v1.1.0: Added flintlock weapons: +Flintlock pistols, muskets, and blunderbusses +Optional dependencies on mesecons_walllever, moreores, and pipeworks for crafting recipes. Required musket balls as ammo, crafted from steel, diamond, or mithril. Blunderbusses require shot piles, crafted from three musket balls. Each requires gunpowder in order to fire, in addition to ammunition. They have a loading period similar to bows and slingshots, but cannot be fired until fully charged. Parties: +Optional dependency for the new parties mod by Zughy +As long as two players are in the same party, their projectiles cannot hurt each other. Misc: +Added an api.txt to describe functions that other mods can use to create their own projectile weapons. +Normal arrows now light on fire if they pass through fire or lava. +Fire arrows now extinguish if they pass through water. Fixes: -Issues with weapons thinking they're still charged if the player leaves the game, even though they shouldn't be. -Possible crash if a projectile ever called self.object:remove() in its _on_step function. -Dead players will no longer block projectiles.