-- Translation support local S = minetest.get_translator("playerfactions") -- Data factions = {} -- This variable "version" can be used by other mods to check the compatibility of this mod factions.version = 2 minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() if not minetest.registered_privileges[factions.priv] then minetest.register_privilege("playerfactions_admin", { description = S("Allow the use of all playerfactions commands"), give_to_singleplayer = false }) end end) local facts = {} local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() if storage:get_string("facts") ~= "" then facts = minetest.deserialize(storage:get_string("facts")) end factions.mode_unique_faction = minetest.settings:get_bool("player_factions.mode_unique_faction", true) factions.max_members_list = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("player_factions.max_members_list")) or 50 factions.priv = minetest.settings:get("player_factions.priv_admin") or "playerfactions_admin" local function save_factions() storage:set_string("facts", minetest.serialize(facts)) end local function table_copy(data) local copy = {} if type(data) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(data) do copy[k]=table_copy(v) end return copy else return data end end -- Data manipulation function factions.get_facts() return table_copy(facts) end function factions.player_is_in_faction(fname, player_name) if not minetest.player_exists(player_name) or facts[fname] == nil then return false end return facts[fname].members[player_name] end function factions.get_player_faction(name) if not minetest.player_exists(name) then return false end minetest.log("warning", "Function factions.get_player_faction() is deprecated in favor of " .. "factions.get_player_factions(). Please check updates of mods depending on playerfactions.") for fname, fact in pairs(facts) do if fact.members[name] then return fname end end return nil end function factions.get_player_factions(name) if not minetest.player_exists(name) then return false end local player_factions = nil for fname, fact in pairs(facts) do if fact.members[name] then if not player_factions then player_factions = {} end table.insert(player_factions, fname) end end return player_factions end function factions.get_owned_factions(name) local own_factions = nil for fname, fact in pairs(facts) do if fact.owner == name then if not own_factions then own_factions = {} end table.insert(own_factions, fname) end end return own_factions end function factions.get_administered_factions(name) local adm_factions = nil for fname, fact in pairs(facts) do if minetest.get_player_privs(name)[factions.priv] or fact.owner == name then if not adm_factions then adm_factions = {} end table.insert(adm_factions, fname) end end return adm_factions end function factions.get_owner(fname) if facts[fname] == nil then return false end return facts[fname].owner end function factions.chown(fname, owner) if facts[fname] == nil then return false end facts[fname].owner = owner save_factions() return true end function factions.register_faction(fname, founder, pw) if facts[fname] ~= nil then return false end facts[fname] = { name = fname, owner = founder, password256 = factions.hash_password(pw), members = {[founder] = true} } save_factions() return true end function factions.disband_faction(fname) if facts[fname] == nil then return false end facts[fname] = nil save_factions() return true end function factions.hash_password(password) return minetest.sha256(password) end function factions.valid_password(fname, password) if not facts[fname] then return false end return factions.hash_password(password) == facts[fname].password256 end function factions.get_password(fname) minetest.log("warning", "Deprecated use of factions.get_password(). " .. "Please update to using factions.valid_password() instead.") if facts[fname] == nil then return false end return facts[fname].password end function factions.set_password(fname, password) if facts[fname] == nil then return false end facts[fname].password256 = factions.hash_password(password) save_factions() return true end function factions.join_faction(fname, player) if facts[fname] == nil or not minetest.player_exists(player) then return false end facts[fname].members[player] = true save_factions() return true end function factions.leave_faction(fname, player_name) if facts[fname] == nil or not minetest.player_exists(player_name) then return false end facts[fname].members[player_name] = nil save_factions() return true end -- Chat commands local function handle_command(name, param) local params = {} for p in string.gmatch(param, "[^%s]+") do table.insert(params, p) end local action = params[1] if action == "create" then local faction_name = params[2] local password = params[3] if factions.mode_unique_faction and factions.get_player_faction(name) ~= nil then return false, S("You are already in a faction.") elseif faction_name == nil then return false, S("Missing faction name.") elseif password == nil then return false, S("Missing password.") elseif facts[faction_name] ~= nil then return false, S("That faction already exists.") else factions.register_faction(faction_name, name, password) return true, S("Registered @1.", faction_name) end elseif action == "disband" then local password = nil local faction_name = nil local own_factions = factions.get_administered_factions(name) local number_factions = own_factions and #own_factions or 0 if number_factions == 0 then return false, S("You don't own any factions.") elseif #params == 1 then return false, S("Missing password.") elseif #params == 2 and number_factions == 1 then password = params[2] faction_name = own_factions[1] elseif #params >= 3 then faction_name = params[3] password = params[2] end if password == nil then return false, S("Missing password.") elseif faction_name == nil then return false, S( "You are the owner of multiple factions, you have to choose one of them: @1.", table.concat(own_factions, ", ") ) elseif not facts[faction_name] then elseif name ~= factions.get_owner(faction_name) and not minetest.get_player_privs(name)[factions.priv] then return false, S("That faction doesn't exist.") return false, S("Permission denied: You are not the owner of that faction, " .. "and don't have the @1 privilege.", factions.priv) elseif not factions.valid_password(faction_name, password) then return false, S("Permission denied: Wrong password.") else factions.disband_faction(faction_name) return true, S("Disbanded @1.", faction_name) end elseif action == "list" then local faction_list = {} for k in pairs(facts) do table.insert(faction_list, k) end if #faction_list ~= 0 then return true, S("Factions (@1): @2.", #faction_list, table.concat(faction_list, ", ")) else return true, S("There are no factions yet.") end elseif action == "info" then local faction_name = params[2] if faction_name == nil then local player_factions = factions.get_player_factions(name) if not player_factions then return true, S("No factions found.") elseif #player_factions == 1 then faction_name = player_factions[1] else return false, S( "You are in multiple factions, you have to choose one of them: @1.", table.concat(player_factions, ", ") ) end end if facts[faction_name] == nil then return false, S("That faction doesn't exist.") else local fmembers = "" if table.getn(facts[faction_name].members) > factions.max_members_list then fmembers = S("The faction has more than @1 members, the members list can't be shown.", factions.max_members_list) else for play,_ in pairs(facts[faction_name].members) do if fmembers == "" then fmembers = play else fmembers = fmembers..", "..play end end end local summary = S("Name: @1\nOwner: @2\nMembers: @3", faction_name, factions.get_owner(faction_name), fmembers) return true, summary end elseif action == "player_info" then local player_name = params[2] if not player_name then return false, S("Missing player name.") end local player_factions = factions.get_player_factions(player_name) if not player_factions then return false, S("Player @1 doesn't exist or isn't in any faction.", player_name) else local str_owner = "" local str_member = "" for _,v in ipairs(player_factions) do if str_member == "" then str_member = str_member..v else str_member = str_member..", "..v end end local summary = S("@1 is in the following factions: @2.", player_name, str_member) local owned_factions = factions.get_owned_factions(player_name) if not owned_factions then summary = summary.. "\n" .. S("@1 doesn't own any factions.", player_name) else for _,v in ipairs(owned_factions) do if str_owner == "" then str_owner = str_owner..v else str_owner = str_owner..", "..v end end summary = summary .. "\n" .. S("@1 is the owner of the following factions: @2.", player_name, str_owner) end if minetest.get_player_privs(player_name)[factions.priv] then summary = summary .. "\n" .. S( "@1 has the @2 privilege so they can admin every faction.", player_name, factions.priv ) end return true, summary end elseif action == "join" then local faction_name = params[2] local password = params[3] if factions.get_player_faction(name) ~= nil and factions.mode_unique_faction then return false, S("You are already in a faction.") elseif not faction_name then return false, S("Missing faction name.") elseif facts[faction_name] == nil then return false, S("The faction @1 doesn't exist.", faction_name) elseif not factions.valid_password(faction_name, password) then return false, S("Permission denied: Wrong password.") else if factions.join_faction(faction_name, name) then return true, S("Joined @1.", faction_name) else return false, S("Error on joining.") end end elseif action == "leave" then local player_factions = factions.get_player_factions(name) local number_factions = player_factions and table.getn(player_factions) or 0 local faction_name = nil if number_factions == 0 then return false, S("You are not in a faction.") elseif #params == 1 then if number_factions == 1 then faction_name = player_factions[1] else return false, S( "You are in multiple factions, you have to choose one of them: @1.", table.concat(player_factions, ", ") ) end elseif #params >= 1 and facts[params[2]] ~= nil then faction_name = params[2] end if faction_name == nil then return false, S("The given faction doesn't exist.") elseif factions.get_owner(faction_name) == name then return false, S("You cannot leave your own faction, change owner or disband it.") else if factions.leave_faction(faction_name, name) then return true, S("Left @1.", faction_name) else return false, S("Error on leaving faction.") end end elseif action == "kick" then local target = nil local faction_name = nil local own_factions = factions.get_administered_factions(name) local number_factions = own_factions and table.getn(own_factions) or 0 if number_factions == 0 then return false, S("You don't own any factions, you can't use this command.") elseif #params == 2 and number_factions == 1 then target = params[2] faction_name = own_factions[1] elseif #params >= 3 then faction_name = params[3] target = params[2] end if faction_name == nil then return false, S( "You are the owner of multiple factions, you have to choose one of them: @1.", table.concat(own_factions, ", ") ) elseif target == nil then return false, S("Missing player name.") elseif factions.get_owner(faction_name) ~= name and not minetest.get_player_privs(name)[factions.priv] then return false, S("Permission denied: You are not the owner of that faction, " .. "and don't have the @1 privilege.", factions.priv) elseif not facts[faction_name].members[target] then return false, S("@1 is not in the specified faction.", target) elseif target == factions.get_owner(faction_name) then return false, S("You cannot kick the owner of a faction, " .. "use '/factions chown [faction]' to change the ownership.") else if factions.leave_faction(faction_name, target) then return true, S("Kicked @1 from faction.", target) else return false, S("Error kicking @1 from faction.", target) end end elseif action == "passwd" then local password = nil local faction_name = nil local own_factions = factions.get_administered_factions(name) local number_factions = own_factions and table.getn(own_factions) or 0 if #params == 1 then return false, S("Missing password.") elseif number_factions == 0 then return false, S("You don't own any factions, you can't use this command.") elseif #params == 2 and number_factions == 1 then password = params[2] faction_name = own_factions[1] elseif #params >= 3 then faction_name = params[3] password = params[2] end if faction_name == nil then return false, S( "You are the owner of multiple factions, you have to choose one of them: @1.", table.concat(own_factions, ", ") ) elseif password == nil then return false, S("Missing password.") elseif factions.get_owner(faction_name) ~= name and not minetest.get_player_privs(name)[factions.priv] then return false, S("Permission denied: You are not the owner of that faction, " .. "and don't have the @1 privilege.", factions.priv) else if factions.set_password(faction_name, password) then return true, S("Password has been updated.") else return false, S("Failed to change password.") end end elseif action == "chown" then local own_factions = factions.get_administered_factions(name) local number_factions = own_factions and table.getn(own_factions) or 0 local faction_name = nil local target = nil local password = nil if number_factions == 0 then return false, S("You don't own any factions, you can't use this command.") elseif #params < 3 then if params[2] ~= nil and minetest.player_exists(params[2]) then return false, S("Missing password.") else return false, S("Missing player name.") end elseif number_factions == 1 and #params == 3 then faction_name = own_factions[1] target = params[2] password = params[3] elseif #params >= 4 then faction_name = params[4] target = params[2] password = params[3] end if faction_name == nil then return false, S( "You are the owner of multiple factions, you have to choose one of them: @1.", table.concat(own_factions, ", ") ) elseif target == nil then return false, S("Missing player name.") elseif password == nil then return false, S("Missing password.") elseif name ~= factions.get_owner(faction_name) and not minetest.get_player_privs(name)[factions.priv] then return false, S("Permission denied: You are not the owner of that faction, " .. "and don't have the @1 privilege.", factions.priv) elseif not facts[faction_name].members[target] then return false, S("@1 isn't in your faction.", target) elseif not factions.valid_password(faction_name, password) then return false, S("Permission denied: Wrong password.") else if factions.chown(faction_name, target) then return true, S("Ownership has been transferred to @1.", target) else return false, S("Failed to transfer ownership.") end end elseif action == "invite" then if not minetest.get_player_privs(name)[factions.priv] then return false, S("Permission denied: You can't use this command, @1 priv is needed.", factions.priv) else local target = params[2] local faction_name = params[3] if not target then return false, S("Missing target.") elseif not faction_name then return false, S("Missing faction name.") elseif facts[faction_name] == nil then return false, S("The faction @1 doesn't exist.", faction_name) elseif not minetest.player_exists(target) then return false, S("The player doesn't exist.") elseif factions.mode_unique_faction and factions.get_player_faction(target) ~= nil then return false, S("The player is already in the faction \"@1\".",factions.get_player_faction(target)) else if factions.join_faction(faction_name, target) then return true, S("@1 is now a member of the faction @2.", target, faction_name) else return false, S("Error on adding @1 into @2.", target, faction_name) end end end else return false, S("Unknown subcommand. Run '/help factions' for help.") end end minetest.register_chatcommand("factions", { params = "create : "..S("Create a new faction").."\n" .."list: "..S("List available factions").."\n" .."info : "..S("See information on a faction").."\n" .."player_info : "..S("See information on a player").."\n" .."join : "..S("Join an existing faction").."\n" .."leave [faction]: "..S("Leave your faction").."\n" .."kick [faction]: "..S("Kick someone from your faction or from the given faction").."\n" .."disband [faction]: "..S("Disband your faction or the given faction").."\n" .."passwd [faction]: "..S("Change your faction's password or the password of the given faction").."\n" .."chown [faction]: "..S("Transfer ownership of your faction").."\n" .."invite : "..S("Add player to a faction, you need @1 priv", factions.priv).."\n", description = "", privs = {}, func = handle_command }) -- Fix factions do local save_needed = false for _, fact in pairs(facts) do if not fact.members then fact.members = {} end if fact.password then fact.password256 = factions.hash_password(fact.password) fact.password = nil save_needed = true end end if save_needed then save_factions() end end print("[playerfactions] loaded")