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-- # vim: nowrap
-- Set Vim to no-wrapping mode because of some lines not fitting within the 80
-- characters width limit due to overall readability of the code.
-- Localise needed functions
local m = mtimer
local S = m.translator
local esc = minetest.formspec_escape
-- Formspecs are loaded and shown by individual functions. The function name
-- correlates with the formspec to show. All of the names are self-explanatory
-- and within the functions no logic is used.
-- The Main menu is a bit more complex and is generated seperately.
-- @see mtimer.show_formspec
-- @see mtimer.get_times
-- @see ./system/on_receive_fields.lua
-- @see ./system/chat_command.lua
-- @see ./system/formspec/main_menu.lua
-- @see
mtimer.dialog.set_visibility = function (player_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name)
local visible = player:get_meta():get_string(m.meta.visible.key)
local status = visible == 'true' and S('visible') or S('invisible')
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:set_visibility', {
title = S('Visibility'),
show_to = player_name,
formspec = {
mtimer.get_icon_button('set_visible', {
width = 4,
label = S('Make visible')
mtimer.get_icon_button('set_invisible', {
width = 4,
label = S('Make invisible'),
container = { left = 4.25 }
'label[0,1.25;'..S('The timer is currently @1.', status)..']'
mtimer.dialog.set_position = function (player_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name)
local howto = S('Click the position you want to place the timer at.')
-- Get current position name
local p_value = player:get_meta():get_string(m.meta.position.key)
local p_names = {
['t'] = S('top'), ['m'] = S('middle'), ['b'] = S('bottom'),
['l'] = S('left'), ['c'] = S('center'), ['r'] = S('right')
local p_name = p_names[p_value:sub(1,1)]..' '..p_names[p_value:sub(2,2)]
local p_info = S('Current position: @1', p_name)
-- Set up image
local image = 'mtimer_positions_orientation.png'
local i_width = 10
local i_height = 6
-- Return the parsed button
local b_define = function(t, l, p)
return ('image_button[+l,+t;+w,+h;+i;pos_+p;d;;false]'):gsub('%+%w', {
['+l'] = (l - 1) * (i_width / 3),
['+t'] = (t - 1) * (i_height / 3),
['+w'] = i_width / 3,
['+h'] = i_height / 3,
['+i'] = 'mtimer_transparent.png',
['+p'] = p,
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:set_position', {
title = S('Position'),
height = 7.2,
width = 10,
show_to = player_name,
formspec = {
b_define(1, 1, 'tl'), b_define(1, 2, 'tc'), b_define(1, 3, 'tr'),
b_define(2, 1, 'ml'), b_define(2, 2, 'mc'), b_define(2, 3, 'mr'),
b_define(3, 1, 'bl'), b_define(3, 2, 'bc'), b_define(3, 3, 'br'),
mtimer.dialog.set_color = function (player_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name)
local color = player:get_meta():get_string(m.meta.color.key)
local hexcolor = table.concat({
minetest.colorize('#ce5c00', 'rr'),
minetest.colorize('#4e9a06', 'gg'),
minetest.colorize('#729fcf', 'bb')
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:set_color', {
title = S('Color'),
show_to = player_name,
formspec = {
'label[0.025,0.75;'..S('Use `@1` format only!', hexcolor)..']'
mtimer.dialog.timezone_offset = function (player_name)
local time_data = mtimer.get_times(player_name).real_time
local format = {
conversion = S('30 minutes @= 0.5, 60 minutes @= 1'),
arbitrarity = S('“Arbitrary” values are possible.')
local time_information = {
s = S('Server Time: @1', time_data.times.server_time),
l = S('Local Time: @1', time_data.times.local_time)
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:timezone_offset', {
title = S('Timezone Offset'),
show_to = player_name,
formspec = {
mtimer.dialog.ingame_time_format = function (player_name)
local time_data = mtimer.get_times(player_name).ingame_time
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:ingame_time_format', {
title = S('Ingame Time Format'),
height = 3.8,
show_to = player_name,
formspec = {
'label[4.25,0;'..S('Current Value')..']',
'label[0,0.5;'..S('Hours (24h)')..'] label[2.8,0.5;{24h}] label[4.25,0.5;'..time_data.hours_24..']',
'label[0,0.9;'..S('Hours (12h)')..'] label[2.8,0.9;{12h}] label[4.25,0.9;'..time_data.hours_12..']',
'label[0,1.3;'..S('Minutes')..'] label[2.8,1.3;{min}] label[4.25,1.3;'..time_data.minutes..']',
'label[0,1.7;'..S('Ingame Timestamp')..'] label[2.8,1.7;{its}] label[4.25,1.7;'..time_data.ingame_timestamp..']',
'label[0,2.25;'..S('Current Result')..']',
mtimer.dialog.real_world_time_format = function (player_name)
mtimer.dialog.real_time_universal(player_name, {
time_type = 'real_time',
formspec_name = 'mtimer:real_world_time_format',
title = S('Real-World Time Format')
mtimer.dialog.host_time_format = function (player_name)
mtimer.dialog.real_time_universal(player_name, {
time_type = 'host_time',
formspec_name = 'mtimer:host_time_format',
title = S('Host Time Format')
mtimer.dialog.session_start_time_format = function (player_name)
mtimer.dialog.real_time_universal(player_name, {
time_type = 'session_start_time',
formspec_name = 'mtimer:session_start_time_format',
title = S('Session Start Time Format')
mtimer.dialog.session_duration_format = function (player_name)
local time_data = mtimer.get_times(player_name).session_duration
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:session_duration_format', {
title = S('Session Duration Format'),
show_to = player_name,
height = 3.8,
formspec = {
'label[4,0;'..S('Current Value')..']',
'label[0,0.5;'..S('Days')..'] label[2.5,0.5;{days}] label[4,0.5;'..time_data.days..']',
'label[0,0.9;'..S('Hours')..'] label[2.5,0.9;{hours}] label[4,0.9;'..time_data.hours..']',
'label[0,1.3;'..S('Minutes')..'] label[2.5,1.3;{minutes}] label[4,1.3;'..time_data.minutes..']',
'label[0,1.7;'..S('Seconds')..'] label[2.5,1.7;{seconds}] label[4,1.7;'..time_data.seconds..']',
'label[0,2.25;'..S('Current Result')..']',
mtimer.dialog.hud_element_size = function (player_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name)
local size = player:get_meta():get_string(m.meta.hud_element_size.key)
local information = table.concat({
S('If set to 1 the HUD element is unscaled.'),
S('All values larger than 1 scale the element up.'),
S('Clicking the +/- button changes the size by 1.')
}, '\n')
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:hud_element_size', {
title = S('HUD Element Size'),
show_to = player_name,
formspec = {
mtimer.dialog.hud_element_offset = function (player_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name)
local timer_data = esc(mtimer.get_timer_data(player_name).format)
local information = table.concat({
S('HUD element offset is used like a border/padding.'),
S('Timer format cant be set here. Go to the timer format dialog for that.')
}, '\n')
-- Get current offset values or 0 for use in formspec
local key = m.meta.hud_element_offset.key
local offset = minetest.deserialize(player:get_meta():get_string(key))
offset.x = offset.x and offset.x or 0
offset.y = offset.y and offset.y or 0
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:hud_element_offset', {
title = S('HUD Element Offset'),
show_to = player_name,
height = 4.75,
formspec = {
' button[0,0;0.5,0.5;x_substract_1;'..S('-')..']',
' field[0.75,0;0.75,0.5;x_offset;;'..offset.x..']',
' button[1.75,0;0.5,0.5;x_add_1;'..S('+')..']',
' button[0,0;0.5,0.5;y_add_1;'..S('+')..']',
' field[0,0.75;0.75,0.5;y_offset;;'..offset.y..']',
' button[0,1.5;0.5,0.5;y_substract_1;'..S('-')..']',
mtimer.dialog.timer_format = function (player_name)
local timer_data = mtimer.get_timer_data(player_name)
mtimer.show_formspec('mtimer:timer_format', {
title = S('Timer Format'),
show_to = player_name,
height = 6,
width = 8.5,
formspec = {
'label[4,0;'..S('Current Value')..']',
'label[0,0.5;'..S('Real-World Date')..'] label[2.5,0.5;{rd}] label[4,0.5;'..esc(timer_data.real_world_date)..']',
'label[0,0.9;'..S('In-Game Time')..'] label[2.5,0.9;{it}] label[4,0.9;'..esc(timer_data.ingame_time)..']',
'label[0,1.3;'..S('Session Start Time')..'] label[2.5,1.3;{st}] label[4,1.3;'..esc(timer_data.session_start_time)..']',
'label[0,1.7;'..S('Session Duration')..'] label[2.5,1.7;{sd}] label[4,1.7;'..esc(timer_data.session_duration)..']',
'label[0,2.1;'..S('Host Time')..'] label[2.5,2.1;{ht}] label[4,2.1;'..esc(timer_data.host_time)..']',
'label[0,2.5;'..S('Custom Timer')..'] label[2.5,2.5;{ct}] label[4,2.5;'..esc(S('As configured'))..']',
mtimer.get_icon_button('apply', { label = S('Apply') }),