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synced 2025-01-24 13:31:28 +01:00
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-- Colorize a string in the given color
-- Colorizes a string in a given hexadecimal color coded color. The string will
-- be returned including a reset color escape (assumably white text color)
-- @param color The hexadecimal value for the color you want to use
-- @param string The string that has to be colorized
-- @return string The colorized string
local colorize = function (color, string)
local c = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence('#'..string.upper(color))
local r = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence('#FFFFFF')
return c..string..r
-- Validate a new value
-- 1. Check if setting is valid at all
-- 2. If `show` has to be set, validate for 'true' or 'false' string
-- 3. Validate against a simple regex
-- 4. If all of the above was not `nil`, return `true`
-- @param setting The setting the value is for
-- @param new_value The new value that has to be validated
-- @return bool If the new value for the setting is valid or not
local validate = function (setting, new_value)
local valid_values = {
runtime = '^[^%c]+$',
offset = '^%-?[0-9]+,%-?[0-9]+$',
ingame_time = '^[^%c]+$',
current_time = '^[^%c]+$',
font_color = '^[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]$',
start = '^[^%c]+$',
show = '^$', -- unmatchable, see below
locale = '^$', -- currently unsupported and not settable by user
position = '^%-?[0-9]+,%-?[0-9]+$',
format = '^[^%c]+$',
alignment = '^%-?[0-9]+,%-?[0-9]+$'
if valid_values[setting] == nil then return false end
-- Check if `new_value` for setting `show` is either 'true' or 'false' and
-- return true in both cases (because either 'true' or 'false' are valid).
if setting == 'show' and new_value == 'true' then return true end
if setting == 'show' and new_value == 'false' then return true end
if new_value:match(valid_values[setting]) == nil then return false end
return true
-- Show help to the player
-- @param player The player to show the help to
local show_help = function (player)
local help = colorize('729fcf', 'Mtimer Help')..'\n'
local name = player:get_player_name()
help = help..' '..colorize('73d216', '/mtimer help')..' = '
help = help..'Show this messaget\n'
help = help..' '..colorize('73d216', '/mtimer show')..' = '
help = help..'List the current configuration\n'
help = help..' '..colorize('73d216', '/mtimer set setting value')..' = '
help = help..'Set '..colorize('73d216', 'setting')..' to '
help = help..colorize('73d216', 'value')
minetest.chat_send_player(name, help)
-- Show the configuration to the player
-- Gathers all settable variables and prints them to the player
-- @param player The player object of the player to print to
local show_configuration = function (player)
local name = player:get_player_name()
local result_string = colorize('729fcf', 'MTimer Configuration')..'\n'
local font_color = player:get_attribute('mtimer:font_color')
local configuration = {
runtime = player:get_attribute('mtimer:runtime'),
offset = player:get_attribute('mtimer:offset'),
ingame_time = player:get_attribute('mtimer:ingame_time'),
current_time = player:get_attribute('mtimer:current_time'),
font_color = colorize(font_color, font_color),
start = player:get_attribute('mtimer:start'),
show = player:get_attribute('mtimer:show'),
locale = player:get_attribute('mtimer:locale'),
position = player:get_attribute('mtimer:position'),
format = player:get_attribute('mtimer:format'),
alignment = player:get_attribute('mtimer:alignment')
for setting,value in pairs(configuration) do
local s = colorize('73d216', setting)
result_string = result_string..' '..s..' = '..value..'\n'
minetest.chat_send_player(name, result_string)
local set = function (player, payload)
local name = player:get_player_name()
local setting = payload:match('[%a_]+')
local new_value = payload:gsub('^[%a_]+ ', '')
local old_value = player:get_attribute('mtimer:'..setting)
local status = ''
if old_value == nil then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, colorize('ef2929', 'Unknown setting!'))
if validate(setting, new_value) == false then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, colorize('ef2929', 'Invalid value!'))
status = status..colorize('729fcf', '[MTimer]')..' '
status = status..'Setting '..colorize('73d216', setting)..' to '
status = status..colorize('75507b', new_value)
print('[MTimer] '..name..' sets `'..setting..'` to `'..new_value..'`')
minetest.chat_send_player(name, status)
player:set_attribute('mtimer:'..setting, new_value)
-- Register the chat command that will be used to interact with MTimer.
-- The chat command has three actions:
-- help Show help to the user via the regular chat
-- show Show the current configuration to the user
-- set Set the given setting to the given value
minetest.register_chatcommand('mtimer', {
params = '<help>, <show>, <set setting value>',
description = 'Manage MTimer display',
func = function(name, parameters)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
local action = parameters:match('%a+')
local payload = parameters:gsub('^%a+ ', '')
if action == 'help' then show_help(player) end
if action == 'show' then show_configuration(player) end
if action == 'set' and payload ~= nil then set(player, payload) end