamp = os.time() local_timestamp = server_timestamp + ((timezone_offset*60)*60) format = player_meta:get_string(m_meta.real_time.key) elseif time_type == 'session' then server_timestamp = player_meta:get('mtimer:session_start') local_timestamp = server_timestamp + ((timezone_offset*60)*60) format = player_meta:get_string(m_meta.session_start_time.key) elseif time_type == 'host' then server_timestamp = os.time() local_timestamp = server_timestamp format = player_meta:get_string(m_meta.host_time.key) force_utc = '' end local date_names = get_date_names({ day = os.date('!%w', local_timestamp), month = os.date('!%m', local_timestamp) }) local values = { times = { server_time = os.date('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', server_timestamp), local_time = os.date('!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', local_timestamp), offset = timezone_offset, }, variables = { hours_24 = os.date(force_utc..'%H', local_timestamp), hours_12 = os.date(force_utc..'%I', local_timestamp), minutes = os.date(force_utc..'%M', local_timestamp), seconds = os.date(force_utc..'%S', local_timestamp), dayname = date_names.day, monthname = date_names.month, year = os.date(force_utc..'%Y', local_timestamp), month = os.date(force_utc..'%m', local_timestamp), day = os.date(force_utc..'%d', local_timestamp), iso8601_date = os.date(force_utc..'%Y-%m-%d', local_timestamp), iso8601_time = os.date(force_utc..'%H:%M:%S', local_timestamp), timestamp = local_timestamp }, format = format } values['formatted'] = format:gsub('{[a-z0-9]+}', { ['{24h}'] = values.variables.hours_24, ['{12h}'] = values.variables.hours_12, ['{min}'] = values.variables.minutes, ['{sec}'] = values.variables.seconds, ['{dname}'] = values.variables.dayname, ['{mname}'] = values.variables.monthname, ['{year}'] = values.variables.year, ['{month}'] = values.variables.month, ['{day}'] = values.variables.day, ['{isodate}'] = values.variables.iso8601_date, ['{isotime}'] = values.variables.iso8601_time, ['{timestamp}'] = values.variables.timestamp }) return values end -- Getting the ingame time -- -- This function gets and parses the ingame time based on the configuration set -- by the player. The following table is returned. -- -- { -- hours_24 = 24h representation of the time, -- hours_12 = 12h representation of the time, -- minutes = minutes for the requested time, -- ingame_timestamp = timestamp of the ingame time (seconds since 0), -- format = raw string for formatting the time, -- formatted = the formatted (all variables replaced) string -- } -- -- Calculation: The function `minetest.get_timeofday()` returns a fraction -- between 0 and 1 for the time of the day. Multiplication with -- 24000 converts this number to a millihours value (mh). By -- multiplication with 3.6 the mh value is converted into a -- seconds value that can be used as timestamp. -- -- Usabiliy: After 86400 seconds (or 24000 mh) the timestamp returns to 0 and -- thus is only useful to represent the time of the day and nothing -- else like the date or something like that. -- -- The generated timestamp is then passed to the os.date() default Lua function -- to parse the human-readable interpretations. Technically this is our own -- epoch timestamp just being reset after 86400 seconds. -- -- @param player_name The name of the player to get the time for -- @return table The table as described local get_ingame_time = function (player_name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name) local format = player:get_meta():get_string(m.meta.ingame_time.key) local time_of_day = tostring((minetest.get_timeofday() * 24000) * 3.6) local ingame_timestamp = tonumber(string.format('%.0f', time_of_day)) local values = { hours_24 = os.date('!%H', ingame_timestamp), hours_12 = os.date('!%I', ingame_timestamp), minutes = os.date('!%M', ingame_timestamp), ingame_timestamp = ingame_timestamp, format = format } values['formatted'] = format:gsub('{[a-z0-9]+}', { ['{24h}'] = values.hours_24, ['{12h}'] = values.hours_12, ['{min}'] = values.minutes, ['{its}'] = values.ingame_timestamp }) return values end -- Getting the session duration -- -- This function gets the session start timestamp and the current timestamp and -- calculates the difference in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The values -- are added to the return table as shown below. Additionaly the format string -- and the formatted result string are added to this table -- -- { -- format = raw string for formatting the time, -- difference = the raw difference in seconds, -- days = days the difference is long, -- hours = hours the difference is long, -- minutes = minutes the difference is long, -- seconds = seconds the difference is long, -- formatted = the formatted (all variables replaced) string -- } -- -- @param player_name The name of the player to get the duration for -- @return table The table as described local get_session_duration = function (player_name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name) local player_meta = player:get_meta() local format = player_meta:get_string(m.meta.session_duration.key) local start_timestamp = player_meta:get_string('mtimer:session_start') local current_timestamp = os.time() local difference = current_timestamp - start_timestamp local values = { format = format, difference = difference, days = string.format('%02d', math.floor(difference/86400)), hours = string.format('%02d', math.floor((difference % 86400)/3600)), minutes = string.format('%02d', math.floor((difference % 3600)/60)), seconds = string.format('%02d', math.floor((difference % 60))) } values['formatted'] = format:gsub('{[a-z0-9]+}', { ['{days}'] = values.days, ['{hours}'] = values.hours, ['{minutes}'] = values.minutes, ['{seconds}'] = values.seconds }) return values end -- Get the times -- -- Returns the times for the given player referenced by the player’s name as -- a table as shown below. -- -- { -- session_start_time = @see get_real_time_universal, -- session_duration = @see get_session_duration, -- real_time = @see get_real_time_universal, -- ingame_time = @see get_ingame_time -- } -- -- @param player_name The name of the player to get the times for -- @return table The table containing the times as described mtimer.get_times = function (player_name) return { ingame_time = get_ingame_time(player_name), real_time = get_real_time_universal(player_name, 'real'), host_time = get_real_time_universal(player_name, 'host'), session_start_time = get_real_time_universal(player_name, 'session'), session_duration = get_session_duration(player_name) } end